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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5449515 No.5449515 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when you're up 3x after buying in the binance listing. Who else glad to be on the ICX space freight?

To non ICX fags, sooooo tell me again why you aren't on the next moon mission? This is clearly going to increase in value through mid 2018, probably a 10x from here. FOMO yourself and get in this thing instead of buying LINK at ATH and selling at a 30% loss. Buy this and fucking hold. We're jettisoning out of the universe soon, and it will be to late for any gains.

>> No.5449527


>ICX bros only
>To non ICX fags

>> No.5449548
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>> No.5449566

Bought yesterday at about $5, hoping it'll continue it's rise.

>> No.5449570

this level of shilling is the mark thazt ICX won't grow the way it did anymore, unless major things happen

>> No.5449582

I bought 4,000 at ATH, am I gonna make it anon?

>> No.5449596

So comfy knowing ill be rich

>> No.5449598

>he doesn't know about the upcoming happenings that'll send this into normie land and beyond

>> No.5449603

45 bags @ 3.70

>> No.5449614


Too late for any gains? Nigger, ICX is going to surpass ETH like Google surpassed Yahoo. ICX is going to make Vitalik's little project look like a two bit clown show of bugmen and soyboys.

I feel bad for anyone who put a sizable portion of their eggs in the ERC20 meme token basket. If you max gains, sell your ERC20s and short the ETH they run on and buy ICX.

You will not regret it come 2019.

>> No.5449622

have you been here long? you need to distinguish between the shitcoin shilling, and the shilling that happens when people are just excited as fuck to be in this early (still early to get in). this is the latter and has been for a while.

>> No.5449628

I am making serious bank off this coin, im pretty much all in besides my little LINK stash and just a bit of BNB (which will be worth a fuckton later on mark my words) I'm selling my ARK on this pump to buy in more ICX and LINK, I'm gonna go from $3600 to $10,000 before January 5th at this rate! I am finally making it after 2 years in crypto I've learned many hard lessons but I now know enough to make good decisions just in time for 2018, the year of raining money. It's gonna be a good day on Jan 1st when ICX hits the CoineOne in Korea. Merry Christmas anons, love you all.

>> No.5449649

exactly this.

You need an IQ higher than 110 to distinguish between Pajeet shilling and people who are genuinely fucking thrilled with the prospect of a great find.

>> No.5449656

holdin TRX, XRP and ICX

were gonna make it

>> No.5449657

I must be autistic or something, I am shit at this.

>> No.5449663

>2 years in crypto
lmao brainlet, I'm at 17k from $800 back in October
if you ever make it I'll be a fucking billionaire

>> No.5449697

i didnt make the $3600 from the 2 years in crypto silly, i learned with small amounts of play money over the two years and now im starting to put in actual money now that i am confident and competent enough to make consistent gains.

>> No.5449741

Why? Because it is too expensive now anon. Risky

>> No.5449747
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>> No.5449748

thank you for shilling this gem to me, /biz/

>> No.5449751

seriously, how fucking lucky are we to find this coin when its under 5 bucks. I was an early adapter of ETH and had to sell it because it lost my job last year.. Sold my lot at 10 bucks. I know pain and now, I will know redemption

>> No.5449765
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This more of a celebration than shill.

>> No.5449773

Too bad my student loans don't come until mid January or else I'd been on my way to be an icon billionaire

>> No.5449775

I went from 10k to 70k playing around with IOTA. Now I put everything in ICX. Am I gonna make it to 500k anon?

>> No.5449777

This is a Korean coin that isnt listed on any Korean exchange whatsoever. In fact its only listed on fucking Binace atm.

I think they have a team of over 600 people, including South Korean government, hospital, and bank contracts.

Inb4 shill. or "thanks just bought 100k pajeet"
Just go to binace and look at the fucking candlesticks, the market volume, the change in satoshi

Granted this thing will dip at some point. It hasnt had a sustained 24 hour dip ONCE so far.

>> No.5449807

what coin boyo?

>> No.5449818
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>> No.5449827

>Granted this thing will dip at some point
Yeah, it will dip from $20 to $18. Nice, just sold 100k.

>> No.5449830

if you shipped 70k into icx plz buy us hookers when you hit a million next year

>> No.5449852

Day trading and buying low ARK (worst performer, looking to dump during the next pump), REQ, LINK and ICX. Easy.

>> No.5449853


I honestly was thinking $5 by new years and $10 by january 3 days ago. We've currently been flirting with $5 going over and under for the past...6 hours now?

$10 by new years? or too bullish?

>> No.5449860

By shilling,i also meant this level of enthusiasm.

It's like watching normies on Justin Sun's twitter.

>> No.5449864

>$10 by new years?
Very likely.

>> No.5449881

$10 by New Years ATH? Y/N?

>> No.5449887
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Ah yes. Stay poor cuck
Why dont you buy some more litecoin

>> No.5449890

I pumped 1k into ripple, should i sell and go into ICX

>> No.5449902

been on /biz/ since January 2016, I witness ETH at $5 and bought at $7 but ok bud

>> No.5449918

Ripple is dead profit-wise. Get the fuck out before you get dumped on.

>> No.5449954

i'd keep both dbh

>> No.5449999

LOL provide at least ONE reason why

I plan too but convert to ICX for quick gains

>> No.5450016

>LOL provide at least ONE reason why
$40b market cap you dumb newfag

>> No.5450023

And you have 3,600 dollars.
That makes it so much worse.

>> No.5450027

I bought dumbass.

>> No.5450046

this. its pumped to hell and the marketcap means just doubling for ripple won't be easy.

>> No.5450071

I love how Icon gets more and more independent of bitcoin swings everyday. It really seems pinned to the dollar much more so than other coins

>> No.5450088

Truly pathetic degenerate-tier. Anyone who browsed /biz/ since January fucking 2016 should have been a millionaire by now. If someone claims he's a /biz/ oldfag ask for proof that he's a millionaire, because if he's not, either he's lying or he's a brainlet. In either case you should disregard said person's advice.
Precisely. It's the same level of retardation as buying bitcoin at $19k. Or buying bitcoin at all.

>> No.5450089

but you can't think of ripple as just another top market cap coin with no room or very little room to grow. the niche they are trying to fill will = trillions of dollars in volume daily. if this actually happens, theres no reason their market cap wont x 10 at least.

i see no difference between holding ripple or any other speculative coin and waiting for a x 10. except that id rather hold ripple because they actually have a functioning product that banks are already implementing, but that's just me.

>> No.5450092


ICX was the only coin to have never to gone into the red during the BTC dive.

>> No.5450119

You're wrong but go ahead, it's your money, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.5450126


>never gone into the red

Let me clarify, I mean never went into the red for it's 24h performance. Every other coin except a few shitcoin pnds went red. ICX was the only non-shitcoin to stay green for every trading period since Dec 21.

>> No.5450142

where is icx eoy 2018

>> No.5450146

ok, screenshotted ill post this when xrp = 10 bucks lel

>> No.5450151


>> No.5450165
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For all you fucking newfriends out there, this just means ICX is something exceptionally fucking special out of every other coin on the market.

Never not buy ICX.

>> No.5450169

if the volume picks up soon i may pick this up again for the 2nd time today at ath no fucks given

>> No.5450174

In ur ass. LOL

why ask such stupidfag questions

>> No.5450185

I told my friend about it, but haven't bought any myself cause I don't want to lose my positions in my current holdings.

He's already had rediculous fucking gains in just the week or so since it's been listed on Binance. I'm mad fucking jelly.

I'll buy in early January though.

>> No.5450193


>the sunk cost fallacy

>> No.5450195

Who the fuck knows. Top 5 is very likely so it depends on market cap of crypto as a whole.
Not even Arkies are this deluded.
You'll be buying at $10 minimum.

>> No.5450198

Buy now dude...

>> No.5450201

Will I get $1M with 30k ICX?

>> No.5450217

No, you need atleast 4billion ICX

>> No.5450219

Should I sell my TRX for ICX?

>> No.5450221

>Bought yesterday at about $5, hoping it'll continue it's rise.

Literally buying at all-time high, nice. Should've waited for a dip before entering.

>> No.5450227

>'ll buy in early January though.

It'll be too late by then

>> No.5450230

It could easily go to $8 by EoY

>> No.5450247

Virtually guaranteed.

>> No.5450256


I think we'll hit $8 by Wednesday/Thursday tbqh.

>> No.5450276
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And that is the story, of how I traded ICX.

>> No.5450290
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>> No.5450307

Do people actually fall for the pajeet memes after 2 days of lurking?

>> No.5450311

Never thought I would bag hold, but this thing never dips so I have no idea when to sell high buy low.

>> No.5450319

the trick with this one is u gotta buy at the ATH to get out with any profits bro. buy high sell low its not a meme here anymore

>> No.5450323

Stop trying to daytrade you idiot. If you are that unsure of a coin you should have never bought it in the first place.

>> No.5450324

i sold at 31300 :<
why does making decent profit in crypto feel so bad?

>> No.5450325
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>> No.5450329

I'm not specialist, but I think you should change your strategy.

>> No.5450335

Hold for 3-6 months minimum.

>> No.5450343
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Don't be like last night's faggot guys (pic). When this dips even the slightest in an elliot wave, just buy and hold.

>> No.5450344

he said eoy *2018*

it will be 50-100

>> No.5450355

Sell around March 2018?

>> No.5450371

you should sell everything for icx. not meming

>> No.5450380
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It won't really dip that's why, at least not until january. This is Cardano all over again but this time it's a working product (main net up before eoy or start of january)

>> No.5450381
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>> No.5450383
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kek had to read this twice just to make sure. Nice echo nomiks strat, friendo

>> No.5450394

and learn what's bagholding you dumb newfag
read my post again, ADD-kun
I'm not selling any until $50. Will sell half at $100 and hold rest forever.

>> No.5450398


>> No.5450412


Okay you've fomo'd me enough. I'll fucking take it out of bill money and buy some, and put the money back into my bill budget next month.

>> No.5450456

sell when it overtakes ETH in the market. It's guaranteed to do so

>> No.5450478

>1. ICON (ICX) $3.86 USD -This off the radar behemoth has its tentacles in the entire SKorea tech industry and could be headed for global domination. It's nailed countless partnerships in SKorea + government backing. If you are in SKorea and use an electronic device, it is likely connected to ICON by only 1-2 degrees of separation. Expect $25-35 entering into Feb 2018 and a top 10 coin long term. Be fast, Korean exchange listings imminent and cmcap update forthcoming. Buy up to $17-20

From https://steemit.com/crypto/@beakernz/myrtle-beach-confidential-2018-q1-q2-crypto-report-steemit-exclusive

>> No.5450500

ico flippers definitely did sell, it had the second highest volume on binance when it listed. Massive

>> No.5450503

That's certainly possible, but it's not guaranteed. Remember that Bitcoin, Litecoin and Bcash are all vaporware shitcoins, yet they have giant market caps.

>> No.5450508

yeah im at a -$10 with trx...still trying to hold it for a pump and then im selling for icx asap

>> No.5450527

number one coin pick, but honestly numbers 2-5 should be more icx

>> No.5450551

This is a new market and there are going to be inefficiencies at first. The superior products, with more funding and backing will win out sooner or later.

>> No.5450581

Just broke $5
Were gonna make it boys

>> No.5450596

Anyone any thoughts on ETHOS?
I hope Bcash and Litecoin will be the first ones to go.

>> No.5450627


>> No.5450630

I'm hoping bitcoin falls. What a slow and expensive piece of shit.

>> No.5450637

>I'm not selling any until $50. Will sell half at $100 and hold rest forever.
You guys are starting to sound like pajeets.

>> No.5450651

I hope so too, but the market is not ready. Not yet. >>5450637
He asked, I answered. Fuck off.

>> No.5450689

Do you really reckon Korea will make this coin go up to a $50-100 ATH?

>> No.5450692

comfy af

>> No.5450701

whens the pump coming?

>> No.5450716

Data Dash says he is long-term hodling at 10 minutes. He thinks it will go atleast doube digit.

>> No.5450721

Korea? No.

>> No.5450753

I'm still waiting for ARK to release their mobile wallet. Dumping all my ARK for ICX at that point.

>> No.5450757
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>> No.5450772

icx will go up a lot more and will do everything ark does

>> No.5450787

Fuck, I can't sell my gold for ICX cause the shops are closed. Where the fuck do I get more money to invest in this? Currently I have only 307 ICX

>> No.5450798

I believed in ARK, but at this point I'm looking for a favorable price to dump. Hoping for $10, but that might be a stretch. ICX literally made ARK obsolete (both profit and tech-wise) the moment it hit binance.

>> No.5450831

sad anon that sold at 313 here. i am looking for a buy in point. what is the lowest dip from here on out? i am looking at previous dips and think it can reach 350 still

>> No.5450910

i picked up $275,000 worth a few days ago at $1.99. Good chance this will be $20-30 by mid next year. At the start of this year I put $94k into Ethereum at $11.36, everyone said I was crazy.... Until Ethereum hit $100.

>> No.5450923

There are no more big dips for at least 5 more days, but we'll be up so much by then that it really isn't worth waiting.

>> No.5450966

so people think this will do this 1$ dollar pump again this week?

>> No.5450979


>> No.5450997
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>> No.5451003
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You guys think I should sell some of these others for more ICX or will the 200-300 more ICX not make a big difference?

>> No.5451022

Can you tell me why you fell for the TRX meme

>> No.5451033

Whew lad, you fell for the worst memes. I don't care if you buy ICX, just for the love of god sell those shitcoins.

>> No.5451037

you're in the most /all in/ part of biz, what do you think we're gonna say

>> No.5451117

im getting weak hands on trx myself...feels bad think im just gotta cut my loses pretty soon for icx

>> No.5451128

it's a DOGE-tier shitcoin, I can't believe anyone unironically fell for it

>> No.5451185

My mother wanted to buy the bitcoin dip and bought for 1k ( money she can easily afford to lose) i guided her over the phone how things worked and figured i would maybe shill her some interesting coins when i will visit her the next day
she then looked up random news sites and
she now has 0.7 monero and 14k tron XD
she bought at 280. so i put down a sell order at 330 or something and pray it will spike to that the coming days.

>> No.5451215

>she bought at 280. so i put down a sell order at 330 or something and pray it will spike to that the coming days.
sunken cost fallacy, you're not going to make it

>> No.5451247

dude my mother isnt gonna sell at a loss. that was never on the table.
and like i said. this is money she's not even gonna miss

>> No.5451313

Have you heard of a term "opportunity cost"? Your mother is acting irrational (shocker, I know), how did she even get into money? Is your daddy rich? Or hers? Lucked out in some meme career?
Maybe your order fills, who knows, but in a solid low cap that 1k would turn into 10k in 3-6 months.

>> No.5451320

Put in $50 when it was at 3.22
Came back from the hospital and it broke 5. I'm pleasanrly surprised but also internally dying for not going hard.

>> No.5451367
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>not going hard

>> No.5451387
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heloust is mccoffee shilling today

>> No.5451396

I hope he dies of ecoli from all the literal shit he ate

>> No.5451415

go hard now, its literally like 5 bucks and going to 50

>> No.5451431

It barely broke $5 for a little bit, it's at $4.93 rn

>> No.5451487

exchanging my eth into icx as we speak friend

>> No.5451512

dumped all stellar into icx at 5 dorra reporting in!

>> No.5451524

What are you smoking bro it's been over $5 up and down for the past 9 hours... Like 50% of the time

>> No.5451568

think itll break through?

>> No.5451661
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Guys this is the comfiest hold in all of history. We will trade sideways for another 10-12 hours then probably pump again when Asia wakes up, if not then it'll just be sideways again for another 24 hours. This thing literally cannot dip.

>> No.5451678

Just bought in thanks anon

>> No.5451680

she has her own company thank you

>> No.5451692

wtb korean or chinese or japanese princesses 450 icx each

>> No.5451711

Wait!? is it only 450 icx for a qt? paradise is approaching sooner than expected!

>> No.5451778

bought in at $5, your bags are heavy

>> No.5451819
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should i buy in at 5 or am i too late?

seems like it alrady mooned

>> No.5451828
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yes, too late, move on

>> No.5451867

24 btc buy order just dropped at near market. comfy

>> No.5451870
File: 75 KB, 658x901, 7D9BD013-4B4E-481D-ACA1-BFE17A27560E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought 2500 icx at presale for $260
>now worth $10k
>never selling because no point but comfy knowing I’ll never sell to early if this goes parabolic like eth did
>pic related - people today who missed the presale and got jewed out of the ico

>> No.5451871

anyone buying now is an idiot. there are better moon missions out there or you can bout a 2b+ coin and pray that bithumb will list if korea loosens regulations (highly unlikely to happen any time soon). If that happens you're looking at realistically 3-5x or at most 10x in 6-12 months which is not bad if you can't research

>> No.5451894

fuck no, get in there asap

>> No.5451905

>there are better moon missions
name one
the only ones that can compare are LINK and REQ, and only due to small market cap, both of which are months from a working product
>If that happens you're looking at realistically 3-5x or at most 10x in 6-12 months which is not bad if you can't research
sure buddy

>> No.5452056

Volume picking up again

>> No.5452080

sold all my alts and all inned @ $5.00, will i make it? When should I sell? Should I set a sell order before I sleep?

>> No.5452105

Bought 7.5 ICX @ $4.90...when will it dip so I can buy more?

>> No.5452114

You sell everything and go all in on this. Thank me when you get a lambo

>> No.5452135

bought at 5.03 and MOONING LETS GO AGAIN

>> No.5452138


What did he mean by this. Don't even consider selling until after mainnet and exchange listings because we have a ways to go up yet.

>> No.5452167

You are looking at the next 50bill cap coin.
Do you know what the founder of ICON said?
Don't call us the Ethereum of Korea, we rather be the Samsung of Blockchains.

I can smell the Korean FOMO from Europe...the second this hits a korean exchange is going to go parabolic harder than anything you've seen.

>> No.5452173

Are we mooning again? It isn't moon o'clock yet. What's happening.

>> No.5452194

Seriously, when will it dip?

>> No.5452195


>> No.5452198
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right here my dude

>> No.5452214

imagine the FOMO when ICX suddenly appears in top 20 on CMC

>> No.5452221

it dipped already dude

>> No.5452226

Fuark it is happening already, lost so much in the past week and finally regaining it. Thanks bro and all the ICX shills

>> No.5452231


>> No.5452233

ill let you all in on a secret. only koreans could buy into the ICO. How many koreans do you think are on binance? Price will dip hard soon.

>> No.5452244

so sell before the dip, you dip

>> No.5452247


think of a better FUD

>> No.5452261

Can confirm I'm Australian about bought a shitload at ICO.

>> No.5452269
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>> No.5452281

australians arent allowed in this board

>> No.5452283

why ?

>> No.5452289

Suck my cock.

>> No.5452306

Samsung of crypto sure is baller

>> No.5452332
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>> No.5452379

It barely dips at all, anon. New Years Eve is right next to the door and you know what will happen.

>> No.5452389

no idea anon

>> No.5452411

I don't want to FOMO but I only have 7.5 ICX

>> No.5452418


Look up the whitepaper ;)

>> No.5452431

u need more friend

>> No.5452475


I dumped my ARK and OMG for ICX 2 days ago. Not saying you should do the same. With ICX listing in Korean exchanges in Jan and main net in Q1, I think ICX has a lot more goig for it than ark.

Just saying.

>> No.5452478

i am done 100 icx from yesterday because i set a sell order at 3150. still have 633 but man i didnt expect to be able to take so much more profit.

>> No.5452512
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tfw they dont stop pumping

>> No.5452513

seems like your last chance. not even trying to shill but if you want back in i dont think itll go down from $5 come january

>> No.5452546

yeah i bought back in at 365 already up by 4% again

>> No.5452575
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Damn comfy. ATH imminent

>> No.5452581


>> No.5452592

oh shit boys here we go again

>> No.5452597


>> No.5452602


Fuck yea

>> No.5452617

saw that 15 btc sell wall disappear

>> No.5452657

I could only afford 362 ICX. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.5452659

eternal comfy coin desu

>> No.5452660

Just go allin on this shit and get x20 gains in the next 3-6 months

>> No.5452668
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>> No.5452676

This is actually so depressing, I have about $20k tied up in stocks currently that I'm trying to move to Icx. It's going to take another week or so still and I'm watching potential money just burn away

>> No.5452682

Bought at 12100 sats, feeling very comfy but I wish I bought more. I'm up 200+%

>> No.5452684


enjoy your spring

>> No.5452705

Oh I will, thank you senpai.

>> No.5452708

>weeks to move fiat between banks
reeeeeally makes ya think

>> No.5452710

Is it too late to join the party, i brought snacks

>> No.5452717
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Koreans coming home from work, it just KEEPS GOING

>> No.5452730


>> No.5452733

no stop, no pussy shit. im going sleep for an hour and a half lets see how this goes

>> No.5452738

who else just making thousands of dollars every hour and can't sleep?

>> No.5452752



>> No.5452753

i went basically all in on this fucker today, feels good man

>> No.5452754

Me me me, only have like 11k though, wish I was an ICO fag, im Australian too so it could of happened ahhhhh!

>> No.5452928

/all in/ and hodl

>> No.5452935

Bro I got in at $2.30 a coin and I don't give on single heck.

We are all going to make it.

>> No.5452950

Bought 50 at $2 a pop. So fucking comfy now

>> No.5452951

i didnt know the true definition of comfy until now desu

>> No.5452952

it will make you a decent amount of money in a couple of months
maybe enough to make it next time bro

>> No.5452953

How do I get more money to get more icx? I have gold worth 3800$ but the fucking shops are closed rest of the week.

>> No.5452955

40k sat wall SOON

>> No.5452965
File: 86 KB, 651x641, 90spepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, hindsight is always a bitch, got in at like 7k sats when it was $1.50 or something.

>> No.5452970

max out credit cards imo

>> No.5452972

Thanks for the comforting words, anon. Meanwhile enjoy your lambo and jacuzzi in a few months. This the best Christmas present you could ask for.

>> No.5452974

bought 2k at 1,90

bought 9,6k at 3$

letsg go

>> No.5452997

Considering this RN to add a few hundred to the stack

>> No.5453044

consider it before the 40k wall breaks desu

>> No.5453050

im in the same boat as you anon, this is unfortunately not lambo time for me
but next time is

>> No.5453067

ICON has been smashing walls since release, godbless

>> No.5453069
File: 333 KB, 974x1534, 1511025080446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah, i bought 1k at 2.5$

i just wanted to increase my eth stack back then, but this might actually be a medium-long term hold desu

sure sucks i didnt go all in, but hindsight is useless to think about

>> No.5453084


>> No.5453096

What’s everyone think about Waltonchain.
And neo?
I’m bullish on both.

>> No.5453111

we /all in/ icx. waltonchain will probably moon based on partnering with Icon alone

>> No.5453132

Forgive me anons for I have sinned. I neglected your shilling while holding out for shit-tier news in other projects. Nevertheless, I'm nearly all in at 3800 sats and feeling pretty comfy that we'll be breaking not only the 4k wall but 5k soon as well.

>> No.5453137

I agree. Walton gonna boom big January/feb. releasing blockchain and master nodes

>> No.5453156
File: 369 KB, 1242x2208, BE370ED1-4811-43F9-ACC1-EACF331ED68B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s happening

>> No.5453157



>> No.5453170

thanks to the anon who shilled me this at 0.00019. Luckily i got all in

>> No.5453174

Nothing, your app is fucked/old screenshot

>> No.5453178

Here's something else to think about
My $20k stock portfolio has an annual dividend return of $400
I've made $5k on icx alone so far

>> No.5453179


>> No.5453185
File: 642 KB, 900x505, ak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want more ICX
>don't know if I should just buy rite now or set a stop limit order and wait it out

>> No.5453187

your app is crashing

>> No.5453188

Next year this coin will get huge.
You might argue is a trash coin etc, regardless of that is a Korean crypto with a good team behind and already working in partnerships, it will get pumped by Koreans. And if it turns out to be a good platform and it very well could then it’s going to explode.

This is Neo when it was 5$, don’t miss out anon, I’m holding this alll the way to 50$ even past that who knows.

>> No.5453196

you might have some connection problems bro

>> No.5453205

Buy more, it's not like you're gonna lose anything from that. Besides there hasn't been any decent dips.

>> No.5453214

You know, before I got into crypto I've dreamt about POSSIBLY retiring off stock market after 15 years of endless wageslaving. Now after 2 months in crypto I'm literally one solid moonshot away from retirement. At the age of 21.
That moonshot is ICX.

>> No.5453217

Neo looks always good, but it never does anything lmao

>> No.5453222

I just took that screenshot. I’m in Tokyo currently hence the time.

>> No.5453241


Meh. Neo been doing good, and produces gas. I think it’s a good long term hold.

>> No.5453246


gz bro

>> No.5453259
File: 183 KB, 500x506, 1512093627001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy at .007600
>instantly drops to .007400

>> No.5453264

Thanks. We're all gonna make it. Unless Bitcoin decides to buttfuck us.

>> No.5453270

Yea but since its not really moving you can buy that later still

>> No.5453272

Isn't that fucking wild to think about? Imagine just skipping the phase of your life that's "dedicated" to wagecucking

>> No.5453276

Anon, have the patience to wait 'til January. It will pay off.

>> No.5453277
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>> No.5453290

My hands are strong but I like seeing green numbers and I'm constantly trying to accumulate more since I got in late

>> No.5453291

Bitcoin crash didn't affect ICX that much.

>> No.5453294


I think I'm in the same boat, I turn 19 this februari. I bought 100 icx at $2,70. Somewhere in januari/februari I will have about 5k (including some other shitcoins i have), end 2018 I aim for 50k, 2020 I aim to be finacial set for the better part of my life.

>> No.5453300


>> No.5453301

Hard to tell when something gonna go up in price. This market is so unpredictable

>> No.5453328
File: 112 KB, 2736x346, Screen Shot 2017-12-25 at 4.22.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre going to be set for life in 2020, I am going to be a billionare

>> No.5453334

>tfw got 7.8k icx at 11k
>tfw panic sold and got in tether at first btc dump
>tfw saw if was whales games and go back in icx
>tfw not got 5.1k icx

it hurts that knowing i could be 50% richer right now.

>> No.5453340

>he fell for the marketcap meme

>> No.5453342
File: 803 KB, 1100x700, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family worried because they heard about the bitcoin crash, shouldn't you just sell anon?
>own ICX

>> No.5453347


you could have kept those bitcoins and you'd be well off anyway

>> No.5453350

It'd be unthinkable for me just a few months ago. It all feels surreal even right now, like a video game.
Talking about a proper crash. Lights out.

>> No.5453357

I always set a lower buy order. Never buy the current price or the green

>> No.5453369


Well millionaire this year if you are not retarded, once you get more net value you'll be playing safer though I imagine.

>> No.5453375

>Kept in BTC
I bought ICX ICO son

>> No.5453384

That's a good way to miss the boat. NEVER trade based on emotions. Do a basic TA and decide if the price is likely to go down or up.

>> No.5453397

normies get out

>> No.5453398

Same here.
At christmas my normie cousin was speaking about how much he lost on his litcoin he just bought from coinbase and I didn't have the heart to tell him I actually more than doubled my money meanwhile.

I told him about binance though, next time he'll do better.

>> No.5453406

Cmon you set these sell walls right after I bought another bag. Oh well I can't even imagine what the price will be by the end of the year

>> No.5453411

Merry ChrICXmas everybody!

>> No.5453419

shill me the next ico

>> No.5453422
File: 71 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only regret is I didn't buy more, thanks for shilling this bros

>> No.5453424
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 544687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market cap doesn't matter
>100 million cap has the same chance of mooning as 40 billion cap

>> No.5453435
File: 92 KB, 421x291, 1498369176129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 77% in a day
How fucking high is this going to go? Is this a pump? Should I sell now and buy back in later?
I wasn't expecting this much success, I don't know what to do.

>> No.5453449

im getting paid around mid next month. 19 years old so im gonna just fuck it and $1000 of it into crypto. Didnt listen to the 1 kid who told me to buy eth when it was $50 while people were saying it was too late to jump on the ride back then. now i wont stop until i have at least 25k

>> No.5453466

If you look about actual results, investing in 1+ billion marketcap will give you way better profit in you hold one year.
Those 100M coins just pop and die, some moon of course but that's a minority.

If you just bought the coins that were in the top 10 one year ago you'd be sitting on 36x your investment.

>> No.5453468

25-35 in january

>> No.5453469
File: 134 KB, 788x600, 1511605454145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icx is not a 40 billion cap coin, retard

its barely above 1.5 billion

that would only put it in top 20, in the lower end infact

bitcoin cash went over 12x, and it was in top 3 for fuck sake

im not missing out on another moon mission because "muh marketcapz"

>> No.5453490

the weak hands should fear the strong
there's a big difference between $40b and $1b
I'm talking about XRP you fucking moron

>> No.5453491

I agree.
Though I like to play things a little safer.
I learned about neo here, back when it was ans $6

>> No.5453494

Most ICO investors are die hard long time holders.
There is an extremely huge demands for this coin and not that many being available to trade.
Market cap doesn't mean shit when half of korea is slowly discovering this and weren't legally allowed to invest at ICO.

>> No.5453496

icx will have at least eth's market cap but the potential is so much more its not even funny

>> No.5453502


>> No.5453520
File: 218 KB, 1200x789, Taj_Mahal_(Edited).jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Ranjeet

>> No.5453526

Fucking retards with their wall just slow shit down. It always go back there with full force anyway.

If you sell anything before 10$ you'll be one of those idiots saying "waah I had a lot of this shit just a few days after launching, I could be rich right now fuuuuck why am I so unlucky waah".

>> No.5453531

t. brainlet

>> No.5453538

$25-30 by Sep 2018. screen cap this.

>> No.5453556

Can someone give me the sparknotes on ICX? I’m just an XRP fag

>> No.5453557

>subtle fud

>> No.5453574

What's ICX value proposition again?

>> No.5453584

more by feb

>> No.5453585

no time to explain, itll moon again soon. your choices are /all in/ or /gtfo/

>> No.5453593
File: 195 KB, 798x770, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25-30 by Feb most likely.

>> No.5453610

distributed pajeet shilling protocol

>> No.5453629

Basically the most advanced blockchain/smart contracts project in Korea by a huge margin.
They have 620 employees related to that, including larget domains like AI or IoT.

The company that owns and funded them before ICO owns also Coinone, the 2nd biggest exchange.
Now they're still an erc20 but their own chain and mainnet comes soo.

Also Ripple begged them to be partners so they could have a feet on korea.

>> No.5453639

But isnt it difficult to do a good TA on a so recently new coin ? Especially this one that keep on mooning.
You will have to go on lower timeframe chart no ? Is that accurate ?

>> No.5453646

> in korea
in the world of all time and into the forseeable future

>> No.5453648

>the most advanced blockchain/smart contracts
what the fuck does this mean? how is it more "advanced" than ethereum blockchain? does no one actually know what they do?

>> No.5453656

Don't they already have prototype vending machines in public places which accept ICX?

>> No.5453663

it's the only thing you have and meme triangles work surprisingly well for identifying imminent breakouts

>> No.5453670

got 381 of these bad boys, will I make it?

>> No.5453684

This is definitely more advanced than Eth. You just have to DYOR and you will know why.

>> No.5453685

for example the pattern you see right now is extremely bullish, we're likely to see a huge green candle in the next few hours

>> No.5453704


>> No.5453713

got 46 icx @ 1400 sat, am I going to make it?

>> No.5453726

eth is dinosaur tech compared to this

>> No.5453727

The mooning has calmed down for a bit

>> No.5453730

When do you plan to sell anon

>> No.5453731

It's basically ethereum but proof of stake instead of mining.
But the main difference is that they're not just a tool for decentralised projects and tech, there's a big company behind that wants to push real world use like build a korean tether on it and build themselves what companies could need.

>> No.5453740
File: 243 KB, 622x494, 1513950342493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing?
Dont tell the normies

>> No.5453760

ICX is basically everything that ARK wanted to be, but better and about 6-12 months sooner.

>> No.5453764

Get more anon, you need some more to make it

>> No.5453785

get over 100 at least lad

>> No.5453813

All in

>> No.5453837
File: 28 KB, 240x193, apu cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any money left
I'm all in anon, but I needed to cash out 0.05 btc because broke as fuck

>> No.5453844

Even I managed to get 110, and my portfolio's pretty small.

>> No.5453848

I bought 40ish ICX at 0.007500 ETH... hopefully I can recover a few bucks from the DGB fuck up

>> No.5453930

i have 58

tempted to sell all my litecoin and buy another 40 tho

>> No.5453956

i don't have alot since i'm a poor student, but it feels pretty great waking up seeing my portfolio rise and rise :)

>> No.5453964

wait for the dip, should go down to 36k ish
well I only got in at 14k sat (wrote it wrong because of the binance autism), and I only had 0.0064 at the time

>> No.5453987

>icx moons
>some pajeet decides he wants to cash out
>does it like an idiot with a wall instead of selling chunks of 1-2btc
>this wall isn't even big compared to volume but it scares newbies away
>coins goes down 5% and stays there for hours
>icx goes back up later even harder, the seller just lost time and profit
>repeat for the last 7 day

If anyone is on the telegram and can explain basics of trading to those idiots please do it.
He can sell his stack in 10 minutes if he does it the good way instead of wasting our and his time for hours.

>> No.5453990

thanks i'll make this my strategy, if it doesnt dip i cant complain

>> No.5454010

Ah, I bought in at a little over half that price. I think it was just after ICX was listed on Binance.

>> No.5454353

Many anons are gonna be rich

>> No.5454406

many anons have weak hands, most will sell at $10, $20, $30 etc.

>> No.5454468

Many anons are driven by fomo and surely many will lose their bags

>> No.5454530

people that bought into the ico is up 40-50x by now

obviously they want out fast and realise their gains

cant blame them