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54503837 No.54503837 [Reply] [Original]

Who is even going to college these days? Are campuses just completely empty now?
I cant think of a single person who'd be paying thousands and thousands of dollars to get a "degree" in this current time, except for all the stem people. But even then..

>> No.54503853

people who want a job

>> No.54503857

Minorities and kids from single mothers. They haven't gotten the message yet.

>> No.54503892

Ugly women, exclusively.

>> No.54503901

I seriously imagine its like 80% women

>> No.54503904

I will be soon. I will be fucking Chinese girls while codemonkeys die alone at home

>> No.54503930
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its amazing the spell casted on society where people collectively supported such a morose exploitative system. As if niggers re the only non npcs that sees the absurdity and rather become a cowboy than sell their soul for. flagrant domestication

>> No.54503939

My work pays $10k/y in tuition reimbursement. After I finish my MS in cybersecurity I’m thinking about getting an MS in computer science since I already have 1 year worth of credits complete from when I was in a CS PHD program

Just be smart and a company will find you and take care of you

>> No.54503957

College is pretty fun for the cute girls, networking and actual nice campuses with quality libraries and stores/lounges in very close proximity. It only gets a little annoying when you inevitably run into the turbo feminazi/lgbt types who bitch and moan about muh white men and dress like fucking retarded tramps. Other than that and the high tuitions (implying youll pay it back unless you actually get a sick job) it's pretty sick. Studying is based. Way better than having some goy job.

>> No.54504015

During the Soviet Union, the government played a significant role in employment, and graduates of higher education institutions were generally guaranteed a job in their field of study. The government operated a planned economy, which meant that industries and sectors were controlled and directed by the state. As a result, the government was able to anticipate labor demands and allocate resources accordingly.

Graduates were typically placed in jobs by the state employment agency, which was responsible for matching workers with employers. However, the job market was still competitive, and factors such as personal connections, academic achievements, and work experience could affect a graduate's employment prospects.

In general, graduates in STEM fields, such as engineering and technology, were in high demand and could expect to find work relatively easily. Those in fields such as the humanities and social sciences may have faced more difficulty finding employment, as the demand for these skills was lower. Nevertheless, the state provided support for all graduates, including job training and retraining programs.

>> No.54504030

I can almost guarantee you will attend for 4 years and never once get laid

>> No.54504031

my wife is getting a masters, but it's being paid for by work.

>> No.54504060

That's because they're allowed Pell grant money, not that they'll finish the degree

>> No.54504091

People who are too smart to be a tradefag?

>> No.54504162

The GDP per capita in a country is influenced by many factors beyond just income inequality, so it's difficult to predict what the GDP per capita would be in the United States if it had a Gini coefficient of 0.27. However, in general, countries with more equal distributions of income tend to have higher GDP per capita, as wealth is more evenly distributed across the population and more people are able to participate in the economy.

According to data from the World Bank, in 2019, the United States had a GDP per capita of approximately $65,000 USD. If the United States were to have a Gini coefficient of 0.27, it's possible that the GDP per capita could be higher than this, as a more equal distribution of income could lead to greater economic growth and prosperity for more people.

However, achieving a Gini coefficient of 0.27 would require significant changes to the US economy and political system, and the impact on GDP per capita would depend on many factors, including the specifics of the policies implemented to reduce income inequality

>> No.54504186

According to available data, the Gini coefficient in the Soviet Union was relatively low compared to many Western countries, indicating a more equal distribution of income.

In 1988, which was shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Gini coefficient in the country was estimated to be around 0.27. This is lower than the Gini coefficient of many developed countries at the time, such as the United States, which had a Gini coefficient of around 0.43 in the same year.

It's worth noting that the Gini coefficient is just one measure of income inequality and doesn't provide a complete picture of economic well-being. The overall standard of living in the Soviet Union was lower than in many Western countries, and there were significant social and political challenges that contributed to the eventual collapse of the country

>> No.54504231

Cringe gptnigger posts

>> No.54504247

Doing an online accounting degree because I got Pell grant gibs. And either way I’m working through it all so its not like it’d be much trouble.

>> No.54504275

The youth labor participation rate in the United States can be measured in different ways, depending on the age range and definition of "youth." However, one commonly used definition is the labor force participation rate of 16- to 24-year-olds, which provides a broad measure of the employment and education status of young people in the United States.

According to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for March 2022, the labor force participation rate for 16- to 24-year-olds was 59.4%. This represents a decrease from the pre-pandemic rate of 64.6% in February 2020, but an increase from the pandemic low of 55.0% in April 2020.

It's worth noting that the youth labor force participation rate can vary by a variety of factors, such as race/ethnicity, gender, and education level. Additionally, some young people may be engaged in alternative forms of education or training that are not captured by traditional labor force measures

>> No.54504302

In the Soviet Union, unemployment was officially recognized as being virtually non-existent, as employment was considered a fundamental right and duty of all citizens. The Soviet government guaranteed full employment through a centrally planned economy, with the state acting as the primary employer.

In practice, this meant that the government would allocate jobs to young people as they completed their education or training, with a focus on matching their skills and interests to the needs of the economy. The state would provide education and training programs to ensure that young people were equipped with the skills necessary for the available jobs. For example, the government would provide technical education to young people who wanted to work in the manufacturing sector, or medical education for those interested in becoming doctors or nurses.

If for some reason a young person was unable to find employment after completing their education or training, the state would provide various forms of support, such as vocational training, job search assistance, or financial support. The government also encouraged young people to participate in voluntary work programs or social projects to gain additional skills and experience.

Overall, the Soviet Union's approach to employment and youth was based on the idea that everyone had the right and obligation to work, and that the government had a responsibility to provide opportunities for all citizens to contribute to society.

>> No.54504395

If income inequality in the United States were cut in half, it would likely result in a more equitable distribution of income. While it is difficult to predict exact figures, we can estimate that the income of the lowest 40% of households would likely increase.

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the bottom 40% of households in the United States earned less than $50,000 per year in 2019. If income inequality were cut in half, we might expect the bottom 40% to earn closer to $60,000-$70,000 per year.

It's worth noting that reducing income inequality would likely have additional benefits beyond just increasing incomes for the lowest earners. For example, it could lead to improved economic stability, increased social mobility, and reduced poverty and inequality.

>> No.54504415

>Who is even going to college these days?
changs, and poos. your future bosses

>> No.54504423

As of 2021, the estimated population of the United States is approximately 332 million people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Estimates of the number of houses or housing units in the U.S. can vary depending on the definition of a "house" or "housing unit." However, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2020 there were approximately 139 million housing units in the United States.

It's worth noting that the number of housing units does not necessarily equal the number of households, as a single housing unit can contain multiple households (such as in the case of apartment buildings or shared housing situations). According to the same 2020 Census data, there were an estimated 128 million households in the United States

>> No.54504476

They would pay rocket engineer same as some random fucker, put you to work in middle of nowhere in s closed city without allowing you to travel, talk what you want or buy fancy stuff like things that are not shoes variation 3 or 1

>> No.54504532

It is difficult to provide a precise estimate of how much an aerospace engineer would earn in the United States if wealth inequality was cut in half, as there are many factors that influence individual earnings, such as experience, education level, industry, and location.

However, we can assume that cutting wealth inequality in half could lead to an increase in wages for aerospace engineers, particularly for those in the lower and middle tiers of the profession. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for aerospace engineers in the United States was $118,610 as of May 2020. If wealth inequality were reduced, it is possible that more of the wealth generated by the aerospace industry would be distributed to the workforce, potentially increasing wages for aerospace engineers across the board.

Based chadgpt

>> No.54504981

i want to be a coder to move to south america and have a job where i can earn a salary from here, i think with 2 bucks you can eat in an expensive restaurant there, but first of all i need to buy a land there without neglecting my dext bags in the process, that degree HAS to do me some good

>> No.54506862

the problem is the general population is too fucking clueless to realize that taking out 200k in debt for a degree you dont need unless you are in STEM is fucking retarded. its full of normies of the most lackluster variety. minorities, women, chuds, frat guys, and social rejects hoping for the "college experience" that doesnt exist for people like them.

>> No.54506875

Women who have been sold the lie that college is the most important thing ever from boomers who spoiled them, and women being women eat up the propaganda from media, schools, and society that any degree is good degree etc. Also normie men who follow same logic but fall for the "dood you get so much possy in college bro" but even with the 60/40 college attendence with more women they still fail to get laid unless they get their asshole fucked by chad if they join a frat.

>> No.54506886

I would have rather travelled and lived in hostals for 4 years than do the college meme. Unless you are chadlite or join a frat getting laid in college is a meme

>> No.54506896

What to do instead?

>> No.54506906

Literally this, its crazy the amount of american normies who go to overpriced private or out of state schools to get the "college experience". This is solely an american thing

>> No.54506938

normies will do it and will pay any price on credit because it's the normal thing to do so they just do it, they don't question it

>> No.54506992

Sounds kinda based ngl. Weird how that system failed

>> No.54507001

Just live with your parents and save for those 4 years and then put money down to buy a house I guess.

>> No.54507052

Communism was bad in the sense that people didn't have freedom of expression and it wasn't very good at making consumer goods. It was superior in every other way. If you support freedom of expression your a fag enabler anyways. well also commie blocks are eye sores.

>> No.54507062


Now that whites and Asians aren't allowed, it's just beaners and basketballs

>> No.54507078
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>> No.54507096
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It's kinda retarded to go to an expensive college when everything there is to learn you can learn it through the internet kek, or when you can simply use AI to do things for you, I'm just waiting for GPT to get into that line of actions to stop working/studying and be a proper neet

>> No.54507110

Kek, you do nothing with knowledge but without the paper that validates that you have indeed that knowledge, absolute nigger faggot

>> No.54507115

did i ask? fuck off tranny

>> No.54507125

Even with that the rate of success for them is almost zero kek

>> No.54507135

I'm afraid of AI taking over everything and starting some matrix/terminator ripoff into this already doomed world kek

>> No.54507148

>He thinks AI will end humanity
>Draws big titty bitches with uglyass hands
Yeah anon, sure

>> No.54507155
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ai does funny stuff with pics, but i don't think they'll do more than that

>> No.54507166

Why did you drop out of your PhD program, tard?

>> No.54507188

Me, I am going to university because it's cheap in Canada and my parents had the foresight to save money to make sure I can make it through debt free. My degree is related to STEM. The people on campus are all poos, chinks, Arabs and the like, very few white people. I'd guess about 65/35 shitskin/white distribution.