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54534071 No.54534071 [Reply] [Original]

>live in the netherlands
>go to med school for free
>make 60k/year as a doctor when im done due to being a communist country with high taxes

Should I just go to the US to get raped a few years in residency and then enjoy the 300k/year?

>> No.54534099


This will be good. inb4 taxes and social services are communism.

>> No.54534117

ask him how providing those services for free to everyone (including immigrants) has worked out. now is your chance for real world feedback.

>> No.54534132
File: 74 KB, 591x695, IMG_20230131_094654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but Austria. What's your plan plains nigger

>> No.54534142

>52% tax rate
>literally work more than half of the time for free

>> No.54534154
File: 394 KB, 480x896, European strength is good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you don't die when you're in a medical emergency. You also don't have to pay 100k in student loans at a 10% interest rate like Americans.
Americans pay 100k in medical fees and 100k in student loans with super high interest rates.
You do none of this, you got it all for free in exchange for taxes that are only 10-15% higher than an American and wages that are about 15% lower during residency at least.

If you don't like it you can always move to America afterwards and you don't even have to pay your country back for the free education.

>> No.54534155

Have you considered going to switzerland? Pay and taxes seem quite good there too. That's my other consideration besides the US

>> No.54534164

>Taking care of increasingly brown patients
What's your specialty?

>> No.54534166

It is when people earning 10 times less have access to the same level of service than you do for which you are paying more because you did better in school and took life seriously.

>> No.54534173


>> No.54534201
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The swiss prefer the shquip nigger

>> No.54534216

No. Here's what you should do: Join the U.S. military as a doctor and work at a military hospital. You will be indemnified against any malpractice accusations, you can misdiagnose whatever you want, and you will receive a relatively competitive salary for the U.S. ($150k+). If you gain U.S. citizenship you can do basically the same thing but while wearing a uniform and LARP as a soldier, with greater opportunities for locations (if you're a local, you'll probably only be able to work at military hospitals in the EU where competition is stronger, if you're a member of the military you could work worldwide).

>> No.54534223

>Noooo you cant just provide basic levels of care and infrastructure to people! Poor people have to suffer because…because they just have to, ok?!

Communism is not predicated on a certain tax bracket being greater than or less than 50%. I would suggest a remedial Econ course before you try your hand at medicine kek.

>> No.54534239

I know it's not communism, i'm just exaggerating. point is that a doctor here barely makes more than somebody with 10% of their education due to taxes making net-pay almost equal. I don't agree with that.

>> No.54534270

Tradies make money than doctors with their overtime. You spent 6 years studying? Tradies spent a good chunk of those working instead

>> No.54534303
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The poor people you're describing are almost entirely sandniggers who were imported

>> No.54534374

>Noooo your have to pay for the leeches and neets to have an easy life while they don't need to pay squat. Poor people have to get everything without work at all....because they just have to, ok?!

>> No.54534978

hallo roomer