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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54531220 No.54531220 [Reply] [Original]

Feels good being on gibs. Dont have to worry about waking up early to make mr shekelstein money so he can fuel his third yacht. Imagine being a slave for someone else in 2023. Im going to upgrade my neet bux plans soon.

>> No.54531233

What are you on gibs for?

>> No.54531244

>Brags about his fixed income in 2023, in a high inflationary decade
>t. retard

>> No.54531246

>neet bux
Lmao you're a literal disabled mental sim and you're still talking shit you should be embarassed

>> No.54531259
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>the government has official documentation that im retarded
>feels good

>> No.54531268

You're LITERALLY retarded.


>> No.54531280
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>the government has attested that I am disabled
>feels good, hehe

>> No.54531284

> feels good being a loser

keep coping faggot. you're obviously mentally ill and unable to function in society. enjoy staying poor forever. you're going to be that 40 year old that has to couch surf or live in shitty gov housing for the rest of your life

>> No.54531294


>> No.54531323

Jealous niggers lol
Have fun in the wage cage
>b-b-but muh government
Your governments are importing millions of niggers to give away your money.

>> No.54531333

How much do you get 1k? 2k? I make 200k per year, imbecile.

>> No.54531354

for real though. they brag like they've fucking figured out the secret to life or something. i could get on neetbux too. but i don't. you know why? because i like having fucking money and being able to build my wealth by a substantial amount. i don't want to live a gov funded life in shitty accomodation with a shoestring budget. i want land and a nice house to call my own. if i wanted to be a peasant, i would be op.

>> No.54531376

OP absolutely destroyed

>> No.54531382 [DELETED] 

Because I'm a retard.
Got arrested for talking about jews and zionists.
The shrinks tested me and said I have a verbal IQ of 120+ but apparently some other type of IQ is only 86.
So I come off as smart but actually I can't comprehend difficult topics.
Tested twice, at age of 15 and 20+.
One time I tried to sollicitate for a job and my social worker literally had set up a fake job application to let me practice.

Now I made a lot of money with crypto.
But I just cant comprehend difficult topics such as taxes ;) Go ahead and ask the professionals! I have it documented. I only have a IQ of 86.
It's like asking an ape to file taxes

>> No.54531396

dont let the wagies talk down on you, they should be working for their shekels anyhow

>> No.54531398

>being arrested for shitposting
but seriously why you revealed your power level?

>> No.54531403

You make 100k a year?
That would mean 49.5% income tax
So you get 50k a year minus rent/mortgage and healthcare.
I thought you like having so much money lol

>> No.54531407

feels good fuckin ur mom and sister

>> No.54532292

Imagine being this bad at progressive taxes

>> No.54532309
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Meanwhile that tax is funneled to comfy NEET-Chads

>> No.54532339

But NEETbucks work, thats how I made it.

>dont enter the rat race like the idiots and instead pretend I'm retarded so I get paid by the government
>get free money for years for literally doing nothing
>live with parents so dont pay rent or any other shit
>flip weed (buy a bag and then wait for holidays and resell higher)
>keep investing the money into crypto
>made it couple years later

now my Networth is 3.9 million USD and I have passive income making several thousand a month doing nothing, was a lot higher before the dump but its still alright.
I made it before even turning 30 all because I didnt fall for the memes like getting a job, or moving out or getting a degree or working for some jew.