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54523685 No.54523685 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here just have an immense feeling of dread/anxiety almost every day since banking collapse ? Compounding war/US hegemony collapse/bank failures/inflation it just seems like there’s literally no exit strategy besides learn how to survive in the wilderness. What the hell even happens if the US loses reserve currency status?

>> No.54523719

yes, i've come to the conclusion that it's the best idea to go into a basic debt, or whatever your loan officer can get your approved for. use the monopoly money to buy assets, when the USA defaults, you'll be able to buy back in for pennies on the dollar

>> No.54523722

No. The future is bright.

>> No.54523962

The future will always be ultimately bright, but the immediate future I can’t see as any thing but extremely painful for many people even outside the US

>> No.54524204

I honestly feel the opposite. "Nothing ever happens" is becoming less of a hyperbolic statement and closer to truth with every event.

back to normal
nothing happened
>new eu war
>food shortage
everyone is still fat and choosing their preferred flavour of slop
>bank run
on banks that no one had heard of

every happening is less impactful. No one I know is affected by these things now outside of worrying about a possible negative effect.

>> No.54524214

considering all the anti-gold threads, I’m buying every piece of gold I can afford today.

>> No.54524226

jews nervous

>> No.54524303
File: 100 KB, 1283x817, 4971F82F-6C5B-42CD-84BF-26CEC34379F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of Wells Fargo? Yes I know exactly what you mean but just because it seems like nothings happening doesn’t mean nothing is. It’s all nothing burgers but maybe it’s just because we’re in the historical events we can’t perceive what’s actually transpiring. The unwinding were witnessing is extremely accelerated but potentially the actual “collapse” of the US empire will be perceived as starting with 1913 and the foundation of the FED and central banking models.

>> No.54524377

Have you considered that you could be in denial? Those are all huge occurrences, and nothing is like it was before those things happened. You understand why you might be in denial about them, right?

>> No.54524656

Be stoic, no use worrying about stuff you have zero control on

>> No.54525045

How do you default on debts that are denominated in a currency that you control? You can just print more.

>> No.54525064

It's called anxiety faggot, because you're not meant to be vegetating in front of a screen. Your ancestors were hunting, raping and pillaging.

>> No.54525068

>I’m stoic bra
>sigma male breh
>i walk my own path in life brochacho

>> No.54525079

>goes all in on munis

lol, lmao even

>> No.54525082

ya because printing more has zero reproductions right? makes you wonder why they don’t just print enough to pay off every debt ever and buy everything that exists.

>> No.54525192

everything is fine u schizo

>> No.54525207

I feel the exact same way as you. I don’t even feel bad when people die or get ill. It’s like I’ve been so desensitized to all this extreme news that to me it’s just another day.

>> No.54525233

This guy gets it. If you dont understand, watch this:


>> No.54525235

Slept like a baby.

>> No.54525731
File: 985 KB, 1192x2628, bingustoken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel comfy, I wemt all in on Bingus!
You bought Bingus, too?

>> No.54525924

well, inflation happened and i felt it, immigration happened as well, cultural deterioration with faggots epidemics and hysteria and general anti-individualist sentiment happened as well and you see it everywhere.

the virus is not my concern, i wished for an higher death toll but eh whatever...
a nuclear war? that would be painful...

>> No.54526072

You can relax anon. Nothing bad is coming in the near future. The big event already happened with the covid psyop. You’re just still on edge from it because it was so fucking crazy. They run these panic events every 8-10 years. I suspect the next big one will probably happen between 2028-2031. For now just chill anon.

>> No.54526088


No, I'm sleeping quite well at night. Whatever happens, happens.

>> No.54526154

>implying is easy
totally not like every zoomer/milenial/genx is high on adderall top kek

>> No.54526206

Also keep in mind, they kept the public in mass hysteria for years after 9/11 by spreading with color coded terrorist threats from the DHS, fake news and staged events. They’ll continue doing this for years until they’re ready to execute the next big event. Take full advantage of the breathing room we’re being given right now and forget about the trauma for a while.

>> No.54527650

Just watched the video you sent. Paints a pretty cohesive narrative but it would be stronger if it had a source list to go with it, otherwise it’s kind of a cartoon. A couple minor things said didn’t fit right but generally I think it’s close to accurate. JFK can’t be verified naturally but.. cmon.

>> No.54527946

You realize that this is what every midwit in the world thinks right?

So to countertrade the midwit, one should be bullish short term and bearish long term.

>> No.54529073

the sky is being seeded
livestock being vaxxed with indestructible mRna that enters the consumer's body
fake meats
vegetables being soaked in viruses to "immunize" consumers
weaponized govt agencies
farmers removed for "exceeding carbon limits"
trangendering of our children
massive decline in standards of living
flouride water
declining intelligence and fertility
digital slave dollars
we didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's neem turning

what else did i miss? FUCK!