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54538992 No.54538992 [Reply] [Original]

>the 1% is bleeding everyone dry and pricing out the middle classes from owning houses and living like their parents did but the most pressing issue in the country right now is a few men wanting to wear dresses and larp as women.
They stopped you from noticing what really matters and polarizing both parties on pointless shit so nothing ever gets voted on. The Occupy Wallstreet movement was the closest the public ever got to getting it to go mainstream which was conveniently right around the same time all the identity politics went into overdrive. They have played us for absolute fools.

>> No.54539003

Good. The cattle reap what they sow

>> No.54539043

>so nothing ever gets voted on
lobbying is a thing

>> No.54539072

Realistically speaking, when will the west relearn the lessons of socialism?
How long so we need to suffer under the heel of crapitalist rule?!?

>> No.54539091

ugh. this neo-socialism is just capitalism with added lies

>> No.54539102

What's this obsession with owning a house? Is this a boomer thing or what? Like for real, no one my age cares. We rent and it's fine.

>> No.54539150

Well you are 12 so that's fair. For the rest of us renting means you can't change anything on the house and are subject to landchads raising rent.

>> No.54539169

I'm talking about ACTUAL socialism you fucking capitalist nigger dog

>> No.54539194
File: 36 KB, 790x272, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.54539213

>most pressing issue in the country right now is a few men wanting to wear dresses and larp as women
They are also using them to deflect any criticism in case you didnt notice.

>> No.54539254

Troll post but riddle me why in the most prosperous time in economic history wages should be so stagnant and house prices rising so fast that the average worker can't afford a house even if they want to? If our productivity is the highest it's ever been shouldn't basic goods like housing be plentiful?

>> No.54539281

>The Occupy Wallstreet movement was the closest the public ever got to getting it to go mainstream which was conveniently right around the same time all the identity politics went into overdrive
Look at Paris with Blackrock right now. Those frogs will teach you dipshit Americans how a revolution is fucking done.

>> No.54539296

>The enlightened centerist here to tell us that the economy is the only thing that matters
Surely the blatant anti white program from the regime in place for decades could not possibly have an effect on anything but muh bobbles and plywood goy pods

>> No.54539302

nah, the french are too capitalist for my taste

>> No.54539364

Yeah its over. I didn't realize how fucking stupid everyone is. It's fucking over.

>> No.54539386
File: 158 KB, 1200x596, Realignment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget: it's not capitalism vs communism, it's globalism vs nationalism

vote for Trump in 2024. if voting didn't work, they wouldn't cheat.

>> No.54539438
File: 64 KB, 634x650, 4352345 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suits me. I own the house I live in and have another apartment I use to leech off rentoids.

I better have my payment by the 15th wagie.

>> No.54539452
File: 115 KB, 402x398, 1651447434114401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bumping a plebbitor's thread

>> No.54539459

It's both. They're using degenerate social issues and psyoping people into participating them while they fucking steal everything from us. It's like saying Mexicans aren't the problem the rich are. It's fucking BOTH.

>> No.54539465
File: 782 KB, 679x867, OwnNothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I own the house I live in
not for long.

"why don't you support ethical housing programs for underprivileged BIPOC immigrant bodies?" the mob outside your home kindly asks you while the UN police watch

>> No.54539909

See: >>54539194