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545340 No.545340 [Reply] [Original]

Adopters of Pandacoin(PND) should consider taking advantage of the current opportunity we have of bringing attention to the developers of OpenBazaar. You can email them at - project@openbazaar.org

Voice your opinion and desire for PND to be used for transactions on OpenBazaar. Be the change that you want to see.

>> No.545341

God dammit, stop flooding the board.

>> No.545346

Come to freenode/pandacoinpnd and hang out

>> No.545347

i'll definitely email them in a little while

>crypto containment board has crypto threads
shiet nigga i didn't expect this

>> No.545350

Yes, but we do not need TEN threads for a single coin.

>> No.545374

bumping for being actually important

>> No.545451

there. I did it. Hopefully I'll be able to se my PND soon

>> No.545454

sounds cool, but what should I say?
Also why isn't there a pnd general, to contain all of these threads?

>> No.545484

there should be I think it 404d
i'm waiting for someone to make one so people stop getting mad about these posts

just tell them you're very intereseted in buying on the market. That you'd like to use PND to do so and how it's a very secure coin, then you could mention how "It's just that BTC is being controlled these days (which is true" and PND sounds like a safer alternative.

>> No.545601


need a /PND/

>> No.545612

You could really even just say that you very much prefer PND over BTC. It doesn't have to be complicated and long.

>> No.545695

Open bazaar is essentially the replacement for SR right?

>> No.545786

I'd wait until the 3.0.0 update before writing a letter. With PND lowering the barrier of entry into the cryptocurrency world Open bazaar would have a reason to want to adopt it. How successful PND is in reaching new users will probably influence Open Bazaar's decision to use it.

Essentially yes. Decentralized, as you probably know. Much like SR, all transactions don't have to be for illicit goods and so not every vendor's store will have to be routed over Tor or I2p.

>> No.545901

>Much like SR, all transactions don't have to be for illicit goods and so not every vendor's store will have to be routed over Tor or I2p.
ok good.
I know they are beta testing now, but do you know when it will actually launch?

What about if someone who isn't me still wants to purchase something that may be illicit?

Since it's decentralized, what will law enforcement do?

>> No.545916

>Since it's decentralized, what will law enforcement do?
Just about nothing, that's the beauty of it. The only way that law enforcement could catch you is if the package were detected, you didn't practice good security/the vendor didn't practice good security, or if the vendor was actually LE.

With cannabis legalization getting more and more popular though the war on drugs seems to be coming to an end. Cannabis arrests make up more than half of the drug related arrests in America. If cannabis is federally rescheduled or becomes legal in more states, the DEA will be losing the majority of its potential arrest targets and will no doubt have difficulty justifying its massive budget.

>> No.545918

God it's going to be so funny when this shitcoin dies.

Too bad it will just instantly be replaced with another pump n dump.

>> No.545920

Good. I'd be a lot happier if I was a heavy cannabis user.

>> No.545924

It's kind of hard to tell, but it seems like some of the people actually believe. Like they've actually drunk the proverbial cool aid, which is sad, but I still hate you guys too, nothing personal. But the majority I think are fully aware that they are hyping up nothing in the hopes of making a quick buck. For you I hold a special hatred. Please, feel free to fuck off.

>> No.545949
File: 829 KB, 680x456, AllYourFeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if downloading pandabank sucks your dick. I want to see how they plan on getting the coin to be used by retailers and customers. This is the actual hard part. Anybody can make a user friendly format.

No answers besides "marketing in China", "secret plans" and "devs announcing something soon".

>> No.545964

No answers besides "marketing in China", "secret plans" and "devs announcing something soon".

Which, to anyone who wasn't born yesterday..
spells exactly fuck all. Thank you. To those who weren't born yesterday, it's all too familiar, isn't it?

>> No.545986

on a scale of 1 to total anal annihilation
how buttmad are you that you didnt get in pnd below 1 sat?

>> No.545998

It's not that I'm angry. I just fucking hate you, that's all. I hate every one of you: the stupid ones, and the crooked ones. I needed to unload some hate, and you all just happened to be a perfect fucking targets. Don't take it personally, I just don't like spamming pieces of shit and I don't care what you're pushing or how you justify it. I don't really have a problem with cryptocurrency either, just you.

>> No.546000

how sad

>> No.546006

I think he's at total anal annihilation.

>> No.546515

bumping for importancee

>> No.546521
File: 172 KB, 358x474, aygj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not that I'm angry. I just fucking hate you
>not angry
>i fucking hate you

1. hating people, let alone ones you have never met, is weird and you obviously have a mental problem.

2. you're mad

>> No.546585

if i had a few pandacoins i would have a good reason

>> No.546802

I could use some PND as well...


Thanks friend!

>> No.546821

maybe join our irc? #PandacoinPND

>> No.547271

I have no idea how to buy this pandacoin shit

What is a wallet and how do I get one?

>> No.547485

>yfw wolong returns claiming to have found enlightenment and pumping pnd

>> No.547498

I sent them an e-mail

>> No.547509

buypnd.com or exchanges.
>not knowing ANYTHING about cryptos
PLS, this is the 1900's anymore gramps.

>> No.547514


and yes i have emailed them, i have followed the prject for awhile but never thought about them implementing PND.

>> No.549122

bumping for genuine importance