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54544841 No.54544841 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54544853

After all, what's a few failed theories among friends?

>> No.54544858

>still under 50%
>maxipads euphoric
lol, lmao even

>> No.54544863

It ll be altseason after the market realize the shanghai "sell-off" is a nothingburger.

>> No.54544884

Is he paid to counter shill at this point? i have never watched this faggot, but im aware how wrong he has been.

Apparently he doesnt do adverts or promotions, and his gift is selling premium for "smart investors". I find it hard to believe that many people hand over cash when he is this bad. He must be, in absence of ad revenue, getting paid by some whales to counter shilll and create liquidity in the direction they want instead? how else can he possibly make money?

>> No.54545000

he's a massive turd

>> No.54545095

anyone that thinks bitcoin dominance has meant anything since 2017 isn't worth listening to, at all.

>> No.54545100
File: 262 KB, 2170x1152, cowen BTC.D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54545121

BUUUUUY the alts benjamin is the cramer of the crypto. This is not a drill.

>Cash is king at the 15k BTC
>Bullish at 55k

>> No.54545129


>> No.54545164

what's funny is all the seething about this midwit comes from ethmaxis
yet the chart is a literal 1:1 with ethbtc

>> No.54545220

I really have a dominance fetish.

>> No.54545905

btc is mogging eth, wtf are you smoking

>> No.54545970

its permanent bitcoin ath was less than 2 years after it launched
now it's been SIX MORE YEARS since then and it hasn't come within 50% of that btc price

every alt, no exception, eventually needs to be liquidated back into btc, or you'll end up like link baggies holding your dead altcoin all the way to zero.

>> No.54546058

So do the exact opposite of what he says

>> No.54546098
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>> No.54546132 [DELETED] 


is that the fag who is always at the end of coinbeurou videos? I always click off at that point because technical analysis is astrology tier meme shit.

>> No.54546159

is that the fag who is always at the end of coin bureau videos? I always click off at that point because technical analysis is astrology tier meme shit.

>> No.54546172

This entire pump up to 30k from 15k has been 100% the result of idiots like this getting liquidated going short at the beginning of March. Trading based only on TA is bad. Trading only on macroeconomics is bad. Too few indicators? Bad. Too many indicators bad. Reading too much CNBC? BAD. Reading absolutely no news whatsoever. Bad. Wanting too much return from a single trade or investment? Bad. Wanting too little from a trade/investment? Bad risk/reward ratio.

>> No.54546177

Pretty much this

>> No.54546198

>He must be, in absence of ad revenue, getting paid by some whales to counter shilll and create liquidity in the direction they want instead? how else can he possibly make money?

Pretty much this. The guy reeks of shadiness and you just described the most likely scenario

>> No.54546249
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>Now, at a simple glance it would seem that crime rates are evenly distributed
>but look at what happens when we correct by demographic information

>> No.54546838


>> No.54546848


>> No.54546908 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54546915

Is this guy gay or what? He sounds gay but he has kids.

>> No.54546918

Ben’s problem is that he’s smart enough to analyze charts and somehow too stupid to realize that he’s making predictions about a market that is entirely fraudulent.

>> No.54547029

I'm not selling my eth2 when it unlocks, but I'll be happy to get it off fucking Coinbase without paying to swap it to their fake eth staking coin and back to Eth. They let you swap now if you are willing to get fucked a bit. I'm not.

>> No.54547038

He was actually predicting that bitcoin dominance would rise due to altcoins bleeding out. He was saying the whole time "cash is king". Now he's trying to claim he was right.

>> No.54547268

ETH and Doge had the complete mouth breathers pumping it at one point.

There's a MMA forum MMAunderground where retards thought staking was a way to make money and can't sell lmao

>> No.54547630

unstaking will be available in 1 day. seethe

>> No.54547874

Here's how Eth ends

There wasn't a plan for eth 2.0
Those coins were supposed to be staked indefinitely to hold up price for Joseph
Lubin and fellow heebs to cash out
SEC forces ETH to allow people to unstake
They force publish shitty code because eth was just a child fucking operation (look into Vitalik and Gavin early blogs)
Eth blows up and they blame the SEC

Sorry goy try again next time

>> No.54547945

Cramer is fucking fantasizing. How can I stop bagging BTC, ETH and NXRA for bank notes? Not stopping until the geriatric brains in Fed retire...

>> No.54548017

does anyone even know about shanghai? China is about to go to war, isn't that more worrisome?

>> No.54548125

My case for the right Alts being severely undervalued:
>BTC.D already nearing 60% if we account for the same stablecoins dominance as previous cycles
>BTC was the biggest loser during the bear, Narrative wise
>ETH is insanely overvalued relative to other alts and its own ecosystem
>The right alts aren't valued properly because vaporwares attract most of the money

Granted, BTC is king and forever will be, A strong BTC is healthy for alts.

The right alts have x10 to do based on market structure changing alone (Meaning excluding BTC price or X alt outperformance). Choose wisely, This is possibly the pico buying opportunity for alts you'll ever see, desu i didn't think we'll get opportunity like this post 2021.

>> No.54548351
File: 243 KB, 1898x925, greeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should all be ecstatic about it, i mean we are watching the second coming of the green and niggas are still not getting into dextools to buy literally everything. It's free pumps people, buy it now