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54509570 No.54509570 [Reply] [Original]

My alcoholism has hindered me from success long enough. I need to stop drinking.

>> No.54509599
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why do you drink besides habit at the moment?

>> No.54509602


>> No.54509609

I tried to stop drinking but my body went to shock and got hospitalized. Thank God my GF found me, otherwise I'd have died

>> No.54509612

Same buddy. What the fuck are we doing ?

>> No.54509633
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Pluto has shifted to another constellation. It's time for change. Wether you want it or not, the way how we treat and perceive the world will change by itself.

>> No.54509660
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You won't do shit.

>> No.54509705
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desu, I've noticed a very strong correlation between my prescribed adderall use and alcohol consumption. It's shocking. When I take my meds, I can easily down 10+ 5% abv seltzers no problem. When I skip a day, it's 2-3 max. I drink because it makes me feel loose. My father is an alcoholic.

>> No.54509742

I noticed this too. Have to avoid drinking early on in the day or else I will keep drinking nonstop until bed time.

>> No.54509800

He was an old man, who, at the age of nearly sixty, had postponedly encountered that thing in sorrow’s technicals called ruin. He had been an artisan of famed excellence, and with plenty to do; owned a house and garden; embraced a youthful, daughter-like, loving wife, and three blithe, ruddy children; every Sunday went to a cheerful-looking church, planted in a grove. But one night, under cover of darkness, and further concealed in a most cunning disguisement, a desperate burglar slid into his happy home, and robbed them all of everything. And darker yet to tell, the blacksmith himself did ignorantly conduct this burglar into his family’s heart. It was the Bottle Conjuror! Upon the opening of that fatal cork, forth flew the fiend, and shrivelled up his home. Now, for prudent, most wise, and economic reasons, the blacksmith’s shop was in the basement of his dwelling, but with a separate entrance to it so that always had the young and loving healthy wife listened with no unhappy nervousness, but with vigorous pleasure, to the stout ringing of her young-armed old husband’s hammer; whose reverberations, muffled by passing through the floors and walls, came up to her, not unsweetly, in her nursery; and so, to stout Labor’s iron lullaby, the blacksmith’s infants were rocked to slumber.

>> No.54509811

Oh, woe on woe! Oh, Death, why canst thou not sometimes be timely? Hadst thou taken this old blacksmith to thyself ere his full ruin came upon him, then had the young widow had a delicious grief, and her orphans a truly venerable, legendary sire to dream of in their after years; and all of them a care-killing competency. But Death plucked down some virtuous elder brother, on whose whistling daily toil solely hung the responsibilities of some other family, and left the worse than useless old man standing, till the hideous rot of life should make him easier to harvest.

Why tell the whole? The blows of the basement hammer every day grew more and more between; and each blow every day grew fainter than the last; the wife sat frozen at the window, with tearless eyes, glitteringly gazing into the weeping faces of her children; the bellows fell; the forge choked up with cinders; the house was sold; the mother dived down into the long church-yard grass; her children twice followed her thither; and the houseless, familyless old man staggered off a vagabond in crape; his every woe unreverenced; his grey head a scorn to flaxen curls!

>> No.54509836
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My work schedule is typically completed in the early hours every day. It's not uncommon for me to start cracking open cans before noon and being intoxicated into the late hours of the evening. I have a nearly non-existent social life and have tried going cold turkey before with no success. This time around, my plan is set a simple guideline. No alcohol consumption at home. If I REALLY need to have a drink, I will have to get my happy ass out the door and into a bar of some sorts, something I haven't done in years. I've read experiences from others regarding similar vices and have come to the conclusion that this method of hindrance is more successful than just stopping entirely.

>> No.54509844

Get some Kratom, easiest and best way to get off alcohol. Totally takes care of the urge to drink because you'll already feel content. Worked for me and countless others. Just don't abuse it, less is actually more with it. Get a bottle of capsules and start there.

>> No.54509856

because stimulants cause compulsion. You can stay on adderall as long as you create a strict work rule on yourself for a specific amount of hours. Say, take adderll and only focus on work until 4pm

t. 15 years on adderall

>> No.54509888
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why do you need to be "loose"? what else have you tired to incur "looseness"?

seems like you might be young and a bit confused about how effective routine and how discipline actually works, without being rude about those assertations.

with a father being an alcoholic, ie a big demonstrator of coping mechanisms in your life you are going to have to go out of your way to establish better ones and reinforce them often.

my best advice outside of seek professional help as in 30-90 day programs of self submittal is to harness what makes you an alcoholic and channel that innate adherence to your actual nature to railroad in better coping mechanism/better reward systems. its not the easy and takes a good deal of effort to step away from the sauce then an intense personal honesty with what "works" for you. then gamify it for yourself in a productive way.

feel free to expand where you need, but actively seek to better your self. boozing is a long rough way to die

>> No.54509901
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Doesn't sound like a bad idea. Where do you suggest I get Kratom? I see tobacco/head shops that have a signs advertising kratom but from my experience, anything that comes from those kind of stores are directly sources from alibaba and the like with ridiculous markups. Are there reputable direct sources available online?

>> No.54509988

Yeah, Headshop stuff is a last resort. I know people hate Reddit around here, but go to subreddit KratomKorner and they have lots of different places listed. Many good online shops deliver quickly so go with what is closest to you.
Amazing Botanicals is a good place, they run lots of deals. I think they are on the West Coast, Cali.
Kratom Trading Company is good too, I think they're in Florida.
Going off the top of my head as I have ordered from them in the past but see if there are ones closer to you.

>> No.54509991 [DELETED] 
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>why do you need to be "loose"?
I don't think I've reached the point yet where it has become a need, but it's definitely a strong preference. Sitting at home for 10+ hours each day with no real direction on things to do can take it's toll on the psyche. I live a fair bit away from places where a lot of people regularly gather. As far as age, I'm 28. I don't think I'm too much of a fuck up (yet) to be unable to buy alcohol and being it inside my home, it's moreso whether or not I give enough of a shit to even try. The reason I'm even thinking about it is because this I'm on my second round of fumbling massive gains leverage trading in the same week. Had I just stopped while I was ahead either time, I would've nearly doubled my net worth. But each time, I decided to fly too close to the sun and lose vital principle that I can't afford to lose.

>> No.54510024
File: 78 KB, 720x540, 20985bbb-98fa-4de0-ae0f-0a5d5020e35a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you need to be "loose"?
I don't think I've reached the point yet where it has become a need, but it's definitely a strong preference. Sitting at home for 10+ hours each day with no real direction on things to do can take it's toll on the psyche. I live a fair bit away from places where a lot of people regularly gather. As far as age, I'm 28. I don't think I'm too much of a fuck up (yet) to be unable to buy alcohol and bring it inside my home, it's moreso whether or not I give enough of a shit to even try. The reason I'm even thinking about it is because I'm on my second round of fumbling massive gains leverage trading in the same week. Had I just stopped while I was ahead either time, I would've significantly increasedy net worth. But each time, I decided to fly too close to the sun and lose vital principle that I can't afford to lose while in a drunken stupor and immediately try to cope it all away. This bear market destroys people.

>> No.54510029
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yeah bro cheers to that, im drinking a 32oz pacifico rn

>> No.54510037

I have never consumed alcohol, never even smoked a cigarette, what am I missing out?

>> No.54510049
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I'd imagine it'd be similar to living a life in a crab market. Missing the highs and lows but staying close to an equilibrium.

>> No.54510054

for me, it's kratom with occasional psychedelic use
going to counseling has helped a lot too. i always thought it was bullshit but i found a counselor i click with and it has helped me untangle the emotional knots that led me to use opiates in the first place.

>> No.54510094
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FUCK off you shithead. kratom is poison and people end up in the ER from it all the time. It's not even understood how it works and is possibly cardiotoxic.

The kratom shilling on this site is part of a certain agenda, I think.

>> No.54510118
File: 65 KB, 720x485, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend two minutes browsing r/quittingkratom you stupid fuckheads. Fucking god damn terrorist shill scum spreading your poison.

>> No.54510147
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are you ignoring clearly set rules and limits or just being too loose and missing effective stop losses or entries?
I would say that for some people its not about the presence of alcohol but the limited options that is where the discipline and routine really works wonders. you just dont allow your self to drink at home mon-sat because those are "trading days" or what ever arbitrary limits you set but if you are utilizing leverage at 28 and getting worked up about, maybe its time to take it seriously instead of just retard gambling.
finding alternatives and being aware of your effective substitutes is a better strategy than cold turkey for most functioning addicts.

>> No.54510151

Grow your own magic mushrooms or buy DMT off the dark web
Ibogaine also works that was a crazy trip, lasted 2-3 days though

>> No.54510157

Fuck off. I've been taking it for years and have had no problems. If you ABUSE anything it has side effects. It has saved countess lives with people getting off very hard drugs. Why don't you go read those subreddits of success stories.

>> No.54510158

I'm almost 4 weeks sober

go to AA. Keep going even when it sucks. Keep going even when you're "done drinking". Keep going no matter what. That's my plan

>> No.54510165

Shut up you fucking drug addicted terrorist cunt. KYS.

>> No.54510172

can be an opioid alternative for some opioid abusers in a path to relief and reduced use.
is MORE OFTEN ABUSED and consumed in excess because it isnt just a wonder no harm natural alternative. truly is terrifying the way it is pushed

>> No.54510190

I'm not addicted to anything. You sound like the one who has serious problems here. The difference between medicine and poison is DOSAGE.

>> No.54510193
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find a sponsor or a person you trust enough to reach out to when the eventual rock bottom arises is also key, building social structures like this for others and your self is pretty key to making it for those suffering from abuse disorders.

>> No.54510205
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taking mild psycho active substance that mimics opioid effects which requires constant tapering and/or formula attenuation isnt being addicted?

>> No.54510234

I don't constantly take anything except for maybe a daily multivitamin. You have pictures like that on your computer you come across like a fucking loon.

>> No.54510239


>> No.54510258
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been taking kratom for years, suddenly it vanishes from your routine. Listen bud i know i smoke weed like a fucking chimney and i dont make excuses for it. at least own up to lying or being a faggot

>> No.54510308

I've taken Claritin for years for my sinuses, but mainly on high pollen days where my sinuses are all messed up. Sometimes a few times in a week and then go months with nothing. Same with Kratom, I take it for energy and soreness. At the beginning I took it more often to slow down drinking but once that was under control I didn't need it that often. I don't abuse it so I enjoy the benefits of it.

>> No.54510372
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taking a mild replacement for opioids and claiming it gives you energy is a semi concerning way of phrasing it, but the rest of your verbage seems to back it up. Im the same as the other anon are wary of its abuse in the broad sense. just because we can manage a tight rope doesnt mean that retard 16-24 year olds with no real sense that arent spending a few hundred dollars a month or week on those stupid smoke shop capsules/bags