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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 352x352, onchain_trade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54506719 No.54506719 [Reply] [Original]

Now that you've bought the top and sold the bottom, let's discuss OT
>What went wrong ?
The launch was pretty shit, have to admit that. The team tried to rush to be among the first movers on zksync era with a native token and fucked up the original liquidity, basically locking people's funds, preventing them from selling anything below $0.72 due to the lack of liquidity. That created an arbitrage gap between syncswap and OT's own website, which arbitragers took advantage of and dumped the price.

Still not as big of a fuckup as another zksync shitcoin that recently managed to lock 900ETH investors money by fucking up the smart contract. Those guys had VCs, funding and such, OT had none of that, being a relatively small team, with the presale and token launch going as smooth as possible

>What went right ? Reasons to buy/hold right now.
1. Current circulating marketcap is still only $3.7M at the moment (at $0.5 price). Any moment now, coingecko stats will be updated with a correct cap instead of $50-60m FDV value. Next is coinmarketcap proper listing.
2. We're still early as fuck, being at just 1 week after the launch. Bugs will eventually get hammered. Staking and perps is going to be launched very soon, which will fix the liquidity issue as well as provide shitloads of incentives to use the platform and boost TVL and ARP stats.
2. Still the only zksync native token on syncswap, the biggest zksync era dex by TVL (50% of the network still, and OT is the biggest pool there after eth/usdc) and network activity. The main place where people go to buy and pool shitcoins.
3. Many IFO whales have exited. The biggest 600k OT whale, who's been dumping non stop since the launch, finally dumped his last bags and fucked off into the sunset. Redistribution took place from whales and IFO crowd into the hands of 13k unique wallets now, so the price could flow freely now.

>> No.54506746
File: 70 KB, 1037x466, genius trader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4. Price is at a support level and selling is pretty much exhausted. There's no place left to dump a <$5m mc coin, which will rebound anyway as soon as they launch staking/perp
5. 2M tokens (out of 7.5m total circulating supply) are basically locked now at $0.72 price and forced to hodl, but no one seems to give a fuck really and wouldn't dump anyway.
6. Still having basically free marketing from every direction. Almost every day some twitter/youtube fag with 10-100k followers shills OT as a top zksync era ecosystem project for future airdrop.
7. Still the most unique project on zksync era. There's no one currently doing what their doing. They're not only zksync first movers, but literally first movers across many chains.
8. Zksync era network is growing rapidly, and the ecosystem is non existent, having only a few projects that stand out like OT, besides shitforks and generic swaps. The network is also getting airdrop farmed which will only get stronger with time. By throwing money into zksync era, you're also checking in for a future zksync airdrop
9.The general mood on discord is pretty bullish and full of hopium, despite all the shit happening and not many people seem to consider exiting at this price.
10. Lots of influencers and VCs spamming their discord, trying to ape in, some probably going to buy off the market
11. Look at the pic and tell me the bottom is not in, I dare you.

>> No.54506794

Shit dex never will be the main one. Starting to stink like curry.

>> No.54506797
File: 52 KB, 1364x259, onchain degen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that's not an obvious bottom signal, I don't know what is

>> No.54506818

It's literally the only perp on zksync era that's live. Also the main competitor phezzan failed to raise funds and closed the project altoghether, so there's literally no competition left now on zksync.

>> No.54506846

one more dump and i'm going back in, lets say 0.3-0.4ish

>> No.54506908
File: 242 KB, 1438x848, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think so, sorry my fren

>> No.54506940

Fuck you little zoomer nigger for shilling this piece of shit

>> No.54506970

see you in a month at $3 preparing a rope for yourself for selling the bottom just like that genius lmao >>54506908

>> No.54506990

nah i havent sold, i bought at 79c and will sell it all at 80c if it ever gets there again

>> No.54507005

What perps? Shills keep saying they have first mover advantage, but the only thing they have live is a shitty dex that they managed to ruin the liquidity for their own token on.

There are other projects like Derivio and Increment bringing perps to zkSync soon.

>> No.54507045
File: 29 KB, 861x141, news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to act retarded, sure, do exactly that. Sell a $5M cap first mover perp dex on a hyped L2 growing network with no competition and a unique never seen before economic structure at it's core and see what happens in 1-2 months, I dare you.

1 week since launch, can't run perp now without chainlink. Staking is coming tho sooner than you think, which will fix the liquidity issue. For now what I see is panic selling retards giving a great opportunity to position yourself for a moon mission.

>> No.54507172


> Unique never seen before economic structure

> No github code to be found anywhere

Pick one

>> No.54507229
File: 263 KB, 1483x877, Level finance OT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from OT discord.
do the math, considering current $4m OT marketcap


>> No.54507242

currently auditing before going full open source. There's been a working beta live for a literal year to test the platform as well as detailed documentation to see how it all works

>> No.54507245

OP is fos

>> No.54507285

nope, why would I deanon myself like that.

>> No.54507288


>> No.54507317
File: 55 KB, 1329x259, genius trader 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for bottom selling. Your sacrifice will be forever honored.

>> No.54507326

Rebranded 1kx exchange. Ground breaking shit here.

>> No.54507409
File: 120 KB, 1153x828, 1kx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so ? Everyone who opened the docs at least once knows that. Only more reasons to buy


>> No.54507465

yeah, btw this is the investment firm behind onchain trade.

>1kx is an early-stage investment firm that specializes in ecosystem growth.
>Our firm explores the art and science of network building because we care deeply about bringing the best possible version of a decentralized future to life
>At 1kx, we help exceptional founders bootstrap token networks.

This is literally the easiest play of 2023.

>> No.54507468

one whale's still got a 20k bag so that's enough for me to think not all is lost.
>Almost every day some twitter/youtube fag with 10-100k followers shills OT as a top zksync era ecosystem project for future airdrop.
plus this. can't underestimate airdrop farming and OT is front and center for that with a low mcap.

>> No.54507506
File: 21 KB, 1089x90, 1kx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha, delusional bag holder... the crypto vc 1kx has nothing to do with this shit

>> No.54507562

Oh wow, the whale that put $100k into the IFO (participants of which are going to be reimbursed) still has 20k of the 666,666 tokens he received. He only sold 97% of them, sounds like he's real confident in the project, bullish!

>> No.54507581
File: 260 KB, 1483x877, 1kx OT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure buddy, just a random crypto fund. Nothing to do with OT

>> No.54507713

a degen threw $100k into a project he probably never even bothered researching (just like 99% of IFO participants), who flew in right after they announced full reimbursement for participants (basically zero risk only profit), made x6 in a week and exited, leaving 20k just in case it moons. What's so unusual in that ?

>> No.54508333

man youre like the picasso of shilling lol. i grabbed a sack at launch because of your post a couple weeks ago so im still up a bit, but your top level shilling is making me want to double down lol

how did you find this? what else do you like/are you holding now?

>> No.54508431
File: 13 KB, 582x149, rebrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think those retweets prove? You like posting screenshots from their Discord, but when I post one of their Discord server admin saying the two entities aren't related you ignore it and double down on your bullshit.

The $100k whale is a regular in the Discord, they're not just someone who threw some cash in and was otherwise disengaged. What I find unusual is trying to spin a whale *only* selling 97% of their tokens as a sign that they are optimistic for the future of a project, especially when they're supposed to be getting fully reimbursed. At the same time the whale was posting their $3 minimum price predictions, they were selling at just 50-70c

>> No.54508499

>At the same time the whale was posting their $3 minimum price predictions, they were selling at just 50-70c
ya i would too being that early. a price increase of a few pennies would make you thousands. its very easy to raise the price of a token at that early stage, a few tg people buying put some $$ in his pockets fast

>> No.54509034

This coin is an absolute joke. Also whatever faggot tranny kicked me out of discord is a fucking nigger. Half the room there was bitching and moaning and unsure of this coin. But OP is like "EVERYONE IS VERY HAPPY".

STFU dumb nigger.

>> No.54510616

Lets keep this thread alive.

>> No.54510648

>Staking and perps is going to be launched very soon
how soon, weeks? months? seasons? years? never?

>> No.54510747

>4m mcap
Yeah I'm gonna need a sauce on that, as far as I can tell it's hard to tell how many coins are in circulation right now or soon to be unlocked or are already pseudo-unlocked.

>> No.54511192
File: 162 KB, 1514x780, level zoom in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think those retweets prove?
yeah, maybe they're not actually related. Just the name, unusual interest to zksync from both of them as the general desire from the team to keep their identity under the radar is all just a coincidence and I'm the schizo retard here. Not a deal breaker anyway as that wasn't even on my list of reasons to buy it, but would be more attractive, sure.

>their tokens as a sign that they are optimistic for the future of a project
where did you get that idea from my post ? I'm saying the whale has made a decent profit and exited, especially after getting spooked on the bad news of shit launch and liquidity issues. I also sold in 0.7-0.8 range and rebought in 0.5-0.6, does that make me an unbeliever dumping my bags ? I knew there would be a sellof and used that opportunity to increase my stack and ride the wave. Also, I know who the whale was and I'm glad this faggot is gone together with his retarded posts. Better now than when he's got his bag into the millions.

Anyway Level also had a shit launch with devs fucking shit up. Look at the graph pic related and take into consideration that 3 MONTHS later this coin is trading at literal x100 price from the bottom.

>> No.54511254

I've got bags of this but more confident in Velocore short term desu. Need Oracles asap, hurry tf up Sergey.

>> No.54511255
File: 218 KB, 1437x747, OT chart support resistance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm not trying to sell a useless pen like Jordan Belfort type shit, I'm just providing a list of actual facts why I think it will moon and the kind of reasoning I had myself buying it.

>how did you find this? what else do you like/are you holding now?
I found it from a bunch of big airdrop channels shilling this project while still on testnet and thought that strategy, which made them the top visited project on testnet btw, is viable free marketing. And I was right. Almost daily 10-100k twitter accounts add it to their zksync era airdrop lists and shill it unwillingly.

I'm OP by the way, just dynamic IP.

the price is volatile as fuck and can oscillate 40% daily. It can pump just as easily as it could dump. A bug which scared people into the panic selling, wasn't a security exploit or a massive deal breaker, just a lack of liquidity because of a not so well thought out start, it will get fixed eventually and the general mood will change. Those who got burned and butthurt right now (which are many as I can see by general sentiment), if haven't exited yet, will do so at their buy-in price to prevent a further loss or trying to swing trade to recover their losses from panic selling, after that they're going to get outpriced with a massive pump and buy back at a premium price, opening their eyes to the fact it's still a cheap <$10m cap coin even at $1.

>> No.54511408

>What I find unusual is trying to spin a whale *only* selling 97% of their tokens as a sign that they are optimistic for the future of a project
how is keeping a moon bag not optimistic? if he thought otherwise he'd just exit completely. or are you some retard who thinks you have to hold 100% of your tokens from the IFO and take zero profit?

>> No.54511445
File: 95 KB, 1413x862, OT locked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatever faggot tranny kicked me out of discord is a fucking nigger
probably that's why lmao. Can you contain yourself, you nasty top-buying-bottom-selling NEET frog.

>Half the room there was bitching and moaning and unsure of this coin
while there was a massive panicsale and a lot of people who bought the top at $1 sold the bottom at $0.5 like on the pics i the beginning of the thread. The general sentiment prior to that was ok despite the obvious issues. People in crypto have goldfish memory, once the bugs are fixed, the price pumps and bottom sellers are left out, the general sentiment will be back to bullish hopium again.

it's a top priority for them now, as that will fix the liquidity issues, but if they rush they could fuck shit up again. They've been testing the protocol for entire year and most of it is ready for deployment, they're only waiting for third party projects like chainlink to do their move, so that doesn't depend on them. From what I know, they're currently looking into chainlink alternatives, while sir gay is enjoying his burgers

7.5m tokens circulating supply * current price of $0.6 = 4.5million. The coingecko graph will be updated soon, the application has been sent already.

>it's hard to tell how many coins are in circulation right now or soon to be unlocked or are already pseudo-unlocked.
except it's not, it's official info, not my guess work. You could've just went to zkscan and check for yourself instead of asking retarded questions. See Picrel.

>> No.54511479


>> No.54511492

How tf do people even find pre-sales?

>> No.54511579

i won't tell you, it took me a while to figure it out
you'll be my exit liquidity and be happy

>> No.54511585

Tbh im happy I can get a bit better stack of this shit now. It's still a nobrainer and I never expected it to moon instantly. It never goes like that

>> No.54511616

what was the presale price OP, was it less than a penny

>> No.54511637

no way this shit doesn't go back to presale prices if chainlink takes weeks

>> No.54511653
File: 148 KB, 1199x836, Top projects on zksync era.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that the jungle you're talking about or what ?

you can't even google this shit, "jungle zksync era" gives literally zero results. From what I could find it's some solana DEX (which is not a perpr, so why even compare ?). Can you post a proper link or coingecko/cmc page ?

From the looks of it, the only thing it's going to devour is it's own shit for now. At least OT is on the official ecosystem, easily found and spread by word each time whenever anyone talks about zk ecosystem or makes an infographic about it.

by discovering and testing projects early

that should be obvious, but I guess not for some retards who expect to buy the top and get 10x the very next day, just to call me a nigger 2 days later when it doesn't, wishing me to rope myself.

>> No.54511681

I literally googled 'jungle zkSync' and the first link took me to the twitter account of the upcoming perp platform.

>> No.54511686

i'm trolling
it's junglefi.io but it smells like curry even more than this onchain.trade

>> No.54511693

i mean, only the dex is working and you can't even make a swap, lmao

>> No.54511748
File: 87 KB, 507x676, buy jungle sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now it's there, just google search jewing me with search result personalisation.

>> No.54512301


someone shill this to me, what it do, is it similar to gns? I missed vela and am still fucked up over it

>> No.54512329

Similar to vela and gmx but its first in the zksync so very high potential.

>> No.54512346
File: 85 KB, 1370x657, rejectedot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is breaking down. I'm gonna buy in at 35 cents.

>> No.54512502

> first mover perp
> no perp
> no estimated date to launch perp

>> No.54512514

more like 0.035

>> No.54512532

thank you kindly

can you explain zksync in retard terms. is it another muh complicated math shapes make shit go faster

>> No.54512541

This shit is going down in flames worse than perpy did, and perpy didn't even have any major fuckups

>> No.54512826

you're free to buy when it's fully launched, which should be weeks from now. It won't be $0.5 price, $4m marketcap as it currently is tho.

Try it, maybe you could pull that off, who knows. In my opinion, just the staking announcement would set it back to $1 and fix the liquidity shit, which birthed the entire panic in the first place. And the staking is literal days away, week at max.

>> No.54512896


>> No.54512913

are you the disgruntled serial killer? >>54512834

>> No.54512937

kek no but he is based and you are a fag

>> No.54512945

There are way better zkp based defi platforms out there pajeet.

>> No.54513000
File: 175 KB, 1200x920, jungle sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, already heard about jungle, thank you kind sir. The entire village is talking about it, very good coin indeed.

>> No.54513226

if you can't handle my 50% dumps, you don't deserve my 100x pumps. As simple as that.

>> No.54513287
File: 50 KB, 1042x417, Captura de tela 2023-04-08 130020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you haven't mentioned is this. They willl throw MONTHLY a MINIMUM of 1M tokens, it could be well double of that. Supply rn is 7.5M, for anyone thinking about the long term, think twice.

btw you stole my print you faggot nigger.

I'm not saying OT is by any means a really bad play, but one that needs to be careful. Meanwhile I'm riding the VC wave.

>> No.54513421

Ye another L2. Airdrop coming soon

>> No.54513480

>muh first mover dex
>muh perps SOON(tm)
neck yourself indian shitskin, this is a glorified swap site and a buggy mess at that with a pajeet team

>> No.54513526

0 vesting for 3 months. And at least a year from now no reasonable impact on the supply or the price. By then if they manage to get a decent bite of perp dex market with volume, userbase, APR and TVL it will earn it's $5+ price, $40m MC fair place. For now, it's been slightly over a week since launch which had some issues, so it's early to speculate on something that wouldn't be a significant problem for the next 3-12 months.

>> No.54513579

it's over
what else do you need to capitulate?

>> No.54513614

68 posts ITT
2 poster account for nearly half of it
This thread is an organized discord shill to pump some pajeets bags, don't fall for it
Verification not required. Niggers

>> No.54513672

except the fact that even the tokenomics are so vague that one could assume it could take 2-5 years to start vesting OR vesting during 2-5 years, starting from now. I expect the latter, which makes sense.

>> No.54513688
File: 16 KB, 384x161, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao jump ship right fucking now this is about to sink deeper than the titanic

>> No.54513741

It will. The presale didn't even sell half of what they put up. This project is doa. Now they're scamming aptos and sui next. Jeets gonna jeet

>> No.54513787

They can build an oracle but not figure out basic security?

>> No.54513792

>what else do you need to capitulate?
profit hopefully. Not keen on selling the bottom

>> No.54513820
File: 51 KB, 1019x586, good_ta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am feeling somewhat smug. Honestly I feel like 35 cents was too high. I will buy at 15 cents.

>> No.54513830

Try 0.01. Then sell at 0.015

>> No.54514060


>> No.54514133

agreed, not now. You're supposed to sell now, not buy. Buying comes later at $1.

>> No.54514146

its not basic. if your servers are in a datacenter and not your own home, they are vulnerable as fuk.

lukejr learned this the hard way:

>tldr datacenter worker sideloaded his machine with a usb or something and jacked his priv key

>> No.54514181

i literally do not understand how liquidity was drained from OT pool even after reading the announcement post. can someone explain it to me like im a 3rd world country jeet.

also why is liquidity in the eth pool so low as well?

>> No.54514223

It is basic. You can securely store this in a data center securely if you only know basic security.

Also your linked article doesn't even say anything close to that. Try harder retard.

>> No.54514338

nothing was drained in exploit sense if that's what you mean. Due to their algorithm of minting OSD, they didn't put enough initial liquidity at the start, which also caused thin orderbook and pump to $1 with little to no resistance and that backfired later into having lack of liquidity to withdraw anything when a selloff began. If they bootstrapped the liquidity properly starting from $0.15, that wouldn't happen.

>> No.54514362

Idk man, am way more optimistic regarding RSW and LSD atm, seems to be a rising trend for a reason


>> No.54514383

I don't understand why you pajeet keep buying nonsense. Fucking sell that shit and get bags like QNT and NXRA.

>> No.54514615

thanks for the dip niggers

>> No.54514921
File: 35 KB, 300x300, nazipepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54515050

lmao bearish engulfing coming up on the hourly.

>> No.54515060

dont threaten me with a good time anon

>> No.54515065
File: 1.07 MB, 536x706, selfishfuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i boughteded go up now thanks

>> No.54515103

you're welcome based whiteman.

>> No.54515112

yeah i mean the OSD liquidity.

how can OSD liquidity be restored if you cannot deposit OSD into the pool?

just trying to wrap my head around this, as you cannot currently swap OT for OSD on ontrade... only syncswap

>> No.54515161

if you read his tweets he blames a technician at colocrossing and discovers the guy booted up his server with a LiveCD or attached a secondary hdd to get access to his main hdd

>> No.54515228

>The mint of OSD happens whenever sellers sell non-OSD assets(when OSD balance is 0 for select pools) or when users borrow OSD using supported assets as collateral.
>All assets on OT are paired against OSD, OSD balance in each pair is 0 before anyone buy the token with OSD or sell into OSD for select pairs, liquidity providers don't deposit OSD into any pool
>You can mint OSD by trading other assets directly into it, you can also swap OSD into any other assets on OT. You can stake OSD to earn yield in the form of OT token and protocol revenue distribution.
>Users can swap WBTC, ETH and any supported asset to OSD. Users can also borrow OSD from other markets that supports OSD lending and borrowing.

See this. https://onchaintrade.gitbook.io/ot/osd
Requires some level of autismo to understand any of this shit

>> No.54515776

tell me RIGHT NOW why i should trust you? im ready to drop a 50 cents on this bitch

>> No.54515924

buy jungle sir. OT bad chinese coin. Can't feed village with constant 50% drops.

>> No.54516002
File: 68 KB, 952x345, LP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu nigger, they do NOT mint OSD in the OT OSD pool. You guys really don't know how to read, deserve to be poor.

>> No.54516063

a "whale" with 24k just started pumping price and selling on OnChain website, so he took all OSD/ETH and bought in Syncswap, then he broke the LP as people were stuck there and couldn't take their funds out and OT price got stuck in $0.729 as he broke the protocol. As there was a difference between Syncswap and OnChain price, he bought on Syncswap (for cheaper) and sold whenever there were OSD left in the pool, draining every single time someone put their funds there (as it's a 50/50 LP with rewards in OSD). So basically there are 2.21M OT tokens stuck there. Price updated to $0.58 today but still leaves room for arbitraging in the Syncswap, so people still won't be able to swap and take their funds out of OnChain website.

>> No.54516153

except they can withdraw it whenever they want and those 2m are from OT's bootstraping 2.5m liquidity issued along with 5m IFO tokens

>> No.54516186

are you dumb or just pretending? No they can't wirhtdraw, follow the discord and you can see people complaining. They CAN'T withdraw when there's no OSD in the pool.

>> No.54516209
File: 60 KB, 800x450, tomLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you so sure why don't you buy OT and add in the OT-OSD LP? Come back here and tell the results

>> No.54516230
File: 30 KB, 1280x208, photo_2023-04-08_22-04-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same question to you. You can withdraw, but not swap apparently.

>> No.54516318
File: 76 KB, 1369x557, poorjeetstuck2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and when there's no OSD...?

>> No.54516347

I just read in discord that there is a lot of confusion over what this coin is and does so they're going to rebrand it to Dumb Nigger Coon Token. I think this is a stroke of genius by the devs because if it was called that when I bought it then I wouldn't have bought it. I would have stayed away and gotten the gist right away.

Also, don't listen to ANY FAGGOT NIGGER who mocks you and says shit like "Typical biz, always buying the top and selling the bottom."

The bottom. It's the bottom guys! This is the bottom... Ok no, this is the bottom. Ok, all those bottom sellers I was mocking before actually got a great price since we tanked another 20%, but this time...this time its the bottom. OK guys I was wrong NOW THIS is the b...ok no wait, NOW THIS IS...ok no wait, OK NOW THIS IS...

Just stfu dumb nigger pajeet ass jew.

>> No.54516580

wait, are you telling me 1/3 of total supply is locked because of the osd shitshow? lmaooo this is going into the negatives once they add liquidity once again
what an elegant way to rug tho, ngl, just 4dchess your investors and lock them while your dump your free premined bags

>> No.54516672

biz fucking got me again, fuck you jeets

>> No.54517587
File: 15 KB, 600x800, 4q3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it
This better recover

>> No.54518451

It did not maderchod

>> No.54518647
File: 9 KB, 249x250, 4q3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we ever lose slurpbros?

>> No.54518741 [DELETED] 

>Mader Chod is a very very bad name of Urdu language
A language popular throughout Pakistan#

>> No.54520423


You just slurped some jeet's donkie's cum.

>> No.54520510

another -30% on the 'aily

>> No.54520579
File: 695 KB, 536x600, selfishlittlefuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just tested their liquidity pools and you can add/remove liquidity with no problem theres no 50/50 ot/osd split you just get full ot back, and for swaps you use syncswap regardless, big nothingburger.
once single sided staking is on which i hope soon and devs are not on niggerweed 24/7, then this could bounce back fast imo

>> No.54520596
File: 416 KB, 598x800, gbfd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need trades for the airdrop anyway.

>> No.54520792

you just get your OT back fucking moron

>> No.54521046

Did I just get rugged? I bought some OT on onchain.trade and when I try to sell some it shows an error about OSD. 1 OT at a time works though....

>> No.54521055

trade on syncswap

>> No.54521100
File: 16 KB, 666x85, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liquidity on onchaintrade is gone and they cant fucking fix the price feed it still shows 58cents while true price is 0.45 as of now
i think we bottomed doe panic selling is dwindelling and i hope devs are restless trying to fix their shit

>> No.54521138
File: 6 KB, 297x170, XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54521498

did you even read the OP post or the thread repeatedly stating there's a liquidity issue on their own website that you can't swap there for now, which is the reason why the price tanked ? Use syncswap instead

>> No.54521636

God i fucking hate biz scams so much

>> No.54521808


you know at least unique addresses are at 22k now (up from 15k a few days ago), so at least more shrimps are buying

im still not sure the AMM model makes any sense though, so if they could kindly fix it people will probably stop bitching

>> No.54522173

22k unique addresses on 4m mcap is extremely bearish, mcap doesn't tell you the whole story, this doesn't have much room to grow

>> No.54522436

refer to this >>54522372 and stop being retarded

>> No.54522469

explain how it's bearish, until then gonna call bullshit on this one

>> No.54522742

shitcoin pajeet
stoping shilling this piece of shit