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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 243 KB, 1280x1460, EckoDAOhack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54518885 No.54518885 [Reply] [Original]

Kadena Babena
EckoDAO has been hacked!!! It sounds like either an inside job or at the very least the hacker had access to their discord admin account, their website, and their twitter. The user is being quite because EckoDAO told them not to go telling everyone yet, presumably dangling a return of the stolen funds.
What an amazing day to be in crypto wow. Fakedex was hacked. Hilarious. Expected. Was it an inside job? What do you think friends?

>> No.54518895

Wow a crypto project turning out to be a total scam, what a surprise

>> No.54518919
File: 114 KB, 1024x1136, emins (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk shit about the el33th4xor
>all your shit gets hacked and rugged
>he gets away with it

>> No.54518938

I can tell this is that paid shill Lain because his ugly boss doesn't let him call EckoDAO formely Kaddex

>> No.54519096

the only people left on this board are disgusting asian people such as OP. take the hint and leave like the rest of us have

>> No.54520221
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First off I'm not paid
Secondly I am Lain
Thirdly everyone calls them Fakedex
Fourthly I'm not trying to hide that I am Lain.

>> No.54520560
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Seems like a mistake on the part of Fakedex and probably not a hack. They haven't made any public statements and are trying to cover up their mistakes, which is par for course for the Fakedex scammers. Their cmc and gecko pages linked to two separate tgs that were both wrong. One had the phishing Jeet scam and one room didn't exist. The real Kaddex has made a tg room with the CMCs telegram link to protect and educate users

>> No.54521591
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What is wrong with Fakedex baggies?

>> No.54521724

What are they saying, they defending this shit?

>> No.54521843
File: 120 KB, 562x479, 5845645645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. They are in desperate need of meds. I'm not being funny or ironic. These people are a danger to themselves and others. They have the worst baggie-induced schizophrenia I have ever seen.

Somehow all of this is MWs fault. It's incredible stuff really.

>> No.54521948
File: 85 KB, 165x115, ohno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm no amateur, I've been scammed before in 2018

>> No.54522009

i dont get it.. do people just download exe's and run them on their pc they do crypto shit on?

my pc has only like 4 apps ive ever downloaded. i check all hashes and make sure google has numerous sites displaying the same has. virustotal sometimes.

>> No.54522027

>i dont get it.. do people just download
Did you even read the image? He input his seed on what looked to be an official website not a wallet or software he downloaded

>> No.54522293

He input. his seed.
but he aint no amateur.

>> No.54522328
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They literally tell people to do it

>> No.54522345

but if he wasn't an amateur he would know that's obviously not right.

>> No.54522562
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I told you guys that a wallet should show private keys and everyone got mad.
People do not save the key when they make a wallet.

>> No.54522576

It's clear at this point that everything associated with Kadena is a scam.

>> No.54522600
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>> No.54522716
File: 20 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kadena Eco is run by an Italian scammer name Francesco Melpignano and that is why there are so many scams on Kadena. There's even a community petition to fire him and that was BEFORE this scandal.

>> No.54523937
File: 512 KB, 500x654, 235345623456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything crypto is a scam.

>> No.54524695

Kadena LLC owns the majority of supply for any relevant timeframe (30% + early inflation on a logarithmic curve + centralized disproportionate and non-inclusive bonding rewards + potential market manipulations) https://twitter.com/Thanos8912/status/1630082867618299911 and the majority of DeFi https://twitter.com/RuudyBack/status/1628766293456310273

In contrast, the Dfinity foundation got assigned a mere 23.86% of genesis supply. https://messari.io/report/an-introduction-to-dfinity-and-the-internet-computer and therefore does not singlehandedly control platform governance, also known as NNS, despite unsubstantiated claims against it, which I've steelmanned out of sensible habit. The concerned players have transparently shown efforts and intents to address financial and political decentralization as well, unlike PoW platforms conflating decentralization of some fungible NFT with decentralization of voting power.

The knowledge graph and depth of introverted perspectives is difficult to integrate, but dunning-kruger attitudes and ad hominem are always inappropriate. Individuals who works on unpatented altruistic concepts may not expect anything in return, but they certainly do not deserve exposition to utterly creepy abuses. I've only adopted linguistic shielding strategies after being assaulted by intellectually envious narcissistic bigots, despite being fully aware unmindful members would portray me as arrogant afterward, as such outcome is outweighed by the traumatic damages.

>First the laugh at you, then they copy you.

>> No.54524768

>Kadena LLC owns the majority of supply for any relevant timeframe
>the Dfinity foundation got assigned a mere 23.86% of genesis supply
One is a token used to pay gas fees and the other gives voting rights you disengenous faggot.

>> No.54524945
File: 72 KB, 387x461, D8E2EBA0-7E3A-4AD8-92EE-607E01EFECBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aforementioned systems shouldn’t be reduced to superficial set of features, as investment instruments in PoW directly affect the economical incentives of competitive mining. Nevertheless Kadena is also building a platform-level DAO which may govern equivalent vectors of influence. You will own nothing.

>> No.54525112

>The aforementioned systems shouldn’t be reduced to superficial set of features
If I can't judge something by what it does what should I judge it by?
>investment instruments in PoW directly affect the economical incentives of competitive mining.
How much miners are paid affects how much money miners make? What is your point?
>DAO which may govern
Your use of the word may is generous. DAOs don't do anything.
>You will own nothing.
Fatalist "it's over and nothing I can do will change things so I will mope in my room" cope.

>> No.54525194
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>> No.54525274

- Entities with no self-determinism nor reflective awareness don’t judge, I presume.
- Tragedy of the common suggests economical pressures from sinked security requirements may entertain biases within structures and content of including systems. These potentially strong influences can not be ignored.
- DAOs are living organisms. A platform-level governmental body on Kadena would fully capable of controlling anything, if not everything.
- This is not fatalist. Techno-communism is inevitable. Being bullied by narcissists for primitive reasons reminds how difficult it is to sustain healthy moral values at scale.

There is nothing wrong in this image.

>> No.54525306

I agree with her I don't see any problem with this. If I get rich enough I can just buy voting power and ban all women slutting up the web. I will clean the internet. Seems like the future to me idk what's wrong with that.

>> No.54525370

>their user is being quite
quite what anon ?

>> No.54525407

>- Entities with no self-determinism nor reflective awareness don’t judge, I presume.
You are rugpulling my opinion. Which is that I judge things by their results.f
>Tragedy of the common
Pseudoscience garbage presented by you as a universal maxim. I can just as easily name drop the Nash equilibrium as an opposing view.
>Techno-communism is inevitable.
*gazes with eyes just barely above a dog-eared copy of The Sovereign Individual, places coffee (black) on table and menacingly hoverhands katana.
>Being bullied by narcissists
By 4channel standards this is a civil discourse.
If this is a parody and you are trying to showcase how crazy it is that the person with most of the money can decide what is good for everyone else well done. If not have sex.
For me, it's buying voting power to cause all IOT connected devices to scream racial slurs at max volume every 5 minutes.

>> No.54525425
File: 139 KB, 500x500, T^T.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is that I judge things by their results
It's over.

>> No.54525440

Yes exactly it was a parody, obviously.

>> No.54525451

I wonder who appointed him to lead a $100M eco division
surely not the kadena founders

>> No.54525473

you're responding to a post that isn't in this thread
learn how to format and fix your grammatical errors before tryhardposting again.

>> No.54525507 [DELETED] 

Please don't doublepost or necro. Locking this thread.

>> No.54525526


>> No.54525541

What the fuck why can the mods just stop conversation they don't like.

Edit - okay, I admit I acted out of line questioning the authority of the mods. I will try be better. peace y'all.

>> No.54525548 [DELETED] 

You have been permanently banned for insulting a moderator. I am not black.

>> No.54525565

luh mao

>> No.54525860

As always, you’re crushing other viewpoints on superficial matters without comprehensive conceptual depth nor legitimate interests in truth. I’m sorry, I cannot respond to you in this context.

I didn’t waste any energy on you. Please do not project your baseline tolerance of semantic complexity on me. There are infinite numbers of scientists who benefit from authoritative styles to convey altruistic knowledge, and they are neither arrogant nor deserving of antipathetic reactions from narcissists who hate people smarter than them.

>> No.54525911
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw crushing others viewpoints on superficial matters

>> No.54526055
File: 621 KB, 498x278, BBEC6BFB-BDD2-4879-A429-6E20DA7152D7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop priding yourself on being hostile. I can’t believe at the beginning I was even trying to help you. I hope you will enjoy all the things you won’t own.

>Disclaimer: No textual output of mine should be considered financial advice. I do not support Kadena, Dfinity, nor any cryptocurrency project. All informations are sourced for bias-minimising uniformisation purpose only.

>> No.54526309

You tried to help pedoanon? when was that, either I miss something or are once again confusing anons which I doubt because he's being very recognizable

>> No.54526369

>>i didn waste any energy on yu
>proceeds to expend energy typing a response and thinking about said response
heh, checkmate
you type like a faggot and you allow my opinion to break your mental plane when it shouldnt matter
whenever someone uses words like dunning-kruger, projection, gaslighting, etc it's almost always the case that they're the one who are legitimately retarded
i dont know you therefore i dont hate you nor do i care about you
you're just another anon who for some reason spent the last 2 and a half years fudding a single coin

>> No.54526432
File: 120 KB, 416x296, 1680147829894151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's incredible that nuwu vs the world is a more popular topic than Scamcesco in these chats.
When scamcesco fired?

>> No.54526461

What's that anime you love that nobody else seems to care about because probably it was just a generic seasonal filler anime when it came out?


>> No.54526467

would you fire your best friend after he made you millions and he will be the one to be scapegoated and hated rather than the ones who crowned him
every last drop of that $100M will go into scamcentives, only then will he be "fired"

>> No.54526517
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Hitsugi no Chaika.

>> No.54526599
File: 501 KB, 981x545, perv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Omamori Himari

>> No.54526722
File: 38 KB, 800x297, flowers of evil anime vs manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His life takes a surprising turn on his 16th birthday when he meets Himari, a cat demon samurai girl
>She has sworn an oath from his family to protect Yuto from the various demons that are out to kill him, but Yuto's cat allergies makes the issue much more complicated.
>made by a studio I have never heard of and who don't recognise the name of a single thing they have made except for the painfully bad adaption of The Flowers Of Evil.
>visible panties on the front cover of the first issue of the manga.
I am downloading it but not expecting much.

>> No.54526854

There's a perverted watery loli in one of the episodes if that helps. I was particularly fond of the idea of waking up with a catgirl magical mysery wife next to me who was subservient to my every word when I watched it. You should not expect much, I am blinded by nostalgia and she's cute and stuff. She's basically one of my many waifus.

>> No.54526909
File: 415 KB, 1440x940, Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 23.25.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I setup Samba so I can grab whatever files from my always on desktop with infinite anime to my laptop whenever I want.
Doesn't get much comfier than this, just wish it was faster.

>> No.54526929

Business and finance.

>> No.54526932
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I am not sure how Kadena can move forward. Everyone with a brain knows Francesco is a scammer, but the Kadena team is probably happy to have him embezzle funds since they presumably get kickbacks. If they didn't have patents we could just fork the chain and be done with these scammers, but alas.

>> No.54526946

>If they didn't have patents we could just fork the chain and be done with these scammers, but alas.
Without competent and dedicated devs for a fork this is an anti-solution that does more harm than good. Forks that aren't just a protocol change generally always die.

>> No.54526955

My tummy hurts from eating too many easter eggs.

>> No.54526971

>Decentralised protocol with no central authority that answers to no sovereign or state.
>But we need to respect patents.

>> No.54527046

- Initially, I tried opening my heart to them for a while during times where they were insulting me. I often highlighted how their intolerance wouldn't prevent me from giving them airdrop tokens. (I was wrong, you will own nothing)
- The first time I acted superficially "un-nice", I was forcing myself because I knew they were envious of my reputation of being nicer than them. I didn't want to play that kind of games nor being biased by peer pressures. They were waiting for any eventual vulnerability in me to tear me appart, there is nothing I could've done.
- They had to hammer me down for a very long time before I begun dropping defensive evidences. I did my best to avoid social damage while they were being hostile for fun and abusing exchanges and crypto projects community positions.
- I almost never said anything directly against my main abuser until two week ago (although I mostly did it out of fear).

>> No.54527103

>I often highlighted how their intolerance wouldn't prevent me from giving them airdrop tokens.
Stopped reading here but I can tell you I have no idea what you are talking about and the way you seem to think I do means you are confusing me with someone else.

>> No.54527105
File: 29 KB, 380x224, 7A8018AE-5352-4F27-9072-824EFADE8423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franscesco is the cure, the community is the problem. This is why the latter is threatened by the former.

>> No.54527132
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 1673508065257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is retarded contrarianism.
I have nothing more to add.

>> No.54527211
File: 534 KB, 1022x811, chinatsu_graffiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you just elaborately baiting everyone?

>> No.54527283
File: 835 KB, 1120x674, NhdmLWY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 and a half years.

>> No.54527288

being contrarian is not cute, it's sad

>> No.54527290
File: 263 KB, 1200x1200, 69DA9A8F-4240-4E7B-AAB6-C88494539F03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should stop projecting your contrarianism on me and go to jail already. This is not bait.

>> No.54527342
File: 475 KB, 1272x1019, do i have permission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made no effort to explain your position even in the wake of overwhelming evidence that there was no independent team, that Francesco and RedWingLabs was connected, and that most of the grant recipients are friends of eco and grants were not given to ANY competitors of them.
You could have made a great post explaining why you think the community is wrong and why Franscesco is going to fix everything, but you didn't. You threw out an empty nonsense circular statement for reactions.
I have no reason to go to jail because I am not a criminal.

>> No.54527492

I respect the creative work of Kadena. Sorry if I'm fudding, dealing with narcissists is much more difficult and spiritually draining than anything.

I don't care.

Owner-based memory maps

>> No.54527498

*taps mic
Is this thing on? Someone make an off topic post.

>> No.54527525

Cells at Work! CODE BLACK

>> No.54527528
File: 237 KB, 524x780, the truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care.

>> No.54527552

That is a spin off of something relatively famous so I don't think it counts.

>> No.54527569

Kokoro Connect!
(Exclamation mark added by me)

>> No.54527578

This one was fairly popular though.

Due to poor lifestyle choices, a certain human's body is in constant turmoil. With germs, bacteria, and foreign substances abound, the jobs of various cells become increasingly difficult and dangerous. As some of the unfortunate ones who matured in this chaotic environment, Sekkekkyuu AA2153 and Hakkekkyuu U-1196 strive to fulfill their duties—even if it means seeing many of their fellow cells lose their lives in duty.

Set in an environment vastly different from its parent story, Hataraku Saibou Black portrays the cells' struggles as they try to maintain the body's health. However, the human's condition continues to deteriorate, and whether or not these efforts will amount to something concrete depends on the cells!

>> No.54527587

OKAY Final answer, Tsuredure Children

>> No.54527625
File: 15 KB, 490x234, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tsuredure Children
I've never heard of it, but it's rated so high.
Am I being trolled?

To those of you out there who never could say "I love you"— This story is about ordinary highschoolers and how love makes them fired up, shaken, laugh, cry, and hurt. Whether things go well or not, this story of adolescence and romance will show you how they spend their precious youth. Every character is the main character here, and you're sure to find one you can sympathize with.

Sounds cute though.

>> No.54527641

*Taps hearing aid
Boku no what? Stop whispering.

>> No.54527643

I have posted a lot about code BLACK and I love it because I'm autistic
It's genius, so basically they took multiple romance shows, cut out the fluff and presented the best parts as an anime.

>> No.54527659
File: 123 KB, 1080x996, 1680874695796545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone that disagrees with me or doesn't like me is a narcissist but not me because I am better than them

>> No.54527730 [DELETED] 

>but it's rated so high.
Okay how about Gleipnir then, does that count?

>> No.54527832 [DELETED] 

It would count.

It's okay if you don't have one.

>> No.54527953

I don’t have a position. I’m merely defending myself from narcissistic abuses and upside down narratives in this thread. Your mundane smalltalk doesn’t hide your acharnement on creative minds. I absolutely don’t care about anything Kadena-related but
- The connection is utterly meaningless, since there are no substantial evidence redwinglabs was historically associated with Kadena LLC, outside inconsequential links in the social graph within actors who may have been working together for unknown, potentially small, timeframes thus effectively considered independent by some perspectives. Unfortunately, proportional notions are difficult to project onto legal framework so I cannot assess whether the issues are relevant or not.
- Projects which failed to acquire a grant weren’t impressive in any ways. This has nothing to do with Fransesco. Competition between endless Uniswap pastas is ruthless because the creative value provided by such projects is extremely low, developers got what they should’ve been expecting.
- The community is racist, and bully vulnerable developers for fun. This is fundamentally wrong.
- EckoDEX original ICO only featured less than 10% given to team, including insider idiosyncrasies. This is a surprisingly small amount. They should be rewarded, not antagonised.
- You are a criminal. You have done utterly creepy things but you are too much of a narcissist to recognise that. You should go to jail.

>> No.54528051
File: 18 KB, 160x231, F4D78D00-BE1A-47E5-ADC8-0123D38CC190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rember to not mix up
- Narcissist normies criticise everything, except themselves.
- INTJ autists criticises everything, including themselves. In fact, they are internally much harsher to themselves than anything else.

Thanks for nothing.

>> No.54528055

>I don't care
Proceeds to care.
Okay, I'll bite one last time even though I try to ignore you because you always throw out the weirdest accusations and it's just sad to watch.

>I don’t have a position. I’m merely defending myself from narcissistic abuses and upside down narratives in this thread.
You shared a position without elaborating. How the fuck is that a defense against narcissistic abuses? Yes I am sure there may be some abuse in this thread, but what is the abuse in asking you to clarify your position instead of just saying things and expecting people to just... Not inquire? Not disagree? There is not abuse in saying you were being contrarian and not elaborating. Is "retard" abusive? Maybe so, but I call myself a retard too.
>The connection is utterly meaningless, since there are no substantial evidence redwinglabs was historically associated with Kadena LLC, outside inconsequential links in the social graph within actors who may have been working together for unknown, potentially small, timeframes thus effectively considered independent by some perspectives. Unfortunately, proportional notions are difficult to project onto legal framework so I cannot assess whether the issues are relevant or not.
Information was scrubbed after they were called out.
>Projects which failed to acquire a grant weren’t impressive in any ways. This has nothing to do with Fransesco
No comment, I don't particularly disagree with this.


>> No.54528065

>The community is racist, and bully vulnerable developers for fun. This is fundamentally wrong
That is not an argument for whether Franscesco did something wrong or not, stop changing topic. This is your bully tactic.
>EckoDEX original ICO only featured less than 10% given to team, including insider idiosyncrasies. This is a surprisingly small amount. They should be rewarded, not antagonised
They should be rewarded for double dipping ico, sabotaging their own launch to ensure only they dump on their investors (FUCK no their little website did not need a load balancer from a couple hundred people opening at launch). Of course it was fixed after the price was tanked 90% and they had dumped without the frontend.
>- You are a criminal. You have done utterly creepy things but you are too much of a narcissist to recognise that. You should go to jail.
Baseless accusation. You seem to consider all of 4chan one person as per usual. I suspect you are actually a "vulnerable narcissist" yourself, but I have avoided saying it because it is not kind to armchair diagnose people with problems that may not be pathological and possibly a temporary lapse in judgement due to a difficult emotional period.
Name one fucking criminal thing I am doing. Go on.


>> No.54528077

I still go with Tsuredure Children none of you knew it

>> No.54528091

Stop gaslighting me. I’m not sure to know exactly who talk to me at all times, but the responses I get are hostile and out of touch with reality.
The abuses span out over long timeframes, and can not be encapsulated by a single reductionist post as you are trying to do.
They scrubbed the information related to redwing labs to avoid further complications, but it doesn’t invalidate my points.
>No comment
You should stop saying nonsense to divert from truth then.

>> No.54528110

I regret responding because now there's gonna be a million more accusations about how I am racist, a bully, a narcissist, a criminal, and whatever else for the next week.

>They scrubbed the information related to redwing labs to avoid further complications
"complications". Elaborate.
>but it doesn’t invalidate my points
Yes it does.

>> No.54528151 [DELETED] 

You racist freaks are bullying me. I’m protecting myself and others which make me “anti-bully” by definition.
Anyone could’ve accessed the smart-contract once deployed, not just insiders.
If you are /u/Lynx_Lead (aka /u/whowouldbeintothat), you have said insanely horrific discriminatory hate speech to me and others, while being complicit of incitement to suicide and call to violences. Go to jail.

>> No.54528152

>calls me a criminal, a bully, a narcissist
*Ask what I did*
>stop gaslighting me I cant know who writes what
I feel gaslit.

>> No.54528176

Not only am I not that person, I have never told you to kill yourself, I never write anything discriminatory towards racial minorities, and I have never insulted you more than what you have dished out to me in response to nonsense allegations. Yet, every time we interact, somehow I am a bully. Can you not at least stop and wait until you think you know who you are talking with before you sperg out?

>> No.54528230

>there's gonna be a million more accusations about how I am racist, a bully, a narcissist, a criminal,
I don't think you are a narcissist anon.

>> No.54528262
File: 90 KB, 540x776, 15309853-5884-4AC8-868E-3B765C206315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are gaslighting me.
- invalidating the abuses others are facing
- discarding my arguments with unhelpful single word messages
- playing with uncertainty around identity to discharge responsibilities
- being oblivious to the fact individuals are literally praising themselves on the damages they have done to me right above you
- etc

I deeply regret ever talking to all of you.

>> No.54528276

Hey I'm here anon, I have made a big effort to not fight with you, this again proves that you have no idea who you are talking to on any given moment, it is sad that you think I would want to hurt you but I'll try not to take it personally. If you want to chat you know what to do, that is all.

>> No.54528309

There have been times were my ego has been bigger than should been and I have been promptly knocked down a peg and accepted fault and moved on. For example, I made a dumb point a few posts back about competitors and said no comment and I implied I was probably wrong to say so because I didn't disagree.

From the bottom of my heart, shut the fuck up.
Filtering this ID, maybe I won't in another thread.
I do feel bad that you were insulted regularly, but it was not my fault and you are punishing me for months and months for other people's actions and then gaslighting me about it even though I spent literally months defending you. See you tomorrow or something. I don't care, I have to protect my own mental health too not just yours.

>> No.54528354 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 2551BF4F-62EB-4594-8DF1-F39260348FE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m dying. I couldn’t take the additional chronic stress due to a illness. I should’ve never set aside art for cryptic smart-contract ideas. Initially I was literally trying to help others improve their behaviors because I was worried about them, and they used the insecure formatting of my messages to lynch me. You have no idea how hurtful it feels. I’m not sorry.

>> No.54528387
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>> No.54528402
File: 2.17 MB, 498x280, 348B5B1B-BD36-46AB-9373-7DD52642BFD3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fox yourselves. All of you.

>> No.54528408 [DELETED] 

>Initially I was literally trying to help others improve their behaviors
That reminds me of how I used to press my dogs nose down in poop at the recommendation of some people online to stop him pooping indoors but I eventually realised he didn't want to be "fixed" and I was bullying him by imposing my standards of acceptable behavior on him so now I just let him shit on the floor.

>> No.54528415

Reductionist and inaccurate analogy. Ignored.

>> No.54528418 [DELETED] 

I used to let the two dogs I had knot me in the ass. It was great, I could feel the heartbeat and twitching rocket inside me. But one day I let one face fuck me.
He fucked me hard and then knotted me before I realized he was to big. I couldn't open my jaw up enough. So I lay there deep throating my dog. It tasted like sour milk and metal coins. Just constant flow of cum pouring down my throat and filling my mouth. I could hardly breath through my nose. Then he turned and reversed his tie, so his asshole was on my nose the entire time. I had to breath so I sat there huffing dog anus while his cock dumped a ton of seed into my stomach.
In order to not suffocate I had turned around onto all fours. Exposing my ass....and my other dog mounted me. Dry. Dry fucked my ass. God it hurt. I was bleeding and in pain. Now I was spit roasted by my dogs. Cum pouring into my asshole and throat. I couldn't even move my tongue much because it stimulated the knot and he would just stay hard. I was like that for twenty minutes in my mouth and ass. I was dripping cum from my smashed prostate. Knots do that btw.
Eventually they pulled free, mouth first of course. I had to stay a bit more for my ass before pulling free.
When they were done, I collapsed on the floor, dripping in dog cum. Both were licking me clean. I went to stand but the first dog tried to mount my ass! Fucker was still horny. I wasn't fast enough and had another 5 minute session.
Long story short is, big dogs are great.

>> No.54528432

Go to jail.

>> No.54528462 [DELETED] 

Somebody once told me the cops were going to jail me

For hiding a little loli in the shed

She was looking kind of thicc with her finger and her thumb

In the shape of an "L" on her small checks

Well, the cops start coming and they don't stop coming

They search through my house trying to find more lolis

Didn't make sense not to fuck her hard

Your dick gets hard and you nut so fast

So much to do, so much to see

So what's wrong with taking a jail trip?

You'll never know if you don't go

You'll never shine if you don't blow

Hey now, you're a jailed man

Get your pants off, get raped

Hey now, you're a pedophile

Get your ass beat, get fucked

You say those lolis were old

It only gets your ass beaten once more

It's a big dick, and they say it gets bigger

You're in the shower now, wait 'til you get drilled

But the guard men beg to differ

Judging by the size of your hole in the picture

The dicks they have are getting pretty big

The water's getting warm so you might as well suck dick

My dick's on fire, how 'bout yours?

That's the way I like it to never get sore

Hey now, you're a jailed man

Get your pants off, get raped

Hey now, you're a pedophile

Get your ass beat, get fucked

You say those lolis were old

It only gets your ass beaten once more

Somebody once asked

Could I spare some lolis ass?

"I need to get my dick pretty hard"

I said, "Yep, what a concept

I could use a little loli for myself

And then we could all use lolis for sex "

Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming

Fed to the rules and I hit the ground cuming

Didn't make sense live without loli ass

Your dick gets hard but you're jailed pretty fast

No lolis to fuck, no lolis to see

So was it worth taking this jail trip?

You'll never know if you don't cum (cum!)

You'll never shine if you don't blow

Hey now, you're a jailed man

Get your pants off, get raped

Hey now, you're a pedophile

Get your ass beat, get fucked

You say those lolis were old

>> No.54528469 [DELETED] 

It only gets your ass beaten once more

Hey now

Hey now

Hey, hey, hey now

Hey now

Hey now, you're a jailed man

Hey now, you're a jailed man

Hey now, you're a jailed man

It only gets your ass beaten once more

>> No.54528489

Go to jail.

>> No.54528593

>I’m not sorry.
>Go fuck yourselves.
Hope you find peace. Not for your sake, but so that we don't have to put up with your harassment.

>> No.54528648
File: 54 KB, 786x932, 20230330_235114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuwu, they raised 3m KDA and on chain data shows they sent it to exchanges for somewhere between 20m on the low estimates and 80m on the high estimates.
Their latest financial report shows they have 1.5m left. They have paid millions in consulting fees to people like scamcesco. That is the only explanation for where the money has gone.
Saying Redwing labs employees aren't associated with each other is a massive cope. It was a small tech form own Ed by scamcesco and formed the building blocks for Fakedex. That's just a bunch of sentences of cope.
You're being willfully retarded. There's no way on earth you actually believe what you are spouting in this post

>> No.54528750

hi nuwu

>> No.54528780
File: 311 KB, 1918x1080, [Koten_Gars] Omamori Himari - 01 [JP.BD][Hi10][1080p][FLAC] [6DBBB940].mkv-00_16_59-2023-04-10-02h37m09s612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you weren't aware, she's said like 20+ times she does not want people to say her name. If you actually do care about her it doesn't really make sense to consistently do it.
Pantsushot every 3 seconds. Fanservice. I am a teenager.

>> No.54528852

I hope this post makes you open your dumb fucking eyes https://www.reddit.com/r/kadena/comments/12gig9o/comment/jfmu6g0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
People can't into internet drama, trying to call something fakedex was one of the worst stating points for you even though you may or may not be correct. I shouldn't haven have to spell it out it's unbelievably obvious how one should act to win the public over.

>> No.54528890

how tf do i say to nuwu then

>> No.54528920
File: 362 KB, 1602x1028, cdf7072714356ece150230868e96093579860426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it again
Have you tried saying... Hello?
Let me show you.


>> No.54528974


>> No.54528987

i dont think that works nuwu dosent know im only saying hi to her

>> No.54529007 [DELETED] 

Now Nuwu will be mad at you and think you said this to draw attention to how a low effort way of annoying him is calling him that. Cute IP address btw. Between living in such a low population density area since you mentioned that you live next to a [redacted] how your name was similar to [redacted] before you [redacted] and how [redacted] I could easily doxx you. This is why I use a VPN.

>> No.54529016
File: 82 KB, 750x739, 1657074908460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on

>> No.54529020
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2023-01-17-10h45m44s698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works better when you link to a specific person, if I didn't know better I would think you were just saying hello to the thread itself. There are many posts by a particular ID here that you could (You).
My specific example did not just say Hi to nothing. I said Hi to you and it was pretty clear that it was not to anyone else.
I would have thought this was obvious, but maybe not.
You're still doing it despite how easy it would be to avoid and her claims that it hurts her. Have you tried using any of the many nicknames instead? Stutteranon was a popular one.

>> No.54529042 [DELETED] 

>will be mad at you and think you said this to draw attention to how a low effort way of annoying him is calling him that
I'm struggling reading this.
>This is why I use a VPN
I thought you said this would be a violation of my privacy and that you wouldn't bother, but fair enough. At least it's [redacted]..?

>> No.54529051
File: 816 KB, 504x540, kagamispin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir we are funny.

>> No.54529056
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 1601411583347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing funny about not achieving your goals.

>> No.54529064

>I thought you said this would be a violation of my privacy
It wasn't intentional. You basically flashed me by posting a screenshot showing you were watching the same thing I was downloading.

>> No.54529079

He gets paid to be unfunny.

>> No.54529085
File: 712 KB, 504x540, output-onlinegiftools (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said we won't?

>> No.54529100

For a moment in time our computers were connected. We were sharing a moment.

>> No.54529112

I just sent you a link to prove that it's not happening, if you think people dismissing your points because they are made in a way that is too confusing to be understood by anyone with a halfway functioning temporal lobe then good luck.

>> No.54529114
File: 78 KB, 397x324, 1679426451185154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw this tripfag is not the real Lain. I think this has the potential for hilarity though. Excited to see how they parody my behavior.

>> No.54529119

i do not know which poster is stutteranon, only that stutteranon exists (alegedly). also I was using atutteranons undesireable name because i did not know which other name to refer to her with. I also did not want to mis identify studderanons gender which i may or may not have accedently done before when I refered to studeranon as "her" in the post in which I used studeranons undesirable name to be refered too

>> No.54529120
File: 85 KB, 439x504, mc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I help make things clear for that most Redditor. I think anyone should be able to understand.

>> No.54529124
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 4289E24E-8E69-4452-8F2F-9F60122E92F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have absolutely no idea what harassement is and you should stop jumping on other’s weakness to turn things upside down. You should take full responsibility for everything you have said.

How long Fransesco worked for Kadena before bringing up the contribution of redwinglabs? If this time is short, they should be informally considered independent.
I can’t talk about the funding and consulting claims, since I would’ve to see the sources.

Hi, I can’t believe this is happening to me, but I never had a chance.

It doesn’t matter when I’m already namedropped once in a thread. It’s mostly irrelevant compared to the invalidation of damages done to me.

>> No.54529128

The joke is that I only am doing it once and not beating a dead horse.

>> No.54529143
File: 675 KB, 1080x1280, kyoko_alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try to pretend I'm not funny, but I know I'm hilarious

>> No.54529145

But if anyone else wants to take over the fake lain tripfag put "Lain##paidshillbymw" in the name field.

>> No.54529173
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1675023605733372.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone else wants to take over the Italian leather boot licker, just type faggot into the name field.

>> No.54529193
File: 971 KB, 1011x1088, 1602282961707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about, that Is exactly what I did, with explanation to each statement proving your slander wrong and having you apologize for lying in the end.
>hate speech to me >incitement to suicide >call to violences
None of those are things I ever said to you and the fact you would still go lie like this is true evil on another level. The only reason I'm not losing my cool like last time is because I like to imagine that this is just one of your episodes and that you're not being serious. The many things you accuse me off of things other people did due to your non-functional hippocampus is a problem.
I recommend not abusing my lack of ability to hold grudges, it's not like I simply forget. I don't particularly like being your scapegoat for other people's actions that were incited by your mistakes.

>> No.54529250
File: 12 KB, 143x252, D2D55A6E-00B9-4275-A6D4-6B8A285BA8B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my last message within this horror-infused community. Have fun owning nothing.

I pretended to “apologised” because I was surprised myself of how horrific your behaviors were while looking it up. And it didn’t even include most threads where you don’t have a propagated identity. Unfortunately for you, the court can look it up on internal logs. Destroying lives for “fun” is still illegal. Go to jail.

I can’t believe you have so little awareness and empathy. This is beyond anything I could’ve ever conceived. I’m insanely stupid for not making sense of the absurdity around me.

>> No.54529263
File: 1.75 MB, 582x618, 1679039162422048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> the court can look it up

What would be the charges officer?

>> No.54529266

See you tomorrow.

>> No.54529273

The person you are attacking politely asked me to stop telling you to kill yourself, calling you by pronouns you don't identify as and arguing with you. I didn't do any of that but that isn't on them.

>> No.54529284

You literally went full blown acharnement with your freak friends on me for no reason. You literally “lol”’d at my suicide and exposition to incitement to suicide. You tried to portray me as a illy for month based on nothing but your narcissistic desire of destroying things around you. Don’t turn things upside down. I used to think you were the only I could talk to at this point in time, turns out you are even worse.

>> No.54529292
File: 74 KB, 317x317, 1604852123911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, we are fucking back!!!!
Love the enthusiasm in here. We are going to take Kadena to the next level. I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful community of kind, intelligent, caring, and compassionate people. Wagmi

>> No.54529304

For me, it's spamming the thread with zoophilic copypasta to distract from the cry for attention when he claimed to be dying.

>> No.54529356
File: 24 KB, 768x768, E22103C1-3006-4048-904B-EF64752D94FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine. Play dumb all you want, ridiculise me, turn everything upside down, make fun of my ability to leave, I don’t care. I tried to help and got bitten. This is perfectly normal.

Have fun being empty.

>> No.54529370

If you were a doctor, what pharmaceutical drugs would you give stutteranon to unite the voices in her head? I'm gonna go with Lithium.

>> No.54529421

Amyl nitrate

>> No.54529477

based on the nickname it sounds like treatment for the stuttering is in order before treating stutteranons hallucinations with a heavy regimen of anti-psychotics

>> No.54529674

You yourself said.
>based on 4chan standards you're okay
Because you couldn't find anything actually horrible, surprise surprise the mentally stable poster is mentally stable who would have thought. I'm not trying to make you feel bad with my writing, I am just being honest, something I would like for you to be as well.
I have no control on what any anon here does let's get that crystal clear. I even tried the opposite as stated by >>54529273 Whatever I may have said "lol" to was not just an incitement to suicide but had likely incorporated some other type of humor into the post, I doubt I would reply "lol" to a two word post. Even if that was the case you went from claiming I made those statements to saying I replied to someone who did.
Misinterpreting something and then blaming me for another anon's post, ask yourself why you always attack me instead of the person that won't reply to you because they could not care less.
If I'm the only one who you can talk to then why try so hard to make me a scapegoat, did you know I barely replied to any of your posts ever since your apparently fake apology, yeah shocker isn't it. This here is the first time I'm saying anything.
I am growing sick of the trail of destruction you leave behind, try letting go of the need for drama and find something else that stimulates your brain to this degree.
All that being said, I am still happy to be frens with you despite your second attempt at an ill-thought-out character assassination.

>> No.54529767

is there anything about that shitcoin that isnt a scam? first the kaddex bullshit which implicated the kadena team itself, and now this bullshit

>> No.54529927

>another PoW ghostchain

>> No.54530662
File: 25 KB, 407x445, generic lain image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up my broski's
somethgin somethin fakedex something something the real kaddex which doesnt exist and cannot even think of an original name and needs to ride the coat tail of some inbred seth rogan larperstein something something sexoDAO something osmtehsng 6 million something something 1pbtid something somethstinegteh something VPN somethignspt spomething some thinge my name is lain did I tell you that my name is lain yet because if not I will tell you again that my name is lain something somethsf sdfomosomethinge
do it for free

>> No.54530737

You're clearly retarded jeet. There are a lot of based platforms in the space and I for one go for decentralized ones cause there's no chance for one independent faggot to screw everyone over. Reminds me of a web3 decentralized communication node system that has help up for years without compromise, those are the kind of crypto platforms I'm talking about.

>> No.54531109

your not lain. you want to know how I know that? because I am lain.

>> No.54531477
File: 33 KB, 231x398, 4BDC78DE-2409-4481-BDBF-35C765096918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my last message. I won’t reply to further harassment.

Don’t scapegoat your destructive behaviors on me. I only shared factual informations. You must take full responsibility for everything you have said instead of pretending to be friendly while destroying my life for fun. You are not honest in any kind of way.
I got randomly rammed down with insults while posting on ICP threads by one of you. You don’t respect my boundaries at all. Stop pretending to care about my creativity.

>> No.54531498

>You yourself said.
I said this exactly because I was horrified and started arguing in your side.

>> No.54531522

what an amazing fuck up, linking a scam telegram on your official homepage lmao. I joined the discord just to watch the cope

how much Stockholm syndrome do these guys have

>> No.54531545

wasnt he catering at golf courses before he became a major money manager at kadena LOL would love to know the full story on this creep and all the moves he made to drain money from kadena. what a boss, MW wishes he had half as much savvy as this guy, that's why he's so obsessed with him

>> No.54531592

>rammed down with insults while posting on ICP threads by one of you

>posts outside the comfy threads
>gets treated like how everyone else on this website is treated
>it's your fault
I do not go outside our threads you need to reevaluate what you wrote. This happened before, i don't entirely recall but i think you went into an ICP thread and then complained at getting insulted and we told you that this is the norm.

>> No.54531606
File: 76 KB, 600x800, Goldshell-KD-BOX-Miner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part was when the mining TG came together and decided to not sell to raise the price and dump on you people.

>> No.54532085

Glad I sold this shit.

>> No.54532450

is kadena kill?
why isn't it dumping

>> No.54532532
File: 80 KB, 730x752, 1663535381177144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have dumped from 28 to 1 dollar...
Do you have any messages archive from this miner group?

>> No.54532550
File: 119 KB, 563x860, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is getting in your head now, how the fuck can you fumble so hard when you are right.
Imagine accusing criminals of clear criminal behavior and incompetence yet somehow making yourself look bad? How is that even possible.
YOU make people trust ecko more because of your incompetence at simply showcasing the truth, which mind you is in your fucking favor. Some suggestions
>do not make a dex or a token sale or any kind of project while naming it kaddex, the trademark troll is a project itself, use it as your foundation to embarrass ecko
>do not confuse people by using terminology that they are used to, you are undermining your own point
>do not get involved in the drama, you are the judge and executioner, not the fucking enemy

>> No.54532645

I'm sorry, but I'm only 22% sorry. I recognize your efforts to avoid dragging me down in the mud after being disclosed the health condition of mine, but I never expected other anon(e)s do keep gaslighting me and provocating me in spite of this information, such as I kept mixing them up with you.

I believe it would be better for everyone if you were more transparent about your past behaviors and openly condemning them, rather than inverting causes and consequences. As recognizing one's faults is the first action towards meaningful friendliness, and it would highlight your new potential values.


>> No.54532674
File: 389 KB, 451x619, 1644860100124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is being purposefully ignorant. Kaddex is a great name and we will bring glory back to it. Also, we are frankly hilarious. I think that when a real multichain DEX is launched on Kadena, people will have no choice but to accept it since there won't be any other multichain options on the network.
I hear you though. I think being funny and Kaddex being a good name outweighs the benefits of starting a new brand. The main issue is anything that MW does will be met with skepticism until we deliver ANYWAYS. If you think these people are being genuinely curious and not just parroting what they are told to think, you're mistaken.

>> No.54532740

>The main issue is anything that MW does will be met with skepticism until we deliver
I think even if you deliver.
>If you think these people are being genuinely curious and not just parroting what they are told to think, you're mistaken.
You really think random people being skeptic of a literal trademark troll are just being told what to think? I doubt all of them like Ecko.
I guess you are right, the mainstream media and the narratives and the propaganda really got to them, that's why they don't trust a troll. Fucking sheeple.

>> No.54532817
File: 29 KB, 316x300, 1680152082251330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trademark troll

Fakedex isn't sending their best. How did MW manage to get these trademarks years before Fakedex ever used them if he's just trolling? Your statements aren't in line with public document dates.

>> No.54532838

I do think that person is right, the reason you think they are parroting something is because you can't imagine how someone else could see the situation.
>we are frankly hilarious
You could be, easily, re-read my post. You fucked up though.
It's good that you realize no one will take you seriously until you deliver, which I also doubt. Just keep in mind you didn't even need to deliver anything if you
So his goal to patent troll was a long game way before redwing? What a scumbag lol
You're preaching to the choir, I never seriously said anything that is worth condemning, you also don't have any moral high ground after lying so maliciously again and again. I have nothing left to say to you.

>> No.54532844

>if you
did >>54532550

>> No.54532852

Not really. Look at what you're writing to cope.

>> No.54532854

All projects with names derived from encompassing platforms are self-reported uncreative and uninteresting. I personally do not find the Kaddex name itself pleasant at all.

A multi chain DEX overlooking the intricate subtleties of parallel computations will fail to provide practical scaling improvements over a sequential one. For example, poor pool balancing and/or cross-chain routing implementation may increase complexity beyond the simple solution. If I weren't distancing myself from Kadena, I would patent random market maker ideas and give them to the nice entities at Ecko to balance out unjustified devastations.

I never said anything that was a lie. Don't project your grotesque desire of having some ridiculous "moral high ground". I literally initially forced myself to act "un-nice" in order to avoid such obscene games of yours.

You are disappointing. Your utterly creepy behaviors have caused insane damages to others, but you don't have sufficient morality to understand why it is that way. I'm not sorry at all. Go to jail.

>> No.54532865

I guess it's a new day.

>> No.54532877
File: 67 KB, 800x790, 00B66172-6625-4FCF-A73E-25A14CCDB07D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I lied about calling myself a liar once. I thought it would be funny but I didn’t realise the kind of narcissistic freaks I was talking to yet.

>> No.54532902
File: 236 KB, 500x727, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>you have said insanely horrific hate speech to me >incitement to suicide >call to violences
>I never said anything that was a lie.
Pure Evil.

Certified database anon moment

>> No.54532921

I'm not sure your brain is working properly. MW owns all these marks since before Fakedex was ever publicly mentioned. Explain to me how MW having the marks before Fakedex ever existed mean that he's a trademark troll. It obviously means that he shared his branding ideas with Fakedex team before he was pushed out by Scamcesco and friends. They stole his intellectual property and calling him a trademark troll is going against basic cause and event reality bound by time. What I am saying is that the dates invalidate your claims quite obviously, to the point where it's hard to think you are approaching this with any amount of sincerity.

>> No.54532935

I don't know the dates anon, I assume the second the team uttered the word kaddex years and years ago he would have gone and claimed it, something that I would trust in the guy doing. But your story makes more sense. Not like it means anything.

>> No.54532950

Which one fits best?

>Explain to me how MW having the marks before Fakedex ever existed mean that he's a trademark troll
Nobody here is retarded enough to believe this. Nobody reads 4channel. You are wasting your and our time talking to us as if we are retards who don't know what kind of trolling this is. It was funny in the beginning, and I admit it's still a bit funny, but we all know it's a troll and you do too (and if you don't, sorry to say but you are retarded and need to stop idolizing people). I don't see what you have to gain by pretending it's real on a dead light novel website with 5 readers.

>> No.54532989

What power does the patent owner hold over the chain?

>> No.54533019

Don't take words outside their sentences. I wrote you were complicity to it. You laughed at and ridiculed the threatened target of your friend, which is extremely creepy in itself.

I can't believe you would call me evil in this context
- I overcame my insecurities to help others improve their behaviors, but they abused the indirection to crush me for fun while I was opening my heart to them.
- I never charged anyone on unprovoked subjects. I was cornered by insanely damaging and disturbing intimidations.
- I overwork myself to provide absolutely free insights and software contributions (even if my productivity drastically decreased from bullying). I never patented my ideas.
- The double-standards against me are massive. My whole existence is destroyed while your reputation is barely scratched.

You are the most evil entity I've ever interacted with. I've never done anything to you outside begging you to stop doing the insanely damaging harassment you were throwing at me. The German ego is the worst, when the latter is racist. Go to jail.

>> No.54533040

>The German ego is the worst.
Racism: The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

>> No.54533067

In practice I can't think of anything except preventing American and Europoor companies from making private blockchains using their designs.

>> No.54533077
File: 76 KB, 588x590, 4A1678AE-C592-4A26-AE57-959992781AC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep forgetting the kind of narcissistic machines I’m talking to. You have always been so hostile it took me a long time to realise you somehow considered yourselves to be “nice”.

Go to jail.

>> No.54533110
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2023-04-09-20h25m10s721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. I unironically consider myself an extremely nice person. Especially when talking to strangers online.

>> No.54533117

Cute picture.

>> No.54533123

Anon was driving home from work one day, but for some reason, she started noticing that all the other cars were driving on the opposite side of the road. Confused, she pulled out her phone and called her mom. She complained to her mom about all the crazy drivers on the road.

>> No.54533132
File: 997 KB, 1200x1320, 274380602_488676959627398_5462567057811141372_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically and with all seriousness believe that he will build a multichain dex. Idk how much clearer I can be

>> No.54533156
File: 637 KB, 954x1022, ebb-2071847487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I won't make fun of your disability anymore.

>> No.54533164

As someone not paid to post those opinions online I disagree.

>> No.54533230
File: 632 KB, 405x1882, Uncle from Another World Chapter 1 - Uncle from Another World Manga Online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle from Another World is great. I love the product placement.
>His unattractive appearance barely changed since the time he transferred to another world, and he was frequently mistaken for an orc and treated extremely poorly by the inhabitants of the other world, to the point where he had to continuously wipe his own memories to maintain his sanity.
>She has a crush on him after he saved her from a dragon, but since the term 'tsundere' only became popular four years after Yōsuke went into coma, he does not understand her tendencies and thinks she is harassing him instead.

>> No.54533242
File: 148 KB, 854x982, 57164540_p18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so good!

>> No.54533253

Thank you sir
Where do I send my invoice? I have been doing this for free

>> No.54533367

>This is my last message within this cute-infused community. Have fun owning it all.

>This is my last message. I will reply to further friendliness.

See you tomorrow.

>> No.54533385
File: 66 KB, 1024x768, lolifox-v0.3-main-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute post.

>> No.54533778

im buying KDA for many reasons despite the eco system shit which is pretty bad imo
first, hash rate. It keeps skyrocketing
second, underlying tech
- pact is superior to solidity
- chainweb allows for more security with less electricity then BTC's consensus
- kadenaJS and other stuff coming
third, tokenomics
- the fact that this shit will be mined for 100 years with a reasonable emission schedule for most of that time is really appealing
fourth, global homo and tradfi big names working for the team and advising
- whether you like it or not this is a likely indicator of success

>> No.54534140
File: 14 KB, 750x412, dfinityblockchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedera bridge hacked
Ethereum bridge hacked
Harmony bridge hacked
Avalanche bridge hacked
BNB bridge hacked
Polygon bridge hacked
Solana bridge hacked

Kadena DAO hacked.

>> No.54534174

Kadena DAO?

>> No.54534176

There is no such thing as a Kadena dao,
EckoDAO is a random scam project where the telegram url got stolen.

>> No.54534876
File: 54 KB, 379x604, 05682681-E9AF-4902-9049-6CA3F02A2B3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only fun and comfy project out there.
- DApps have not to worry about bloated entanglements of oracles, APIs, data layers, rollups, sequencers, nor their respective multi-layered inharmonious consensus schemes
- Perfectly suitable for metaverse games and MMOs. Fast finality on L1 simplifies lots of things for developers, whether Kadena holders like it or not, since L2 inherently increases centralisation and the surface exposed to points of failure.
- Flexible substrate allows future frameworks developed on it to overcome the shortcomings of Wasm regarding safety and sound composition. The eco-system may be as pure and functional as desired while still offering the full capabilities of Turing systems.
- The community is diverse and inclusive. There are some bigots, but they are much easier to ignore than the ones in PoW circles. And they don’t threaten you.
- Dominik is nice
- PoW platforms disintegrate billions in resources and energy, while PoS spends investment funds into actually useful services unlocking the full potential of the combined AI + collective intelligence of civilisation.
- Other platforms will ironically unironically best hosted on the IC, due to monopolised competitive advantages of web3 cloud services over traditional.

>> No.54535629

Now I am constipated too.

>> No.54535975

Y-you too.

>> No.54536074
File: 36 KB, 434x542, 573B0494-A074-41BB-B284-D7A613484997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t believe they caused all this damages because they wanted the “moral high ground”, whatever that is, on me. They are profoundly ridicule. They should’ve asked for it from the beginning instead of abusing intimidation tactics against sensitive subjects.

No, whatever you will never interact with me again.

The more you own, the less you have.

>> No.54536478


This is the fate of everyone who attacks the real Kaddex. We are serious. We ARE going to launch a multichain DEX. We will taken whatever actions are available legally to ensure our product and team is not slandered.
This should be a wakeup call to doubters that we are serious, but I'm sure the negative IQ members of the community will spin this as just MW trolling and not being serious about building a dex.
I look forward to the launch of real Kaddex to shut these people up.

>> No.54536503

>MW paid me 5 bucks to make this post. That is a lot of money in my country.

>> No.54536521
File: 68 KB, 1024x671, 1679877169306165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope rope and also please tell me where to send the invoice. I haven't been getting paid.

>> No.54536560

I meant MW paid the person who posted the tweet you posted with ten followers 5 dollars.

>> No.54536572

Oh, well that's also incorrect and a cope. Maybe you could post your Twitter and make up some stuff about the real Kaddex so we can send you scary letter

>> No.54536578
File: 33 KB, 336x320, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the way you have been typing from A to Z I really don't think you believe your own shit.

>> No.54536613
File: 2.24 MB, 2891x1923, 1680194091728854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it sar. We are happy to subpoena Twitter for people's personal information to serve lawsuits as needed. Why not try it. Make some defamatory remarks about the real Kaddex and it's team and then post the link here and see if you get served. Will be a fun science experiment.

>> No.54536619

Yeah yeah, sure thing shill If I don't blindly worship MW I am coping.

>> No.54536628
File: 199 KB, 1600x900, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe it sar
Stop gaslighting us.

>> No.54536649
File: 91 KB, 1080x1350, 1679925844848840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop gaslighting ME

>> No.54536654

MW dumped on you.

>> No.54536818
File: 293 KB, 1378x2039, 1679432189031697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna sneed some on chain data like I saw from the KDA team wallets. I'd love such information if you have it

>> No.54536895
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, benchod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54536903

I really really like this kids anime by the way.
Zettai ni muri...

>> No.54537006
File: 79 KB, 589x589, 1679581935075680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am prepared for this possibility and I will be fine if that's the case. I really hate these Fakedex faggots. I may be retarded though so keep that in mind.

>> No.54537035

>I really hate these Fakedex faggots
I don't like them either, but that doesn't mean you have to suck up to yet another fraud.

>> No.54537077
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1296, 1678413430520553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just retarded and think he could make a DEX I guess. It's really that simple.

>> No.54537127

Note he still has not said anything remotely critical of his boss. Any problem we have are because "tee hee, maybe i'm just a retard."

>> No.54537325
File: 109 KB, 651x921, 075be788272e4334360f7939d4010169a02af018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we like black or green tea more? I'm not sure which one I like more and feel like I'm fucking up making green so I rugpull myself into thinking black is better.

>> No.54537345

He certainly has his reputation bec he has done scummy things in the past. He is a very interesting person to me, but I totally understand why many people hate him. Don't get me wrong, he trolls people relentlessly, exaggerates everything, and knows exactly how to get under people's skin. He's not some random person though. He has an extensive history with Kadena. I remain cautiously optimistic, but obviously I wouldn't be like mind-blowingly surprised if he dies t end up making the dex and was trolling.

>> No.54537635

I do not hate him because he is a le epic ruseman who trolled me you retarded faggot. He is trying to extract value from a network I like and this is apparent to everyone to the point that anyone who supports him is without question a paid shill. Your counter argument to this is that he might make a DEX at some point in time? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.54537649

Black tea is great with plenty of whipped cream and four sugars but I prefer green tea because it makes me feel sophisticated even if the taste is icky.

>> No.54537828
File: 96 KB, 844x1022, kaden-ACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KDA isn't a securit-ACK
tick tock trooncels, Emin is advising the CFTC now. soon all centralized shitcoins will be banned and you will never be able to afford your genital mutilation surgeries. you will give up your dreams of becoming an androgynous abomination and be forced to become family men instead. you will never commit suicide, instead you will die surrounded by your wife(female), sons(male) and daughters(female). this is the fate you chose.

>> No.54537902
File: 14 KB, 684x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

error spam filter

>> No.54537905
File: 1.77 MB, 2000x1333, 1679285199336899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adolf is a great name and we will bring glory back to it

>> No.54537936
File: 315 KB, 881x643, 1678987381432258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saving these images and leaving. later troons.

>> No.54537952

thanks for cumming

>> No.54537957

bgXV9fW6 managed to hit my filters two posts in a row. Blessed am I in my safe space.

>> No.54538005

MW is a retardo and so are (You) for following him and believing his silverstein tongue
He is only capable of kvetching
He cannot create.

>> No.54538275

KDA unlocks and emmissions have been 50M KDA annually. After around 30% or so of the supply is unlocked relatively soon (300M ish circ supply) it will be solely miner emmissions for the period you said of 120 years, of which the kda foundation can alter emmissions as they please (and they will)
next year by the next halfening, KDA will be at around 300M KDA circ supply and need to somehow reach an $8.4B mcap to breach its previous ATH.
with a nonexistent ecosystem, every dApp being centralized vaporware scamcoins funded by the kadena foundation themselves personally pocketing everything, no metamask or ledger, incredible normie barrier to entry, etc
do you see this happening ?
To reach triple digits you would currently need a $23B mcap
by next year that same figure will be $30B mcap and so on
PoW is greater than PoS alright
the scam crumbles.

>> No.54538302

>PoW is greater than PoS alright
Bitcoin is still digital gold.
Zcash is operated and backed by glowies, Monero works.

>> No.54538450

>>digital gold
>backed by nothing
>this crypto is glowie but not this other one xd
All crypto is glowie, anything on the internet is NSA/GQHC creation
Electricity, which they govern, is not a backing.
Precious metals are gods currency and have been used for all civilizations before this fiat abomination for a reason.

>> No.54538499

>buy heroin online with gold

>> No.54538502
File: 115 KB, 774x722, 1583461958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to buy estrogen online how can I use gold?

>> No.54538673
File: 383 KB, 1500x1054, toothache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people have been using precious metals to buy drugs before fiat ever existed.
there would be an alternative

>> No.54538773
File: 211 KB, 1000x1200, b44d5b739dd0def0f186a1416660f37448d02990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She evades the question.

>> No.54538914
File: 312 KB, 674x859, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she wants to pretend the industrial revolution and its consequences never happened

>> No.54538941

No. Nobody is pretending that didn't happen.
You are changing the topic because you have no argument.

>> No.54539023
File: 33 KB, 291x302, signal-2022-11-29-182203_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have known what would happen if i was accepting of trans women in my community.

>> No.54539074

>>how can i buy a now illegal substance with a currency that hasn't been generally accepted since April 5th 1933
fLoq on my knob

>> No.54539087


You're not making any sense anon. Gold is not suited for the ever more digital world. In fact, it's not even suited for in-person trades.

>> No.54539099

are you calling nuwu (jewu) mentally ill?
she'll call you a racist transphobic anti-semite and an hero
fLoq ur dyslexic please dont @ me ty

>> No.54539118

>fLoq ur dyslexic please dont @ me ty
Read your own posts given the context.
Get some fresh air, read a book, maybe you'll feel better.

>> No.54539152
File: 45 KB, 500x505, 1680447995596270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>46pbtid telling me to touch grass

>> No.54539197

Implying you didn't spend all day on Twitter.

>> No.54539218

I'm really argumentative today. Going back to animu. Reality is for suckers.

>> No.54539267

Good morning emiliy, can you pls reply to the accusations that thanos made?

>> No.54539388
File: 401 KB, 1918x1080, [Koten_Gars] Omamori Himari - 04 [JP.BD][Hi10][1080p][FLAC] [6803E99E].mkv-00_09_51-2023-04-10-23h57m43s679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54540420
File: 37 KB, 564x564, d9f63e134f2a271197205b77f780856e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love u all
u will be happier when u leave kda behind

>> No.54540520
File: 157 KB, 590x568, 3464becde4d0e7d7edd5b56f6b0b582e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will b happieriest wen nuwu stops posting forever

>> No.54541228
File: 223 KB, 1378x2039, 1679349674753392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So never?