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54507399 No.54507399 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do I have to make in order to fuck the shit out of 18-21 year old pussy as a 30+ year old man?

>> No.54507404

That's a man

>> No.54507408

Honestly? Enough to take her out to a nice dinner or some event that kids her age would have zero experience of. Girls that age don’t care about money yet. It’s about the experiences that an older established guy can give to them

>> No.54507422

37yo here, my last 2 zoomette bangs were chicks i met in fast food restaurants as i was picking up orders for uber eats deliverycucking. they have very low standards these days anon, youll be fine with your minimum wage or NEET lifestyle

>> No.54507467
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You make an account on SDM and don't tell them how much you make. You ghost them once they bring up an allowance, ideally after you've fucked the shit out of them. EVERY girl has a price.

>> No.54507485

It costs one (1) attractive face.

>> No.54507507

What did you say to them?

>> No.54507509

Are girls on SD websites really stupid enough to fuck guys before getting paid?

>> No.54507520


>> No.54507545

I have a big dick.

>> No.54507554

If you can’t get 18-21 year olds as a 30+ you must be insanely ugly. Every time I meet young chicks at the gym I can practically hear their pussies moistening as they swoon and I’m 38. The confidence I’ve built places me multiple tiers above what any 20 something bumbling moron could ever have. Inside they are all insecure boys. As I once was.

>> No.54507570

I don't know, I haven't met anyone yet but it's an idea lol. Getting consistent matches though. I imagine at a minimum it would cost a few expensive dates.

Sugar Daddy Meet

>> No.54507572
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depends on where the girl comes from.

in africa your white skin can fuck any black females pretty much, basically free with STD's

put pic related prolly gonna cost you around 10-20k, depends on how good your social skills are and other factors, your locations, language barrier etc.

this is the only real answer these threads should be getting, they have become a biz spam at this point.

>> No.54507584

Scooby doo meetup

>> No.54507607

38 year old here, broke and unemployed living out of my car.
I live near a university and fuck at least one 18-21 year old a week.
They're easy as fuck if you have any game at all.

>> No.54507608

A much older friend of mine went to Kenya, he was in his mid fifties at the time. He was pulling fine ass (and educated) black girls in their 20s. It's bizarre how powerful being white in some places are. He's currently in Thailand doing the same thing lol.

>> No.54507630

I boughted

>> No.54507664

Just now? Premium? It's expensive so I just chat with the ones that message me first. It's amazing how well behaved and mannered they are on SDM vs Tinder.

>> No.54507670

Literally just don’t live in the US pussy prison. US is the only truecel country.

>> No.54507687

70$ per hour

>> No.54507695

Sugar daddy match I’d assume

>> No.54507703

kek, I was joking, just downloaded the app and set up a profile. Not paying for apps until I make it.

>> No.54507719

Girls like this cost about $4-500 AUD an hour at the moment.

I think they are cheaper in Europe because I was comparing their pussy prices and it seems to be around $300 AUD

If you want to own a whore it's probably going to be a lot of money so I wouldn't recommend this. Leasing is the best strategy.

>> No.54507768

>mfw have to former rabbi bill clinton kid maxx

>> No.54507773

This could work, you could even just rent a nice air bnb sometimes to fuck them in so they think your rich

>> No.54507790

Euros and other anglos don't know the true pain of living in a pussy prison such as the US. Fuck all the tradcucks and puafags who think paying it is gay or whatever

>> No.54507793
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Just make enough money to comfortably choose when it's the right time of the year to take a vacation and go to Bahamas, that's enough to fuck any woman kek, and if you don't know how you can use things like gpt or any other AI stuff to find the best ways to make that happen, or cope, also that's a man

>> No.54507808

there is no human way that actually happens kek

>> No.54507810

Almost 30 still don’t feel confident. Fucking sucks

>> No.54507821

>Trust in AI to get rich
Literally every fucking shill, no

>> No.54507823

I don't trust in that, being straight honest

>> No.54507829
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Yeah, it seems about right, yet, fuck you

>> No.54507837

Many celebs/athletes pay for it if they are not in a relationship and want casual sex, in order to avoid piranha women. No one remembers video that went viral years ago of that famous Brazilian escort leaving Justin Biebers hotel room?

>> No.54507891
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HAHAHAH you don't know shit young man

>> No.54509966


Fucking retards thats for findom

U dont actually get to meet them

Let alone fuck them

Let alone fucking them before paying

Girls are dumb but they arent that dumb

Retard larpers

>> No.54509977

Less than the 21 year old man would need to have. Your age in your 30s as a man is a plus, not a negative.

>> No.54509983

How much for overnight for comparison?

>> No.54510080

Anglo and Western European girls have to compete with Eastern European girls who charge 1/2 the price and are twice as hot.

>> No.54510098


$400-500 a fuck. Good luck but don’t lose yourself

>> No.54510132

IMO zoomers are absolutely obsessed with money.

>> No.54510183

Nice larp fag
No chick is fucking a old dude in his car

>> No.54510264

Simp Data Mine

>> No.54510353

nothing really i think i just started off with "hey" i just looked at them first i just smiled and they smiled back then i said hey and made small talk

>> No.54510382

>randomly bang this 27 year old chick
>she gives the best sex i've ever had, she acts like i'm some sort of drug to her, tongue kissing me passionately and riding me to my bone while dirty talking how she wants to suck me off under the table while i study for a test
>meanwhile the 22 year old hot chick i'm dating is like a fish in the bed compared to her. Zero movement, zero creativity

Forget about age and just try different kind of girls. You never know when you find a diamond like i did with the 27 year old. Focusing on age is another superficial incel cope, like wanting a virgin

>> No.54510525

>t. roastie

>> No.54510568

exactly his point. They are too young to know better

>> No.54510596

I know you all degenerates are looking for the thing that will most turn you on, and a woman who is really good at sex does that the most. And that isn't tied to age or looks (well maybe so much that the girl can't be fat).

>> No.54510622
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No money. Only game.

>> No.54510905
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when you're past your 30s and had experiences with girls between 15-29 like i have, the 27 year olds tend to be fucking insatiable and freaky in bed only because they feel they have to go that extra mile to keep you interested because they're already about to hit the wall if they hadn't already. stay with that 27 year old and she will eventually turn into a fish in the bed when you decide you want to go steady with her

the 22 year old chick has maybe slept with 4 guys tops and is still curious and adventurous and horny af. she never can't get enough. but if you're in your 30s you have to be in good, physical shape to keep up with fucking a 22 year old girl or slightly younger. if you're a balding, fat dad-bod loser, you're ngmi and she will leave you for someone else who can have marathon fuck sessions

>> No.54510960

It's not about money, it's about confidence. Confidence to a woman is like nice pair of tits to a man. It does a lot of the heavy lifting in attraction.

However having a decent car, nice clothes and a place to fuck them is obviously going to go further than not having those things.

>> No.54510964
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>> No.54511023

Manfaced uggo.
I can't fuck white women anymore now that I've tried asians.

>> No.54511026
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I do disagree actually. I'm 28, in the past year I've had sex with two 19 year olds and a 21 year old (among others). The inexperience shows. They're easy, easily impressed, on birth control, and the 21 year old was a squirter (she's the only one I didn't get another shot at - breaks my heart) but none of them knew how to fuck. I'd give them selfish, mediocre dick and they'd act like it's great but not even emote really. Horrible head. And not even good kissing really.

I genuinely think the kino age is 24-25. The ones who could wrap me around their finger are those late-zoomers. Still pornsick zogbrained retards but they have a bit of that honed womanly sensuality about them.

>> No.54511055

Why have you posted this in multiple threads now
Congrats bro you got laid

>> No.54511066

Do people find this hot? This kind of turbo slut behavior is such a turn off. luda said it best, you want a lady in the street and a freak in the bed, not the other way around

>> No.54511070
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enough to cover the cost of a flight ticket to Thailand

>> No.54511141
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lol you're right about the inexperience and the bj-teeth thing, but most girls in general give sad head. but i like being the older guy telling the younger, inexperienced girl what to do, how to do it, guiding her, teaching her, but i'm a nice guy when i do it. i have a friend who likes to fuck young girls and turn her out into a slut to fuck all of us. i'm just not like that. i don't like wasting my time with sluts just to get some extra brah cred and bragging rights

>> No.54511169

>ideally after you've fucked the shit out of them
not happening. most girls on here are already experienced escorts

>> No.54511316

We need a strategy to convince these whores we already made it and have sex before paying them kek.
I'm 100% sure a high success script can be written if enough autists put their minds into it.

>> No.54511622

>with game/looks/wit
>with little game/looks/wit
$60k/yr minimum
>with no game/looks/wit
$150k/yr minimum

roasties can confirm

>> No.54511639

Based. Imagine watching sports if you're not a practicioner

>> No.54511676
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>the 22 year old chick has maybe slept with 4 guys

>> No.54511680

Bitch face

>> No.54511699

in vienna i went to laufhouse rosie and spent 50 euro on a solid 9/10

they charge based on looks

>> No.54511731

got me hard

>> No.54511732

Because there have been multiple threads obsessong about young women

>> No.54511746

The price of a beer. Zoomers are dumb and inexperience, they don't expect much. I fuck and creampie zoomers. Cost me about $20. But you can't be fat and blading ought. Male zoomers don't have their own place or a car

>> No.54511766

>poo eyes
Ok juan

>> No.54511806


>> No.54512217

Interesting post. The 27 year old was a bit special though, i've fucked women over 30 who weren't nearly as passionate as this chick was.

>> No.54512625
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You know if you were righteous and God fearing your women would submit to you voluntarily. They rebel against you because you are wicked and unfair and they dont want such asshole above their heads.

>> No.54512638

I hate this video. This bitch is so vapid and dumb
What a sad sad human

>> No.54512681

How do I get confidence?
So tell us how you land them if you're not larping
I never get wanting to corrupt girls like your friend. Feels weird and immoral. I'm not one who likes sharing either so I don't want any girl I'm banging to get with my friends.

>> No.54512717

t. triple digit iq

>> No.54512734

>nice shoes, wanna fuck?

>> No.54513087

None. Just go to techno raves and bang some 18 year old poonani.
Techno bitches despise young guys and love old farts.
20 year old girls fucking 50 year olds isn't really out of the ordinary there.
Bonus points if you can mix or produce.

>> No.54513133

Disgusting. She ruined that bottle.
Who the fuck wants to drink that shit now, that she has spread her germs all over it ?!

>> No.54513265

>bros I saw a 21yo girl in the gym recently
>I could definitely fuck her if I wanted to
>No, I haven't tried, I don't need to
>lmao keep coping, incel

>> No.54513341
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>> No.54513422

you say hey after both of you already said hey? does this create a feedback loop that shortcircuits thot brains and makes them suggestible to the ol’ in and out?

>> No.54513520
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Heres a better question: How do I resist the urge to murder roasties

>> No.54513552

>the ol’ in and out
based clockwork orange reader

>> No.54513559
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i enjoy watching them suffer slowly.

>> No.54513564

>your slutty attention seeking sister at the family outing when your parents tell her not to bring her black boyfriend

>> No.54513574
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more like a boy

>> No.54513608

you guys are fucking girls?
>Straight Single here :(

>> No.54513858

you dont need any cash. Just be White, look like a twink drug addict male model (lose lots of weight) and women will fetishize you even MILFs