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54533647 No.54533647 [Reply] [Original]

Is throwing your main customer base under the bus a smart business strategy?

>> No.54533653

any attention is good attention

>> No.54533661

Before you had to drink the beer to vomit, now you just need to look at.

>> No.54533669

Look at Gillette - minor outcry, then a month later everyone forgot and started buying their products again. People have minds like sieves.

>> No.54533675

not for P&G, theyve silently sold everything off the shelves of target and walmart
>hmm should i get Tide or Gain?
same company

now they are losing market share and customers are buying dollar shave club or some shit like that

>> No.54533681

That's a woman

>> No.54533691

It's about pushing an agenda (judaism) not profit.

>> No.54533695

boomers are consoomers.
they'll throw their fit and say they're protesting bud light
but then cave when they realize they must also protest: stella artois, kona, shock top, mich ultra, and all the other brands anheusr busch owns. conjservative boomers are the most pathetic political class in the modern age

>> No.54533700

I had not a single thought about Budweiser for years. Now I keep getting reminded of it every day. So I guess that's good marketing.

>> No.54533708

Goddamn it slip my drink because of you.

>> No.54533710

You already got a thread nigger stop attention whoring you stupid drunk faggot.
Bad as the tranny in the pic.

>> No.54533718

Nobody gives a fuck about marketing for brands they are already loyal to, chud. Most Yuengling drinkers don't subscribe to the owner's batshit rightwing politics. They just like the taste.

>> No.54533729

>everyone talking about bud

What a disaster for the brand

>> No.54533747

Jews already have enough money so they dont care anymore. They just like to toy with goys.

>> No.54533752



Gillette lost 7% of market share after that ad, they had to blame it on mail razor companies and covid.

>> No.54533761

The type of people that drink Bud Light are just barely self aware and likely don't know Earth is a planet.

>> No.54533792

But even they know what a woman is

>> No.54533977
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Why do people drink this unironically. It's like purposefully shoving vomit inducing liquid down your throat and calling it "alcohol". I bought 10 sixpacks of henessy from my latest XOR staking and that was just 100 usd, like, up your game people

>> No.54534014

Yes it’s called Stockholm syndrome, it will result in dramatic sales increases when these same corporations return to form

>> No.54534782

Is there a list of brands you can buy to avoid giving money to P&G?

>> No.54534797


Yes. Next question?

>> No.54534866
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I'm an actual tranny and I prefer miller lite

>> No.54534924

I do believe Jeffrey Dahmer was a miller lite guy,

>> No.54534934


>> No.54534953

a bad product people only pick because of apathy is positioned worse of all to take extremist political views

>> No.54534982

Also, alcoholics are miserable people, so it's predictable that their customer base would be a bunch of losers coping with their lives by getting drunk and hating trannies

>> No.54534998

>everyone forgot and started buying their products again
I shave with a safety razor and feather blades.

>> No.54535002

Only works for females and you need to rape and beat them first

>> No.54535004
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>drinking lite beer

>> No.54535047

Any major US company is subject to the whims of BlackRock and Vanguard and will push their agenda. It's not really about maximizing profits anymore because the effect is negligible.

>> No.54535059

every self respecting man doesn't respect trannies the same way they don't respect furries

pushing an ideology of self hatred ("i dont agree with the reality of what i am") is simply repulsive to most people, especially those who know how bad self-loathing is, like alcoholics

>> No.54535078

I would boycott but I dont buy shitty beers

>> No.54535089

>Most Yuengling drinkers don't subscribe to the owner's batshit rightwing politics.


>> No.54535090

Came here for this, not disappointed

>> No.54535100
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They aren't operating for profits at this point.
Same like Disney Facebook and all the other Jew infested companies. (((They))) have been making money pandering to the white man for decades, and now they are willing to take some loses to further their agenda.
Boycott all products under (((their))) control.

>> No.54535117

Kek cope harder faggot

>> No.54535120

It doesn't matter, they just got a perfect ESG score for this stunt. You goyim will pay for the tranny slop either through inflation or your wages and you will be happy.

>> No.54535152

i'm not the one that has to cope every single day with who i am though, am i?

>> No.54535161
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>> No.54535202
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I'm loud and proud ;)

>> No.54535223
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Trans women are outcompeting vagina owners in every aspect. From business to sports, they are putting women back in their place. The kitchen. To fix me a sandwich.
I'm thinking, we need MOAR trans fags destroying women in sports and at their job.
The more trans fags, the more trad women. Prove me wrong.

>> No.54535239

Nah, he liked Schlitz

>> No.54535247

Schlitz gay?

>> No.54535279
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Imagine my surprise

>> No.54535312

tell that to gillete

>> No.54535415

People don't realize just how much money these corporations make

And they continue to implement cost cutting measures to increase revenue even more.

Corps like P&G and AnBusch are frankly the reason people have such negative opinions of capitalism. Corporations making as much money as them should be building America. They should be funding infrastructure projects and shilling for improvements to cities they operate in..

But they don't, they cut costs, fire people, and give bonuses to the "big guys". The big guys have no interest in reinvesting that money into the community they live in "by choice", so wealthy areas somewhat forced it by making these rich faggots pay exorbitant property taxes to maintain the area. If there were no property taxes these retards would be perfectly fine living behind walls gates and fences surrounded by a shantytown favela.

And yes this is a new phenomena among America's rich and elite. Go back to the industrial revolution and compare what the "Jeff bezos" and "Elon musk's" of that era did with their excess funds. Milton Hershey built an entire fucking city with his money. The streets, the energy, the water, the utilities. People like Andrew Carnegie funded educational facilities throughout the east coast, mostly PA, and still to this day his name is on one of the largest library networks. He donated one of his mega mansions to a community college. Henry Ford spent so much of Ford's money on roadway research, and funded the construction of roads around many of their factories and neighborhoods where workers lived, as well as around the country, and being one of the main proponents in the design of the interstate highway system.

Essentially my point is that the favorable view of capitalism requires the people at the top to blow off their excess for the community, and to reinvest into the American infrastructure which pushed us to where we are today. We are stagnant because our rich are selfish.

>> No.54535429

Only if the ESGbux outweigh permanent damage to the company.

>> No.54535453

Very well formulated argument. And i couldn't agree more.
They aren't just selfish, they are unpatriotic at this point. Selling us out to the highest bidder. Which seems to be China.

>> No.54535467

that's a man! that's a man! that's a mother fucking man! man! man! man! he's a mother fucking man! can't fool me that's a man man man!

>> No.54535479
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Why don't companies put out ads with racial slurs then?
>Buy Bud Lite NIGGER

This would generate 10x more attention

>> No.54535487
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>> No.54535527

That is an advertisement that would work on me.

>> No.54535560


>> No.54535588

>Is throwing your main customer base under the bus a smart business strategy?
It is if it pleases Wallstreet kikes since they'll just print money to keep you afloat.

>> No.54535671

Not if your goals are to make money.

If you had (((OTHER))) goals however...

>> No.54535718

>If there were no property taxes these retards would be perfectly fine living behind walls gates and fences surrounded by a shantytown favela.
If there were no property taxes then there would be no public school system, and the private sector would raise up a more intelligent and more generous class of competent elites. This is why we had a Henry Ford in the first place. Elon Musk is successful because that's the kind of person that the government subsidizes. It's not like all the good people just happened to be born in the 1800's and selfish souls started showing up in the 1900's. It's the incentive structure. The government (your socialist government) rewards sloth and gluttony, so don't blame them when that's the kind of person who gets rich in the command economy you're advocating for.

>> No.54535738

Fucking kek

>> No.54535779

>main customer base
that would be trannies
are you telling me that all of these trannies I see all of the time aren't the majority of people and are just overly represented because these degenerate faggots thrive off of attention? I want the tranny customer base, they're everywhere, it's only logical.

>> No.54536819

They let some female hire "it".

>> No.54536867

Is the end goal of blackrock to have everyone living healthy sober lives by boycotting all the ESG shit they promote?

>> No.54537094

>Flamboyant american gays are replacing corporate america repressed gays

>> No.54537116

How do gays feel about getting grouped in with larping clowns like this

>> No.54537200

This has been proven wrong already.

>> No.54537312

Why dont you cry more you triggered right wing snowflake

>> No.54537391

that is not what you look like.

>> No.54537400
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How to prevent another beer hall putsch in Weimar America? Make all the beer gay and troony.

>> No.54537417

Anyone whose main beer is bud light deserves to be thrown under a bus

Just look at the branding on the can
Can you get more "Idiocracy goyslop visceral belly fat liver poison"?

>> No.54537430
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The end goal is the destruction of western civilization. ESG is a weapon. Nothing the (((left))) does makes us stronger. They exist to weaken and destroy.

>> No.54537681
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Ann hauser bush is 'above money, above profit and loss.' At that billionaire level they deal in power and influence not just money. They could pick a savvy business hotshot to revitalize the bud light brand, but instead they hire, and pay millions of dollars- to an semi-competent yenta just so she can flex and be woke af and rub trannies in our face 24/7.

>> No.54537718

They're doing it to mock the buyers.
They absolutely hate them and view them as retarded cattle. It's an awful product and all of the executives know it. They sit around and think about how to abuse the consumers more Can anyone name a more antithetical consumer base to tranny adverts? I'll start
>Harley Davidson
>Home Depot

>> No.54537743

dam anon solid example, put that to bed for good

>> No.54537774

Then they wouldnt get funding from the banks

>> No.54537786

it literally is, and i literally have my own private warehouse of gold bars

>> No.54537850

>my shitty domestic beer is gay now! This is personal slight against ME
If anything involving the corporate strategy of bud light is a defining moment in your life you really have fucking lost it

>> No.54537875
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I would 100x long my nw she fails up. Failure is victimhood bonus points.

>> No.54537885

It's a dude.

>> No.54537911

>we need to put a woman on the board to avoid being pilloried on social media
>put her in marketing, how much could she fuck up there

>> No.54537955

They basically did
If they become the ebin racist beer you'll be too afraid to buy it
If they're the hip young people beer you'll feel scorned, switch to budweiser and AB still gets the shekels

>> No.54537965

Chud thread
>chud thread
Chud thread
>chud thread

>> No.54538019
File: 12 KB, 380x349, Screenshot (70).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 new message from avraham solomon
>"wassaaaaaaaaaappp! get some bud light this weekend. bud-weis-er *croak* clomp clomp here come the ponies
>hmmm, this is addictive, causes cancer, gives me a headache and makes me have to piss, but schlomo here gets me.
>1 new message from avraham solomon
>"chicks with dicks LOVE bud!"

>> No.54538276

They'll be mad at Bud Lite and boycott, a month later forget about why, go into a store and buy a case of Bud and not even realize it. It's about riling people up with a message that sticks in their subconscious.

>> No.54538303

Man what the fuck is wrong with Jews?
>be worth billions
>could fund life extension tech, robotics, eugenics to breed the most perfect fucktoy women, space travel, etc
>instead they spend all their time and economic energy on trying to destroy

>> No.54538682

Even retarded rednecks know bud light and budwieser are both AB.

>> No.54538724

Based, right gags have no future and are evil death cultists who should be sterilized.

They can’t even control the narrative on 4chan anymore. The right wing is losing.

>> No.54538738
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Seethe more, nobody likes this tranny bullshit.

>> No.54538745


>> No.54538756

Nobody likes you. The zoomers want you dead LMAO
You have no future, which is why you’re crouched over your keyboard shitting blood in anger of trannies and hoarding gigabytes of tranny gore like the mentally ill maniac you are.

>> No.54538779

man I'm super assmad this thread is allowed to be posted every day.
I got banned for making a thread on Hedera donating to... a country that's at war, on the other side of the world.
that was 'too political'.
but 'bud light & trannies' is totally fine.

>> No.54538803

if your trade bots make 100% a day, and you can throw that money on esg influence projects, eventually the sheep will begin to sing your tune

>> No.54538819
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Hey chuds, Heinerscheid isn't a Jewish name. Nice try, /polcels/

>> No.54538830

there are major business implications
i unironically bought some BUD stock today

>> No.54538841

Jannies are far right shills and are on pay rolls to infiltrate 4chan and radicalize young men into dying for their death cult.

They literally do it for money.

>> No.54538842

>censoring blackrock


>> No.54538868

Do you expect chuds to know any history or know how to read? They’re fucking retarded and get pump and dumped by any savvy Indian scam out here

>> No.54539162

She's anyhow married to a Jew faggot. Look it up.

>> No.54539182

Which is how she got the job.
Trannies will seethe

>> No.54539594

Many of them were given German surnames, in Germany. Germaniously.

>> No.54539649


>Alissa Mary Gordon and Henry Charles Heinerscheid were married Saturday evening at St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in La Jolla, Calif. The Rev. John H. Finley IV, an Episcopal priest, performed the ceremony, with the Rev. Eleanor Ellsworth, also an Episcopal priest, taking part.

So you're telling me the "jewish" husband, who had the last name Heinerscheid (which alissa adopted from him), got married by a priest in a Protestant church?

>> No.54540243

The problem wasn't marketing. The product is terrible. Its watered down tasting. Miller makes a better light beer and girls drink whiteclaws now for low calories.
They were lucky to have the customer base they did, and they alienated rednecks who dont really like beer. Now all they have is kegger college parties where people dont really like the taste of beer.

>> No.54540399

kys immediately faggot

>> No.54540443

Kek who cares? Fags have always drank bud light anyways
>t. Budweiser drinker

>> No.54540467

They should have made a new rainbow tranny brand and let Bud Light sunset as a cash cow if they thought their demographic was dying off.

There are millions of people who buy Bud Light without a thought who now think about it. Bad move.

>> No.54540478

Just Google owners of the products you commonly buy.

>> No.54540496

>10 sixpacks of henessy
Today I learned that americans drink cognac out of fucking cans.
Every day my opinion of your people sinks a bit lower.

>> No.54540545

The drunk probably meant henekin.

>> No.54540694 [DELETED] 
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>white women are si masculine that white men can pass as white women

>> No.54540810

All the guys at my large easter gathering except 1 switched off bud light. Everyone including the women were calling him gay, faggot, called the beer tranny fluid. I came with a case of blatz, other guys were drinking founders or bells(two hearted or Oberon)
Unlike typical corp fag shilling this one really got to the normies.
It was refreshing to see guys ribbing each other calling each other faggots again.
Bud light took it's position as the default apathetic beer of choice for granted. Decades of great marketing undone to obtain the default beer spot
It's now officially the beer of fags and anyone drinking faces having their sexuality questioned by other men.

>> No.54540897

yes. me and my tranny friends are drinking bud light now

>> No.54541001

when larry fink pays the bills your customers literally dont even matter.

>> No.54541051

Trannies don't make money like this unless they're being taken advantage of financially and sexually, or they have really rich parents.

>> No.54541396

She can't fuck up, she's being guided by satan and black rock will foot the bill of her failure. Pushing "the agenda" is more important