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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 145 KB, 984x934, Screen Shot 2017-12-25 at 9.00.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5452769 No.5452769 [Reply] [Original]

BTC will crash like no tomorrow once the dumb money has paid off all the institutionals and old "investors".

Bitcoins aren't used for anything, cannot be used for anything, have sky high transaction fees, mining is pretty much exclusively done in China and Mongolia... and no, this isn't Gold, it is just a computer power using calculation.

>> No.5452770
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If you didn't sell when it hit 10k you are retarded. /biz/ on suicide watch.

>> No.5452771

All true.

>> No.5452772

buy the dip you fuck tards and set a stop loss

>> No.5452773

Welp I guess I hate Bitcoin now, some guy said it isn't worth anything in an article

>> No.5452774
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>> No.5452775

and yet GS is opening a bitcoin trading desk

>> No.5452776

Bitcoin IS shit, but that doesn't mean it WAS shit.
There's a coup underway (Bitcoin Cash) to restore it as it was supposed to be before the Blockstream Jew got to it.
If successful, expect less than $0.10 transaction fees and ~10min (next block) confirmation times.

>> No.5452777

>implying the crash is not a wonderful thing
>implying the price won't correct and become stable
>implying the newly gained stability won't contribute to Bitcoins becoming a real currency
>implying it won't start growing in a stable manner
The only problem is the fucking government. Once bitcoin becomes stable and widely used those scumfucks will try to control and tax it.

>> No.5452778

poor nocoiners. scared theyre gonna be slaves of the crypto overlords soon. get fucked you kikes

>> No.5452779

Fees are high and you're correct bitcoin will probably fail. There are other coins with better tech and the market cap is growing overall in crytpo. Lots of money being made and a lot of idiots getting their money taken.

>> No.5452780

I love how you absolute retards hate bankers but then ignore the fact that bankers that aren’t governed can rape your ecurrency at will

Guess what just happened?!

>> No.5452781

whats everyones opinion on monero i head some good things about bitcoin cash but im not really into trading

>> No.5452782

Also, true price of fiat may be zero.

>> No.5452783
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>> No.5452784

>haha my coin losing its entire value is hilarious

Really makes one think anon

>> No.5452785

This is the truth, expecting a BTH takeover soon

>> No.5452786
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The price of fiat is your life if you try to fuck with it.

>> No.5452787

its up 6k on the month mate

>> No.5452788

Why is there 2 moons on your pic?

>> No.5452789
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>there are people in this thread right now that thing the U.S. dollar has intrinsic value

>> No.5452790


why is there only 2 putins in your country.

>> No.5452791

Verge and ripple are way better buys

>> No.5452792

what? coin made from nothing and backed by nothing is worth nothing? this makes no sense

>> No.5452793

2 is enough, little russia.

>> No.5452794
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>nocoiners cope thread

How does it feel to be poor?

>> No.5452795

On margin

>> No.5452796

>>there are people in this thread right now that thing the U.S. dollar has intrinsic value
interesting concept considering BC is valued in dollars

>> No.5452797

>thinks he has money
Do you go to Disneyland and turn all your money into Disney Dollars and feel rich? Bitcoin is worthless if you can't sell it because no one's buying.

>> No.5452798

don't post ron paul while dismissing the petro dollar you pleb

>> No.5452799

/Biz/ hates Bitcoin.

It's like coming here from Plebbit and tell /pol/ all the shitty things that Paul Ryan wants and how Mitt Romney is a corporate neocon bitch.

>That showed them.

Bitcoin sucks because it doesn't function like it did, it's slow with high fees. Bitcoin Cash behaves like old Bitcoin and is awesome. The only thing that could stop it is government intervention.

Also Dapps like ETH are like giant computers and don't even have currency as their use case. Are those going to worthless too simply because you are jealous?

>> No.5452800
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nice b8

>> No.5452801


The only currency that ever had real value was the German Reichsmark.

>> No.5452802

Really? It's actually fucked with everyday by (((professionals)))

>> No.5452803

oh wow a fucking desk

>> No.5452804

nice trips. only replying because of them. check out centra card. ripple and stellar will be first used widely. stellar in us and ripple in Asiatics.

>> No.5452805

but wasn't it originaly a dodgy drug dealing mechanism

>> No.5452806

>If successful, expect less than $0.10 transaction fees and ~10min (next block) confirmation times.
For Bitcoin "Cash"? Are you kidding me?

Bitcoin Cash is at 800 transactions... per hour. And we are closing in to 1 dollar transaction fees already. How is that supposed to be a currency at 80,000 transactions per second.

You do understand why the blockchain doesn't scale, right?

>> No.5452807
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top wew

>> No.5452808

>poor nocoiners.
Well, I am a proud Ripple supporter. I got into Ripple in 2015 and are holding 375,000 XRPs through building it up over time.

You know why I did this? Because I believe in the Ripple system, while I KNOW BTC and its clones are a joke.

>> No.5452809

What makes BTC valuable and worthy? At least the USD is backed by military and oil.

>> No.5452810

Retard. Bankers are a necessity, so is regulation so is government and police. Otherwise any 16yo can steal your money over the net and nobody does shit. Basically Usa taxing it is a step towards policing it as holders will demand protection for taxation. Transforming E money into basically fiat, the banker class will develop from there. New paradigm of 2017 looks like, feels like, smells like shit more and more.

>> No.5452811

>Also, true price of fiat may be zero.
The true price of fiat is the money supply of a currency divided by the financial and military power of the relevant government.

What's the financial and military power of BTC?

>> No.5452812

Ripple is a centralised payment rail for banks.

>Bankers are a necessity

The. Absolute. State. Of. /pol/.

Holy shit this board has gone downhill

>> No.5452813

Hasn't it lost almost half its value in a weekend?

>> No.5452814

100x at bitmex

>> No.5452815

>What makes BTC valuable and worthy?
You don't have to deal with that military or oil.

>> No.5452816

It corrected to where it was at the start of December.

It's up what, 1400% this year still?

>> No.5452817
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>Ripple is a centralised payment rail for banks.
It is a global payment system, that is DECENTRALIZED through XRP.

Why are people who have no clue whatsoever about anything always stating their retarded opinions as facts? Especially Brits and especially when it comes to complex subjects they do not understand?

>> No.5452818

>not buying LTC

>> No.5452819

are you using toast? i am waiting for the coinbase to allow xrp and probably go to stellar after the price jump

>> No.5452820

>buying a digital currency with a known inevitable terminal memory leak issue

>> No.5452821

According to Ripple: Ripple for Financial Institutions Financial institutions, network operators and regulators play critical roles scaling and providing stability to payment systems. Ripple enhances the existing payment stack, offering real-time settlement infrastructure at the foundation."


Given that financial institutions, network operators and especially "regulators" are part of this equation then in this instance of "Financial Institutions" when considering the totality of human involvement it perhaps could not be considered decentralized, which in the context described makes it centralized.

Ripple also states "Jurisdiction or network specific rules, governance, standards, and other critical functions are intended to be provided by existing systems and operators."

As a disclaimer I hold some ripple (it's good to diversify), but to call it decentralised is shady as fuck.

>> No.5452822

>mining is pretty much exclusively done in China and Mongolia...

we FINALLY tricked the mongoloids into valuing 1's and 0's. :^)

>> No.5452823

>it perhaps could not be considered decentralized, which in the context described makes it centralized.

Do you even read what you write?


Read up on facts and details, if you are actually interested in an issue. Don't just state your opinion as facts. It makes you look like a kid.

>I hold some ripple
No, you definitely do not hold "some ripple". Ripple cannot "be held". I wonder if you even know why I am saying that... probably not.

>> No.5452824

Should I all in on Ripple for the Coinbase rumor? Currently all in on ICX, hard to decide desu

>> No.5452825

>the ripple dev blog says it's decentralized.
Ok you win, I literally cannot refute that.

>> No.5452826

>Ok you win, I literally cannot refute that.
Well, obviously you cannot. But maybe you want to try? After all, don't you hold "some ripple"? Oh, by the way how did you "get that some ripple"? Did you buy that "some ripple"?

>> No.5452827

Holy shit it even fucking says it's not decentralized yet.

>Ripple remains committed to decentralizing the XRP Ledger and divesting itself of operational control. This multi-phase approach does that, but is intentionally conservative and has been devised with a single goal in mind: to ensure the reliability and stability of the network during the transition period to a fully decentralized and distributed architecture.

>> No.5452828

>tfw only have $6600 in the crypto market

>> No.5452829

maybe... a week back there was a 900million xrp purchase. i believe (speculation) it was coinbase purchase.

>> No.5452830

>Should I all in on Ripple for the Coinbase rumor?
That is already priced in. We have gone up 450% in the last 25 days... while the blockchain cryptos have stagnated.

>> No.5452831

>mfw I put every cent I have into crypto hoping it goes up in order to pay my property taxes this year

If it just goes up a little more I'll be set. Come on baby go up.

>> No.5452832
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it will be back up to 20k by 2018

>> No.5452833

im broke as fuck. i only got 1500 into the game in hope. i am giving crypto presents because i cant afford items. it seems like im never satisfied with how much i put into this...which honestly scares the fuck out of me.

>> No.5452834

I hold it on binance, are you going to be this pedantic about magic internet meme money?

>> No.5452835
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ICX will change the world.

>> No.5452836

you should consider getting your coins out of exchanges, they are not secure.

>> No.5452837

>muh banker stole my money theme.
As much as you would try to change our economic system there will always be money lending institutions and their workers. Banks and Bankers. Like Coinbase and who the fuck runs it.

The absolute state of absolute staters.

>> No.5452838

You cannot read, can you? You still don't know how the XRP Ledger works, right? Do you know what "fully decentralized" means vs. the current state? My guess is not. What do you think would happen if the Ripple engineers would all die in a plane crash tomorrow? You think the system shuts down? If so, be my guest and continue to state your opinion about "some ripple buying" as fact.

Damn, it is like talking to a black man from Nigeria who tries to argue the Earth is flat.

>> No.5452839

I hold 90ish% on hardware wallets.

I completely agree, I lost 60ish btc on mtgox, lesson learned.

>> No.5452840

How is bitcoin ever supposed to replace traditional currency when most people are too tech illiterate to use it?

>> No.5452841

Looks like you screwed yourself out of twice the money. Better than the nothing the rest will end up with though I'm sure.

>> No.5452842

60! expensive lesson!

>> No.5452843

I think you could make the argument that almost no crypto is currently fully decentralized. There is certainly a spectrum between more and less, and the current huge pools that bitcoin has certainly doesn't appear good.

Coins like IOTA are, at current state, almost fully centralized, and Ripple is somewhere in between.

>> No.5452844
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Noooooo. Memecoin can't crash until I sell my old GPU at an inflated price!

>> No.5452845

Yes, thats why it will be replaced.

Alt coins have been going up despite bitcoin falling for the first time. People are realizing that Bitcoin is a piece of shit that really only served as the first example of cryptocurrencies. There are already currencies that are more private than bitcoin, charge less fees or no fees, have quicker transactions or instant transactions etc

Alt coins are the future. You literally have a new chance to buy "bitcoin" sub $100. You just gotta find which one it is.

Btw, cryptos are still so far up from what they were a month ago and its actually stabilizing already

>> No.5452846

Sold at 18k everyone who is still hodling the bag is a /biz/ loser

>> No.5452847
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People will use banks instead of crypto wallets for what reason exactly? I don’t think you understand what is happening.

>> No.5452848


>> No.5452849


okay just answer this...

bitcoin is derived from solving algorithms, correct?
How should I find value in that?

>> No.5452850

its not about the solving, its about making a limited supply with proofs in the works. there are other types, like proof of burn and proof of capacity (burst) im buying lots of those soon, missed it when they where 2 for a penny

>> No.5452851

Big banks say that their competition is bad.

/biz/ sucks because it could be good. Instead of anyone actually talking about business or finance it's just shitcoins.

>> No.5452852

Morgan Stanley is staked in Ripple. Obviously throwing shade on competition

>> No.5452853

bitcoin is mined by solving a cryptographic hash*

Is what you meant to say.

And nobody can tell you what you find value in. The libertarian argument is you're taking the power over your money from third parties and putting it back into your pocket where it belongs.

But others don't see any value in that, because they are financial cucks.

>> No.5452854

It hit $10K less than a month ago, spastic.

>> No.5452855

>go to /biz/
>80% of threads are pajeets shilling a shitcoin

>> No.5452856

I think you meant Proof of Stake?

And yeah, there's a few notable examples right now, Ethereum will move fully to PoS with the Casper update sometime next year.

>> No.5452857

Cool. When should I buy?

>> No.5452858

check out xcp

>> No.5452859

At least I'll finally be able to afford one

>> No.5452860

My opinion is to just stay away from BTC. It will be replaced by BCH eventually (which, I assure you, is not a bad thing as Blockstream have destroyed BTC entirely).
But, as someone else has mentioned, there are coins built on better tech.

>> No.5452861

>believing morgan stanley, which almost fell apart during the GFC
>believing "institutional investors", who couldnt keep an eye on their own retards (see their own housing and bond traders circa 2003 - 2008)
>believing the literal jew

man this is a new level for nocoiners. is this even cope anymore?

also everyone is welcome over at /biz/, as long as you arent a normie and dont post BLACKED threads over and over again. id rather see you guys make money as opposed to the rest of the boards on 4chan

>> No.5452862

Son. It looses 30% value while 2% gets sold. imagine if 6% is sold. What is the market cap/actual demand ratio. High volatility means overvaluation galore. >>5452833

>> No.5452863

>taking advice from Morgan Stanley
They shouldn't even exist anymore. They failed. They were bailed out for 107 billion dollars. Do you always listen to absolute world class losers?

>> No.5452864

/biz/ is currently the most fun board to browse. many keks to be had

>> No.5452865


>ripple is good because it's being used by banks
>banks are evil and can't be trusted

Please reread your comments.

>> No.5452866

It's usually about as safe as you can get, because if the country collapses and the money becomes worthless paper then you have MUCH bigger problems to worry about.

>> No.5452867


You're broke but you spent 40 USD per person to transfer crypto to each person you gifted? Have the transactions even settled?

>> No.5452868

When did I say Ripple was good?

I hold some of it as a hedge because it has performed reasonably well, and it is legitimately being used as a payment rail with some Jap and other Asiatic banks.

Just because I don't like banks doesn't mean I'm not happy to make money.

People who trade on politics or ideology aren't going to make it.

>> No.5452869

This is the christmas sale. It happens every year.

>> No.5452870

Are tx fees so high now for fast times? I made a tx a few months back and it couldnt have been more than a dollar or so to be confirmed in a few hours.

Fwiw i bought heroin with it, lol

Btc is only good for buying drugs

Now that normies are into it and prices are super high it feels pointless. The crypto jew who designed it should have made some changes so it isnt controlled by the big miners and buyers and sellers like other world currency markets. Its just another jew tool now.

>> No.5452871

haha :D

>> No.5452872

It is because alphabay is gone. I stopped using dnms when alphabay got busted, it is so stupid now with all scamming shady markets. The underground golden days are over it feels like, now its just for jews to get more rich off.

>> No.5452873
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>crypto will crash to zero despite millions of people wanting to buy it

>> No.5452874

how about switching to Open Bazaar and stop using centralized easy to take down markets

>> No.5452875
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>> No.5452876


I want to get off mr shekelstein's wild ride

>> No.5452877

Normal and expected market correction. I'm glad it happened relatively quickly. The tech is shit, but there will never be another bitcoin. We going to 50k.

>> No.5452878

That's why you put your money in alts dumbfuck.

>> No.5452879

At least Morgan Stanley is honest about their ignorance. Fucking Goldman Sachs is running full steam into ripping Grandmas out of their retirement in crypto. Fuck.

>> No.5452880
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How was christmas eve anons?

>> No.5452881


>new money will surely pour in forever and growth will never stop.

What makes crypto valuable? I ask this every thread but no one ever answers it.

>> No.5452882

they wanted to buy it when it was rising
guess what it's not doing anymore

>> No.5452883
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>> No.5452884

>after a very volatile week

KEK. He should have said very volatile year.

>> No.5452885

>Fast transactions with anyone in the world who has a crypto wallet without the middle man (banks)
>Fixed amount of coins (no Obongo printing 2 trillion)
>Decentralised, so no government interference
>Smart contracts have the potential to revolutionise our modern economy

>> No.5452886

I just left Las Vegas and paid for my room, meals and bar tabs with bitcoin. D casino was where I stayed and they welcome bitcoin.

>> No.5452887

>There are no coiners on 4chan

Hahaahahah you faggots are gonna be posting pink wojacks when we hit a marketcap of 1 trillion for crypto next year
Also this https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoinobituaries/

I could explain to nocoiners what they are missing out on but it is very complicated and I CBF. I bought back in june and have made a shitload of money, I am still learning more and more about crypto.

I now unorinically believe that the future is now and my children will laugh at the concept that people used to swap piece of paper around to represent money

>> No.5452888

Implying the "true" value of Dollar or Euro isn't also zero. It's a question of trust.

>> No.5452889


So instead of working with established banks who are subject to standards and regulations I need a Chinese miners to verify my transactions on Chinese exchanges? How is this better than the current system?

>> No.5452890

>might be zero
>might be

They are trying to be nice. bitcoin is worthless

>> No.5452891
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yup, it's finished

>> No.5452892
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One of my favorite tweeters

>> No.5452893

/biz/ was created for shitcoiners because they used to shit up /g/.

>> No.5452894


It was good when it first started. I learned a bit about forex trading from an anon there. He even pointed out a quality broker for me. Which is hugely helpful. Since there are a lot of scam brokers in forex these days. But you're right about how it is now. It's just /v/-tier fanboy-like posting about cryptos.

>> No.5452895

>forex trading

Just go to a Casino

>> No.5452896

Oh look a Jewish trickto buy back everything for cheap after they dumped it all

>> No.5452897

>the financial and military power of the relevant government
Which eventually always reaches zero

>> No.5452898

Who cares? Do you really believe that people keep their bitcoins to buy shit? Its a holding game. I have 10 coins and I don't care if it's going to crash, I just want to sell it when it hits peak point. Nobody gets bitcoins as some sort of payment. It's gambling.

>> No.5452899

And what were the transaction fees?

>> No.5452900

>what is LN
oh sweet summer child

>> No.5452901


Only around 6$ billion has moved into bitcoin since 2009.

The price has been artificially inflated by pumping it with other cryptos such as tether and trading between large holders.

>> No.5452902

Do you even have a clue what happened because of your precious banks in 2008? And the miners are simply solving universal math problems, it doesn't matter if they're Chinese, Caribbean or Eskimos.
I just gave you a couple of reasons as to why crypto is lightyears ahead of our current system but it appears you are simply too dense to see it.

>> No.5452903

Okey dokey, I'll cry when it crashes

>> No.5452904
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>> No.5452905

it wont crash lmao, in fact, it will go up up & more up

>> No.5452906


The entire fact that someone can just decide to make another currency like Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin gold out of thin air and have retards throw money at them for it.
That alone should have made people realize the entire Crypto thing is stupid and not to invest

>> No.5452907

Which vendor are you? TGUK? ;)

>> No.5452908

Oh no! It's only gone up $300+ since this morning!

>> No.5452909


Do you know how many times exactly this has happened?


Any possible way to cheat the system is way more costly than just doing it right.

>> No.5452910

I use Bitcoin wallet deco made from Photoshop and it isn't even original art. I can tell you that Bitcoin market is manipulated to devalue around Christmas so that it can be an investment gift. Most good investments are borrowed... Bad investments are gifted! Always.

>> No.5452911

Didn't Bitcoin have a chance at all of those things and it failed? I don't track the Bitcoin news.

>> No.5453031

Fud me garder daddy, oh my god this feels great. Fuck me, im harder than when I'm waiting for McAfee's daily double. Oh jesus, good morning mmmmmppphhhh merry christmas... Hhnnnnngggg 2019 is going to be glorious hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.5453271
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Morgan Stanley

Rent Fucking Free

>> No.5453461

If bitcoin dies, something will replace it in the long term.

>> No.5453541

last time the value of the USD went down I predicted it'd be worth 0 soon
does that sound sensible to you too?

>> No.5453631

>You do understand why the blockchain doesn't scale, right?
I don't actually

>> No.5453970

This is a good point. Limited supply equals fast moon missions during bullish times but it also means fast and big drops during bearish times. This is why I'm still skeptical to buy back into btc, playing with other alts currently.

>> No.5453996

>1 dollar transaction fees
Are you stupid? 1 sat/byte gets you in the next block

>You do understand why the blockchain doesn't scale, right?
Is that what your master Gmax told you?

>> No.5454106
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A Disney Dollar from 1972 is now worth over $1,299.

Even fake money is worth more than your kike money, fiat pajeet.

Keep chasing those $$$ you dumb filthy pajeet, you may suck my big dick you worthless subhuman.

>> No.5454207

Who the FUCK sold for 11160?

What an absolute idiot.

>> No.5454241

bitcoins are used for getting more bitcoins

>> No.5454304

>10min confirmation
What a fucking shitcoin
You retarded evangelists know there are coins with less than 1 min transaction and less than 0.00001 fees right? Keep clinging to your dinosaur tech though it will only let me accumulate more better tech in the meantime

>> No.5454772

those coins also have no usage retard

>> No.5455351

“The true price of a subway sandwich should be zero”
T. Mcdonald’s CEO

>> No.5455366

lightning network.

>> No.5455367

no coiner no coiner

>> No.5455398

>trusting banks
retard alert

>> No.5455986

OMG. I will immediately sell all of my currency and go back to the loving warm embrace of my friendly neighborhood banking establishment. Those guys sure know what's best for me and the economy.

>> No.5456091

Its amazing though. Bitcoin is pumped to the brim with money, sure a lot of it criminal, tax evading, offshore etc etc, but its still cash and its untraceable. The bankers are shitting themselves because they ran those finances for centuries. Now its out of reach therefore we see absolutely utterly brainfucking retarded statements like "BTC true value might be zero". Just like the entire concept of the fucking stock exchange and future trading. What a dumb cunt.

>> No.5456365

I love how pissed off normies are. All they had to do was buy ONE fucking BTC.
Just one.

>> No.5456452

it's a general crypto trading desk you mong
not exclusively bitcoin

>> No.5456589

>What's the financial and military power of BTC?
You underestimate the power of weaponized autism.

>> No.5456861
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>Posts pic of how he let his gains go from 50% plus to 10%, then asks how does it feel to be poor lmao

>> No.5456881
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btc is very valub becaus its very saf an onli 21 miljon can be mad

>> No.5457020

Bitcoin itself is garbage.

There are better coins out there which will replace it.

>> No.5457307

>i dont understand it so it must be retarded to throw money at it
Have a (you)

>> No.5457309

>this is the end of bitcoins campaign says increasingly nervous USD bagholder for the seventh time this week

>> No.5457312

I don’t hold any BTC anymore, only BCH but what if blockstream is doing it on purpose to Jew the Jews

>> No.5457343

Buy Bitcoin cash since its way superior than shitcore

>> No.5457401
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It will crash

>> No.5457437

Ikr, one thread its “better pay your taxes goyim” the next its “btc is worth nothing”
Which is it kikes?

>> No.5457609

>It's another "Boomer banker REEEEEEs at something he doesn't understand" episode

>> No.5457701

>Are you stupid? 1 sat/byte gets you in the next block

don't bother, i'd wager something like 90% of people using crypto don't know how to set their own fees.

>> No.5457878

2010 - Why Bitcoin can’t be a currency” – The Underground Economist | $0.23
2011 - “Why bitcoin will fail” – Apenwarr | $3.12
2013 - “The Bitcoin Is Dying. Whatever.” – Gizmodo Australia | $10.95
2013 - “The SEC Shows Why Bitcoin Is Doomed” – Bloomberg View | $93.57
2013 - “Bitcoin Will Crash To $10 By Mid-2014” – Business Insider | $887.63
2014 - “Cult Markets: When the bubble bursts” – Financial Times | $397.78
2015 - “Five Reasons Bitcoin Revolution is Over” – Sputnik News | $235.70
2016 - “R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on.” – Washington Post | $382.00
2016 - “Bitcoin is a bubble. It will burst on Monday 12 December 2016” – Linkedin | $771.23
2017 - "The Rise And Fall Of Bitcoin - Forbes | $1234.36
2017 - “Stay away from bitcoin — it’s complete garbage” – MarketWatch | $2345.56
2017 - “Bitcoin will fail – and change the world” – Welt | $3,348.29
2017 - “A Bitcoin Is Worth $4,000–Why You Probably Should Not Own One” – Forbes | $4,179.97
2017 - “Bitcoin Is a Fraud, ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort Proclaims” – The Street | $3,922.21
2017 - “Bitcoin is a bubble, no plans to short-sell: Japan Post Bank CIO – Reuters” | $7,058.75
2017 - “Why Bitcoin will go the way of the tulips” – Financial Review | $7,058.75
2017 - “The Bitcoin bubble will burst. It’s time for a ‘Bitpound'” – Telegraph | $8,196.15
2017 - “Bitcoin is a ‘dangerous speculative bubble,’ Yale expert says” – CNBC | $11,393.29
2017 - Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, and it will collapse like one – The Hill | $14,594.78
2017 - “Real life Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort slams Bitcoin as a ‘huge, gigantic scam’ and warns wannabe investors not to waste their money” – The Sun | $16,547.58

>> No.5457951
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>there are normies that will unironically take investment advice from jordan belfort and the sun

>> No.5458061
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USD is worth literally zero. The fed just looks at numbers and prints money.

>> No.5458283


Money is not intended for most people.

Most people are literally worthless and live on the government cheese as lefty voting cattle.

>> No.5458381


>When you share the exact same name as your competitor

Bcash will fail as a result of simple psychology. Normies just see and hear "bitcoin". It's like how the Wii U and Xbox One failed to sell because consumers couldn't figure out if it was a new console or an add-on.

>> No.5458521

However this time, BTC doesn't work as intended anymore. BTC used to be used as money. Now it sucks.

>> No.5458631


>bitcoin murdered by treacherous ver and his scamcoin
>entire cryptoscene now looks like a huge scam(like bcash does now) and countless people lost their entire investment
>some kill themselves or become homeless
>99% of money in crypto exits permanently

Is this what Ver shills want? This is what you will get

>> No.5458759

How are you going to get slaves when all your wealth is a meaningless array of bits on your retarded hard drive?

>> No.5459355

>tfw have more than that and have put less in
merry christmas /biz/

>> No.5459451

some coiners definitely are in denial. watched bitsbetrippin recently and he said the transactions and using the coins in general aren't important, it's just an investment and can never be a currency because of the limited supplies.

That coming from a miner is pretty mindboggling. Essentially says that he's blowing energy out his windows for nothing.

>> No.5459501

>xbox one Wii failed to sell
go back to your corner nigger

>> No.5459641

BTC is the gold standard of cryptos. It's value is based on the crypto industry as a whole. It doesn't matter that it doesn't have any use. If BTC goes up, it's a sign cryptos are doing well.

>> No.5459719

They have been saying this since the launch though.

>> No.5459765

This, I also think people underestimate the power of hype. Market mentality is everything here.

>> No.5459782


Morgan Stanley wants another deep dip to buy, huh?

>> No.5459792

Dude fuck competition and free market lmao !!

>> No.5459824


Fucking idiots need to understand that the true price of gold is under 30 dollars.

>> No.5459829


Well of course. The current valuation of BTC is definitely inflated. Doesn't mean it won't go up again or that you can't make money as the bubble inflates. Just don't be stupid about it. Sell when it looks overextended, buy why it comes way back down and stabilizes.

>> No.5459927

The true price of any currency is 0. Bitcoin will crash hard but not until everyone realizes they're missing out on crypto. The market is nowhere near its peak. Its just getting started.

Buy the dip you fools or someone else will be rich off your coin

>> No.5459938

>BTC will crash
What happened to Bitfinex printing tether to pump BTC?

>> No.5459951

>Pretend "money"
>Going to crash

Thanks Captain Obvious! Anyone with brain functionality already knows this.

>> No.5459956


I sold at 19k.

Anyone holding now is a KEKOLD FAGGOT and should KILL THEMSELVS

>> No.5460077

This. Bitcoin is a less likely to go under than the US dollar in my opinion. We might have crashes but the gravy train is not done yet

>> No.5460079

All money is pretend money anon