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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54523832 No.54523832 [Reply] [Original]

Don't like it? Too bad. There are no other competitors who come close to what chainlink (ticker: LINK) is building. Cope and seethe.

>inb4 fud fags lael as oracles and report the price of chainlink with green arrows
>inb4 schizo spam
>inb4 gaslighting
>inb4 hi-jacking chainlink memes

Your tactics see pathetic. You will be defeated.

>> No.54523840
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Yes pay up for the roasties salaries

>> No.54523847

>Don't like it? Too bad. There are no other competitors who come close to what chainlink (ticker: LINK) is building. Cope and seethe.

can you explain to me like i'm a retard what exactly chainlink can do to improve my life.

what can i actually do with it?

>> No.54523849

Your tokens will be paying for them soon

>> No.54523867

last week CLL shills:
now they are broke and come back:

>> No.54523891

newfag get out

>> No.54523898

shut up cuck

>> No.54523902

token not sneeded

>> No.54523912

back to discord, trannie

>> No.54523945
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Last month's fuddies:
>Buy an ad losers!
*Buys an ad*
>N-no not like that!
Kek, thanks for reminding me. What a wonderful 4channel.org moment. Just like pic related. You can't deny there is some sort of energy returning. You fuddies definitely feel it too: you have always been persistent but never quite so unhinged as the last 2 weeks. I see it as a sign of good things to come.

You may now continue seething.

>> No.54523967

You can start a multi billion dollar finance or insurance business. Or if you already have one of those you can save yourself billions of dollars using Chainlink powered smart contracts.

>> No.54524246

>when a corporation starts forcing memes on an incel messageboard
Jumped the shark

>> No.54524305

Band Protocol?

>> No.54524322

But its 1%! Thats crazy?!

Cant you just do it for free?

>> No.54524347

lol you're an angry cuck
lmfao even

>> No.54524685
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pic related

>> No.54525408

I admit this is a good meme, but people aren't going to pay. 100k yesterday, 1 million today, 1 billion 2030. Why would anyone be at the mercy of a centralized scam company? It's a liability.

>> No.54525492

if chainlink was a real company, they would just do it for free and get money elsewhere, like through advertising

>> No.54525636

You just have to pay up. Simple as

>> No.54525647
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not needed, never will

>> No.54525653

You know who does it for free? Your mother

Sent from my Nokia using Tapatalk

>> No.54526071

Pay up cuck boy

>> No.54526298

>what can i actually do with it?
they proved that the star citizen model of fleecing the general public without recourse can also be applied to financial startups. if you need capital, make up a plausible sounding business case (it only needs to convince the illiterate public), make some vague statements about future growth (including marketing materials depicting charts of unrelated things that go up) and off you go

>> No.54526334
File: 300 KB, 1078x1336, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone else pay up when bagholding cuckolds have been and will continue to pay up?
answer: you're a cuck and will keep paying
just admit it to yourself; you're happy to be nastyslob's latrine for the rest of your life and no one on this earth can out cuck you

>> No.54526522

Na you gon' pay up and you gon' like it

>> No.54526529
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>has liked paying up for the past 6 years
>can't wait for another 6 years of paying up

>> No.54526589

What will you do when all current users confirm they will be paying for links services?

>> No.54526601
File: 972 KB, 1531x1583, nastyslob's toilet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continue to make fun of chaincucks for lulz as nastyslob continues to dump on you like the toilet you are

>> No.54527660

You? Not much. Your bank is very interested though.

>> No.54527686

He'll go to his tranny discord server and cope and seethe whilst making more 2 bit memes.

>> No.54527780


>> No.54528758


>> No.54529138

>Goes to chainlink github
>Steals code
>Creates "fork"
>Offers exact same services for 0.01% cheaper
I just took over chainlink labs

>> No.54529159

just missing the network effect

>> No.54529734

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

>> No.54530121

Keep it up anon.

>> No.54530455

chainlink team in a panic over the price and angry bagholders numping the gun asking projects to pay through the nose for price feeds in a bear market is going to (already has started to) backfire badly. sergey with egg on his face and link holders bags heavy again

>> No.54530501

>paying for data feeds
>in the current year +7
You know other projects like ICP perform calls for fucking free right?
Paying for link, is like paying $0.05 individually per text message on your phone.

>> No.54530786

>based on 1 salary

they're probably overpaid, yes. but it's likely around the 90 ~ 140K per year mark. I work in tech and we had a big hiring push for women. they go to all those "women in tech" events and larp on LinkedIn, but they're all HR/Managers. We hired one woman (a jeet) to work as a servicenow "admin" and she was literally retarded. kept her around even though she was useless and had to be spoonfed everything.
its just how this industry works. women complain and protest about "wage gaps" and we accept the cucking and give them free handouts while letting them think they're contributing. it sucks, but that's just how it is.

>> No.54530906

There is a lot wrong with this analogy but I will point out for a long time most plans did in fact charge you per text message, per minute, etc.

You’re probably just being disingenuous but it turns out you are also stupid. I won’t bother to explain to you why you yourself have just given the reason why the pricing makes sense because I’m 100% sure it will be lost on you.

>> No.54530920
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awww look. the chainlink cuck is trying to defend himself
little does he know that he has been completely emasculated, and no one cares about his thoughts or opinions
thats the life of a cuck

>> No.54531037

>no one cares about his thoughts or opinions
t. regular 40 pbtid fudder

>> No.54532577

lmao that really sums it up

>> No.54532597

charging based VCs for data just makes sense

>> No.54532604

>bumping a dead thread to cope about an ancient 2017 failed alt
lmao that really sums it up

>> No.54532615

>waiting hours for anon to bump bread
>i have you now sunshine