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54484622 No.54484622 [Reply] [Original]

How poor much poorer do libtards have to get before they capitulate to Austrian (correct) economics?

>> No.54484809

They'll have to be starving during the civil war.

>> No.54484829


>> No.54484912

The CIA or something has clearly gotten to the commies because even though many commies understand that the fed rapes the American people they're all universally like "noooo we can't get rid of it though"

>> No.54484927

Do you have a problem with capitalism OP?

>> No.54484935

Gee I wonder if something important happened around 1972? It's probably just a coincidence and you're a bigoted conspiracy theorist chud for thinking otherwise.

>> No.54484937

Commies, Fascists, NatSocs and Libertarians are all CIA/MOSSAD psyop groups.

>> No.54484980

Libertarians? You think the mises caucus is an op? It's incredibly bizarre that they've tried to remove basically all differentiation from the republican party and hyped up the authoritarian christcuck shit. Back in my day libertarians used to argue over whether you should be able to give your baby heroin, and now they're like "we need to ban drag queens and kidnap trans kids from their parents", it's totally against their branding. Maybe they're trying to prevent it from competing with the republican party? It really feels like we're getting DeSantis 2024 no matter what the American people actually want

>> No.54485086

I’d like to see the data from 1900 - 1948, like what if, hear me out, 1948-1971 was the anomaly and 1971 to now is just return to the norm

>> No.54485160

this. I remember when I was mining BTC in my pod back in 2012. I declared myself a sovereign citizen so it was entirely tax free and mom paid the electricity bill so I was rolling in pure profit and defeating the state from my basement LOL


Oh my sweet summer child you see it has to do with decentralization. If I am a sovereign citizen I don't pay tax and mom covered my internet and electricity bill it really hurts the state and stops the government bailing out bankers just as Satoshi our cult leader instructed us. If I did that and many others worked alongside me to end the state well you can see why the government takes BTC almost as seriously as COVID and Penguins.

But my deer sweat summer child oh diddums you have to understand that unlike COVID and Penguins BTC is something that cannot be controlled because unless they turn off the utilities they will never stop me from mining blocks and mommy has an unlimited supply of money so alls swell hommie

>> No.54485208

>trans kids

>> No.54486780
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this was solved already 100 years ago.

>> No.54487024

Lmao economics is religion

>> No.54487043

Im an AnCap and I want to put pedos like you in camps, privately owned of course.

>> No.54487053

I don't give a single shit
If you're supporting radical reduction of taxes you're my friend
Mises caucus is based

>> No.54487058

>All available evidence suggests letting kids transition saves lives
>Some people don't like the idea because it sterilizes the kid
>Others worry the evidence might not be robust enough
Please explain how there is a libertarian case for banning this at all.

>> No.54487066

Okay but why would anyone vote for them if they abandon the liberty angle? It's just the republican party but less attractive to their poorfag voter base. DoA

>> No.54487068

>All available evidence suggests letting kids transition saves lives
Could you share links about this "available evidence", you thread derailer tranny

>> No.54487069
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>> No.54487079

>abandon the liberty angle?
It's authentic paleoconservative ancap / Ron Paul libertarianism, not your cucked lolbert controlled opposition

>> No.54487091

>Actually, locking up parents for raising their kids in a way I don't approve of is the real libertarianism
The paleocon angle was about offering the freedom to discriminate, not advocating TND or whatever retarded /pol/ shit you believe in

>> No.54487092

This is your "All available evidence" ?
Share the link of this particular 'paper' produced by the pozzed modern academia filled with degenerates

>> No.54487117


Not sure why I bother, you've already admitted you're just going to dismiss offhand anything you don't like (even though racists, anti-semites, sexists etc all have tons of data to back up their beliefs)

>> No.54487327

Worthless tranny shill
What type of disgusting faggot has this info ready to go?
An astroturfing tranny shill, that's who
You will always be a mutilated man, nothing more
Fucking freak

>> No.54487722

Keynes was pro crypto, the bancor in bretton woods was the first cryptocurrency white paper

>> No.54487794

Op it is feasible to do manufacturing in the us right now. The fact that is not happening is because people are fat retard slobs.
If you make a product in a minute and sell it for $10 you've just made $10 a minute. And look around you everything is $10 and up.
Austrian economics wouldn't change a fucking thing.

>> No.54488974

I simply Googled it

>> No.54489057

GDP per capita in 1972: $6094
Median income in 1972: $3521

GDP per capita in 2022: $75,179
Median income in 2022: $46,001

Where are they getting their info from?

>> No.54490909

Economic Policy Institute (?)

>> No.54490961

I’ll put you in a camp first retard

>> No.54490987
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Impressive, very nice. Now let’s see the median cost of a house and median cost to raise children.

>> No.54491055

nixon was a conservative. reagan was a conservative. cope harder. i find myself making more money, year after year, in excess of inflation. try learning a skill that doesn't involve driving a truck or spackling drywall.

>> No.54491088

Libturds are by definition mentally ill and mentally retarded. Liberals require big daddy government to exist which means big daddy has to threaten to kill and jail anyone who doesn’t help libturds put their shoes on and give them free money. Libturds are literally gmo (government modified organisms). Lgtbq are the next iteration as lgtbq are de-evolved and require the medical industrial complex to exist and procreate.

>> No.54491114

There will NEVER EVER be a revolution again. People are way too emasculated and comfortable.
When workers in 1914 went to war with their employer they lived miserable lives.
Nowadays the average wagecuck gets internet and air conditioning, he's not going to risk being shot for an ideal.

>> No.54491116

At this point conservatives don't even pretend to support market economics, trump exposed the fact that the republican base is filled with retarded commie rednecks who only vote right for jeebus and because they hate everyone who doesn't live in their decaying town

>> No.54491135

Fuck off and die.
This is financial advice.

>> No.54491914


how is this even measured? most americans have bullshit jobs where they load printers and send emails all day, how do you measure the productivity of that? this is what happens when you move away from manufacturing and become a meme service economy.

>> No.54492220

Very interesting, thanks.

>> No.54492336

Pls QRD wtf happened in 1971?

>> No.54492807

Psychology today is not a credible source, neither is Cornell who supports BLM and literally said that the riots were not super spreader events and the Covid vaccine was totally safe and effective.
Both have been proven by multiple studies and Pfizers own admittance to be lies and falsehoods.
One more thing you stupid fuck, for something to be fact there has to be multiple studies done by credible unbiased sources.
You posted two uber liberal sources and used them as fact. On top of that there are hundreds of Trannies who have spoken publicly that transitioning was the worst thing they ever fucking did.
You on the other hand need to be gassed.
kys anon for being a shill and a nigger.

>> No.54492834

That's what I was thinking, there used to be a point in time where productivity took effort and actually mattered, what does it even mean nowadays?

>> No.54492866

I don't know but it's already starting, history repeats itself. We already have a few years of retarded ideologies and divergence of people. Some countries just need some leaders that are unhinged and a war like ww2 repeats, russia-ukraine is the percursor

>> No.54492964

Psychology today & Cornell are not the sources retard. The sources are the literally dozens of studies within those articles suggesting that HRT improves wellbeing
>But muh COVID
Interesting that vax skeptics actually had real data to back up their skepticism while all TDS posters can do is cope that any science that disagrees with them is an international conspiracy
>Hundreds of detransitioners
Lol, there are 1.5 million trannies in the USA alone. The reason you are forced to rely on anecdotes is because the data show detransition rates 2-7% and the overwhelming majority respond to surveys saying they detransitioned because of bullying/social pressure, and there's a 50% retransition rate. Republicans can't even find a minor who regretted HRT to participate in their hearings, it's embarrassing. It's always some mentally ill 28 year old who took HRT for 2 weeks

>> No.54493049

Take this gay shit to the trans board you broke faggots

>> No.54494981

Lol Austrian Economics

>> No.54495006

they like that way without lube kek

>> No.54495051

Normies are natural born useful idiots

>> No.54495094
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>popsci articles
Zoomers are even better goyim than the boomers

>> No.54495108

Why would I waste my time arguing with you tards. Enjoy you're not real capitalism lol.

>> No.54495124

>hahaha dumb tradies! people that work manual labor deserve low quality of life! t caring liberal

>> No.54495181
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>The studies aren't valid because.....an article linked to them!
Is this really the best you got?

>> No.54495222

Shows ones intellectual rigor. Posting popsci wikiHow level trash propaganda as authoritative is beyond cringe. Now shut your goyhole and get back in your pod, slave

>> No.54495251
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>Post ~70 studies showing HRT helps trans people
>Um, were these studies gathered in one place by a third party? Case dismissed, they're all invalid and you're a midwit
Thanks for your input Dr.Chud

>> No.54495581


Bless you for spreading the good word. Austrian econ fag checking in.

>> No.54495622

What is replication crisis!

>> No.54495672

Psychology is pseudoscience, but you lacked the necessary diligence and determination to even make an attempt at posting authoritative sources, instead posting popsci smoothbrain fodder. you and your entire generation are pathetic and shaping up to be even easier to control than the boomboom

>> No.54496437

>Literally 70 studies
>Repeats 'replication crisis' meme like an NPC even though it isn't applicable here

>> No.54496464

>Is mad about trannies because Ben Shapiro told him to be
>Thinks he is an independent thinker

>> No.54496477

whats the difference between austrian economics and keynesian economics bros

>> No.54496484
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Arguably the people who make the most money right now are those who are able to utilize the government and make them print money for them

>Companies that have a high ESG score
>insolvent banks
>Insurance agencies
>Literal grifters
>War Hawks
>Corporate landlords

Basically only the absolute scum of any society

Not even sustainable because big guy always has to get paid first so even if you're the goodest goy of the goys you'll still get fucked if there is an actual need that needs the money printer first

An economy of leeches is only able to exist if the body has blood to suck from it

>> No.54496514

Found the midwit

>> No.54496531
File: 492 KB, 739x815, gongo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keynes believed in absolute infinite growth without any downturns and to use leverage and kicking the can anytime there was a problem that needs to be addressed which involves giving more power to a central government

Austrian economics believes in investing into the individual and allowing a natural eb and flow of boom and bust in order to maintain a healthy society and individuals and remove any concentration of power from any one single entity

>> No.54496548

It's not keynes fault the us is a corrupt banana republic.
Natsoc glows like the sun. It wouldn't surprise me if white retards are being trained by feds right now.

>> No.54496573
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>It's not keynes fault the us is a corrupt banana republic.


>> No.54496625

All economists since Malthus agreed on population control. If you don't want that we can have an annual purge just like the movies. It'd be less gay.

>> No.54496662

what actually happened in 1971 to cause all this

>> No.54496733
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>> No.54496769
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>is commie
>shills for the largest assemblage of capital in history because they're pro atomizing the plebs

>> No.54496786

I agree with the Austrian school, what have I said to make you think I'm a commie

>> No.54496788
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>> No.54496877
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>shills for troons, and statist idpol
Makes sense. Kill yourself, bootlicker

>> No.54496956

Leftists love the Fed because it makes capitalism look bad. The ridiculous growth in income inequality over the last 50 years is due entirely to monetary policy, but free market capitalism gets the blame.

>> No.54497772
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>when will people wake up

>> No.54498243

Cope harder hahahahahaa

>> No.54498319

Thanks for highlighting my post that makes you look like a fool

>> No.54498379

>OP is about libtards becoming poor brainwashed retards
>some trannoids hijack the thread and start screeching about "tranny good, chuds bad"

many such cases on this website. the only good news is that there's a 50% chance they'll kill themselves in the next few years

>> No.54498421

>Tranny obsessed retard quotes le 50%, has no idea what it means
2 more weeks and then all the trannies will finally kill themselves

>> No.54498490
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The 70 studies! There's 70 studies goys! Haven't you seen the 70 studies?! The 70 stu-ACK!

>> No.54498517


>> No.54499634

>Serious Question:

Why must everything be about transsexuals on all conversations?

Literally go here:

>> No.54499737
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please see the picture

>> No.54499741
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This graph, I can't believe I have to post like this.
even reformatting didn't work

>> No.54499752

never. they will always hope to get some stolen money siphoned to them from the state