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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.26 MB, 3159x2016, Bath_Bath_Baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54518076 No.54518076 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Completion of Public Equity Offering and Provides Strategic
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Pricing of Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Proposed Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and

>> No.54518077

New 8K's


>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>Sneed hedgies
>Reminder to filter the spamming shills

Previously on /BBBY/

>> No.54518078


>> No.54518279

It's 8pm here

>> No.54518354

30 cents niggers. Next stop zero.

>> No.54518359

>good evening
>um actually it's the evening
is this the power of BBBY baggies?

>> No.54518447
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>> No.54518747

Angry shills make me convinced I'm gonna wagmi

>> No.54519103
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>> No.54519190

I believe in Ryan Cohen and my board and my investment

>and that is why I'm all in on GME

>> No.54519221

I believe that the funniest possible thing will always happen, and that is why I put a grand into BBBY so that when it rips to 50$ per or better I can buy even more gamestop and take my wife out for a nice seafood dinner before I blow a huge load in every hole she has.

>> No.54519244
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>> No.54519352

>Im not a shill
>you're the real shill
>Buy my bags!
Kek baggies.

>> No.54519438
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>Be me
>Make BBBY thread in July 2022
>Literally 3 replies before it's threaded
>Be me today
>Post in a BBBY thread
>Get raged at and told to sell

>> No.54519439

You're wrong. The funniest possible thing would be if the hundreds of people who bought BBBY from $30 down to $0.30 out of a belief their $1k investment would make them rich finally lost all their money and committed suicide knowing that the only thing that prevented them from making it was the stock symbol they typed when they purchased their shares.

>> No.54519457

Bought 5000 shares at .31 because fuck it why not. Better than the morons that bought at $10+ all the way up to $20. I think we’ll have a rally to at least 3-5 before this is over.

>> No.54519471
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See >>54519438
A bunch of poors offing themselves for losing the little bit of investment capital they had is not nearly as fun as a few richers roping over the fact they got dunked on by schizo poors reading tea leaves in bird droppings.

>> No.54519489

For me, it's even funnier, we have resident hedgie faggots bumping the fucking thread with cringe like this on weekends and holidays, get a life psycho retard lmao

>> No.54519497

holy fucking cringe. kek baggies

>> No.54519505

im an inside her. run to $1 next two weeks you heard it first

>> No.54519515

>Everyone making fun of me is being paid by a hedge fund
Where do I sign up you delusional baggie?

>> No.54519626
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Fucking lmao hedgie dicksucker can't even see you nor your butt buddy as you have been flagged by my trusty "faggot jeeting" filter, feel free to continue screaming into the void on a Saturday night, psychotic unwashed piece of shit kek

>> No.54519650 [DELETED] 

Fucking lmao hedgie dicksucker can't even see you nor your butt buddy as you have been flagged by my trusty "faggot jeeting" filter, feel free to continue screaming into the void on a Saturday night, psychotic unwashed piece of shit kek

>> No.54519922

God I want to believe u so badly

>> No.54520607

kek baggies. the dilution does it impossible to squeeze. just the facts. you can hold but i advice you to sell.

>> No.54520753

There's multiple grammatical errors in this post and I feel that they're completely intentional, so I don't know if I should be bullish or bearish based off of it. With that said the only thing left to consider is whether an actual holder posted it, because if so that's bearish and if not it's bullish. How many shares do you hold?

>> No.54520756

Well it certainly isn't BBBY making the richies rope. All the shorts on BBBY opened since August are green. You basically handed them your money. Thanks for playing, no refunds.

>> No.54521005

>unrealized green

>> No.54521069

>reverse split

>> No.54521077

Only took 4 hours to think that up Dikshit? Fucking lol top men

>> No.54521174

>he's making fun of my dumb decisions, he must be Indian!!
You do realize that Indian call centers aren't wasting their time scamming and kekking Westerners while the Westerners are supposed to be asleep, right?

>> No.54521338
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Happy Easter friends

>> No.54521481

Is sub .20 coming next trading day?

>> No.54521630

I first bought this stock at $17.30. I’ve been able to average down, and my current cost basis is $12.84. I have spent $12,000 on this stock. Really need it to go back up, that’s my daughter’s college savings.

>> No.54521644 [DELETED] 
File: 3.90 MB, 200x200, 1643910560027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell your daughter to me so that you can buy more niggerstock you fucking dead beat piece of shit excuse for a "father"

>> No.54521646
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HBC will get fucked and we will get paid.

>> No.54521657

I was hoping it would moon so I could get her into Harvard or something like that and also pay for daycare for her baby while she’s studying

>> No.54521663


>> No.54521664

Just one x100000 day you're golden

>> No.54521690

What are the chances of that happening

>> No.54521856 [DELETED] 

according to all the faggots here it's going to like 80 kek

>> No.54521863
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Don't forget anon. If you're wrong I'm going to put a hex on you.

>> No.54521876

Awesome, that’ll be enough to really build some money to help my family. Thank you!

>> No.54522120
File: 319 KB, 1218x2208, F71BDE93-3520-45D2-A618-8DB5A993EC96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills will call you a hedgie for laughing at this dumbass

>> No.54522275

how are my favorite shills doing in this fine sunday? Still working i see. Good. Good. Or should i say...

>> No.54522287

kek hedgies

>> No.54522315


>> No.54522577 [DELETED] 

how long does BBBY have to go before nigger general is off of my board

>> No.54522886

Uncle Joe is buying 50k shares at open, Grammy and pop pop 150k shares. I told them how the devil has control of Ken Griffin and how they're hurting innocent people

Better cover soon hedgies

>> No.54522974

Have you repented yet, you silly shillies?

>> No.54523076

Next bbby hype date is 4/20

>> No.54523195

What if Elon Musk decides to buy BBBY

>> No.54523311

What if he decides to go all in on dogshit? Could be the catalyst that we need for the great turd squeeze.

>> No.54523319

I know right. Just like all the people telling me not to buy dogshit, why else would they be kicking up such a fuss if they weren't shorting it?

>> No.54523360

Nooo, you cant just buy and hold dogshit. What will my hedge firm do? It's not like dogs can just make more shit as fast as BBBY can print shares.

>> No.54523413
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>> No.54523433

>Shill repeats the same talking point for the 100th time in the last 2 weeks
Totally organic post bro thanks for confirming my bias even more

>> No.54523477

>I'm not a shill you're the real shill
>pump my bags
>they're so very heavy
Kek, Good morning Baggies! Happy Easter.

>> No.54523479

I know right? Every thread there's some shill telling me not to buy dogshit. Hedgie scum don't realize that this only confirms to me that dogshit is the play. Why else would they tell me it's a bad investment if they weren't shorting it? Gonna go buy even more now.

>> No.54523507

any hopium??

>> No.54523523

Imagine how mind-broken bbby baggies are going to be when bed bath goes bankrupt, are they going to reflect on the "everyone must be an indian shilly if they're making fun of me on 4chan!!1" and realize they were literal retards? Just disappear from these threads? Or pretend they never believed it?

>> No.54523693
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>> No.54523701

Continuing to hold a stock that has lost most of its value may not be a wise decision because there is no guarantee that the stock will rebound and regain its previous value. In fact, there is a risk that the stock may continue to decline, leading to further losses. This is because the underlying reasons for the stock's decline may still exist or worsen, such as poor financial performance, increased competition, or changes in market conditions.

People may insist that the stock is coming back because they may be emotionally attached to the stock or have a bias towards it. They may also be influenced by overconfidence or the belief that the stock will eventually recover due to past success or positive news about the company. However, it's important to base investment decisions on objective analysis and research rather than emotions or biases. It may be a better decision to cut losses and invest in other stocks with better potential for growth and profitability.

Social media is often filled with rumors, hype, and speculation, which can lead to irrational and impulsive investment decisions based on emotions rather than sound analysis.

>> No.54523732

just a threadly reminder that the word "shill" means to promote something. it's not used in replacement of fudders. Anyone who calls a fudder a shill is clearly a reddit tourist. There are plently of people fudding chainlink and other cryptos on /biz/ none of them have ever been called a "shill". The fact you've got basic terminology switched up proves all BBBY holders are terminally retarded.

>> No.54523784
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I mean that's nice and all, but why do you care so much? Why are you even here? These decisions have no bearing on your lives whatsoever. Why are you this obsessed?

>> No.54523816

I know right, fucking weirdos. I don't get the people fudding my investment either. What sort of person would waste their time telling me not to buy dogshit? It just doesn't make sense.

>> No.54523857

>"I mean that's nice and all, but why do you care so much? Why are you even here? These decisions have no bearing on your lives whatsoever. Why are you this obsessed?"
>he says, while posting on /biz/, a public forum dedicated to the finances of random strangers on the internet
Why not leave if your feelings are so fragile?

>> No.54523948
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My beef with the dog shit (ticker:DGSHT) analogy is that I can't purchase it through my favorite trading app. I have to walk ALL the way down to the park in the nice part of town (where all the beautiful rich white folk feed their dogs carrots and beef, none of that meat flavored cereal garbage like they do back in the village cafeteria), find the beefiest mastiff there is, then HOPEFULLY it takes the MOTHER OF ALL DOG SQUEEZES! Since I'm in the nice part of town, odds are pretty good the owner's are going to toss it out like a decent human being. Here's the shit (haha) though, I live in a county with a NO BAG ordinance. What do you think happens when the owner lets their dog have a push and just walks away? The entrepreneurial spirit fires up, that's what. I rush over knocking any dogs out of the way before they can eat it and process it into their own smaller feces (this further dilutes the nutrition profile of DGSHT). At this point, the dog owners are screaming, kids are crying, I launched at least two yorkies into the next area code, my cargo shorts are PACKED with mastiff shit - and I'm running at this point (usually why I walk there first).

>> No.54523959
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THEN I gotta get back to my fucking apartment and let me tell you, there are some ignorant motherfuckers in that section man. I'm limping up the stairs, blood pouring out of my ankles because that dachshund was a fucking show dog specializing in speed courses, smelling like a mix of this morning's one hard boiled egg and DGSHT, and these THUGS fuck with me EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. They go, they say "Shit Boy's coming, o'lawd that boy smell like his mamas groceries! Hell nah!" and they're LAUGHING to the point I can't tell them about the investment of a lifetime. Once I get past the walk of shame, I have to pray to my gods the spicy habibi next to my unit isn't walking out (it's super embarrassing when she sees me covered in shit and blood, but women do not understand the Hustle, am I right friends?) Once I've made it back to my unit, I have to go through the preservation and storing process. I used to have such a hard time with that - now I just order takeout from places that deliver in tupperwares, making long-term storage more efficient by increasing the moisture and freshness longevity in DGSHT from one week to THREE MONTHS! I have yet to actually profit from a sale of DGSHT (or make any sale for that matter) - but I might be able to afford BBBY if it drops .25 more cents

>> No.54524000
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Dis nigga still goin on a poo. They really are pajeets.

>> No.54524038
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APU not A POO mother damn it

>> No.54524230
File: 763 KB, 2604x2802, 794AD823-5709-48FA-A8BB-B23D76DB99FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you post this again 4 more times this week some retard will start to believe it

>> No.54524589

>Just disappear from these threads? Or pretend they never believed it?
I bet none of them actually believe it. The logic falls apart as soon as anyone considers it for more than ten seconds. They're probably just BBBY shills trying to prop up the price during the public offering/dilution in order to maximize the gross proceeds.

>> No.54524755

So, to recap, since there has been no bankruptcy and no dilution, and the latest SEC filing all but confirmed a carve-out was in the works, the shills have now officially resorted to semantics about the term "shill" in order to sow confusion ITT, despite it being a very common term to describe paid fudders hired by shorts for over 2 years now.

This as well as them being obsessed with human feces and working on Easter makes it abundantly clear that they're pajeets.

Kek shillies I'm never selling, oh also I convinced my dad to buy 5k shares this week too at dinner

>> No.54524852
File: 4 KB, 447x81, stopdenyingreality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dilution

>> No.54524882

why hasn't some billionaire bought up all of the available float and DRS'd it so the squeeze starts?

>> No.54525053

Yeah most of the GME/BBBY/AMC baggies are from reddit. Some of the most vocal here have admitted to being banned from reddit or they think le hedgies infiltrated their subs, kek. Kinda funny how they got the terminology twisted from day one and just ran with it because they were all pretending not to be newfags. But they aren't very bright, after all they bought the top of the most obvious bubble ever.

>> No.54525163

You wouldnt make any money doing it. The number of shares you would have to buy to eat up all liquidity vs the number you can sell before your manufactured squeeze ends would be 1000 to 1. To make a short squeeze work you need baggies to buy and hold while you buy and then sell the squeeze, leaving them with their dicks in their hands posting in gme threads while their value slowly dwindles.

>> No.54525220

Holy fuck, BBBY baggies still haven't roped yet? That's crazy how shameless you fuckers are

>> No.54525360

I have 8900 shares (:

>> No.54525524

can anyone create a discord for bbby or is there already one, i have hope and im taking risk already bought about 200 shares is not a lot but its like half the money i have in my savings lmao

>> No.54525544

so 50% chance there is going to be a short squeeze right......?

>> No.54525574

Why does a BBBY thread have the GameStop mascot and chairman in their OP? I thought it was Icahn/Newell that was supposed to acquire them

>> No.54525811

When fishing for baggies why not see if you can hook some gme retards.

>> No.54526054
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>triple vaxed

>> No.54526358

please don't post photos of me in your baggie thread. I do not approve my likeness being associated with you baggots. Thanks for understanding

>> No.54527077

I think when Cohen said, “my views changed of the business,” he was saying: "I initially wanted BBBY, but now I only want Baby, but I might know someone who wants BBBY, and there might be way to get these shorts off my ass once and for all. This has to be done a different way. I’m getting out, but I’m gonna circle back around, with some friends."

>> No.54527434

Working on Easter Sunday? Hedgies must be fucking terrified.

>> No.54528443

look at them shillniggers still talking shit

>> No.54528590
File: 220 KB, 641x355, 1675716661933263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude it's so cringe. Look at Twitter and Reddit, really a peek into the psyche of these man-children.

>> No.54528734


>> No.54528928

>I think we’ll have a rally to at least 3-5 before this is over.

i would be shocked if it got that high again but i sure hope so. i bought at 2, sold at 5.30 and bought back in at 2.

>> No.54528996

Tinfoil baggie cope is so pathetic. You somehow think this is gonna lift your bags?

>> No.54529023
File: 18 KB, 326x206, 1674128076909038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's even more pathetic is the fact that this went from a "short squeeze" play, to a "this is a good long term hold" play. It's the same as the GME and AMC baggies who now hype up normal game purchases, or encourage others to see movies and buy popcorn like it's gonna lift their bags.


>> No.54529249

please moon by next week, i want to celebrate my cat's birthday with moon money

>> No.54529427

i wasn't serious, you seem desperate. but why would RC post several tweets/polls about iToilet if he isn't going anywhere with it, makes no sense.

>> No.54529635

lmao imagine using secret messages hidden in tweets to inform your investment decisions. Meds, now.

>> No.54529714
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>> No.54529747
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>> No.54529754
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>> No.54529765

why are you supporting a company that is going bankrupt? nobody can afford the prices they pay for towels and bathmats there. its a glorified ross and the owners are worse than sheisters. ur all itiots for investing in this shit. this aint gamestop bitchezs.

>> No.54529783

>still clinging to 2 year old tweets for hopium
Now I feel sad. Thanks a lot, jerk.

>> No.54529803


>> No.54529814


>> No.54529854

Literal ChatGPT post

>> No.54529865

These threads are the D-Day of 2023

>> No.54529869
File: 477 KB, 367x280, thats-the-joke-ranier-wolfcastle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant observation and no one else but you realized it, thanks for pointing it out.

>> No.54529878

RC doesn’t own any BBBY. Also he is a greedy jew.

>> No.54529883
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>> No.54529897

Nobody loves you.

>> No.54529908

>why are you supporting a company that is going bankrupt?
If BBBY files for bankruptcy it's going to be a CH11 bankruptcy which they can recover from.

You idiots who rally on about bankruptcy are braindead. No idea what youre talking about.

>> No.54529912

>projecting because of embarrassment
oof, you realize you're anonymous here right? you post ID isn't your IRL name...

>> No.54529916


>> No.54529923

BBBY is going to zero
GME is going to zero

>> No.54529949

>GME is going to zero
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO everyone's going to start driving to stores to buy games instead of download them, and buy .jpegs because.. because they just ARE OK??

>> No.54530108


>> No.54530377
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>> No.54530406

soo .50 calls then?

>> No.54530542

I knew he was somehow in cahoots with RC. Damn, what actual group of people are involved in this, and what the hell are they making??? Wall Street is absolutely fucked beyond belief. These guys are middle men, leeches. They have no value. They only extract wealth and slow progress down. They are fucked. Everyone knows. That's it, it's over for them. And they will soon fall to the bottom of society. A lot won't understand what that means. They can't process it. Holy shit, who all is on this and what insane plan are they executing. This is going to be way bigger than dxpected, and absolutely destroy the current establishment. Will this cause WW3? I'm not sure they can take a loss like this.

>> No.54530590
File: 1 KB, 103x125, 1676088038610470s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhhh NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I didn't know that! Why did I buy that and how can I sell it now??? Oh noooo I am so scared.

Lol reverse merger....it'd over for shorts. Thanks for the money. Oh but let me guess, you didn't short it. You just like to make fun a baggies. At least that's what you all say.


>> No.54530602 [DELETED] 

Thank me later


>> No.54530604

Every single BBBY cope post is a mountain of text. No one can explain in a sentence or two why you should buy BBBY. It’s always something like
>bro, if you look at the first letter of every third word in Ryan Cohen’s tweets, it spells CORNBMY. What do we know about corn? It grows in the soil, and soil is a product of the cycle of life and death and rebirth. Rebirth, birth, baby. Are you getting it now? Now, what about BMY? Bristol-Myers Squibb (ticker: BMY) uses stem cells in their research. Stem=offshoot. Cell=no cell no sell. I’m fucking jacked to the tits!

>> No.54530612

But like 12 paragraphs of this

>> No.54530646

People actually believe that executives of publicly traded companies are sending them on a scavenger hunt using hidden codes on Twitter. It’s the most ridiculous fucking thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life and the sheer amount of people who fall for this crap has made me lose all faith in humanity. You people should not be allowed to participate in society.

>> No.54530724

Sooo don't buy and fuck off? illiterate faggot. Oh but you can't right? Need to "kek the baggies", or are just worried about my money? Lmao

>> No.54530775
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Holy fucking kek the accuracy, I can see already this one cut baggies deep

>> No.54530783
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>> No.54530794

Who is this?

>> No.54530815
File: 11 KB, 587x156, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Founder and CEO of @ProtocolGemini | Co-Founder of @CyberCrewNFT

>> No.54530833
File: 52 KB, 512x487, 1680577991030300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mar 2, 2022 The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

Mar 02, 2022 Dragonfly Receives Significant Investment from L Catterton's Flagship Buyout Fund

In January of 2016, Catterton, the leading consumer-focused private equity firm, LVMH, the world leader in high-quality products, and Groupe Arnault, the family holding company of Bernard Arnault, partnered to create L Catterton. The partnership combined Catterton's existing North American and Latin American private equity operations with LVMH and Groupe Arnault's existing European and Asian private equity and real estate operations, resulting in the largest, diversified consumer-dedicated private equity firm in the world.

Louis Vuitton is one of the brands in pic relate from Cyber Crew NFT

Teddy Holdings LLC filed a trademark for an NFT marketplace on the very same day as the "At least her cart is full" tweet

>> No.54530847
File: 349 KB, 589x553, 1680578115285314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On March 13, 2023, Brett Icahn resigned from the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Newell Brands Inc. (the “Company”) in order to reduce the
number of public company boards of directors on which he serves. His resignation was not due to any disagreement with the Company.

Dragonfly Group Annual Report Mar 14th
Ryan Cohen, Larry Cheng, and Blake Day have all left the Board of Directors at Dragonfly Group

>> No.54530864
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>> No.54530923

Please put it together for me like I am a moron that still wears a mask. I dont get what protocol gemini have to do with bobby or connectionw with dragonfly etc. What do you think will happen and when? Obviously its just a theory and not financial advice in any form.

>> No.54530934
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>> No.54530938

earnings is on the 12th

>> No.54531316
File: 299 KB, 593x679, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protocol gemini and cyber crew are related to gamestop at least. ryan kagy went from gamestop NFT to protocol gemini. cyber crew made the astronaut mascot for gamestop NFT. the cyber crew teaser featured louis vuitton among other brands. it would be weird if they showed those brands if there's no relation. LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton is one of the parties behind L Catterton which invested over $500M into dragonfly shortly before RC's stake in BBBY was announced. from RC's letter to the BBBY board it seems that RC and his affiliates are very much interested in acquiring buybuy baby. the profile of buybuy baby fits into the kind of businesses that dragonfly is looking to acquires and it has a similar kind of business model as chewy. no one knows exactly how it will play out but it seems pretty obvious that they're working on something behind the scenes with the hire of david kastin and the fundraising deals etc. it's not a typical dying company, it's not normal how the stock is trading, it's potentially another idiosyncratic risk like GME was in 2021.

>> No.54531415

jesus christ you people are stupid.

>> No.54531438
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>> No.54531611

Thanks fren. I do think something great will happen. Just am now hopelessly confused as to what lol.

>> No.54532042

Am I literally the only poster in this thread who is skeptical of this stock going to $80?

>> No.54532078

shillniggers still posting cringe i see. Must be monday.

>> No.54532181

Either gamble that the company has a deal of some sort in place for a merger or acquisition that'll result in the price increasing significantly, or gamble that it does not have that deal in place and is going to nothing. When the price was higher it was smarter to bet that it didn't have the deal in place, with the price being lower it's smarter to bet that it does as that's now the higher upside play.

There's your sentence or two explanation to both the long and short thesis.

>> No.54532190

Realistically I'm expecting anywhere between 10-50$ a share best case scenario, if it truly gets out of hand you might see higher than that for a while but I doubt very much it ever goes over 60$. I also don't give a shit because if it goes to 20-30$ I make 200-300k pre-tax.

>> No.54532199


Are you retarded? Im gonna spell it out for you, but if you dont figure this out for yourself sorry but NGMI.

1. Look at current price level.
2. Look at historical price level averages.

Ask yourself one question:
Is BBBY in better position now, than during time of historical price level x,y,z?

If you cannot answer this, maybe look at another thread. Its literally this simple.

>> No.54532202

kek baggies

>> No.54532387

We’ll close green today and start climbing back toward .60 EOW

>> No.54532404

kek baggies

>> No.54532495

The most funny thing to come out of this whole P&D is the baggies buying (((Cohen's))) childrens' books like they are holy texts and the exegesis related, kek.

>> No.54532507

checked and
>1. Look at current price level.
>2. Look at historical price level averages.
okay, lower than it's ever been
>Is BBBY in better position now, than during time of historical price level x,y,z?
it's not. So you're saying that the .30 is fair value and the company is going bankrupt?

>> No.54532541
File: 412 KB, 1200x1808, R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repent before it's too late, shills

>> No.54532557


> Operated by BCG consults, almost total Tritton-infestation, houndreds of unprofitable stores, houndreds of millions in losses per year.

Was worth $15-30 per share.

> Upon having corrected all this, being like $90m from turning profit on all year, and this during a year of total restructuring.

Yeah $0.3 sounds about right.

If you are a shill doing this for rice, youre NGMI per definition. If youre honest, youre NGMI even harder, sorry.

>> No.54532571

I just CANT stop BUYING, bros.

>> No.54532582


>> No.54532590

Good morning sirs

>> No.54532592

>doesn't have the balls to (You) me
>proceeds to nothing but cope for a whole post.
I can see why you were hoping I didn't see that post. It's cope all the way down with you baggie. When this goes to zero you will disappear/an hero and my village will get many rice cakes with the money you donated to duh shorties

>> No.54532594


>> No.54532600

Probably drop a bit more. Nothing big will happen until Wednesday

>> No.54532602

kak bagoots

>> No.54532612

hoping to get a perfect in, might not risk missing so a 0.2000 but not sure. Wdy guys say

>> No.54532635

I bought 10k shares at 32 cents and still have a dab of cash left just in case it shits way below that, but realistically anything between 25-40 cents is a solid buy IMO. It's all just gambling at this point so more shares is better than trying to get a "perfect" entry.

>> No.54532653


>> No.54532656

what's happening Wednesday?

>> No.54532670


>> No.54532678

Earnings announcement. Well between Wednesday and friday

>> No.54532718

shillies get kekked. Someone posts a funny banana. And we all entice each other to slurp some cheapies.

>> No.54532803

How unrealistic is $10 a share?

>> No.54532867

from now everything besides the confirmation is a guess my man

>> No.54532957

>Is BBBY in better position now, than during time of historical price level x,y,z?
It absolutely is not. Are you serious? Bankruptcy is being tossed around by their management and they're diluting like crazy just to limp through another quarter. They're closing 80% of their stores. They may survive and/or get bought out, but from what we can see this is definitely not a high point for the company.

>> No.54532965

But what if Elon Musk buys BBBY out and then tweets about it?

>> No.54533087

Whats on the copium menu today boys?

>> No.54533107

>They may survive
I suppose it depends on what your definition of survival is. It will almost assuredly "survive" if you set the bar low enough. There's still that one Blockbuster in Bend, Oregon that has a tenacious grip on life but that hardly means or implies anything good for the Blockbuster company

>> No.54533120

I think I live in the only area where the current BBBY stores aren't having a liquidation sale kek

>> No.54533136
File: 114 KB, 1159x545, NdWmb3YZvI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit. just ignore the first point and pay special attention to the last three

>> No.54533262

Ima write some more $0.50 puts I think.

>> No.54533275

The drs is interesting but the other two sound like pretty standard liability evading corporate speak. Would love to be proves wrong somehow.

>> No.54533285

Total Baggie Death

>> No.54533298

Just post the links

>> No.54533336


>> No.54533354

Volume printer is is going into overdrive

>> No.54533362
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>> No.54533384

it's a steal at these prices

>> No.54533420

ive doubled my position. Tomorrow, when its even lower... Ill double down again. Why? Am i mad? Am i mentally challenged? No. Its just that.. My dick is huge.

>> No.54533463

This shit is going to .01 cents just like sears

>> No.54533471
File: 70 KB, 640x500, chobano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29 cents

>> No.54533475


>> No.54533496

>shills crying for not getting enough (you)s, thus not getting paid
>regardless, they are still bumping the thread - even on weekends
>often they post niggers
shills are confirmed niggers. Literal slaverace. They work for us. Onward fellow bbbychads!

>> No.54533528
File: 57 KB, 680x453, 1631026338933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn son! Looking to retire early I see?

>> No.54533552

imma buy at 02, today or tomorro

>> No.54533586
File: 39 KB, 656x679, 1663386765938868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not buying until 10c.

>> No.54533613

loaded up 2000 more shares

>> No.54533618
File: 6 KB, 205x205, 1677863586596508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 cents

>> No.54533624

but imagine getting up b4 that, it started getting mainstream attention, will only be a couple of days till every cunt ant their mother will say second gme kek

>> No.54533629

There is some fukery going on with upvoting on the sub. I press upvote to vote up a thread and it immediately drops back down to neutral as if I didn't do it. I have to press it again to stick. This combined with all time highest number of shills I have ever seen on the sub in 6+ months is setting off some alarm bells. Is Reddit in on it too to suppress us from making /r/all? This happens this morning litterally when our CEO basically tells us "DRS good". I could easily see someone thinkign they upvoted something but they didn't.

>> No.54533633
File: 6 KB, 198x198, 1677863477199861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every cunt ant their mother will say second gme
Just like AMC

>> No.54533655
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>> No.54533701

All we have to do is hold, it's just that simple

>> No.54533760
File: 313 KB, 1692x1167, baggie coaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek baggies

>> No.54533776
File: 65 KB, 828x1064, B1D77622-AE21-4504-B50F-05A15D03654C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the chart sirs

>> No.54533784

This makes the shill seethe

>> No.54533833

Yes I hate watching baggies drown in the sea of red I told them was coming. I'll really be seething when bbby is at zero and your enormous bags are worthless.
I don't think you know what that word means

>> No.54533838
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, will be holding my shares and refusing to sell. It really is that simple.
By my calculations, BBBY is undervalued. All people have three things in common. They need to sleep so we sell beds. They need to wash themselves so we sell baths. And for everything else we sell beyond. This is a winning strategy. And with 8 billion people on the planet we have potential 8BILLION beds and baths to sell to potential customers. Now, we have to subtract pajeets who do not bath. But they have over 2BILLION people for which we can sell beyond.
I am sorry, but it's really just this simple. We are ALL going to wagmi.

>> No.54533849
File: 379 KB, 441x393, laughingwhores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, we have to subtract pajeets who do not bath.

>> No.54533874

I just bought more.
>seethe shills

>> No.54533908

I live for the (you)s I get when shills start seething at my posts lmao

>> No.54533918


>> No.54533933

Please fasten you seat belts, put your tray tables in the upright position and buckle the fuck up. We are about to do a vertical takeoff

>> No.54533941

fr fr, checked

>> No.54533946

>two more weeks

>> No.54533967
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>> No.54533995


>> No.54534041

Someone post the comparison to Pier 1

>> No.54534053
File: 110 KB, 1062x1352, qhi9229bsyra1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54534128

cool, now post the VW one

kek baggies

>> No.54534152

>price rising as volume decreases
kek DGSHT investies

>> No.54534322
File: 65 KB, 713x713, 351114369505235p__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought more shares and a smokeless indoor grill. kek hedgies

>> No.54534367


>> No.54534370
File: 501 KB, 850x461, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek baggies

>> No.54534406
File: 326 KB, 1000x955, MadeUpRetardNumber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a very opportune $3.00 dividend today which will allow me to slurp 10x shares of BBBY. The hedgies are literally seething as their own assets are aiding in their demise.

>> No.54534408

Does the average $BBBY baggies' thought process boil down to: this stock is lower than it used to be, I'll make big money if it goes up again?
Lmao even

>> No.54534421

Kek bbbaggies

>> No.54534436

i like the stock

>> No.54534449

Fair value assumming 900,000,000 shares is around 10 cents

>> No.54534475

we finna gonna pop fr

>> No.54534488
File: 95 KB, 750x436, 1675449588784057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never selling, only buying.

>> No.54534513
File: 184 KB, 1125x1104, 1652544503274500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't have a thought process. They've never had one. They saw what happened with gme two years ago, took all their DD wholesale and invented elabortate Q level conspiracy theories to justify that everything is bullish and just like GME. They even have RC and Gamestop's mascot in their op image. They are retards and poorfags who don't understand that they're apart of the hedgie psyop that they claim to want to bring down

>> No.54534550

I will KEK so heartily once this finally goes bankrupt. Fuck all you baggies, your financial demise will fuel my cooms for months

>> No.54534554

Same reason I'm all in on dogshit. Dogfood is worth much more than dogshit, and dogshit used to be dogfood. All I need is for all my dogshit to go back up to its former value, and I'm rich.

>> No.54534566

GME and BBBY both had short squeezes. GME in January 2021 and BBBY back in August 2022. It’s unironically already over.

>> No.54534578

I know this. You know this. Baggies know this but they choose to believe differently.

>> No.54534640

bek kaggies

>> No.54534662

>the only thing getting grilled rn is the share price
Kekked and checked

>> No.54534681

>stock at its lowest price of all time
>if it cant get a reverse split it goes bankrupt
>if it does get approval for the reverse split then the shares will get another massive dilution
oh yes the perfect setup for a short squeeze lmao

>> No.54534710
File: 381 KB, 255x225, Cheesed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u cheesin me, brah?

>> No.54534720

>how he all in's dog shit

>> No.54534771

GME, BBBY, AMC, all of them, never short squeezed and never will. It was just retarded retail people pumping each others bags.

If they ever do go up, it will only be because retarded retail baggies managed to hype each other up over more retarded shit.

More likely is baggies lose everything.

>> No.54534811

Why do you care about a stock you don't hold?
>really jogs the noggin

>> No.54534817

wrong and retarded get flipped bitch

>> No.54534868

Because it's hilarious watching you retards cope your way to financial ruin.

>> No.54534911

he's obviously a paid indian fudder. not some regular guy who wants to laugh at Qanon-tier conspiritards that shit up every investment discussion about their garbage company

>> No.54534936

But why do you come off as so butthurt if you're having such a good time. Something about us buying, holding, and never selling has you absolutely SEETHING.

>> No.54535033

>But why do you come off as so butthurt
Because you're an idiot? How am I supposed to know why you believe stupid things? Why would anyone, anywhere, be unhappy that you own and hold a rapidly failing stock? Short sellers? Nope their getting rich off your idiocy. The only person who might be seething is your mother for raising such a retarded son who's wasted all his inheritance on a failed bedding company.

>> No.54535176
File: 1.45 MB, 1274x1096, Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 17.15.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They updated the filings specifically to allow the shareholder vote to be on more than just the reverse split.

>> No.54535283
File: 28 KB, 200x200, Seethies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much, raw, seething, unadulterated RAGE
Calm down dude, sheesh.
Guess that's why they call you seethies.
>The stock price is going down so you must sell!!!

>> No.54535307
File: 32 KB, 707x478, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The stock price is going down so you must sell!!!
Oh it's too late for that baggie. No refunds.

>> No.54535317

bbby bros...not like this

>> No.54535354
File: 150 KB, 900x900, Mountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sluuuuuuurpy wurpy

>> No.54535385
File: 8 KB, 273x185, baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm making my bags even heavier
>take that

>> No.54535421

I bought some too, could you mock me a little by pretending my face is pink as well?

>> No.54535457
File: 63 KB, 675x677, Tendie Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pleasure is all mine. The next big run up has me making money hand over fist. I think the shorts got a little ahead of themselves on this one. BBBY isn't going bankrupt anytime soon and with all of their existing capital, assets and online retailing capacity they are a prime target for M&A activity. All I have to do is sit and wait for my tendies.
>pic related. It's me!

>> No.54535491
File: 1.92 MB, 498x362, 1665159322570949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My strategy is simple. I deposit money into my account and I write $0.50 puts and get paid $22 each. I then use that credit to buy shares of GME. If I get assigned then I got shares for $0.50 each. If they price moves higher then I made literal $44% ROI for taking a month of risk. And all of this masterful financial ingenuity leaves me completely hedged with GME shares that will squeeze to SIX MILLION DOLLARS.
We are ALL going to wagmi and the hedgies are going to pay for it.
I am comfier than a warm piece of toast being buttered up for a very ssssensual breakfast.

>> No.54535500

I'm gunna slurp

>> No.54535513
File: 61 KB, 493x199, 1669432449161587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think the shorts got a little ahead of themselves on this one
>BBBY has not seen any evidence of short selling
how does this circle square?

>> No.54535523

Shares: 2,820

Cost Basis: $0.44

>There are people who paid more than .50 for this stock

>> No.54535589
File: 5 KB, 242x98, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with all of their existing capital
What capital? They have been mass printing shares to try and stay afloat.
What assets? They have 800 million dollars in debt left over if they sold every asset they have
>they are a prime target for M&A
See above, to buy bbby will cost someone 800 million in acquired debt as of their last quarterly update. I told all you retards this weeks ago.

>> No.54535654
File: 44 KB, 1131x881, BBBY-Barcode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing more than legalese. The precarious nature of wealthy fund managers necessitates that things will be CRAWLING with lawyers looking to fuck over BBBY management. The simple truth is this: The stock started to squeeze on 2/6 when we ran up to 7$. 120% in a single day. Now, when GME did something similar they paniced and turned off the buy button, causing a legal headache. This time, however, it appears that they have created an emegency-barcode-algo that manhandles the price and drowns out any buy pressure with back and forth transactions between MMs in order to control the trading range of a particular stock. The price action is uncanny, and a vast majority of orders have been internalized in dark pools. All of this downward pressure has created a fatal looking option chain that is cocked and ready to blow someone's head off.
I think the shorts are desperate for a cellar boxing candidate. However they were outmaneuvered and now they are basically underwater to GME as well as BBBY. The SEC is hamstringing RC and any M&A activity behind the scenes because it will cause a squeeze so massive that it must inherently be criminal in nature and impugn the integrity of the federal government and regulatory agencies once the scheme is exposed. Naughty naughty naughty.
Whatever you have to say about BBBY, something appears to be brewing in the background and if there was ever a time to put some money down on a risky gamble this is it. This is the trade of a lifetime. You get to slurp up a company for bankruptcy tier pricing of a company that is not going bankrupt. With a metric fuckton of shorts needing to close from diamond handed retail all of the factors exist for a Jan21 GME style squeeze are building up ready to erupt like a tendy-volcano.

>> No.54535663
File: 248 KB, 1284x822, 4FD6E3A5-DBE4-4EC8-A4E5-121612DEC11E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54535678
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>> No.54535688

There are people in this thread that bought shares when they were about $20. This thread has been around for a while. You’d be surprised how dumb some people can be.

>> No.54535725

You look and act like this. You are a gay nigger.

>> No.54535746

Oh well, if this stock gets de-listed or bankrupt im only out like 1.5k.

Unlike the guy who gambled his daughters college education away. Or that dumbass 350k yolo with a -98% loss atm hahaha!

>> No.54535768

> all of the factors exist for a Jan21 GME
ignoring that bbby is nothing but a wannabe GME's for a moment; none of that cope answers why Sue Grove and the board of BBBY would say they have seen no evidence of short selling in a filing talking to (You) their investors. In fact, if there is naked short selling going on and they have seen the evidence of it they've now opened themselves up to legal liability by wording it that way.

>> No.54535785

Kek. But just because there’s a bigger retard doesn’t mean you aren’t a retard yourself.

>> No.54535855

The fact that you have gone to lengths to misrepresent what was said in the filings implies that you have a vested interest in this.

>> No.54535857

And if you acknowledge short selling and then take steps to blow out the shorts, such as in the case of a reverse split to get a new CUSIP you could be liable for stock manipulation. It works both ways and we can never really know why anything is happening based on their words alone.
There are multiple moving parts and pieces that all need to be accounted for. Shillies enjoy only focusing on price and nothing else.

>> No.54535873

Everyone of every cost basis has seemingly disappeared except all these .3~.4 cost basis baggies. Also, probably unrelated, how no one ever posts their position. It's almost like needing multiple days of thousands of percent up to reach breakeven makes them and their DD look way too retarded so they've latched on to the cope of
>actually I'm not retarded I only have 3 dollars in at .29 so whatever happens, happens.
> we can never really know why anything is happening based on their words alone
then how could you ever invest in anything? You're just gambling and churching it up like you know what you're on about.

>> No.54535894

make sure to buy some more. That'll teach me and my village a lesson we won't soon forget.

>> No.54535904

Lol, that is one of my favorite things about this thread. They just pay attention to their most recent purchase, ignore the years of dumping money into this pile of flaming shit, and then try to take a victory lap. But even that is impossible when it’s a new ATL literally every trading day.

>> No.54535915
File: 25 KB, 1555x242, Not a baggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go faggot

>> No.54535948

Exactly. No one who takes an honest look at BBBY without cocking an eyebrow and seeing an opportunity is a paid shill. Even if you disagree with the risk-reward or do not believe the thesis then you could explain cogently why.
The paid shillies can do nothing but say "lol price go down". Even though they are literally up to date on everything BBBY and even appear to lurk the new posts on the cringe mines. None of it makes sense that someone would incessantly shill against bbby unless they were paid.
They literally have an impossible job, right now. They are desperate to shill but too obvious to do it without sticking out like a sore thumb.

>> No.54536029

>then how could you ever invest in anything? You're just gambling and churching it up like you know what you're on about.
The nature of illegally naked shorting companies because you can abuse PFOF is creating special circumstances. Isolating and pinning a market maker in a cellar boxing scheme in GME has fundamentally changed everything. The loss profile of a short sale is infinite, and their desperation is showing. I believe BBBY is most definitely related and a naked short needed a fresh-cellar boxing kill to stay alive and they went ALL IN. Only we didn't let them get their win. People are literally jumping out of windows, I think this speaks to the severity of what is about to unfold. This banking crisis is also related to swaps and a particular stock showing "idiosyncratic risks". I think we ALL know what that entails. It entails an oversold stock and the INFINITE LOSS PROFILE that is about to vacuum up the entitety of the capital markets and impugn the regulatory agencies, the federal govenment and Wallstreet in an illegal racket to defraud mainstreet by plundering our nation and destroying jobs and communities. Naughty naughty naughty.
Lots on the line, right now. And the elite that want to maintain the wealth-extraction racket are mother fucking PISSED.

>> No.54536066
File: 93 KB, 824x1024, 1655092938225143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a baggy.png
>every single one of his buys is red
I mean.... okay. Ignoring that for a moment and ignoring that these are your most recent buys and probably not everything you own in this: why haven't you bought more at these prices? You all seem awfully confident this will pay yet don't put your money where your mouth is? Why only a pittance of 1k? Why not lean in? After all the DD is done, the shorts haven't closed, and the hedgies are fukt, no?
that's a lot of words to say
>because i like gambling, bruv
but I take you meaning

>> No.54536098

“Lol price goes down” seems to have actually been a pretty wide strategy for bbby, in retrospect.

>> No.54536151


You are literally a brain dead nigger. You ask for the proof of lower cost basis and continue to nag like a nigger for a further explanation to a question you spring after receiving your answer.

This is everything I own in this, once again you are using strawman to set up and misrepresent my argument and position. Are you still in high school or get your psych degree from a community college?

Why would I spend more $$$ on a stock you believe will fall and go bankrupt? If I say I will you will attack, if I say no you will attack. Are you that fucking brain dead of a nigger to let your shilling be so obvious?

Never once got confident or cocky dumbfuck. I literally have my money invested in this company hahaha, can you not see? The money is where my mouth is, seems your mouth is stuck on black cock.

Hopefully whatever food vendor you eat your shitty lunch from before being crammed back into your FEMA trailer filled with sweaty jews has lots of metals and rat poison in it.

>> No.54536166


Have fun being a nigger on 4chan while I make $45 as a RDA nigger faggot

>> No.54536185

lol someone sounds uncomfy

>> No.54536194
File: 431 KB, 633x368, 1654891356625606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't sound very zen of you monkey baggie. Sounds like you're, dare I say, seething.
>accuses me of swinging at strawmen
>proceeds to setup and swing at strawmen
so this is the power of the apes when you ask them simple questions about their """investment""""

>> No.54536217


>> No.54536232

So what else do we think will be on the agenda for the May vote, now that it's not limited to a reverse split?

>> No.54536239

I have never seen someone get nigger'd so hard they just give up, you should be fired and have your salary donated to the short sellers

>> No.54536247

The company won’t exist by then.

>> No.54536269


>> No.54536270

Shill hopium, you love to see it.

>> No.54536297

you do understand you've been giving your money to the people you say you're against right?
I want to give it to you but I don't want the baggies to have it so I can't.

>> No.54536327
File: 104 KB, 1170x590, 67BB0C0F-033A-45ED-B2D3-2FB226B0BB47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not proud of my cost basis but I’m still here

>> No.54536328

I come here to check sentiment temperature, you come here to ask questions and get slapped to sleep

>> No.54536342
File: 13 KB, 452x636, Pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBBY is going to start announcing DRS numbers. Someone divided the market cap by the number of members of r/bbby and the dollar amount required by each person is comically low.
What do you think? Should I give TDA a call and DRS some GME and BBBY shares today?

>> No.54536367



>> No.54536375
File: 122 KB, 761x768, 1674538671986760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you don't own any of this stock. Neat. Me either.

>> No.54536383

Even if this 23k% move happens from here it wouldnt be much more then a 2x for the "squeeze" buyers

>> No.54536391

>Should I give TDA a call and DRS some GME and BBBY shares today?
>should shills kill themselves?
The answer to both is obviously yes

>> No.54536419
File: 104 KB, 1075x1250, Thisisyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based advice. I couldn't have done it without you. We are ALL going to wagmi together.

>> No.54536466

But I'm not a baggie yet.

>> No.54536475
File: 939 KB, 3500x1940, 059a725e02b7059a81fffe48f1a5eb3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you could have. We both like the stocks for the same reason. I believe in the companies and I believe they are undervalued at their current prices. Christ is King.

>> No.54536524

please nigger, dont feed the niggers. I know that by now some of you niggers might feel a strange connection to them shillniggers. Like in world war 1, when during the holidays the two opposing forces have stopped fighting, and started celebrating. Together. Like human beings.
This is nothing like that time. You may come in, you may see shills going all "good morning baggies" and "good night baggies", like they respect you, like they are friendly, like they are humans. But never forget. These shills are niggers. They listen to nigger music. They watch nigger porn. They talk about nigger things. And they get mad when you dont (you) them, coz they wont get paid. Just ignore them. They are niggers.

>> No.54536624

>When the price was higher it was smarter to bet that it didn't have the deal in place, with the price being lower it's smarter to bet that it does as that's now the higher upside play.
This isn’t a sound argument. The potential upside is always infinite and the potential downside is always 100%. If the stock goes to zero, it doesn’t matter what price you bought it at, so the risk is always the same. You also can’t make the argument that “the price is low so it’s a good idea to buy it” without some indication that the price has reason to increase and you can’t argue for an increase in price without spewing out giant walls of text about how some people you don’t even know are sending you coded messages through Twitter. The company lost half a billion dollars last quarter and leadership has stated multiple times that bankruptcy is NOT off the table. They are also deep in debt, which means they need money, and the only way they’re going to get money is by diluting the stock at the expense of existing shareholders.

>> No.54536627

Why isn’t the autistic volume poster around today?

And how many days in a row on regsho now? Seems like you all stopped tracking that.

>> No.54536650

We got off regsho last week despite having no change in volume, slowpoke

>> No.54536683
File: 65 KB, 768x515, AB0A2844-EB21-4E83-94FD-AC948477ECEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have explained to you many times why it’s a bad investment, you just choose to ignore them

>> No.54536684

So MOASS is off the table. Thanks!

>> No.54536691

I thought that being regsho didn't matter? Have you changed your mind regarding that?

>> No.54536708

You must have me confused with another anon.

>> No.54536720

I don't get it, why are you saying that no one who doesn't see an opportunity in BBBY is a paid shill, then pivot to talking about how the people fudding it are paid shills? Did you have a stroke or something, you seem a little confused? You also ask for them to explain "cogently why" they don't believe in the thesis, then use them knowing facts about the company as proof they're paid shills. I don't get why the contradiction, why are you asking for proof that you're wrong just to then try and spin them knowing more about the company than you as proof that you're right?

>> No.54536753
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>> No.54536759

Because he’s a paid pumper and he doesn’t actually believe any of the shit he says, he just wants everyone here to buy his bags

>> No.54536791

A bag merchant, if you will

>> No.54536792

>Because he’s a paid pumper
you can just call them shills. Despite how they've tried to twist the definition of the word around they regularly shill their bags to try to get a bigger fool to bail them out.

>> No.54536860
File: 5 KB, 251x201, all abord baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no bailing out the bbby train.

>> No.54537020
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>> No.54537257

Holy fuck the amount of shorty cope ITT is hilarious, you shills do realize that BBBY officially filed with the SEC today and acknowledged that naked shorting is happening, right? And they're also going to start publicly tracking DRS numbers...

Short bros... I think it might be over for you...

>> No.54537344

so flat today, CTB is 30% now, anyone still shorting is about to get rugged.

>> No.54537360



>> No.54537389

kek trannies

>> No.54537410

Smart money is writing puts for $0.50. I was paid $44 to front $100 to buy shares 3 weeks in the future. An immediate 44% return. And even if I lose, I will receive 200 shares. I used said premium to buy 2 shares of GME. Easiest money I have ever made in my life and it cost me next to nothing.

>> No.54537452

>still calling fuds shills
>making up easily disproven claims
bbby confirmed for zero in a week.

>> No.54537468
File: 42 KB, 460x338, Brrrrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of, you silly, silly shilly. You wish you could get out of this trade so easily.
BBBY gon' go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.54537546


>> No.54537552


>> No.54537604

>gme back to 20 fast
bbby will survive out of the sheer fact that pine cone rohen wanted it at some point in his life

>> No.54537642

>Keeps responding
Lol, lmao

>> No.54537659
File: 9 KB, 229x220, 0D62EB43-D89A-479D-91A2-EDA0DDFAF532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their job isn’t to FUD discreetly it’s to minimize the chance of new investors and maximize the uncertainty of current holders. Their goal is to derail any potential discussion and keep all platforms focused on shitflinging.
If every American attempted to DRS a single share this would be over within a day. Their job is to never let public conversation get to that point.

>> No.54537673

So when is it getting delisted?
Two weeks now right?

>> No.54537725

>all we need for a short squeeze is 300 million shares drsed
Kek baggies

>> No.54537729

Intelligent bulls are going to push close above .30 which will activate the hyperswaps that will teleport us to $888, namaste.

>> No.54537747

has earning even been officially announced ?

>> No.54537757

Schwab says its on the 12th

>> No.54537758
File: 541 KB, 1200x1153, 1680094623691311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your next thread is up fellers
