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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 256 KB, 1440x1146, IMG_20230409_011013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54517172 No.54517172 [Reply] [Original]

ITT 5+ figure portfolios. Poorfags not allowed.

>> No.54517246

Christ just put everything into btc with that shitty portfolio

>> No.54517250
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Is this enough never wagecuck ever again?
I have only two suitcases, rent is around $800 per month. I don't own an apartment. I'm on the move all the time.

Also have around $50k in bank, $200k in 401k, and $70k in SP500
I just turned 34.

>> No.54517328
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I like OPs portfolio. I have high hopes for ROSE in the next bull run because they have a proven use case with Meta which I think is a little sample of what's possible ongoing. BTC seems safe long term and XRP is a gamble with infinitely larger upside than downside

>> No.54518656
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I need help, I still have another $30k I can put in by the end of this year, how should I spread this out? Pls don't laugh at the memecoins, I feel so poor and having a bit makes me feel like a 100x'er.

>> No.54518681
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Fuck you jew. I’ll post if I want.

>> No.54518763

Sell and buy Kaspa if you have any interest in making it in the altcoin season, Rose is literally bags from the last bullrun

>> No.54518780
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>> No.54518784

>clear kaspa coordinated shilling within the last few weeks
Fuck off indian.

>> No.54519134
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If this was yours would you hold or swap

>> No.54519143

How did you end up with so much ETH

>> No.54519291

Buying every month since 2017

>> No.54519506
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Here's my poorfag folio.
Idk whether to go for alts or BTC at the moment. Been waiting for 25 to 26k retest but nothing major is going on

>> No.54519522
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I had 3m at the last top :(
All I want is a return to ATH

>> No.54519537
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>> No.54519563

LINK is that coin that you can both sleep soundly knowing it won't suddenly rug yet also the reason you're forever seething about because it won't pump...

>> No.54519565
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>> No.54519577

It was a remnant of past cycle...just found out I still had it when I made this screenshot

>> No.54519697

How long did it take you to accumulate all that BTC?

>> No.54519751
File: 40 KB, 697x491, folioapril82023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is performing pretty well desu
except for internet computer, the single worst name in the space

>> No.54519770
File: 26 KB, 685x448, images (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed it is the worst name in the space. I dumped it already I now put my hopes in the likes of XRP, and spool.

>> No.54519778

I'm too committed to it at this point to sell. I'm holding it to 0 or $100+ whichever comes first. I like LCX a lot and hope that they get big and the mcap matches CRO or dare I dream, BNB

>> No.54519791

Dream it. Anything is possible anon.

>> No.54519856
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is this shit? :(

>> No.54520081

seems ok to me anon, good luck with the DOT you're gonna get hella rich if it moons

>> No.54520281

I kind of like DOT but I don't think there's much for them to prove. I'll rather CYMI.

>> No.54520943

There is no need for BTC with that low $. I would sell BTC for ETH and also change KAS, SPELL, SHIB for a more solid shitcoin like XLM, AVAX, COSMOS

>> No.54521193

what shitcoin could be more solid than SHIBA?

>> No.54522491

real question, what are the points of these kind of stock tracker? i dont want to know how much its up or down since open, i want to know how much its up / down since i BOUGHT it
am i missing something? why arent stock tickers like the ios have the function for me to input the price i bought it at and start tracking from there
why are almost 90% of stock ticker just showing the up and downs since market open for the day?

>> No.54522515

none of you are gmi

>> No.54522551

You literally can't tell me what to do and expect me to not do the exact opposite you waste of space.

My power is freedom and I will express it wherever I please.

>inb4 immature
If that's what helps you sleep at night. But you should probably lock your doors too.

>> No.54522599
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These threads never fail to remind me that /biz/ is filled with absolute retards

>> No.54522837
File: 467 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2021-10-09-14-21-17-966_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feeling, bro. this was me during 2021's bullrun

>> No.54522899
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Here's mine.

>> No.54523015
File: 1.33 MB, 2248x2188, F730962D-6943-4202-8A14-E2434AED20F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on DCAing to 1000000 RXD, and then focusing on Bitcoin, and my stocks. I also have 5% of each paycheck going to my TSP which is matched by the Navy.

>> No.54523034

Link unironically eats QNT's breakfast

>> No.54523042

Why has QNT outperformed LINK then?

>> No.54523091

I hate being that guy but I think you mean "eats QNT for breakfast"
Also i bought mid last year, I'm currently up 90%. If I bought link then I would be lucky to be even. In the long term I think both will survive.

>> No.54523110

I hate being that guy but I think you mean "the fat russian who runs this scam stole my damn cereal"

>> No.54523161

Ok that makes sense. My apologies.

>> No.54523174

TSP yield is ass. I served 6 years in the Navy, and it only earned me around 12k. I did the max contribution each paycheck too. Why not setup a crypto IRA with iTrustCapital? You can put your retirement into BTC/ETC and some other alts and even trade them without fees inside of your IRA, then cash out in 30 years tax free.

>> No.54523191

I’ve never heard of iTrusf, I’ll have to look into it
I went with the tsp because it’s basically free money with them matching it, but I’m always looking for better ways to grow my net worth
What was your rate btw?

>> No.54523202

shouldn't have fallen for the schizo memes, you are truly a cuck if you hold 26k linkies

>> No.54523222

My portfolio is just bitcoin and gold because I'm not a retarded child

>> No.54523253

legitimately every portfolio here is just you faggots buying up anything actual pajeets come shill here. how many cycles do all of you have to lose everything to figure it out?
Hard to believe a lot of you will have both lived through the greatest wealth transfer in history, and even actively followed and participated in something adjacent, and 20 years from now you'll still be poor.

>> No.54523286

Kek maybe try not being a racist chud

>> No.54523342

You picked the 2 things that preserve wealth not make wealth. That is until ((they)) "find out" who Satoshi is, then BTC becomes exit liquidity.

>> No.54523743
File: 146 KB, 749x1071, 5A2602E6-D6D6-4D73-B60D-7ACD17FF9651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Hbro

>> No.54524004

I already made it. Cope, Nigger.

>> No.54524178

where'd you get that 32cent algorand? on april 10?

>> No.54524452
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>> No.54524673

so many fallen for the diversification meme, brutal

>> No.54526292

Hope your Xen mints are coming up, other than that try to concentrate on a few coins

>> No.54526310

Next bull you´ll be living the highlife, but since youre in the US your life will be shitty, move

>> No.54526396

well don't quit your day job. maybe you can consider it if you can reach 10m

>> No.54526436
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I also have $6800 cash, but I may need that for IRL shit, taxes, car maint. and emergency fund.

I'm honestly hesitant to buy any alts. I've done really well and don't wanna chance it with some idiots that shill garbage like kaspa after it had a pump. But I'm willing to divest $5,000 toward alts.

>> No.54526560
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Diversifying is based. Just add ORE and XMR and wagmi

>> No.54527196

Why will I hodl any shot coin long term? when I can just buy into upcoming narratives like AI and DIDs

>> No.54527427

I bought some recently and I hope they skyrocket. I also bought CYMI so I don't miss the train.

>> No.54529132

>when I can just buy into upcoming narratives like AI and DIDs

Currently going hard on DiDs, I believe that's the next huge narrative following the influx of onchain products.

>> No.54529215

>I believe that's the next huge narrative following the influx of onchain products.
The recent evolution of the internet does give room for Digital identity projects to do well in the long run.

>> No.54529251
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I didn't say anything racist lmao, you're crazy

>> No.54529267

The internet is growing to a space where on chain identity is a very important part of the space and this is one of the reasons I am bullish on NexeraID.

>> No.54529404

>over 21 btc
You literally already made it
All you gotta do is wait

>> No.54529745
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I hate being poor

>> No.54530196
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>> No.54530797

Whalefag spotted. Based portfolio anon, but I would throw in more web3 low caps like CAP and SYLO for gains in the long term

>> No.54530877

>the single worst name in the space
No doubt about this I would rather opt for other alts with better working products.

>> No.54530933

Quite a couple come to mind but Alchemy Pay and COTI are my favourites considering I am quite bullish on Crypto payments.

>> No.54531001

>considering I am quite bullish on Crypto payments.
If you are bullish on Crypto payments then you be bullish on CryptMi as it offers free transactions when paying with Crypto.

>> No.54531806

i don't have this shit app but basically my portfolio is six figs of stables for buying crashes & dips, 100k ALPH, a few million KAS, 2 billion NEXA and a whole bunch of tokens and things that aren't worth all that much but that could moon since they're new and have reasonable value propositoin

>> No.54531811

and 2 BTC also

>> No.54531854
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Atom and Juno, plus some other crap

>> No.54531876

some decent new tokens :
$GENE : marketplace for genetic data
$ATOR : incentivizing Tor relay network
$DMTR : tied to a large company helping farmers to get regulated

>> No.54531912

Then replace your link retard

>> No.54532924

rose is the only privacy token here, no ai token. ngmi.

>> No.54533172

Shitting street is that way, jeet buddies

>> No.54533835

You are definitely ngmi if you don't know when to sniff out promising narratives and use cases,

>> No.54533906
File: 600 KB, 1284x2708, 92A80571-844C-4250-9C60-78DD11DFDC32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another $2.6m in addition to picrel.
6’1 27 white male

>> No.54533952

I have about 80k in ADA and alts from an initial 15k USD.

Will I make it bros?

>> No.54533991

All gone sorry bro bro

>> No.54534024
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Typical poor fag cope.

>> No.54534061

Maybe some into privacy and AI projects and we good.

>> No.54534104

Listen up anon: don't sleep on privacy and AI altcoins ROSE,XMR,ZEC,RAIL,MINA or whatever, you'll regret it. These are the two biggest trends in the game right now, and they're only gonna get bigger.

>> No.54534606

These should be on your list anonfag.
Not forgetting the next big trends in DeFi according to reviews. Altcoinistdao has highlighted LSDs and RWAs chads

>> No.54535086
File: 511 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-04-10-17-06-13-631_io.getdelta.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy INJ. that's all I'll say

>> No.54535121

Not bad anon, I'm also putting money on vela, good chance it does major numbers.
vra and sylo are others I'm getting on

>> No.54535146

Been seeing inj mentions everywhere

>> No.54535210

Based. I got railgun, rose and imgnai. wagmi.

>> No.54535301

Fvck how do you have so much wealth anon?
I think wallet and self custody projects are worth bagging, I've got some twt and sfp in the bag too

>> No.54535587

I'm definitely holding, you could easily 2x this portfolio

>> No.54535604

Shills of course
They tryna gaslight people into thinking it's one very solid project

>> No.54535635
File: 104 KB, 1008x1008, -br4eaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobros are waking up to the importance of having your own keys and not leaving your funds on CEXs
you should be bagging some sylo too

>> No.54535922

Almost read it as atom

>> No.54535944

Nobody should be buying icp in 2023

>> No.54536040

remember both as kucoin gems from last year, both have huge potential I think and definitely worth bagging

>> No.54536103

Same way I gave up my SOL for ORE and LINK. Ain't regretting.

>> No.54536167

I'm focused on CHUNKS airdrop degen, 5% of supply is up for grabs. Its real-yield model will melt faces.

>> No.54536825
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Honestly I'm laughing at just how STUPID you are right now.
Soon, so fucking soon I will be rich off of this coin. The day KOYO wins the case KOY is going to moon. I'd say a safe bet would be $1 per coin in the beggining but it would eventually reach 2 and ventually 10. There's literally nothing short of the apocalypse happening that can stop KOY from reaching $10 per coin by the end of this year. I wonder just how, how can people live without holding it?

>> No.54536943

Icp? Ngmi, hope you sell that shit and move to based privacy alts.

>> No.54537878
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>> No.54537918
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>poorfags not welcome
Nothing you can do about it buddy I'm here

>> No.54538453

By the looks of your portfolio, you love being poor.

>> No.54538827
File: 523 KB, 2048x2048, 340EB3E6-BD73-4A80-B347-1B40EBA7262C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most based portfolios I’ve seen. It’s a pleasure to witness. The only two crypto assets worth holding.

>> No.54538988
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poorfolio reporting in

>> No.54539015
File: 32 KB, 720x406, E7082CB5-C36D-4927-9575-A9490E3320D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 5 gigs. Down from 6 figs. 5 figs is poor. Anyways I'm in dogbat and btc. Doge with tax refund probably. I'll think about some other coin soon. Most of my bet is with dogbat though. Over a trillion right there.