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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 845x563, Crypto Wallets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54506641 No.54506641 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54506645

ledger but use a business address and phone number to get it shipped to you.

>> No.54506649
File: 23 KB, 741x568, Thinking Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newbie here, so if you have a hardware wallet, you don't need to use a software wallet?

>> No.54506664

I've heard that Ledger Nano X is the best, am I correct?

>> No.54506741

youre retarded if you get a wireless security device

>> No.54506751
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>> No.54506763

Why? Are hardware wallets scams? I'm too new to have an opinion on this stuff. Also can you answer this >>54506649

>> No.54506780


>> No.54506835

>"The Totenpass is a permanent physical storagedrive which preserves your digital information."
wtf is this? So I can store my crypto in a gold? Are you saying that this can be used as a crypto wallet? I don't know how that would work

>> No.54506849

yes. its compatible with a lot of crypto wallet apps.

>> No.54506942

Oh okay. Waiiiiit a second, so as a newfag just learning about this, does this mean that a hardware wallet is dependant on a software wallet in order to be able to be used for an exchange?
You can't just use hardware wallets to store your crypto, you need a software wallet as well?

>> No.54506981

How many different coins are you storing? Some wallets only cover certain coins.

>> No.54507000

safepal s1

>> No.54507027

you should have a hot wallet and a cold wallet. You can send from your cold hardware wallet to your hot software wallet for transactions, then send back. Or connect your hardware wallet directly to metamask, etc. It still needs your manual input on the device to make any transactions

>> No.54507043

I have a couple of the Nano S. The small amount of storage space sucks for keeping multiple cryptos on it but then again, it needs a physical connection to a computer to gain access to it and use the Live app for transacting. You could use just one Nano X for everything, but it's Bluetooth enabled which doesn't sit too well with me for security concerns. Just make sure you have a hardware wallet for cold storage reserves and have whatever small amounts you want to spend on mobile wallets. Never keep a large amount of crypto on a app accessable from your phone, even if it's password protected.

>> No.54507120

But can you only use a cold wallet and not a hot wallet if you want?

>> No.54507127

>You can't just use hardware wallets to store your crypto, you need a software wallet as well?
There's no crypto stored in either of them.

>> No.54507163

get the wired ledger, dunno what they call them now

>> No.54507206

idk if it's technically a "hot wallet" at that point, but you can connect your ledger to metamask for transactions. The idea for hardware wallets is generally long term cold storage

>> No.54507246

also connecting ledger to metamask is monumentally more secure than just using a metamask hot wallet, since the keys to your transactions are in the handheld device. You have to manually confirm every action on the physical device

>> No.54507247

the idea is to not expose your private key, nor your recovery phrase to a device that is easily compromized, such as a pc

>> No.54507298

Just go learn this stuff outside of /biz/. Ledger has a good "academy" website with lots of articles to teach all this.

>> No.54507438

Personally I think ledger is massively overrated and I say this as someone who owns for years the Nano S and X. It’s software is very clumsy imo. I find the Bitbox2 a nice alternative and I think my favorite wallet is OneKey….such a better hardware and software user experience.

>> No.54507441

thanks for the advice. So it seems that cold wallets require hot wallets and are just meant as ways to further strengthen your software wallet. That kind of sucks in a way, that the hardware wallet alone cannot directly be with the exchanges.
Anyways I've heard of so many exchanges, we have metamask, CoinBase, Kraken, and Binance that I don't know which to choose from.

>> No.54507450
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Mogs Ledger hard.

>> No.54507531
File: 145 KB, 800x586, Trezor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OneKey vs Trezor? Who wins? Also why the Ledger hate? I keep hearing that its sponsered by Jannies

>> No.54507589

Oh shit I just heard that Trezor is opensource and Ledger is closed source. No wonder people hate ledger. Still though i see ledger as the number 1 cold wallet online for some reason. Anyways
thoughts on OneKey in comparison to Trezor? Then you got this guy >>54507000
mentioning a safepal, he might be onto something because of his digits

>> No.54507729


There also keystone wallet anon.

>> No.54507751

>hardware wallet is dependant on a software wallet in order to be able to be used
Technically, no. But without a user interface (i.e. "software wallet") you would need to create your own transactions using a personal node/interface. That's beyond the scope of most people's technical ability. So the real answer for most people: yes.

You won't be able to sign send transactions w/o interfacing through Ledger Live, Metamask, or some other wallet app (seeing as how its cold storage, you should hardly ever need to). But you can receive without using your ledger at all. The point of a hardware wallet is to isolate the private key from whatever device/software you are interfacing with. That way even if your browser was hacked, your network was hacked, your entire computer was hacked down to the BIOS - a hacker would still be unable to access your private key, assuming you didn't store a copy of it or your seed, on said browser/computer/network. If the key/seed don't exist on any electronic device besides the ledger, then the only attack vector is physical robbery.

>> No.54507789

You need software to interact with the hardware wallet. It becomes semantic, but I wouldn't call it a software wallet. To me the wallet needs to actually hold the keys to be a wallet.
You use software (like ledger live or metamask) to create the transaction, and then confirm it with the hardware wallet. The software doesn't have your keys, so it can't complete the transaction on their own.

>> No.54507800

My anus

>> No.54507805

There's way too many hard wallets to count, as well as exchanges. Everybody's shilling the one they prefer. I honestyl think Ledger sounds cool but now am unsure of it. I like keystone's interface better
Thanks for the clarification anon.

>> No.54507815

biz overcomplicates everything and tries to sound smart
just buy a ledger, don't be retarded and take a photo of your seed phrase or something, the biggest enemy with this stuff is yourself
i've had a ledger for several years with no issues and i've never heard of anyone having a problem with one

>> No.54507817

okay thanks

Any good resources on picking out hardware wallets? There's a lot to choose from

>> No.54507830

What about exchanges? This is what some anon suggested to me >>54507246

>> No.54507839

i keep the cold storage completely independent of anything else, i buy crypto on binance and then transfer it to my ledger, and then when there's a bull run, i transfer it off ledger and to binance to sell.
again my advice is to not overcomplicate anything and possibly fuck up.

>> No.54507885

Most have never used anything other than the ledger. I have tried most of them. Trevor I threw away cause it felt so plasticy and the touch screen was horrible to use. Ledger is just popular abuse it is. Anyone trying onekey would instantly know it’s a better experience than ledger.

>> No.54507898

Ledger is the npc wallet of choice. It’s over priced and there are far better options now.

>> No.54507952

there really aren't and the ledger i bought was like $100 6 years ago or something.
the problem with threads like this is that OP comes in with a pretty good idea of what to do, and /biz/ just completely derails any logical thought by overcomplicating everything and saying he needs various types of soft and hard wallet connectivity etc, when he doesn't, it's extremely straightforward to just buy a ledger or trezor, follow the instructions, don't be a retard and take a photo of your seed phrase or type it into your computer, and that's it

>> No.54507968

and to be clear i mean AVOID taking a photo of it or typing it in anywhere, just reread my post and maybe that wasn't clear.

>> No.54508639


For a newbie like you just stick with ledger hw wallet. And whatever you do.. do not do not take a photo of the seedphrase or type it up anywhere on the web or your computer.

>> No.54509116
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ITT: brainlets who can't remember 12 words.

>> No.54509171
File: 55 KB, 1024x535, Weissfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pen, a piece of paper and a safe deposit box at your local bank. don't overthink it and waste your money on all these techie doodads

>> No.54509841

The S is a piece of shit. Old usb socket drove me nuts and lost me money and it’s temperamental as shit. One key is the way to go.

>> No.54509860
File: 66 KB, 896x903, A9ECFE2A-F7CF-4D48-9ADC-06FBB36B39B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your crypto is probably already being used to buy some nigger his drugs.

>> No.54510262

Best crypto wallets
Green wallet
Trezor and

>> No.54510441
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Listen up, newfag. Its not just about securing private keys and seedphrases, you think it's a good idea to spill your trnx deets all over the public chain? You're just asking for trouble, bro. That's why all the cool kids are into privacy these days. You gotta keep that shizz on the DL if you wanna stay safe, ya feel me? Get with the program, dude.

>> No.54510573
File: 107 KB, 1019x431, Casino-0535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad kiddo. it's okay, in about 11 years you'll be old enough to have your own safe deposit box

>> No.54510670

i have two trezor ones, is the model t worth getting?

>> No.54510870

You really about about these normies bro, ledger is cool, Railway and Exodus are cool too. When it comes to security privacy is the boss.

>> No.54512487

the hardware wallets still operate through metamask, core, phantom etc but the private keys are on your hardware wallet itself and obtainable via the backup seed

the seed of metamask when you set it up is irrelevant for the purpose of using a hardware wallet

>> No.54512511


why is it impossible for someone to make a hardware wallet that supports all cryptocurrencies? like all of them and that just werk with their native software? the only ones that come close to this are software wallets like exodus but even then its still missing a few cryptos, but way less than any hardware wallet

>> No.54512564
File: 13 KB, 240x180, 1680794638258674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also forgot to add Nova, kepler and Hold wallet to this. You can't say you have a based list without mentioning these three. Amarite?

>> No.54512870

As an oldfag, I now use wallets that keep my address and transactions private, but newfags should just start with Trust wallet.

>> No.54512881

Railway and Stashh are what I use now.

>> No.54513450


>> No.54513619


>> No.54513650

Coldcard + sparrow or wasabi through Bitcoin Core
>but I don't have Bitcoin
Then who fucking cares what you do

>> No.54513668

Got a question from different box:
What crypto exchange site is best for EU in terms of paying the smallest fees per transaction ?
Im just learning how to walk

>> No.54513676

Airgap Vault & Wallet

>> No.54513806
File: 1.77 MB, 2064x1321, OneKey vs Trezor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Wallet is better?
Both Are Open Source

>> No.54513834

Binance has the most coins. Kraken is the most secure exchange. A ledger + backup of your seed phrase is the most secure.

>> No.54513870

Remember to only buy hardware wallets that are manufactured in china.

>> No.54514286


>> No.54515247

bought mine at bestbuy using cash.

>> No.54515280

Metamask is the one I easily use for my Airdrop hunting.

For storage, payment and accessibility to different merchants, I prefer the CryptMi app.

>> No.54515548

Choose none, at least as a long term thing. Use them only for putting fiat into crypto or converting crypto back to fiat. If you store the coins on the exchange itself, they are no longer yours.
That is the importance of local wallets, hot or cold. When you have crypto in these, you truly own it.

>> No.54515945

Trust wallet, because it's decentralized, self custody and has simplified interface.

>> No.54516089

mfw used real address 3 times and only email got leaked

>> No.54516518
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As oldfag, I bet you are missing out on making payment from your wallet and still earn cashbacks.

>> No.54516836

Cold wallet particularly Ledger Nano S, I've got lots of tokens staked there like USDT, Ride, Mex, and others
Self custody wallets like Maiar wallet, Metamask, and Tokenpocket.