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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54520153 No.54520153 [Reply] [Original]

$70 for months of entertainment. $70 for anti depression treatment. It's really good value for money, isn't it?


>> No.54520167

video games are not art. if you are trying to maximize wasted time and minimize cultural and mental enrichment, then video games have the best value of any "art" form

>> No.54520172

You know whats even better?

Old MMORPGs from the early 2000s that have Emulator servers where you dont have to pay to play them, and theyre often better coded than the original games

>> No.54520211


>> No.54520214
File: 207 KB, 640x880, FtOt-nhaYAYXK5F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it to the gamestop thread

>> No.54520225
File: 83 KB, 220x168, sad-mood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME faggots have been waiting for Le Squeeze for 2 years

>> No.54520231

thats a boy

>> No.54520240

the videogames are the reason you have depression in the first place retard

>> No.54520282

Project zomboid is like 20 bucks and you dont even need to live after you get hooked on it

>> No.54520304

>months of entertainment
You have autism

>> No.54520314

Any game recommendations? haven't played anything in 4 years

>> No.54520321

Not buying your bag ranjeesh

>> No.54520327

turtle WoW. chat is full of 4chudders

>> No.54520334

No idea what you mean by turtle, but WoW is dead, no idea what you mean by chud either

>> No.54520347

So when you are good at something, when you don't give up and when you want value out of something you've purchased, you have autism?

>> No.54520355

You realize that your life is limited, right?

>> No.54520358

private server like this place. that's all the spoon feeding I'll give you

>> No.54520362

Ok so its just a WoW private server, why the fuck would I waste my precious time on this earth playing that. jfc

>> No.54520365

Yes. Honestly, I think this is the century of gaming. The 20th century was about the moving picture and Hollywood. I think that is becoming irrelevant compared to where games will be in the next 10-20 years. Why watch a movie or a show when you can be in it?

>> No.54520389

spoken like someone who never played modern videogames. tell me soem of the games u played that had impact on you or told a great story

>> No.54520401

I said where games are going in the FUTURE. Red Dead Redemption 2 is 5 years old already. See what they come out with 10 years from now.

>> No.54520412

>See what they come out with 10 years from now.
ww3 will hamper that effort, great collapse is coming anon, you're on /biz/ you should know this

>> No.54520422

WWIII will be fought by robots and AI

>> No.54520427

>suggest me something
>actually no.... video gaymes are le gay and everything sucks.
How about a country club + golf. You boomer faggot

>> No.54520432

No it'll be fought by useless eaters like you

>> No.54520458
File: 318 KB, 700x700, KT929OZtJLDwBR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some are good value for money others are just a straight up scam

>> No.54520461

Lol, go jerk off or something Work out those anger issues.

>> No.54520478
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play your Bing Bing Wahoo and pretend you'll be OK because some scripted robodog video you watched will protect you from open border wartime

>> No.54520479

Cloudbreakers games are straight fire, yo! They're like the sickest games ever and they're all up in the holoride retrofit device. This baby has got a bunch of different games you can play in your cars or even at home!!

>> No.54520501
File: 162 KB, 529x2853, light a fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CDDA is like PZ but better and 100% free

>> No.54520503

i haven't been excited to play any game thats come out after probably the early 2000s. its all cut scenes and hours of walking around. seems like more of a ripoff than ever before.

>> No.54520551
File: 266 KB, 498x446, 1535136793942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video games are not art.
I disagree.

>> No.54520552

Based. Best version of WoW to ever exist
>t. Hit hc 60 two days ago

>> No.54520664

cant fap to this, it's not celshaded

>> No.54520680
File: 56 KB, 680x598, absolutely_hilarious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for games
why are zoomers completely oblivious to torrenting?

>> No.54520745

buying a game allows you to like a game without the cognitive dissonance kicking in: you liked the game, yet you didn't pay the developers, so it must not have been that great after all. leeching on society is great for your wallet but bad for your soul

>> No.54521286

games are good as long as you're learning stuff from them. if you are just sat playing dota 6 hours a day then you are a fucking loser. (me for 10 years)

>> No.54521317

>ablooo I feel bad for saving money
This is /biz/ sire. We don't feel bad for scamming retarded people out of their money. You see an opportunity to make or save money, you take it. Otherwise your a sucker

>> No.54521370

Like the DOTA 2 Warcraft 3 Heroes mod?

>> No.54521401

For me it’s going fishing at the local trout pond in the summer using my dads inflatable raft he got for free from his work. Either that or skateboarding. Playing video games will make you depressed

>> No.54521409

interesting pic
if the guy is 70 it looks impressive
if he is 40 it looks pathetic

>> No.54521525

hey fuck you im a millennial gamer and i love golf

>> No.54521543

I'm almost 40 I'm not going skateboarding you zoomtard

>> No.54521574

Nier automatica was one of the best games I ever played. Are the other Nier games as good?

>> No.54521575

if you can't use video games productively you're a special kind of moron

>> No.54521595

No, that one was made by Platinum, that's why it doesn't suck. Everything that guy did on his own sucks massively

>> No.54521602

almost every single active thread currently is off topic kek.
Nice job mods.

>> No.54521783

Markets closed and crypto is in winter. What do you want us to talk about

>> No.54521800

What are some good ones like this?

>> No.54521922

I greatly enjoyed Gestalt, but mainly for the music (which I love) and atmosphere rather than the gameplay, which is serviceable. Drakengard is admittedly bad, but it has its fans all the same, mainly for how batshit it is as an experience.

>> No.54521936

*batshit crazy

>> No.54522720

Videogames are pure dopamine shots which stimulate the brain like gambling

It makes you think you're experiencing action whilst your body sits there and deteriorates, your ass hurts, your neck and eyes get fucked up

The constant cortisol and stress from games makes you go bald quickly

So glad I gave up fapping and games. Whenever I relapse into these two """hobbies""" my life is always worse for it

Glad I grew up in the golden era of gaming 2005-2012 .. but now I'm just glad I got into weightlifting, fitness smashing my gfs pussy and making money

>> No.54523578

>$70 for anti depression treatment
wut lmfao

>> No.54523607


EverQuest. Haven't paid a dime since 2005 and been entertained for 20 years.

>> No.54523662

If that “something” includes staring at a screen and manipulating transistors that display a little fictional character that accomplishes nothing positive in the real world, then yes. Imagine if a human 3000 years ago created a little world in the sand and spent all of his time playing with those grains of sand. What benefit does that have for him or those in his life? What are you accomplishing by spending all of your time changing the state of nanoscopic electrical switches?

It really just upsets me that men (and women) are eternally children in most cases. They all just love shitty electronic entertainment and other childish ways of wasting time.

>> No.54523949

Videogames are great but I can't enjoy them fully if I'm not rich. I feel like I should be getting rich instead of playing them.

>> No.54523957

>Glad I grew up in the golden era of gaming 2005-2012

fucking kek zoomer, that made me laugh.

>> No.54523991

Cdda was their inspiration for zomboid. Unfortunately their biggest take-away seems to have been making skills take autistically long to grind up for a character who will probably die in an ingame week thanks to the janky combat

>> No.54524037

Or you could play free, community created games like Forgotten Hope 2, which is absolutely based.

>> No.54524069
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cant wait for the update on futa Urbosa fucking Link while Zelda watches

>> No.54524127

I get that for free though

>> No.54524194
File: 41 KB, 392x499, 1678288720896434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark souls is art

>> No.54524225

>spam board with garbage
>someone points it out
>6 gorillion faggots mass report

>> No.54524283
File: 51 KB, 369x469, 68451681164861234375415615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only game approved on biz is frostpunk.