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54535325 No.54535325 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54535431

What gives better risk/reward ratio in the long run, plain btc or defi tokens?

>> No.54535687
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Argentinean here, get ready in a year or two you won't be able to deposit money in a bank account even to buy an used car.

Due to inflation these aml cuck your customer limits will trigger more and more until banking becomes totally unusable.

>> No.54535714

you’re a degenerate gambler and a parasite. you have never produced anything of value in your life. you will not survive what is coming and the world will benefit from your death.

>> No.54535730

>you’re a degenerate gambler and a parasite. you have never produced anything of value in your life
yeah good description of the banking system

>> No.54535741
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>BTC is useless (non fungible)
>DEFI is a scam (nothing new in this statement)
theres only one way

>> No.54535744

thanks for the heads up, im working on becoming my own bank and less reliant on (((them)))

any other suggestions you might offer? my garden is bussin af and been investing in fruit trees recently

>> No.54535752
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>you will not survive what is coming and the world will benefit from your death.

>> No.54535780


>> No.54535865

Use crypto, learn to use crypto p2p, since you have a garden learning to grow food is a good investment.

Diversify your banka ccounts, hold a certain ammount of physical cash, get a hardware wallet for crypto, buy now long term goods instead of later.

Back to the ECB christine.

>> No.54535879

actually I’m an antisemite, not a wagie

>> No.54535963

thanks, pretty much got all of that happening
got coffee beans and tobacco but need to get some booze

>> No.54535982 [DELETED] 


How do I send you $20 cash?

>> No.54536027

BTC or ltc

>> No.54536039

Banks would always get pissed and lock my accounts until I call them whenever I bought gun parts from Russia. Can't do that at all anymore of course due to recent events but you learn to deal with it.

>> No.54536061 [DELETED] 

Here are is an btc & ltc address





BTW ask anything regarding inflation chaos if you want

>> No.54536112
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These limits will make it hard to even buy used cars pretty soon.

One year an used car will be 30% higher than the year before in fiat terms.

But cuck your customer limits won't be upgraded and since having a wagie reading your proof of income is costly banks rather will tell you to gtfo.

>> No.54536210
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how many FWTDHWAHQUDs can you get in argentina for a merc dime these days? Is argentina gonna embrace the austrian school of economics or will they vote another socialist in?

>> No.54536262

What about things like food and every day items? Capital controls? PMs? Hell what about taxes?

>> No.54536271
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Funnily the election is going to depend on the ancap party since it stole a lot of the votes from social democrat.

Ancap party is at 27% votes
Social democrats at 30%
Peronist at around 35%

But social democrats have right wing parties in coalition and peronists are not pure commie
So we are at the hilarious position we're literal real ancaps will decide next election.

>> No.54536366

>t. tradfi banker projection

>> No.54536381
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>What about things like food and every day items?

Food and clothing deflates and inflates in dollar terms but always inflates in pesos terms.

Food has been deflating in dollar terms for years but this year there is a massive drought and it inflated in dollar terms.

>Capital controls?

There are like 70 different exchange rates depending on activity.

Tourists get 330 pesos per usd in debit cards, tether is exchanged at a rate of 387 pesos per usdt, cash usd at a rate of 390 pesos per usd, bank usd at a rate of 200 pesos per usd.

Exporters get 200 pesos per usd, so for example last year the commie government created a new exchange for basedbeans exporters at a rate of 300 pesos per usd because they are spooked they rather decide to not grow shit this year due to the larp exchange rate and the drought.


Unusable they report to the government due to capital controls.

>Hell what about taxes?

Very low in usd terms, and also not related to activity so low tax levels only pay a x ammount per income without income tax, unless it's export related.

This is actually causing a glow infestation since vatnik spies seem to be using this country to get larp identities, they come from russia they larp an economic activity on the lower levels and get citzenship in 2 or 3 years then they leave to europe to do glow related stuff.

Taxes on higher level activities or export import related stuff are astronomical probably higher than the european union, but people evade taxes to insane levels here due to how impossible it would be to operate.

Real estate for example is sold with fake values, you put you paid a few pesos and outside you give cash usd to the seller.

The notaries, accountants and real estate companies are all in it since it would be impossible to operate.

It's so clownish that banks have special rooms to do this.

>> No.54536409

That's the plan
>"We're going to look at all transactions over $5k, but don't worry normal people, this won't affect you"
>Inflate money supply
>Majority of transactions are $5k or more, but rules aren't updated
>Government de facto monitors all financial transactions while the goycattle ignore it

>> No.54536429
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The thing is that this work here in Argentina were people use usd and crypto as a hedge due to being a cash economy both without kyc.

When you do this with the euro or the usd you will see apocalyptic stagflation.

>> No.54536442

How has gold held up in your community? I heard people used to hold USD as an inflation hedge and converted to local currency for commerce.
Do you recommend PM and Crypto?

>> No.54536450

bullish for monero

>> No.54536454

monero is useless (infinite supply and not a store of value)

>> No.54536463

Well then by all means lets rush into a CBDC that just fucking steals your money if it looks sus

>> No.54536469
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Lain sis
thx for info

>> No.54536470

>literal real ancaps will decide next election
Fuckin based. I must move to Argentina.
Argentinia literally means silveria so double based.

>> No.54536484

So how is life for the average wagie? Doesn't sound like they can own much or get ahead but doesn't sound like people are starving either and people can access crypto, so it is just one giant beurocratic cluster?

>> No.54536504
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>How has gold held up in your community? I heard people used to hold USD as an inflation hedge and converted to local currency for commerce.

Gold as jewelry is sold and bought but as PMs as bars it's impossible to use metals, most big parties want to use banks and that means capital controls.

So you end up reported to the gov, crypto adoption is parabolic here, you can literally cash in and out without kyc since there are people doing the arbitrage on cash now, in fact they literally pay you to buy usdt (since most of the usdt is from freelancers selling for pesos), so the other side operation aka buying usdt is at the moment inverted to the point you give 100 usd and get more usdt.(around 102-103 usdt).

But this is just due to weird financial shit the gov is doing by buying and selling bonds to keep the usd supressed historically the stablecoin usd had a higher premium than even physical usd.

So i would recommend crypto than PMs but if you are well positioned like in a homestead gold would not be bad if it's a long term insurance.

But if you are in europe and at risk of the eu going to shit and needing to move in the future then crypto 100%.

Crypto ability to bypass borders is what makes it superior to metals, not saying metals don't have a place but it also depends on the culture of the nation.

>> No.54536516


>> No.54536549

jfc bro your nation is the testing ground for what is coming to the west

wat do as a crypto bro who made it and reported taxes? I'm smart when it comes to tech but retarded when it comes to this practical real world kind of stuff

will a black market barter economy in crypto be my best bet if banks start refusing my deposits?

>> No.54536551

Thanks for the response, sent you .05 LTC, LTC boomers will win

>> No.54536568
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Not as much as you think, xmr is good because it's mined, but miners don't sell xmr directly here, they exchange for btc and then sell at local exchanges to get arbitrage advantages.

RandomX is what is giving xmr some momentum here but sadly it's way behind bitcoin, litecoin or usdt & dai adoption.

Wagies in gov jobs are the only ones that see their wages adjusting for infllation, the rest of wagies are struggling right now, it kind of sucks.

Freelancing data entry jobs gives better payments that junior programmer jobs so it's very hard to evolve as a professional in some areas.

>Doesn't sound like they can own much or get ahead but doesn't sound like people are starving either


>people can access crypto, so it is just one giant beurocratic cluster?

Yea crypto is unironicalyl what prevented this place of going full venezuela, it actually made commie policies good for the freelancer middle class wagies to the point inflation ended up being a subsidy for those working outside the system and getting paid by crypto.

This is why commies moderated here lately, crypto broke their bucks by making capital controls impossible for everyone not a boomer.

>> No.54536597

Former bankfag here. It's because COVID got a bunch of retards hooked on credit that they couldn't afford to make MINIMUM payments on, and banks do factor in no payments on closing your accounts

>> No.54536620

>wat do as a crypto bro who made it and reported taxes? I'm smart when it comes to tech but retarded when it comes to this practical real world kind of stuff

If you have a cold hardware wallet you are ready for the chaos since you can move anywhere.

>will a black market barter economy in crypto be my best bet if banks start refusing my deposits?

If venezuela and argentina are an example, fiat will remain the front end but crypto and usd cash the back end of the system.

If the usd goes full retard then crypto will become the back end and fiat the front end.

So prices will be in fiat but behind the scenes crypto is being used.

Thank you anon

>LTC boomers will win

kek for real, you would be suprised how liked litecoin is here.

>> No.54536652

So would you say crypto is used more as a way to investment or as a way to supplement and keep up with inflation?

>> No.54536655

hey isn't that the guy who was right about covid

>> No.54536658

>not a wagie
contribute to society then parasite

>> No.54536675

it's used as a settlement system for international wires in the import export service economy since bank wires receive a larp exchange rate.

>> No.54536676

my man you're in a fuckin cyberpunk graphic novel. im glad your family and friends have you for info -- is everybody just getting super educated on "the way of the world" super quickly or are people sticking their heads in the sand thinking it'll just "go back to normal" eventually?

>> No.54536690

you can have both
put btc synths inside curve
earn yield while holding btc

>> No.54536706

this post seems jewish
monero benefits from bitcoin and defi
the same goes for both
only a jewish jew would try to pit one against the other

>> No.54536707
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Check your LTC wallet lainon. Thanks for the info, hope ancaps win.

>> No.54536727

Dr Chud reporting in

>> No.54536809

Holy smokes don't remind me.

>> No.54536843
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>is everybody just getting super educated on "the way of the world" super quickly or are people sticking their heads in the sand thinking it'll just "go back to normal" eventually?

It does not get back to normal, there is no going back from capital controls without the old system collapsing to it's own enttropy.

A literal fucking ancap get's 20% of the votes in the sub 29 age in the entire country shit is bizarre.

If you combine the center right you get around 60% of the country being anti commie at the current moment.

But the center right is in coalition with davos tier social democrats so these faggots may actually let the left win just to prevent an ancap victory, we will see.

Thank you, you and the other anon may have saved me from ended up with a credit card unpaid this year since i had money on a fucking bank in the usa from a freelancing job and a lot of fiat to crypto banks are working terrible at the moment in the usa, may as well start to buy again with wagiee debit card and pay 5% rather than this shit been waiting 7 days already to buy some ltc to pay this fucking card, unbelievable.

But still beats direct bank wire to argentinean bank were between larp rate and fees you end up paying around 70% fees.

So i really appreciate the help.

Oh and before someone ask me why i am paying with a bank card in a threat about banks being shit in inflation areas.

That's what i forgot to tell you, buy all the stuff with a CREDIT CARD, at the start of the month and pay it 40 days later.

It's a way to hedge inflation by paying on a better rate 40 days later and force the bank to baghold your inflation, but don't use this otherwise.

>> No.54536913
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oh and i forgot, one hillarious reason why credit cards still exist here is because since real estate values are larped down by everyone the banks can in theory seize them for also ridiculous amounts.

For example the average appartment that is sold at 60k usd has a larp fiscal value at 800k pesos (2000 usd kek).

So in theory if you don't pay such ridiculous level debt they can seize shit, you really can't make this shit up.

>> No.54536989

ayy dude where would one freelance on latinamerica?
sounds like a comfy life

all local sites are trash and american ones are full of jeets

>> No.54537032

He's actually avoiding being a parasite that feeds by feeding bigger parasites.
Also, what is this society that you are referring to? The false election and arrest political opponents along with their supporters society?
It's obvious that societal standards that are consistent and appreciated are under economic and physical attack by Soros allied loxists.

>> No.54537072

what is society? sounds like a cuckold word

>> No.54537169

Digital Euro in October.
Digital Pound in 2025.
Digital dollar when ?

>> No.54537231

>muh infinite supply!1!
Low iq post with no nuance at all.

>> No.54537292

That is pretty damn interesting, thanks for the drop

>> No.54537342
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>country is so fucked that a literal ANCAP party is expected too get almost a third of all votes

>> No.54537467

After the conclusion of WWIII, probably 2037 or so.

>> No.54537564
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>> No.54537750

I noticed a $10 miscellaneous charge on my Amazon Chase credit card because I check it once a week to make sure there's no suspicious purchases. I ONLY use it on Amazon, I never even swipe it or enter its numbers on any other site. I got it refunded after contacting support and they sent me a new card as if mine got stolen. So, Chase/Amazon are occasionally putting in random charges on all customer accounts hoping no customer actually checks the validity of their credit card transactions.

>> No.54537785

WW3 will be lost by 2027.

>> No.54537968

Glad it helped you

>> No.54538211

Very interesting break down on the situation there anon, thank you. I hear fuck all about things like this in the media.
> force the bank to baghold your inflation
kek. I know the situation sucks for you, but it is always amusing for us outside observers to how these things play out. Particularly when the average person finds subtle/unexpected ways to fight back or circumnavigate the system. I hope your country makes it through this stronger.

Check your BTC address.

>> No.54538312

>Check your BTC address.

Thank you anon i really appreciate it, it's this type of help that makes biz always a great board contrary to what most of the site think of this place, you can always find great people and info here.

>but it is always amusing for us outside observers to how these things play out. Particularly when the average person finds subtle/unexpected ways to fight back or circumnavigate the system

The think here is that once inflation become chronic it becomes a binary question, either you are inside the system or outside, no middle place anymore.

Most people end up outside due to the costs of being inside so you end up with bizarre shit like banks here having a room to do off the table payments.

2 persons that already had kosher finances need to buy a property, but property fiscal value is larped, so banks have a room to do off the table payments, 2 persons take money out of their bank accounts inside the bank and they pay each other in physical usd and then larp the value of the purchase down, then they deposit the usd back again.

It's so bizarre that outsiders probably think i am making this shit up, (and those rooms exist for the 4% of the population that has clean usd in the banks) 96% of people are forced to operate on cash and crypto.

>> No.54538316

Which online professions that pay in crypto are the most lucrative and which the most easy to get into?

>> No.54538386
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anything you can freelance you can convert to crypto one way or another from fiat.

also in inflationary economies traders buying p2p fiat and giving p2p cash usd will appear, the arbitrage percenage they demand will move depending to capital flows, so when the capital markets go up due to absurd brrrrr like 2020-2021 they will actually pay you to sell your crypto by giving more than you give them, so you give them 100 tether to get 105 in cash usd.

On times of banking chaos like now this arbitrage reverses, and now you get 96 usd cash per tether, there are always going to appear people cashing on arbitrage opportunities created by capital controls and inflation, this is why i find CBDCsTards so hillarious.

They think they can create a closed monetary system while literal marxist leninist dictatorships failed to implement capital controls.

>> No.54538405

>buying p2p fiat

p2p bank fiat i meant to say

>giving p2p cash usd

this in a cbdc system will happen with people selling bank usd to get crypto

sorry that i have to clarify but i can understand how some of these concepts may sound bizarre to a first worlder and those two specially of p2p trading sound weird.

>> No.54538474
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>Nazi incels spit out 1001 new conspiracy theories daily for the last 3 years
>The least harmful and controversial theory of them all turns out to have a factual basis to it
>All conspiracy theories are therefore correct


>> No.54538481

So what do these people do with their accumulate pesos then, seems like this part of the trading balance isnt doing anything except inflate away

Also your situation depends on outside money being functional if both the euro and the usd go full retard there is no currency left to arbitrage inflatoon
Then we will see just how valuable crypto reallu turns out to be

Also wondering how are security needs for these p2p cash arbitrageurs is it mad max tier or still pretty amicable business

>> No.54538491

It sounds like LocalBitcoins would be booming over there. Is it easy to find people who do P2P Fiat to Crypto? Are there websites or apps you use to find these dealers? Also, do any vendors accept crypto as payment? I assume most commerce gets settled in pesos, but I can imagine people eventually skipping the middle currency for either USD or Crypto.
It is fascinating to see crypto being utilized in times of financial strife. Inflation is one hell of an experience, I'm just glad we have crypto to lean back on this time. PM, crypto and bullets are my only saving grace, I'm expecting the first world to follow the 3rd world into the inflation void

>> No.54538505

>sorry that i have to clarify
Don't worry fren, I'm from an EU country where we had capitals controls for 4 years (Greece). It never got anywhere near to what you are describing though since we still held euros.
You couldn't get money out of the bank though and it seems very plausible that people would take bank fiat for crypto or cash euro. I know that people also did something similar here decades ago, when we weren't in the Euro system, in order to get money out of the country.

> so when the capital markets go up due to absurd brrrrr
>On times of banking chaos like now
Why though? how does this affect those that are doing arbitrage?
I can see it affecting the peso-usd rate since exporting/importing is somehow related to their arbitrage but why the crypto-usd rate?

>> No.54538542

yeah nice essay retards I'll just buy btc and link

>> No.54538553

>So what do these people do with their accumulate pesos then, seems like this part of the trading balance isnt doing anything except inflate away

Trade p2p without kyc for usd, buy real estate, buy cars, buy things needed.

>Also your situation depends on outside money being functional if both the euro and the usd go full retard there is no currency left to arbitrage inflatoon

Very smart observation and you are correct this is why i am affraid for the usa and euro anons, they don't know how to deal with this.

We on the other side the usa could collapse and there are still so few physical usds here relative to worldwide supply they would still hold value.

However as for outside money being functional the youth is full on crypto so we are safe, we also got a lot of memezuelan refugees that are also crypto wise so we are safe for a long time thank fucking god.

>Then we will see just how valuable crypto reallu turns out to be

Cryptos like BTC & LTC & ETH & DAI-MAKER & XMR will be critical all for different reasons but all part of a single outside money system that can keep operating while the old system collapses to it's own entropy.

>> No.54538572


>> No.54538578

>Also wondering how are security needs for these p2p cash arbitrageurs is it mad max tier or still pretty amicable business

You call a trader with good reputation, they tell you the conversion fee, it's usually 4.5% for (USDT & DAI) then they have a delivery fee of around 10 usd to your house.

The fees go lower with higher ammounts of money.

However all of this varies from city to city, the p2p economy is in full operation here, a few weeks ago i went to deposit an old usd bill on a bank and the bank told me to gtfo due to it being dirty with cofee marks (the banks don't want old usd bills).

So i crossed the street and there was a shaddy exchange business run by some venezuelans, so i exchanged the old usd bill for pesos to buy stuff, and since i was there i asked them if they exchanged tether and the guy told me the fee of 5.5% , i told him every other place was telling me 4.5% and he laughed and told me ok 4.5% (so everyone is doing this trade due to the hillariously big 4.5% fee), but remember it's kycless fee.

>> No.54538606

>Also your situation depends on outside money being functional if both the euro and the usd go full retard
I mean, Yuan and Ruble will still exist.

>> No.54538628

>It sounds like LocalBitcoins would be booming over there. Is it easy to find people who do P2P Fiat to Crypto?

Localbitcoins was booming until they removed cash trades around 2018, once they cucked the entire market moved to DAI P2P and lather DAI & Tether P2P outside even localbitcoins.

That said yo ucan still do p2p to bank it's just not cheap due to how many local exchanges there are.

>Are there websites or apps you use to find these dealers?

Google and forums

>Also, do any vendors accept crypto as payment?

Technically you can top up our local paypal equivalent with crypto through multiple local exchanges there are also pesos debit cards that use crypto as a back end.

>but I can imagine people eventually skipping the middle currency for either USD or Crypto.

The current drought may the catalyst if the IMF morons keep telling the current retards to increase tax rates to solve inflation, the stagflation they are causing will cause massive chimpouts.

>It is fascinating to see crypto being utilized in times of financial strife. Inflation is one hell of an experience

I am not exaggerating when i say crypto saved latin america, had bitcoin been released in 1999 instead of 2009 venezuela would be a free and prosperous country now since freelancers and the service economy would have survived the hyperinflation long enough to form a political response to the communists there.

But instead they fell for capital controls and they had to leave their country to the commies.

>> No.54538680

>Why though? how does this affect those that are doing arbitrage?

Because people with money want to move it outside the system sometimes, even the same politicians supporting these retarded capital controls.

For example, the retarded bitch Janet Yellen signed a tax treay with the IRS and our government to give the tax info of argentineans with bank accounts in the usa.

All these people want out of the usa financial system now since due to inflation wealth taxes (NOT INCOME TAXES, BUT WEALTH), now start at 30k usd now since inflation put the wealth tax brackets at ridiculous low levels.

So all these people want out of the banking system in burgerland but they also want to never enter the argentinean banking system, so this money is moving through the eurodollar banks, and crypto.

So lot of usd is entering the country outside the system, while the fiat system here is out of usd.

This all seems ridiculous yet it's happening due to multiple clown factors, like yellen giving tax info to a commie lead country aligned to russia that start to tax wealth at 30k usd.

You really can't make this shit up.

But i saw this happening in the past when the corona brrr started, then it was people moving usd outside the system to enter the usa financial system and buy stocks.

These trends reverse when inflation is chronic many times because the defacto legal financial system becomes unusable even for the politicians pushing these regulations.

Our politicians legally declare absurd shit, like they only own a few furnitures and a 1978 car to not pay these taxes and financial controls they pushed.

it's all so clownish you won't even believe this probably.

>> No.54538719

You are missing the point let me clarify it works for your country because even the commies couldnt fuck up producing desired exports to the global usd marketplace
If this marketplace becomes captured with cbdcs that pillar will tumble and for all the advantages of crypto i havent seen a based bean grow sell it for btc and higher shipping indemnity for link for instance
Its the money actually moves needed goods rather than store of value part that makes the world spin
But thanks for your answers fren its rare to find legit human threads these days

>> No.54538777

So how fo you know where to find z goid traders number and the government is too incompetent to crack down on this
My biggest fear is compliance of the population here in europistan where they would rat out any blackmarket for a rationticket as has been done so many times in recent history

>> No.54538790

You are missing the point that at the end of the day is the people working who decides a currency value.

There is a reason why price controls don't work and that is ultimately even the guy picking the cotton will demand a wage rise or stop working for the fixed supply of fiat being told his wage is worth.

To think CBDCs will manage to somehow create a closed monetary system were you can't get out is deluded.

There is 109m credit card transactions in the usa per day, how much people would you need to audit them?

I can larp an udemy course and tell you to pay me in your CBDCs by buying the course and then giving you crypto in exchange all p2p.

There is 100000x ways to bypass a totalitarian system, you first worlders will get creative as people in inflationary economies always did.

it's just that at the moment the illusion the powers in control can control everything is there, it will break very fast, just like covid quarantines collapsed the minute people started to ignore them.

>> No.54538814
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>inflation by paying on a better rate 40 days later and force the bank to baghold your inflation, but don't use this otherwise.
this is neat. you pay with a Interest Free Period credit card in USD on all your purchases in and outside of ARG?

>> No.54538836

im not going to lie, europe scares me and so does canada, the levels of slave morality and cuckery are out of this world.

However even during dictatorships in latam there was p2p trading for usd even when it was illegal.

I think once inflation becomes chronic people will stop rating people because they will be more busy surviving.

Maybe i am wrong and european civilization is doomed due to domestication, but i give it a 50-50 odds that inflation actually wakes people up and people start avoiding the system.

Also some places are suprisingly not as cucked as others, like germany still allowing cash to be used for massive purchases while france criminalizing purchases above 1000 euros.

I think there is a good chance for europe to actually thrive in chaos due to how many nations you have which would allow for arbitrage the way the UAE arabs are doing now.

>> No.54538853

Thanks for your insights anon, it is as you said repeatly very alien to us in the former first world

>> No.54538880

>this is neat. you pay with a Interest Free Period credit card in USD on all your purchases in and outside of ARG?

You buy all in pesos first day of the month, and then convert the crypto or usd to pesos to pay the card 40 days later.

Since we have 7% monthly inflation you are actually making the bank baghold your inflation for 40 days since the first month 100% payment has 0% interest.

Funnily we also have 0% interest on some cards since some banks prefer to have some liquidity and gain more clients.(remember that there are no mortgages due to inflation so banks earn money in retarded ways).

HSBC gives you some cuck card for example that offers 0% interest for 6 months on our local ebay equivalent.

So you can save on USD and pay something like a graphic card on 0% interest while you have 7% inflation.

Of course this can backfire and you can end up buying something and the next day the IMF telling they will give you gibsmedat and you end up paying more if inflation does not cause devaluation in the following 6 months.

We used to even have 24 months 0% interest payments in the past but now that inflation went from 3% per month to 7% per month these are disappearing fast as fuck.

>> No.54538882

Woah, so this is the power of a cashless society?

>> No.54538925

>crypto broke their bucks by making capital controls impossible for everyone not a boomer.

Extraordinarily based, Anon. I just returned from Argentina (but only saw Buenos Aires unfortunately). I plan on moving to South America soon, need to get out of Canada, or at least have a back up plan. Looking into Argentina, Paraguay, and Colombia.

Also, I'll send you some BTC, check your wallet soon.

>> No.54538966

indeed. this is what people don't understand when we talk about the fall of USD or other fiat currencies. They can't wrap their heads around the fact that USD or CAD or whatever would still be the official currency for paying taxes and for pricing goods and services, but that other monetary functions (medium of exchange and store of value) would be done with other assets like silver or crypto or something.

>> No.54538981

are there limits to how much you can spend in a month on this card?

>> No.54538984 [DELETED] 

>committing fraud and expecting the bank to do nothing about it

>> No.54538996

>Also some places are suprisingly not as cucked as others, like germany still allowing cash to be used for massive purchases while france criminalizing purchases above 1000 euros.
You can't judge based on that. Each country can choose the order it legislates EU directives. So if Germany goes hard on ESG/green then it gets a pass on finance, same for feminism and Spain for instance.

>I think there is a good chance for europe to actually thrive in chaos due to how many nations you have
If something like that happens I don't think that it will be politically possible to stop EU governments from turning to Russia.
Then you have the Balkans which you can smuggle almost anything.
Btw Turkey, which also has chronic inflation problems, from 15% - 80% per year depending on conditions, relies heavily on gold. Government even endorses it. In every city there is a multitude of exchanges where you can go and trade Gold for lira and vice versa. This system exists there for more than 100 years.

>> No.54538998
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Thanks anon i really appreciate it, check out Paraguay, they are basically a free country with free banking, cash economy and low tax rates.

We are cheap as fuck but hard to say what will happen between now and 2030.

Lot of rich argies are getting paraguay citzenship and living between there and here to avoid shit like the commie wealth tax here.

>> No.54539029
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>contribute to society


>> No.54539038
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>are there limits to how much you can spend in a month on this card?

Yes credit card limits are very low and if you don't pay the first month the interest is 145% per year, yes 145% per year is the credit card interest rate here lmfao.

of course if you pay the first payment you have 0 interest so you forced the bank to baghold your inflation.

yea the concept of front end and back end on finance confuses first worlders.

it's not even fraud, the banks in the usa and europe seem to only care about 100% kosher wagies aka people that work for the government or people that work for a corporation.

The cost of doing their aml cuckery on people that work on the private sector in different ways like self employed is too hard and they prefer them to gtfo a lot of times.

I know this because venezuelans were defacto banned from the usa financial system before the commies even got sanctioned, as nobody wanted to touch them since the cost of doing the aml cuckery on a memezuelan earning 90 usd per month was not worth the effort.

>> No.54539050

What does suspicious activity mean? Buying food?

>> No.54539065

>peronists are not commies
>they are fighting commies (el forma de 'democracy')
Your country is so beyond fucked. I will be there to buy the vagina of your sister for 10 pounds.

>> No.54539088

>We on the other side the usa could collapse and there are still so few physical usds here relative to worldwide supply they would still hold value.

>> No.54539093

The algorithms they use flag your account are all fucked up. Anything at all can trigger it, and if OP's article is anything to go by, no human customer service rep who looks at your account will be able to figure out why your account got flagged, and will be unable to do anything about it anyways.

>> No.54539105

always appreciate your posts argie anon, so thanks for doing this.

has RPay made any headway in Argentina?

>> No.54539108
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Yea but EU seems to be going on a very diocletianist path were they seem to only gain power by enforcing stronger regulations than nations do.

So if germany tells using cash is ok because fascism bad, and france bans cash, eventually the eu comes and tells cash le bad and germany cucks out.

Only way the eu gains power is by overregulating forcing it's members into cucking, it's sad because it started as a free trade organization.

But it's thanks to the eu that you now have to click 50000 cookie consent pages per day.

>Btw Turkey, which also has chronic inflation problems, from 15% - 80% per year depending on conditions, relies heavily on gold. Government even endorses it. In every city there is a multitude of exchanges where you can go and trade Gold for lira and vice versa. This system exists there for more than 100 years.

This guy saved the eastern roman empire by turning it into argentina


gold became the defacto currency to pay taxes and save, while government still used fiat.

It solved the outside money problem and he is the reason eastern rome survived 1000 more years but you won't learn it in school.


>> No.54539125
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>committing fraud and expecting your bank to keep your account open

>> No.54539130
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im the credit card anon.
Could you give me some general financial and life advice please? I'm 23, eastern european, and got a wfh job recently that pays $6k a month. I'm not proficient in the market and societal dynamics like you are so I can't really plan wisely. Just save as much and put it into a diversified portfolio?
I don't have crypto to give cause I'm not into it, but I'll save your address and if/when I start trading I'll maybe send you some.
Can't guarantee though, so it's okay if you can't help me. Thanks

>> No.54539140

>The false election
stopped reading right there chief. joe biden won fair and square, most popular candidate in presidential history. blumphstooges are just sore losers who want to end democracy

>> No.54539142

There are a lot of services doing that on argentina.

But people are very careful with those it's better to move with the crowd when doing crypto to pesos trade so i don't know about rpay.

Also many services like those use usd that goes through banking.

So a foreign debit card will have a rate of 330 pesos per usd while tether a rate of 390 per usd.

>> No.54539177

I would save some on crypto and some on us stocks, just don't stay in cash long term.

>> No.54539204

Anon you seem very knowledgable on monetary policy.
Which books would you recommend?
I really liked Adam Smith and Rothbard's "History of Money and Banking". Now starting Mises' "theory of Credit".

>> No.54539262

any safe(er) suggestions?

>> No.54539279

As in safe crypto coins to invest in.

>> No.54539509

The thing is, Argentina is broke and incompetent. The US, when it implements cbdcs, will have a lot more power to force people to use it. They'll say people who use crypto are terrorists. They'll outlaw it. They'll make the fine for using it be extremely harsh. They will do this because crypto ruins their plans to have absolute control and nowhere to hide from their inflation. They also can't have negative interest rates without strong and effective capital controls and a cashless, cryptoless society. Negative interest rates mean we are paying them to have money in the bank and getting penalized for not being in debt, while they get paid to print money. It's like a Jews wet dream.
Argentina just can't manage their shit well enough to pull it off but I have no doubt the US will.

>> No.54539554

Hey me from before (the leaf trying to move), for reasons that are difficult to explain my BTC is not easily accessible, do you have an Ethereum wallet?

>> No.54539568

Come and take it.

>> No.54539650

You just described Jews

>> No.54539725

finally, at risk of appearing to glow, if you want to contact me you can use: ws2ws2ws2@proton.me

Maybe we can do some business, I should be back in South America in two to three months. Either way thanks for sharing this info, Anon, just pure gold.

>> No.54539755

What's aml?

>> No.54539800

do they refund your money?

>> No.54540047
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Lainposter... I kneel..

>> No.54540137

defi yield exposes you to smart contract risk.

Not worth it. HODL and market sell in euphoria

>> No.54540226

Monero is so tired.
I want transparency. I want a global monetary network that’s transparent = no more financial corruption. Fucking Monero edge lords. Stfu

>> No.54540680
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bump lainanon here, jannies banned me for begging sorry i did not answered more here on a phone.

Hey jannies, it's not begging if someone offers you crypto, only the other way around you clowns.

Anti money laundering.

What exactly do you want to do?I am a middle class wagie freelancer here but i can see some potential in the "backup exit business" aka people investing in real estate here bypassing capital controls.

The connection between crypto and physical assets, but there is quite a lot of legal shit to research in that, but seeing the russians escaping putin doing ridiculous shit like bringing 400k usd in cash (one was caught last week), i can see this having some potential.

>> No.54541207

US Citizens have more guns than the 10 largest militaries in the world combined. If we educate enough of them on the particular evil of cbdcs and the like, they won't be able to enforce shit.
It's essentially gonna become the largest financial game of chicken, of all time.

>> No.54541831

I hope normoids learn they'll need good infrastructure to process payments and that sets them on the path of embracing independence.
learn 2 can and can your yields.

>> No.54542006

>no more financial corruption
shiggy diggy niggy