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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54539287 No.54539287 [Reply] [Original]

Biz, I need your help. I am looking for a token that has a small mcap and the ability to do a 100x with as little as 1M in volume. I am a fucking degenerate and 5x do not do anything for me. Shill me something that I can drop $100 in and come back in a couple years and buy a car. Thanks.

>> No.54539385

Chex from chintai , it is a token that is taking on the regulated tokenization space….. your welcome and good luck anon

>> No.54539584

100xgems LFG

>> No.54539812

Arbpyre...check it out on tg anons

>> No.54540143

anons, I know you are sick of hearing it, but tethies keep my tendies safe

>> No.54540456

toshi.tools has made me some good profits just by the tracking of highly successful wallets

>> No.54540479
File: 521 KB, 1284x1662, 66D6F7F3-07E6-4C5A-B808-9145E107AF27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternal Cash. Enjoy your life change next month OP. Devs doxxed

>> No.54540501

100xGems for sure. 300K marketcap, fully doxxed dev, first exchange listing tomorrow

>> No.54540789

investing in OpenbetAI is the play. For starters, it's a mashup of AI, crypto, and sports betting, which is pretty dope. Plus, AI is blowing up right now, and OpenbetAI is leading the charge. And get this - when you invest, you get a cut of the profits. That's right, you can make bank while supporting a cool new platform. And don't forget about the tokenomics - you can use OpenbetAI's tokens to bet on sports and earn rewards. Plus, you can even list your own tokens on the platform. So if you're looking for a fresh investment opportunity, OpenbetAI is definitely worth checking out.

>> No.54541080


>> No.54541169

FUN on Binance

>> No.54541363

100xgems.biz huh? been a while since I saw a token with a face doxxed dev, why the fuck not i'll throw an eth in

>> No.54541433
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Hoichi is what you are looking for. Do you have what it takes to hold it to 100x or even 1000x? I doubt it. Good luck though as it will forever haunt you if you do not take this advice....

>> No.54541636


>> No.54541743

All honesty, LUNC. Fits your come back in a year or two for a car. $100 will do you good plus you can just stake that shit.

>> No.54541827

This thread sure smells like INDIA

OP you're saying all the keywords that will have pajeets RUG you lol.
Everyone posting here is a Scamming Indian

>> No.54541859

fuck off cunt, I'm offering somewhat decent advice. It maybe a little bit gambley

>> No.54541880

maybe vinu? i hate memecoins but at least this can save me one problem which is extra expenses, that it doesn't have much fees and it's a fast shit saves me a lot of trouble, i care more about passive income than anything else

>> No.54541900


>> No.54541910

good morning sirs

>> No.54542009

>fuck off cunt, I'm offering somewhat decent advice.

Ok so you're one exception lol
What else is in your bags?

>> No.54542159

for me, a chad, it's openbet

>> No.54542232

ETH, Cosmos, MARS, and a bit of BTC.

>> No.54542240


Arbigoat, the goat themed poker game on Arbitrum

>> No.54542286

Redpill me on COSMOS please

>> No.54542373

Well staking COSMOS is pretty good passive income but it's mostly in the ecosystem, MARS etc. Most CEXs support it so swapping into an unlisted coin isn't too hard. It's mostly a stake and use the earnings to swap into another COSMOS adjacent coin in my opinion.

>> No.54542411

from the tethies website
>The tokenomics of Tethies are powered by two tokens, $TETH for governance and fee collection rewards, and $PEG for liquidity provision and yield generation opportunities, offering investors a stable and secure alternative to traditional stablecoins.

>> No.54542431

If you had some money to put into ETH or COSMOS right now which would you choose? ETH also has staking earnings (not as much) but seems like a better investment for the longrun just-hodl-and-forget-about-it
I already have some ETH staked so should I just stick with that?

>> No.54542542

Onchain Trade on zksync network

>> No.54542674

Yeah i'd agree ETH is the safer long term option. Shit comes and goes within COSMOS. Very wild west I suppose. But you'll need to blow a lot of cash on ETH to make it worth it.

>> No.54542698

Ok cool.
how much would you say is "a lot" for that

>> No.54542752


>> No.54543084

damn toshi tools is badass thanks anon

>> No.54543346

wow toshi.tools is legit as fuck this is the best token i've seen on biz in a LONG TIME

>> No.54543365

Fuck off you rotten Scamming Indian

btw BTC just hit 30k basterd

>> No.54543605


>> No.54543871

ArbPyre...they already have clients and income and they haven't even launched yet

>> No.54543902

low as fuck market cap plus sushi got hacked.. sushi classic just came out

>> No.54544093


>> No.54544099


>> No.54544298

wow 100xgems does sound scammy as shit lmfao, but anon was right dev is fully doxxed and seems super legit

>> No.54544477

Red Rabbit, they are legit and have been around for a while

>> No.54544655


>> No.54544843

im interested in red rabbit and ArbPyre...i just buy whatever biz shills if I can get it early and I usually get at least a 2x but it helps to get in before launch and use the sniper bots to buy early

>> No.54545094


>> No.54545109
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This cycles Ohm, enjoy anon

NS888 captcha wgmi

>> No.54545259


>> No.54545285
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>> No.54545406


>> No.54545564

openbetai is a community owned casino that shares profit with all the holders...its a working casino now I won $500 yesterday. OpenBetAI on arb...seems like a moonshot to me

>> No.54545742

$Toshi Token is a must-have in your crypto portfolio! With access to advanced analytics and trading insights based on top wallet's trading behaviors, you can stay ahead of the game. Plus, holding $Toshi gives you exclusive access to the Toshi Ecosystem's apps. The team behind $Toshi is committed to long-term sustainability and continuous improvement, making it a solid investment choice. With a limited total supply of 1,000,000,000,000 $Toshi and most of the liquidity locked in Uniswap, the potential for massive gains is undeniable. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join the Toshi community and be a part of the decentralized world!

>> No.54545854


>> No.54545980

tethies, it's like the tendies version of tether...basically a free monery printer

>> No.54546006
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LOL, 100x? don't let FOMO cloud your judgement. Fundamentals always pay off in the long run. If you don't heed this, you might end up rekt. FTM, ALGO, GMX, and MNI are the next big thing.

>> No.54546111


>> No.54546109

Altcoinistdao is where to look
Might also check cmc newfag

>> No.54546199

You got no point schizo fag, It might go down 20k from here. Imagine holding some NFE that you minted yourself, and suddenly you become a fractional owner of the project. that's some big brain thinking to go for

>> No.54546285

>inb4 reddit spacing

Investing in OpenbetAI tokens can offer a range of benefits for investors. Firstly, the tokens can be used on the platform to place bets on a variety of sports, including FIFA, NFL, and MLB. This means that investors can use their tokens to potentially earn profits through sports betting. Additionally, the platform offers a revenue sharing model, which means that investors can earn a share of the profits generated by the platform. This can provide a passive income stream for investors, allowing them to earn money without actively participating in sports betting.

Another benefit of investing in OpenbetAI tokens is the potential for token appreciation. As the platform grows and gains more users, the demand for tokens may increase, which could drive up the value of the tokens. This means that investors could potentially earn a profit by holding onto their tokens and selling them at a later date. Additionally, the platform allows investors to list their own tokens on the sportsbook, which can provide exposure for their own projects and potentially increase the value of their tokens. Overall, investing in OpenbetAI tokens can offer a range of benefits for investors, including potential profits through sports betting, revenue sharing, and token appreciation.

>> No.54546298
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also >couple of years
oh boy, i think you just need a couple of months: the bull is back on the menu, newfag

>> No.54546441

Well, howdy there, partner! Let me tell you about the Toshi Tools ecosystem. It's like having a whole herd of cattle at your fingertips. With Toshi Tools, you can track your investments like a rancher tracks their cattle. You can see where your money is going and how it's growing. And let me tell you, it's growing faster than a bull in a china shop. Plus, with the Toshi ecosystem, you get access to all kinds of tools and resources that'll help you make smart investment decisions. It's like having a whole team of cowboys working for you. So, if you want to be a savvy investor and ride off into the sunset with a fat wallet, head on over to https://toshi.tools and check it out for yourself. Yeehaw!

>> No.54546591


>> No.54546696

Unironically SafeCoin

>> No.54546739

Yo, listen up, senpai! Toshi Tools is the real deal when it comes to investing. It's like having a whole squad of homies watching your back and making sure you're making bank. With Toshi Tools, you can track your investments like a boss and see how your money is stacking up. And let me tell you, it's stacking up faster than a beat drop. Plus, with the Toshi ecosystem, you get access to all kinds of dope tools and resources that'll help you make smart investment moves. It's like having a whole studio full of producers working on your tracks. So, if you want to be a baller and make it rain, head on over to https://toshi.tools and check it out for yourself.
Trust me anon, you won't regret it.

>> No.54546909


>> No.54547095


>> No.54547115

Behodler my friends. EYE and SCX. Best kept secret in defi, about to melt your faces off

>> No.54547154

DEGAI launched a week ago, still dirtcheap and product already working
Dont miss out

>> No.54547210

ORE. mcap is around 2m, it's at the cheapest price in the last month.

>> No.54547257

openbetai is a community owned casino that shares profit with all the holders...its a working casino now I won $500 yesterday. OpenBetAI on arb...seems like a moonshot to me

>> No.54547421

You could be happier now investing in some gems. I got some DiD alts and I have been happier.

>> No.54547434 [DELETED] 

Based. Slurping tokens with this narrative could be rewarding.

>> No.54547451 [DELETED] 


>> No.54547455

Low mcap, 500x previous high, active development, unique non-defi concept. Runs on cosmos also.

>> No.54547468

$Toshi Token is a must-have in your crypto portfolio! With access to advanced analytics and trading insights based on top wallet's trading behaviors, you can stay ahead of the game. Plus, holding $Toshi gives you exclusive access to the Toshi Ecosystem's apps. The team behind $Toshi is committed to long-term sustainability and continuous improvement, making it a solid investment choice. With a limited total supply of 1,000,000,000,000 $Toshi and most of the liquidity locked in Uniswap, the potential for massive gains is undeniable. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join the Toshi community and be a part of the decentralized world!

>> No.54547554
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Based. Slurping tokens with this narrative could be rewarding.

>> No.54547656


>> No.54547679

Link, duh

>> No.54547704

Cardano tokens.

Cardano itself could do 100x in time and could be top 2 coin in next bullrun or it might be top1 for a period.
I still think it will only get as high as $7-12

I would bet my money on that if i had only $100
Hosky $30
Charli3 $30
Min $30
$10 for fees

>> No.54547852

Listen up, folks! I've got some insider information for you. You know how everyone's been talking about Bitcoin and how it's the future of money? Well, forget about it! The real deal is $Toshi Token. That's right, you heard it here first. $Toshi is going to be the next big thing in the crypto world. It's like Bitcoin, but better. It's faster, it's more secure, and it's got a cooler name. Plus, it's backed by a team of savvy developers and successful traders who know what they're doing. So, if you want to be ahead of the game, ditch your Bitcoins and get yourself some $Toshi. Trust me, your future self will thank you. https://toshi.tools

>> No.54548088

>something that I can drop $100 in and come back in a couple years and buy a car.
There is no quick scheme here roasty. Choose easy 5x as SPOOL or HOP or loose your life in Inu coins. Max out 5x on 10 projects.

>> No.54548120


>> No.54548248
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Why not try... all of them? I mean if you get really technical you can invest in DEXT but just doing some regular elbow-greased scalping in dextools is more than enough to make a decent 6 figures

>> No.54548366


>> No.54548605


>> No.54548644
File: 121 KB, 798x702, C564890F-C1B5-4161-B16E-05FD2F928615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you bought your EC. Almost to 7.5 cents now with 100k liquidity. Slowly falling upwards for the last two months. Started under 1 cent.

>> No.54548672
File: 979 KB, 964x897, Screenshot 2023-03-29 133655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Arbigoat on Arbitrum $AGT

- Double-down stud poker w/ revenue share
- Actual credible team
- 220k mcap

>> No.54548686

Gave up all my UCT for LINK and ORE.

>> No.54548792

Check-ems will take us to the moon

>> No.54548798

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54548852


>> No.54548903


>> No.54549041

wtf, is the 100xGEM dev retarded? he couldn't think of a better theme

>> No.54549290

tethies...fucking hilarious lmfao

>> No.54549434
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>> No.54549503


>> No.54549601

How about waiting and hoping on a launch and be early af? @Notsusapeit is your door.

>> No.54549747

lmfao the tethies memes are fire

>> No.54549782

Based checker of digits

>> No.54550018


>> No.54550052
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 11222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in early for once,Then get in ArbiFroge while it's still early The first meme frog on arbitrum is about to come! Launching in 1 hour! your next X10000!

TG : @arbifroge

>> No.54550284


>> No.54550599

tethies is the stable coin of /biz/

>> No.54550913


>> No.54551214

100xGems what a retarded name fuck it i'll throw in $20

>> No.54551252

make sure you don't go for shit coin so you don't com back crying. bag the ZKP and DID narrative tokens.

>> No.54551505

OpenBetAI sounds pretty based thanks anon

>> No.54551757


>> No.54551988


>> No.54552051
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Unironically it's WRONG Token.
Don't just buy it, check out the TG and form your own opinion.

>> No.54553952

Fucking ridiculous... Hodling stablecoins or even earning yield on them on DeFi aggregators like SpoolFi has more profits than 10x from Algorand. Learn to cope.

>> No.54554363
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You know you are asking for something truly impossible right?
Try your luck with Marlin Protocol or RAIL though.