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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54528059 No.54528059 [Reply] [Original]

Is buying a new car always a bad financial decision? Can't it be a good one since you won't have to do repair if you take care of it and if you strategize right you can save bigly on gas?

>> No.54528068

Just buy a 1-2 year old one

>> No.54528097

I find this is a tough choice nowadays. New cars are covered by warranty but they have so many problems that it makes me nervous staring down the end of my warranty period. It feels like everything would break as soon as you're not covered. Cars from 2005 ish and older are gold but you can't put much more mileage on them

>> No.54528104

yes, even new cars need repairs, often it's under warrenty but it's still a repair needed

I personally go for late 90s, early 00s cars, currently driving a 01 Toyota Camry, 59,000 miles, replaced the alternator myself and it just works

>> No.54528125

Usually this is what I would do, but if you look at the price of these, they are literally the price of new. The car bubble is still ongoing and is taking forever to correct.

>> No.54528145

I bought a new car (actually truck) in 2009 and still drive it today. Averages out to about $2500 a year, does that sound like I made a bad decision? I'll be driving it for another 10 hopefully.

>> No.54528150

>you won't have to do repair if you take care of it
Nigger have you never owned a car in your life? Shit will break because it's faulty, though no fault of your own. Shit will break merely from usage. And "have to do repair" implies you're not repairing it yourself, but taking it to the dealer or a mechanic, where it can get broken again just by the wrenchmonkey working on it being careless.

>> No.54528166

We're in an era where businesses run by low IQ boomer fuck CEOs thought that planned obsolescence was a great idea to get people to buy new cars and shit, but instead it just means people learn to do with less instead of investing in shit that just breaks down.

>> No.54528177

>$2500 a year

in gas or car payments?

>> No.54528185

stuff a fucking dick in your mouth. you're more likely to have to do repairs on a used car given shit owners vs having it new straight off the lot. jump off a cliff immediately.

>> No.54528191

financing a car is almost always retarded
>pay 50k for a 30k car, when its paid off its worth 20k

>> No.54528207
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Wow so you bought the car before you made this stupid thread, huh retard? Better start looking for one of those computers that tell you what error code your car computer is reading once you start getting random breakdowns.

>> No.54528220

So I'm thinking of getting a 2023 Prius, which would run me $30k. I was thinking of putting down $15k in cash and the rest to finance. I could actually buy the whole thing in cash, but want to save as much capital for crypto.

>> No.54528232

No I didn't ass hat. Imagine watching japanese cartoons as a grown man. kek. fucking loser.

>in b4 dude where do you think you are
>in b4 back to plebbit normie!

do you want to continue getting owned?

>> No.54528245

>car payments
I paid it in cash up front $36,000. the average I gave is just the cost of the car/how long I've had it.

>> No.54528297

Oh I see.

>> No.54528363

yes new car is bad right now. accumulate more cheap assets before the bull run. future economy is more ai driven. consumers are staying home. uber and deliver users going up. Alibaba/Amazon will boom after the bull run transfer of wealth, meaning more deliveries vs going out. priced in waiting for drone deliveries, ai uber, car rental buy out by some big billionaire and made into an app.

>> No.54529241

There's a very specific scenario where getting the loan makes sense if you find something that earns you more than what the opportunity cost + nigflation to essentially get the car for free (ex: buying 100k in 10% junk bonds to buy a Range Rover that costs 800/mo in car payments) but in all others it'a retarded

>> No.54529271
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You're the one looking for a new car and asking for help retard, be a man and do the research yourself

>> No.54529316

Just pay cash for the car. Not having debt payments is the best feeling in the world. Also a 2023 Prius is a great pick. Very reliable, great fuel economy, and pretty low depreciation (for a car)

>> No.54529351
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>> No.54529451

Autofag here. It used to be buying 1-2 years old was the right answer, however... The car market is still fucked and you can buy a new car with a warranty for similar to or less than the same used car with little to no warranty. Financing should you need it is also less on a new car. If you have a car you might want to wait a bit as the market is starting to head back to normalcy but if you need something now looking new is a very good option. CPO is often a good answer too but it was pretty fucked for a bit there.

>> No.54529459

Also a bad idea. If it was a lease then they definitely didn’t take care of it. Women will go the full 2 years without even changing the oil

>> No.54529470

99.99% of cars for sale are way overpriced. Just scout fb marketplace or drive around your local town and you’ll find some boomer who wants to sell his old car for $1200

>> No.54529515

If you need a car to go from a to b. Get a honda/Toyota. You can drive them into the ground. Everything else is basically guaranteed to break down. If you feel like gambling you can buy muscle cars and try your luck at bringing them to an auction.

>> No.54529830

If you think used car prices are insane now, wait until the law requiring breathalyzers and interior cameras are required in every new car post 2025 kicks in.

>> No.54529880

Older cars are great, but shit like rubber tends to deteriorate after years of just sitting down idling. All of the mechanical components may be fine, but sometimes rubber gaskets might cost a lot of man hours to go in and repair. Basically having a fully functioning human body but your joints are all fucked up

>> No.54529922

Seems like a lot of us want that new Prius.
Been eyeing it and I can afford it but, I don't wanna spend all my money on somthing just cause it's new.
Do you think chicks will dig the new Prius?
Or is the Tesla a pussy magnet.
Either way I'll probably stick with my 2012 Prius

>> No.54529945

All cars are a depreciating asset, but the Prius is one of the slowest depreciating cars you can buy. They are insanely reliable and desu senpai that new Prius redesign looks really good considering how ugly the last gen was

>> No.54529976

I've dated a lot of women and maybe 1 cared about what car I drove. Men think it matters a lot more than it does. If it's fairly new and clean that's enough for most women.

>> No.54529985


Idk just get a Hyundai Elantra. Most women don’t care about cars they care if you’re a sleeze and only talk about bitcoin

>> No.54530042

Anon explain this for Australian anons. The best car financing you can get in Australia is a no Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) electrician vehicle novatated lease. This is a federal government initiative which removed FBT if you bought an electric vehicle under the luxury tax threshold. You end up paying the same amount on a Tesla Model 3 as you would on a substantial cheaper Mazda 3

>> No.54530061

new cars aren't horrible buys, given how expensive used cars are
in 2014, i could've bought a new car or an identical certified preowned model that was 3 years older, had 40k miles, and was discounted 4k
buying new was a no brainer, now have 70k on it with no repairs outside of standard maintenance

>> No.54530128

Go for used cars with 70kish+ miles on them for a good price. If there were major issues, they would've usually revealed themselves buy then. And it's old/used enough that maintenance and replacements would've had to be done.

>> No.54530198

Only if it's a Toyota.

>> No.54530273

I drive an Audi A4, was my first car and I just paid it off a few months ago. $316 was the monthly payment, had to replace damn near the entire car around 100k miles. Drives fine though, but my credit went down when I paid it off, makes no sense.

>> No.54532436

insanely high IQ

yup thats what i've been seeing anon. i'm always a "get it used" kind of guy, but the prices on cars that are 1-3 are still shit and really not that far from what car costs new. it just doesn't make sense to buy these "new used" cars, which is why im so on the fence. i've been waiting for like 2 years for prices to come back and im growing impatient. i don't necessarily need a car this second, it sure would be nice though so i don't have to walk and depend on uber when i do want to go out.

>> No.54532443

>Been eyeing it and I can afford it but, I don't wanna spend all my money on somthing just cause it's new.

it the same position. i have the cash, yet i dont necessarily need a new car (i just need a car), but damn this prius doesn't seem all that bad as a long term buy to be my car for the next 10 years. im ready to wife this thing lmao.

>> No.54533937

It’s not always as bad as people make it out to be if you have the money. I bought a new BMW recently. 50k mile warranty and first 3 years of service is free. That’s worth something. The dealer trade in value may drop “as soon as you’re off the lot”, but you’ll still get what you paid private sale. Im a car guy, so it’s worth it to me. But if you aren’t a car person I don’t blame you thinking it’s dumb

>> No.54534879
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We are in a hyperinflation
Remmber headlines about turkroaches hoarding cars?
Well now it's here
Yes. Cars depreciate. But dollar deprecaies more. Energy is thorugh the roof, so are metals rare earths etc
The waitling lists for cars are insane already
Add that nice guy telling us to eat z ebugs, and all the legislation that makes cars scarce and unobtainable
prices are rocketing ,even fags who can't afford a house remain in the car market still

>> No.54534913


It just depends on your financial situation really.

I was able to buy a brand new car with a 10-yr warranty and only had to finance it for 3 years. 7 years of warranty after its paid off is worth it IMO. Plus, the 1-2 year older cars were the exact same price.

>> No.54535300

Is it still possible to buy a car without all the digital screen shit?

Is it wrong to say the quality of cars in the past came from design, materials and extra utilities while today it comes from a bigger screen with more apps?