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54521884 No.54521884 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically what was his IQ?

>> No.54521891


>> No.54521904

this. what a fucking midwit.

>> No.54521909

>Implying one man was able to construct a disruptive technology that required high level knowledge of cryptography,mathematics, computer science, programming, economics, and human psychology

How do people still believe this?

>> No.54521914

is this the guy who yeeted abe?

>> No.54521918

IQ didn't matter. It was his ambition and idea

>> No.54521920


>> No.54521924


>> No.54521926
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>disruptive technology that required high level knowledge of cryptography,mathematics, computer science, programming, economics, and human psychology

>> No.54521934

His? Satoshi was a black demiqueer earthspirit transwomen quadgender enby BiPoC with the the pronouns Xer/Xes
Xer real name was "DeSatoshisha Nakajabimi"

>> No.54521941

>that required a bunch of stuff

The technology is not that crazy advanced. It's literally just a chain of databases that is connected through previously accepted encoding practices.

>> No.54521942
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IQ is unironically the jewish psyop. Imagine letting (((them))) place a value on your forehead and decide who is better than others based on that particular value.

This is how (((they))) control simpleton masses like you

>> No.54522031

All of his emails and forum posts are written in the same tone with same punctuation habits and other little details. I remember reading about analysis done on his writings and it all shows that they belong to the same person. He really did it all by himself.

How did you find this information?

I take it you didnt do too well on SAT.

>> No.54522039


The lightbulb was invented by 1 man (thomas eddison)

>> No.54522043

143 - 151 (sd 15)

>> No.54522053

this would make the standard deviation 8

>> No.54522057

only jews are opposed to iq
iq was invented by anglo-sex

>> No.54522062

t. 40iq sd 8

>> No.54522648

it's not black magic anon. they were already proposals.
i don't think he was a super smart programmer. first version of bitcoin is pretty simple. to me he was some sort of jack of all trades. he knew his protocol, he knew C. he knew how to advertise it in a subtle way and without rushing. he knew how to create a community around it. for instance he was using botnet windows back then. he didn't even switch to linux after he met super nerds through bitcoin.
for instance he never predicted mining pools.

>> No.54523199

>mfw a distributed hashed linked list is groundbreaking technology

>> No.54523218
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He's an autistic genius

>> No.54523220


>> No.54523234

North of 160

>> No.54523241

Why don't you ask him? Charles makes AMA videos and has Twitter. He's pretty friendly mostly for being the creator of btc, eth, and cardano.

>> No.54523267

>smart enough to solve the double spending problem
>dumb enough not to realize it will fail spectacularly because it can't scale
Let's see, I'd probably say 115

>> No.54523412


Satoshi Nakamoto was Hal Finney

>> No.54523441

it's not the method of storage that's groundbreaking but consensus mechanism.

>> No.54523591

Pretty much indisputable