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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54496668 No.54496668 [Reply] [Original]

It's gonna be 100% stolen once it goes live, think wheels on suitcases levels of FOMO. How do I make my bag before that happens?

>> No.54496672

fuck a bald woman
claim comb

>> No.54496708

Scamming spamming faggot is getting desperate

>> No.54496950

What’s ur discord? Let’s talk about it

>> No.54496969

watch out OP he's going to scam you
I can smell the indian from here

>> No.54497053

Fuck it drop your discord. Let’s all get in on the next thing if OP is right and it’s actually something. I’m not exactly in debt or a bad place financially, nothing to lose if we hear him out.

>> No.54497072
File: 227 KB, 1170x1161, ssUE0p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump because I'm trying to build a website and business that I think have the potential to not only help a lot of people, but if I can get high enough volume I can monetize it and start building a brand.

I am also horrified of having my shit stolen as well. Just registered my LLC yesterday. Gotta start documentation asap bro as proof.

>> No.54497085

are you joking or are you serious? Because I feel like I need something to do, and if there's money involved it could be nice.
Not sure exactly how much I could contribute but I'd try.

>> No.54497089

I'm so fucking paranoid, I have an idea too and I hope to fucking god you're not intending on doing the same. I know that the chances for that are low, but still.

>> No.54497105

I don't wanna talk about it right now, but I'm setting it up in a way that the early adopters will be able to make a bag too.

>> No.54497132

>I think I have a revolutionary business idea
You don't. People are pretty bad at judging their own "talent", and you have pepe frogs saved on your HDD. You don't have a revolutionary business idea.

>> No.54497139

Half joking but I absolutely am of entrepreneurial mind and for months have look into it and the processes of it. Fuck it. I am a calculated risk taker, and ready as willing to try and make something

>> No.54497152

Also have decent knowledge of websites and google tier knowledge about LLCs and after my move intend to start one. Cybersec major

>> No.54497170
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Unless you're the recruiter I spoke with today looking for a website designer, no. If you are and you steal my idea Mr. KJ, I'll come straight to your doorstep.

>> No.54497173

If I can't touch what you're selling with my hands you're probably ngmi
Unless it's a monero dark web fundraising pool
That's on my list

>> No.54497201
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>Cybersec major
Testing sites that can handle ddos and other stuff? are you able to make some basic programming for certain functions that go beyond those? I'm going to ask you bluntly: are you a jew? are you going to kike me?

>> No.54497232

1% Jew, full disclosure per my ancestry. Won’t fuck you, have a moral compass. DDOs id just outsource to cloud flare I’m not too on the network side, basic nmap packetsniffing, burp suite. Did some small shit with DVA. probably headed toward pen testing, 3.3gpa. Basic HTML, css proficient, can comprehend JavaScript. Make buttons.

>> No.54497301
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I need to have you on-board with this basic retarded idea that I have, I don't know if it will require convincing but I've already gotten feedback saying that it was viable.
There are two things in my mind right now, one is the idea that it would be stupid to pass you up given your credentials and potential ability to inform me about some stuff that I could need clarification for, and two, how all of the years I spent on imageboards could finally actually be to my benefit in some way and how appealing it would be talking to someone from 4chan about something that actually matters to me.
There's no guarantee of it becoming huge or anything, we'd be starting small first just asking questions and getting answers, stuff like that.

>> No.54497342

>There are two things in my mind right now, one is the idea that it would be stupid to pass you up given your credentials and potential ability to inform me about some stuff that I could need clarification for

Appreciate it but don’t flatter me, I’m by no mean an expert or even rudimentarily more knowledgeable than an average internet user, but as I progress in my degree no doubt my knowledge will increase with it. I suppose I know trivia or basic concepts though.

>There's no guarantee of it becoming huge or anything, we'd be starting small first just asking questions and getting answers, stuff like that.

Hey anon you said it matters to you. That’s what’s more important than its viability in taking the shot you’re gonna do. I fully understand that nothing is guaranteed and a thousand failures are required sometimes. yeah if you need help I’ll do my best and also find websites and online businesses interesting outside of this.

>> No.54497389

Gtg gonna meet with a guy to sell a weight bench of mine, my disc is linaelus#1321, if I don’t come / reply assume I was robbed and left in a ditch but died hoping OP idea succeeds

>> No.54497447

name starts with a s and ends with a k

>> No.54497931
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you should never publish your ideas here, it's bad luck, the most you can do is to show off your bags or similar, although it can also be bad luck, I made hami go down a little just for that
I think there are many things that give you bad luck, better not do anything

>> No.54498012

get brainlet vibes itt. buncha no-LLC wagies

>> No.54499119

ive thought of so many revolutionary business ideas that, after giving enough thought and research, i discovered it was either already done, or completely retarded