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File: 53 KB, 1024x683, European-Central-Bank-head-reveals-CBDCs-could-be-used-for-control-amid-banking-crisis-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54500169 No.54500169 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54500217

>If you ask a young German man, he will say yeah fine
verpiss dich

>> No.54500913

How the fuck did this happen? How is this real?

>> No.54500940

Yknow her close friends like Hillary Clinton call her Minerva because she knows the winning lotto numbers before it's too late.

>> No.54500943


This is normal for all europeans. Their lives are built around big government. Europeans are inextricably intertwined with big government. For every european born, 5 politicians are created. A european is hardwired to worship government. In fact, europe was created from government, whereas everyone else had people first and then government. Verification not required.

>> No.54501070
File: 3.82 MB, 550x976, 1680206917796058.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah big government certainly doesn't exist in the United Mutts of ZOGmerica where the alphabet agencies know everything about you lol

>> No.54501299

>government introduces cbdc

They will never introduce a cbdc for the peasants to use, it would expose the hoax. The only way it could work is by introducing a two tiered money system. They could maybe cram down our throat covid style but the United States populace is too retarded for that to work. Unironically nobody would use it and it would fail META style.

>> No.54501345

post of the year

>> No.54501376

Yeah we cannot allow companies like Facebook to create their own digital cash and God forbid if people decided to use it instead of our own piece of shit forever inflating currency, Europe would lose its sovereignty.

Begs the question, how? How the fuck people deciding which currency they want to use freely would cost them their sovereignty? If the issuer follows fucked up policies the money is left, if it inflates people will ditch it. Money is a good like any good in the market and if you let people choose they will choose the best, which is what have happened for thousands of years and they chose gold. Like why population is so fucking dumb they cannot see right through these bullshit two digit IQ lies and propaganda?

I think ur right the population is simply far too retarded for a digital cash only financial system.

>> No.54501424

lmao did they really trick this geriatric using faceapp

>> No.54501426

Once people figure out that their assets can be disabled for saying the wrong thing they will exit into unconfiscatable money

>> No.54501430

"europe" as a political entity and its sovereignty isn't the same as the peoples of europe and their sovereignty. this is typical nation state/supranational nation state fuckery.

>> No.54501455

Lmao and people think these braindead bunch knows best, the wisdom of government.

Doubt it.

Yeah obviously she's saying that as a result of money being a free market good they would lose their power as the government, but the tone is that she implies as if people would become prisoners if that were to happen.

>> No.54501461

I also just don't see it as a NEW evil threat (unless it is a two tiered money system or cash goes away). Every compliant about cbdc already exists today with the current financial system.
Almost every one of us has probably used USDC or USDT. Allowing self custody of the government currency would return control to the citizens. Right now private banks can refuse to work with you because of any arbitrary reasons and you are fucked if that happens.

>> No.54501470

you don’t see how chinks taking over the currency used in europe could end badly got europeans? lol. just use gold you subhumans. anything else can rug pull.

>> No.54501488

the west views its peoples in the same way the chinese or russians or whatever meme of the day state does but it insults us by pretending it isn't a autocratic entity because of voting or something

>> No.54501500

That's because the banks are just extensions of the government. If they decided not to freeze people's accounts over arbitrary reasons dictated by the government they are no longer. In the end we are bound to whatever government decides it's going to happen.

You need to kill yourself you are too retarded.

>> No.54501539

Bankrun into whatmst? Cash? That'll be outlawed, what are you going to do with all your hoarded cash when anything that's not a CBDC is illegal to use? Move it across the border? Also illegal. Smart money already moved to the only place where their cash is safe, crypto. Dumb money will never get it and is doomed

>> No.54501555

>In the end we are bound to whatever government decides it's going to happen.
A lot of times they do that stuff on their own volition, and it's worse because you don't have constitutional protections. It's the current authoritarian playbook to do the bidding via private businesses (covid rules where the same way). If it's the government acting directly against you there's a lot more due process needed.
>sorry goy you can't buy crypto we're closing your account
>sorry goy you spoke badly about the chosen ones

There will never be a cbdc for the peasants. Some anon posted a research article from the whitehouse itself outlining the risks I've already mentioned.

bank run from private bank money (mostly fake) to cbdc (by definition is fully settled real money on a ledger)

>> No.54501567

I agree and people believe that they're somehow in charge even when they get a Pakistani for a president. Democracy have completely failed. That's one thing but the main problem I have in this specific case is the government or in this case a different mouth of it that's the central bank can basically get away with anything because muh evil china, how about that muh evil russia and people will just go along with it whatever they want to get deployed. This national security sovereignty narrative works everytime I cannot believe people are this fucking dumb. One has to wonder why they didn't use it to get people take the vaccines, just feed it to the media that not enough people taking the vaccine can lead to a serious national security breach whick will lead to loss of national sovereignty and watch those vaccinated population numbers rise. It's fucking foolproof.

>> No.54501580

>settled real money on a ledger
You're missing the key word there that makes CBDC garbage compared to crypto, DISTRIBUTED ledger. You cash in the bank is also number in a ledger. Ledger privately held by the bank. How real is that? CBDC ledger will be privately held by the central bank, same think. It's only safe when nobody control the ledger, when it's distributed across the entire network, that's crypto.

>> No.54501591

Man I should really check my posts before sending I soudn retarded with how many mistakes I' mmaking

>> No.54501634

mate you can't use crypto for anything other than e-autism and black market goods with extra steps added. all you retards have done over the last decade or so is front run the r&d on cbdcs with your own hard earned labour so the central banks didn't have to. exactly the same as the web2 "revolution" where lolberts told us the internet would become this mass levelling thing of decentralised democracy or whatever shite and all that happened is we now live in a mass surveillance state where no one can trust anything.
cryptobros are so blind it's literally pathetic.

>> No.54501690

Then that would be the two tiered system. The big boys don't do fake money, if you send 1MM from Bank A to Bank B they make damn sure it's real money they're getting. They will never allow you to have custody over "real" fiat or digital cash.

>> No.54501739

Prank? I don't get it
Please stop communicating like manchildren if u want us to watch a video
I won't cause idk if i'll waste 20 minutes and 5 more looking for sources, good luck

>> No.54501843

do average germans like their current politicians?

>> No.54502073

How do you fix this?
Hard mode: No nukes or napalm

>> No.54502109


>> No.54502114
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, 1680728341921826m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glow more

>> No.54502144

>you can't use crypto
No YOU can't use it, I can
Big boys don't do money at all, they do assets. Money is just means to an end

>> No.54502159

Government is awesome when done right.
>protects borders so mongrels dont shit up your gene pool (see: murrca)
>allows for prosperity and technical innovation (impossible in a state without good governance which is why germans and brits had insane innovation while africans and middle east kept chucking spears)
>prevents money hungry men and corpos from destroying the food supply
>allocates resources towards creation of public goods/services

>> No.54502168

buy food with it do you? pay your rent/mortgage? without offramping?

>> No.54502171

>Robust public housing
>Training programs that prepare people with skills that can transfer into both gainful employment AND independent work, not just kowtowing to the demands of local business that will automate or offshore positions the moment it becomes viable
>Public education, health, and engagement initiatives that get people active in their community in a way that discourages drug use
My anti-drug is arguing with people online and adding inches to my arms and chest.

>> No.54502207

>middle east kept chucking spears
>Alchemy -> Chemistry
Also modernist aesthetics are derived principally from Japanese and West African influences and are the only reason you're able to use consumer electronics as they exist.

>> No.54502209

Okay but what do you do with all those druggies and the HIV needles cluttering up the gutter?

>> No.54502213

That was hundreds if not thousands of years before the original middle easterners got fucked out of existence anon.

>> No.54502221
File: 1.13 MB, 831x595, greg_no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more provocative pictures of Lagarde, please.

>> No.54502450

I honestly envy them. In my country we only have 100 senators, 435 representatives and 500 federal offices

>> No.54502581

That's what all that stuff was for.
>HIV needles
Probably let the robots handle it.

>> No.54502599

>That was hundreds if not thousands
Which is it? If you actually know what you're talking about, you should be able to give me a date range that isn't wishy washy about the order of magnitude.

>> No.54502864

I honestly can't. That region has seen too much. But its clear as day that modern inhabitants do not share any resemblance to the old noble middle east people. Branch long gone, rip

>> No.54502943

>That's what all that stuff was for.
>Item 1: Robust public housing
If you provide a crackhead with public housing, the housing becomes a drug den.
>Item 2: Training programs that prepare people with skills that can etc etc
How do you get the crackhead to adhere to the training program and not just go smoke crack?
>Item 3: Public education, health, and engagement initiatives that etc etc
How does that stop crackheads who are already crackheads from being crackheads?

>> No.54503157

camps, like summer camps with a fence, they'll have a pool and everything, it'll be fine

>> No.54503319

enslave, put them inside a colosseum, make them fight to the death, the winner gets out
repeat the process until you have no more slaves

>> No.54503598

a gun

>> No.54503695

You could just say that you were talking ignorantly out of your ass and were wrong.

I don't get what it is with white people and admitting fault and correcting oneself.

>> No.54503743

Wasn't she pushing XRP a couple of years ago?

>> No.54503783

>If you provide a crackhead with public housing, the housing becomes a drug den.
A single crackhead does not a drug den make, friend.
>How do you get the crackhead to adhere to the training program and not just go smoke crack?
The population of hardcore crackheads pales in comparison to the population of people who are just sitting on the corner out of nothing to do and no hope of finding it. Address them and the crackhead finds himself alone in his crackheadiness, but with a bona fide way out. He then will take it.
>How does that stop crackheads who are already crackheads from being crackheads?
I'm sure if we started paying all of those Ivy League grads working in tech to solve the problem instead of making ads and spyware, we'd figure something out. But you're right, the NSA might be standing in the way. Lemme do some research and I'll get back to you.

>> No.54503847 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 1080x2207, Screenshot_20230407_194443_org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, eurobros.
>electronic euro coming in october
>full draconian control confirmed
>uncontrolled money supply too dangerous

>> No.54504288

Fuck you nigga. We don't need more politicians here, we need less

>> No.54504434

Nobody is pushing that globohomo shitcoin except Ripple labs and the bagholders.

>> No.54504509

Hahaha, no. ,but they still suck the governments cock.

>> No.54504669
File: 535 KB, 498x498, angry-pepe-pepe-the-frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convicted criminal head of ECB. Proof EU are corrupt af. Say wtf you want about the fed, none of them are convicted fraudsters.

>> No.54505253


>> No.54505464
File: 520 KB, 705x645, 1584710588137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello miss lagarde, am zelensky
>wanna skype?
>"sure, seems legit"
>reveals political agenda
what the fuck is going on
they recently did something similar to francois hollande, pretending to be poroshenko instead
how the fuck do they get access to so many influential people and how the fuck do people keep falling for it?

>> No.54505566

>be retard that's only good at nepotism games
>climb to position of power
>that's literally it

>> No.54505614

>democracy is definitely the best system bros!!