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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 877x475, LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54512446 No.54512446 [Reply] [Original]

I have seen a lot of FUD lately surrounding LINK and a lot of people losing faith. While everyone is waiting for new breadcrumbs, consider what we already know.

Here are some names of companies LINK is working with.

This one should be obvious to everyone. They gave a working demo for SWIFT at SIBOS. They even state on the smartcontract website that they are indeed WORKING WITH SWIFT. The cheeky bastards even have SWIFT subtlety underlined, as shown here: https://archive.is/SNRCl

We all know who SONY is. Axa is the largest holder of financial derivatives in the world. It's a trillion dollar market. All three parties have signed a smart contract that deals with varying levels of insurance coverage: https://archive.is/PFSAg

Factom and LINK are working together. You can view Factom's announcement about it here: https://archive.is/ja7X2

A new company that is using LINK to pull shipping data from off-chain. See: https://archive.is/FnKgX

>> No.54512453
File: 418 KB, 802x802, 1680391677535592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the fud is paid for by a entity that wants to keep sentiment around LINK negative for as long as possible.

>> No.54512456
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>Opposing critical thinking
Link will reach a 1 trillion market cap because of 4channel memes and assblasters pathetic “predictions” even if after 6 years nothing came true

>Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving
Fudders, swingies, discord trannies, Bulgarians, NEXO shills, CZ bots, Thomas...etc are all "slurs" made up by delusional Link marines to counter valid points that are raised

>Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture
cringe copy pastas, stale memes, meme "magic", kek are used to pump (it never happens lol) their token.

>Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders
Sergey is literally an untouchable prophet, everything negative that happens is due to outside forces like Bulgarians and fudders.

>Dishonoring people who aren't in your cult
no-Linkers, swingies and other people are "salty" because they are missing Link's colossal losses ans shitty price performance

>Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior
Sergey is a prophet (pure blasphemy)

>> No.54512481
File: 433 KB, 1508x2639, A2915BB4-DE40-4401-9265-5A079DF67AEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incel delusion fantasies

Yeah man because if theres one thing we know for sure, we just CANNOT let the deep pockets of biz know about le secret tech!!! Also dear GOD if a group of 75 limpwristed virgins gets ahold of a few million bucks….they might oVeRtHrOw ThE GoVeRnMeNT. We HAVE to make them sell.

>> No.54512485

I think Chainlink is a good project

>> No.54512491

kek baggies legitimately believe this schizo nonsense

Even if Link reaches $1000 (fucking lmao) most of the incels on here would have less than 10 million dollars/euros which is barely upper middle class in most of Europe or the US.

>> No.54512577

5m+ is upper middle class
10m+ is lower upper class
I'm looking forward to frogposters inheriting the earth
They won't waste their wealth on primal basics
>muh whores
>muh yachts
>muh islands
>muh mansions
Instead they will reforge society in their own image
Use your imagination

>> No.54512597

>just wait 20 years bro

>> No.54512609

You failed the marshmallow test. Instant gratifiers ngmi.

>> No.54513677

Bump this up from depths

>> No.54514201


>> No.54514530

>Price: $7.19
Everything else is cope

>> No.54514783

I'm a NOFUD LINKer but wtf is this? Didn't they exit scam around the bitconnect days, or get hacked or something? They're bake sounds familiar

>> No.54514816


>> No.54514864

$7.14 xD
at this rate, chainlink is going STRAIGHT to zero

>> No.54515310

I want back in boys lets go lower!

>> No.54515350

Based thread. I didn't know about Factom or Confido, anon, thanks.
Ignore the fudders, they're the saddest people on all of 4chan. If you ever get angry with them just realise that the lives they live is punishment enough. They are living in a hell of their own creation.
Holding Link is easy compared to that.

>> No.54515584

Confido isnt the juust'd 2017 meme? Is this again a fake flag morale attack or did we actually switched timelines (again)

>> No.54515683

crumbs are no longer enough
we actually need price movement to reflect these "successes" that i am somehow supposed to be glad about

here's some facts, we went from rank 5 to rank 20
we are around -85% down from ATH
our coin has been consistently the worst performer for the past few years
we could have a +700% overnight and it would only just barely bring us back to our ATH, meanwhile if BTC got a +700% it would be 200k, almost 4x their previous ATH

we do not have infinite time
the LINK team is under no obligation to protect our interests, they are already billionaires
LINK does not mechanistically need a high price to work; mechanisms like super-linear staking allow 10000$ worth of LINK to secure 1000000$ deals
LINK could be a massive success in the crypto scene and an industry standard with a price of 20$
nothing is revolved around us making it

>> No.54515693
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The token isn't needed

If you listened to the "FUDDERS" you would have snapped out of your delusions instead of doubling down on them

>> No.54515702

Oh yeah you're right. I thought I had heard the name. Well spotted. kek OP is a sneaky cunt.
Doesn't change anything 1keoy fudders irreversibly btfo.

>> No.54516629

I created this thread 5 years ago, suddenly I just feel so tired and old

>> No.54516646

Wow it really is a smart con. What did they mean by this for the goyim?

>> No.54516911

This stinky cult was based before 2020 or at least certainly before 2019, but now it's just cringe. The stink itself also changed. The stink used to mean something. It was positive. Now it just stinks. The stink is stink, nothing else.

>> No.54517165
File: 1.33 MB, 1045x2106, AE5F2EFA-6333-47CF-896E-E86767AB3721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond cringe. Now hes virtuesignaling about not buying anything cool in his hypothetical fantasy. What a fucking loser

>> No.54517375
