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54537243 No.54537243 [Reply] [Original]

And do you believe you are a "victim" of this "corruption" ?

Perhaps you should take your meds? And stop being an extremist?

>> No.54537333

They’re scared

>> No.54537346


>> No.54537349

oy gevalt they forgot to mention it's antisemitic too! Notify the ADL!

>> No.54537359

>that definition
Holy hell the feds sincerely need to lurk moar

>> No.54537393


>> No.54537412

propaganda 101

>> No.54537489
File: 40 KB, 662x680, 1679597299905970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wow it's kind of fucked that almost no young men can afford a normal life now, we also have vastly higher suicide rates, and a near-zero wage gap that's actually reversing in most major cities. Young women make more money with less effort, are more educated, and have vastly higher standards now leading to a mass fertility crisis. I clock into work then hear my executives outwardly brag about NOT hiring people who look like me. I hear the government and ESG hedge fund managers encourage women and companies to oppose young men like me an outdated artifact of colonial oppression that should be punished. I feel the blame for everything that happened in the last 1200 years while the true heirs of those social benefits gloat and mock me while i just want to buy a house"

>CODE RED CODE RED we got a political extremist!

>> No.54537534

>*racially-motivated violent extremist

>> No.54537603


>> No.54537617

or should I say, glowniggers tongue my anus, you kikefaggots

>> No.54537620

So what happened with that trump mansion raid? Its been 6 months and they couldnt find jackshit?

>> No.54537633

FBI was founded on it's love for tranny cross dressers, NSA is a bunch of nerds. CIA is the Chad glownigger agency.

>> No.54538277

This except what's the king going to do for you? Throw you a bone?
>Here chud, here's a 1950s standard of living and a govt mandated gf and also all the schools will praise white men in their history text books
Unachievable in muttmerica except by fascist uprising even more extreme than Germany, Italy, and Japan where they already had homogeneous populations and even then you aren't getting the 1950-1990s peak oil boomer living standard

And then what are you gonna do about your women? Lmao

>> No.54538298

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.54538368

>This except what's the king going to do for you? Throw you a bone?
Bleed on a bayonet

>> No.54538401

you're just a coping incel
feminism and gender is about making the genders EQUAL not one bettef than the other

>> No.54538423
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>> No.54538455

Yeah and ketchup is a vegetable

>> No.54538482

>to destroy leftoid commies all you have to do is call them names and laugh at their ideas

>> No.54538513

>And then what are you gonna do about your women? Lmao
American women are the biggest most pathetic paper tiger in the world. Like "we got too cocky" but in condensed female form, every one of them is shy, then a whore, then a confident CUREER WOMAN and then finally a post-wall roastie seething that MEN are AFRAID of strong women.

Also the best part no one realizes is that women make more than men but men are more likely to own houses- because the "tradie in a low cost state" meme actually played out and men moved to places like south carolina to become home owners. So stacy in NYC makes 108k while chad in charleston makes 80k at his home improvement business, but chad owns a mcmansion while stacy fucking rents.

>> No.54538519

women my age make more than men where i live yet I'm still treated as the oppressor. It literally does not even make sense with their own standards

>> No.54538532

You'd think they be oldfags by now kek

>> No.54538533

In reality it is a weapon of the tribe used to destroy western civilization.

>> No.54538546

Humour flattens any hierarchy.
It's why most dictators don't enjoy being the target of comedy

>> No.54538555
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>> No.54538563

What a genius response that could only have been concocted by the highest IQ niggerpopulist
We wiz da people n shiet

Ok, let me ask you then slowly:
Who and what do you replace your skewered king with?

>> No.54538582
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They even use feminism to wage war on Japan. The jews fear all goyim/pagan nations and people. Mainly they fear Native Europeans of course.

>> No.54538588

Agreed, the American women question is overblown tbf
The only real major problem for any of/our guys/ looking for a wife is that most of them are fat

>> No.54538589

Any questioning of anything is a major sign of extremism.

>> No.54539398

So absurd. How did some 23 year old that knew nothing end up in the position to be writing parts of a constitution for one of the largest and most critical nations on the planet? Is this one of those humiliation rituals I hear so much about?

>> No.54539499

you can tongue my anus, that'll be fine

>> No.54539806

Those civil rights are the best thing ever happened to the ordinary Japanese people. They did a great job.