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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54488390 No.54488390 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.54488396

Heads will roll, once again

>> No.54488406

They are slowly walking. And they better not fuck up my stocks.

>> No.54488482
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This is not gonna end well , ((blackrock)) will not let this slide.

>> No.54488501

Blackrock is so jewish they only need 2 brackets instead of 3.

>> No.54488505 [DELETED] 

they should storm chainlink offices and garotte sergey the betrayer withh a rusty cheesewire

>> No.54488510

Imagine they ultra dump the market as payback

>> No.54488513

What a lazy bunch of sissies, can't believe all of this is because they want to retire early.

>> No.54488522

just work until 70 broooo xD

>> No.54488525

yeah fucking pussies. REAL men do nothing at all as they wage until they die

>> No.54488529

Seems like the French have been having these sorts of protests a lot the past few years, but every time I hear other news from France it's always about how their government is cucking them even more than before.

>> No.54488532

i wonder if they're scrambling to shred documents in there before the people get ahold of them

>> No.54488536

>>54488390 This is antisemitic

>> No.54488543

Based. Tar, feather, and hang all real estate “investors”

>> No.54488549

This is democrazy
While when in china people protested against corona the government instantly changed course
But in a democrazy the peoples will means nothing

>> No.54488550

yeah bro being a wage slave until you're 100 years old is BASED, TRAD and REDPILL BRV>TH>ER

>> No.54488553

Yes we will buy more empty houses and make more goyim homeless. This for sure will make them hate us less.

>> No.54488614

You'd rather do what exactly? Sit at home and watch TV all day?

The average age has increased so old people are living longer. Adding a few years to retirement age makes sense as people are a lot healthier now.

Did you know that the average age in France is 82.4? The fact that they are protesting a measly extention of the retirement age to 64 is just ridiculous.

>> No.54488648

median life expectancy leveled in like 2010 and started dropping around 2018
ergo suck my dick, jew

>> No.54488663
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In reality life expectancy is decreasing for many years now.
And productivity was rising so much we should only work 30 hours until 60 now

>> No.54488681

>You'd rather do what exactly?
Enjoy my fucking retirement. And bootlicking cuckold shills like you get in the way of that. What would I rather be doing? Literally fucking anything other than working. Sleeping, watching TV, traveling, it doesn’t fucking matter. It’s better than working for scraps.

>> No.54488702

>You'd rather do what exactly? Sit at home and watch TV all day?
Absolutely, what fucking retards wants to wage slave instead of doing nothing?

>> No.54488737

good. burn it all down

I want to see landlords lose it all within 3 years. Chinese cultural Revolution style

>> No.54488836

Say what you want about those frog cunts but they know how to riot
Burn it all to the fucking ground pierre, all of it

>> No.54488840

I hate French like you can't imagine. I enjoy watching the french like that because I know they can't fix the system. Just there's no money for everyone. I enjoy watching them so desperates.

>> No.54488857

t. portsmouth cocksucker

>> No.54488865

Normal day in France. Any damage will be recovered by insurance, which comes back to the little guy.

>> No.54488893

No do the federal reserve

>> No.54488894

I bet blackrock has a very nice riot insurance
hell they probably have revolution insurance

>> No.54488895

Dump was coming anyway. Black Rock is forcing FINRA to sell 110 billion dollars in mortgage backed securities for it. Once they have the dogshit off their books they'll pull the rug.

>> No.54488903


>> No.54488918

There may not be enough money for everybody, but sure as hell there's a lot of money at the top. Sitting at home, lamenting your sorry fate won't change things. Mad respect for the frogs.

>> No.54489629

>average age in France is 82.4
kek that would make japanese airports look like nike sweat shops in comparison

>> No.54489655

/pol/ chuds now support left wing syndicalists

>> No.54489675

if train utopian autism killed more than 100 million people, ai utopian autism should kill many times that number

>> No.54489704

>The average age has increased so old people are living longer.
So? More time to enjoy their retirement. How is that an argument ?
This reminds me of animal farm where they don't let the work horse get his retirement and end up selling him for meat instead at the end.
The endgame was to work 10 hours or so as automation kicked un, but the anglo capitalist system metastazied to everywhere including my country, sadly.

>> No.54490012

>measly extension

You think two years of your own life are a paltry amount? Imagine taking your own life for granted, to the point you're willing to let lifeless organizations and conglomerates dictate when you get yours. For fuck sake anon, have some self respect

>> No.54490061

Because western “democracies” Is nothing but a sham. Welcome to the Chinese century

>> No.54490159

high iq post

>> No.54490174

Is that the gringots bank?

>> No.54490198

BREAKING: Blackrock private security has opened fire on protesters with assault weapons, killing 6 and wounding several more.

>> No.54490207

no they are more of an asset management corporation, not a bank. still unfathomably jewish tho

>> No.54490236

bunkerchuds now support multinational financial institutions

>> No.54490263
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>> No.54490300

>You'd rather do what exactly? Sit at home and watch TV all day?
Fucking sluts until I die of old age or a superbug.

>> No.54490413

Kys commie rat

>> No.54490475

Good Luck Protestor-Chan!

>> No.54490482


>> No.54491037

>doing it because they want to retire early
That's a bs narrative the media are giving you. The young people this don't give a shit about 2 years several decades away. They're doing it because of lockdowns, vaccine mandates, carbon taxes, and all the other shit we're having put upon us. They've had enough and the rest of the world would do well to take a leaf from their book.
The French are setting an example to the rest of the world at this time.

>> No.54491156

>Blackrock is so jewish they only need 2 brackets instead of 3.

>> No.54491277

>it's only money
Isn't it.

>> No.54491316

on the contrary I'm a capitalist and can't wait for the market of landownership to self correct the way it always has through history: through violence

>> No.54491452

Vid related in the next 24 hours.

>> No.54491469

I too hate frafricans
At least they attacked the real enemy unlike americans who stormed the capitol
Looks like they will do nothing anyways
They should destroy everything in that building

>> No.54491506
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>> No.54491534

off yourself (in minecraft)

>> No.54491597
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>While when in china people protested against corona the government instantly changed course
Right you are comrade! Chinese century... any day now!

>> No.54491788

The boomers didn’t even bother with knocking down the guide ropes in some of those videos. Any “peaceful protest” had more impact than those boomers.
Note how they keep cucking to the niggers and mudslimes since they actually riot at the drop of a hat. And because they are nigger lovers but they wouldn’t walk all over whites so much if whites did anything other than voting harder.

>> No.54491881
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>I am unable to comprehend long-term thinking and therefore everyone else is too
If they are allowed to raise the retirement age with no consequences now, you think that it won't happen again? You think they don't want people working until they're 80 so they don't need to pay pensions? gtfo mutt

>> No.54491883

As we have seen in Honk Kong.

>> No.54492321
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>ESG scores now directly increase if you fuck over the french and go down if you work with them/the EU
this is how wars start

>> No.54492704
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>BlackCrook bit the udder that feeds(hydrates) them

>> No.54492760

rare french W

>> No.54492768


>> No.54493136

i love all this anglosaxon cultural misinterpretation
france doesnt have any protestant work ethic, they dont even have any work ethic since about the 70's
our generation of people isnt even working right now, let alone they would work until 70 lol
this riot has nothing to do with the retirement but all with general discontent at living conditions and it will only ever get worse until the guillotines come out again either that or southern european military coup/dictatorship
franco really was the best to happen to spain, salazar/portugal, greece/pattakos and i am tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.54493150

>dance, dance 'till your dead

>> No.54493163

Salazar sent half of Portugal to fight and die in Africa to defend niggers, and by half I do really mean half every portuguese person alive has tons of family members that fought in the colonies, millions fled to france to not deal with his bullshit, I'm not saying the current commie nigger and EUrocrat rulers are any better but idolizing salazar is retarded

>> No.54493249

ETA for when that would happen?

>> No.54493369

i didnt say there were perfect, they were the best to happen to their respective countries tho
and the situation got worse for all of europe when the med countries stopped sending their surplus population to fuck shit up in africa so now africa is coming to europe to fuck shit up

>> No.54493562

Kill me, Heavenly Pete

>> No.54493636

i like china more and more as time goes on

>> No.54493671

This seems extremely antisemitic.

>> No.54493675

Nothing good has happened on this continent since the start of WWI
Being an old continent being flooded by turd world niggers and browns and our political/elite class being complete puppets to the whims of amerimutts is embarassing

>> No.54494038

why the hate?
they are the first people to remove the monarchy the proper way

>> No.54494061
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Only important thread on /biz/ and /biz/ is being spammed harder than it's been for the last 5 weeks.

>> No.54494156

why do riots always happen in spring?

>> No.54494188
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>You'd rather do what exactly? Sit at home and watch TV all day?
retarded faggot

>> No.54494203

>remove the monarchy the proper way
You do know they just let Napoleon become their emperor after it right? There's nothing they didn't fuck up

>> No.54494215

Why can't America do this? Are we just too busy dying from obesity and cancer?

>> No.54494238

>they are the first people to remove the monarchy the proper way
You must be Jewish if you think that was a good thing

>> No.54494304

One half of us are brainwashed in to defending corporations to the death, and the other half is too busy having a meltdown over a Harry Potter video game

>> No.54494308

I hate you fat retards. You don't put out a fire and then ask why it's cold.

>> No.54494332

Did you forgot january 9?
You did it better but you worship N- and syrup therefore you are stupid and didn't attack the Real enemies

>> No.54494355

6th jeet and it was a glow op I got actual proof.

>> No.54494366

Actually yes. It's their own fault for living longer and having fewer kids. How would you solve the problem? Hint: you would do what Macron did.

>> No.54494408
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marvel americans too busy watching netflix

>> No.54494416

Burn it down an then what? In a state of nature, you work until you die just like with every other species.

>> No.54494421

>Activate ze BLM
>it vill be done

>> No.54494422

Every time I see anti-French memes from angloids, it's always cope because they are too cucked to do anything like this >>54488390

>> No.54494423

Based af

>> No.54494425
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>> No.54494427

It's frustrating. We are some of the most riled-up and angry people, but we never protest in a meaningful way.

>> No.54494435

If you elected a communist for local government they'd burn the place down the next day. Even if it was just mayor.

>> No.54494442

Based, pseudo-lolberts can't seem to understand that the NAP will only work if both sides are equally strong.

>> No.54494451

Napoléon was so based that he deserved it. Imagine a barely French manlet (Corsica became French just a few years before he was born), with what you could call middle class parents (even if it wasn't a concept yet back then), who managed to become emperor and make all the other monarchies in Europe seethe because of your military victories. Of course the dirty Anglos were too butthurt to let him win.

>> No.54494457

>Ze BLM isn't working
>Ne t'inquiètes pas, activate ze UFO FUD

>> No.54494466

These useful racist idiots, can't they see it is actually white people that is the problem and not us rich people.

Hope they get designated an incel terrorist group and dispatched by the diversity units for their racist fascist colourblindedness.

>> No.54494472

It sucks, but we've been cucked hard
>Try to protest
>Get maimed by a cop
>Have to pay the hospital fees
>Job dumps you for protesting or for being out of work too long because of the hospitalization
>Employer-sponsored healthcare goes away
>Now bankrupt because you can't afford the medical fees

>> No.54494476

Every day I become more convinced that angloids are a menace upon all that is righteous.

>> No.54494484

What does that have to do with what I said?

>> No.54494486 [DELETED] 

It's because our media has made us angry at each other instead of angry at our owners (like blackrock).

>> No.54494487

That's just part and parcel of living in the land of the free, don't forget to cope by smugly posting about how much freedom you have.

>> No.54494506

>Jews will have their revenge
Last time something like this happened we got BLM

>> No.54494507


>> No.54494512

Its the answer to your question

>> No.54494519

Do you know how much an extra set of brackets cost? They're not cheap you know.

>> No.54494575

This time they'll go for something even more schizo.

>> No.54494593

I see.

>> No.54494602

>implying you're guaranteed to hit the life expectancy
Rather live while I'm alive faggot

>> No.54494614

why dont we do this in america? oh right, the media is complicit with the corporations and does everything in its power to stymie any real protest.

>> No.54494638

only BLM "peaceful" protests allowed chud

>> No.54494673

no it's just because you're too fat to walk in the streets.

>> No.54494711

If you dare to talk shit about corporations like blackrock, bootlicking fags here will just call you a commie.

>> No.54494720

*homophobe and racist

>> No.54494767

imagine having a 1000 euro per month retirement like the frogs kek

>> No.54494796

I'm talking about lolberts who screech if you do anything that violate the NAP of their precious corporations, but yes, blue haired commie types will also screech at you for a different reason.

>> No.54494797

That will be gone decades before I could think of using it.

>> No.54494813

Consider this:
It’s possible to have more than one enemy.
It’s not just niggers. It’s not just blackrock. It’s both and more.

>> No.54494824

The French actually have a culture, history, and lifestyle worth fighting for. We do not.

>> No.54494830

looks like le french just signed themselves up for an additional 500k migrants a month

>> No.54494909

We don't have to. We live in a free country. We have the option to stack precious metals and guns and land. Not my fault people worry about what type of gay they are

>> No.54494932

>free country
Sure as long as you avoid looking at the stolen elections. Also be careful about what you say otherwise you are punished for committing a hate crime. Also be sure to keep paying your taxes since all those parasites lying around need their gibs.

>> No.54494938

same in France though

>> No.54494957

are you talking about niggers or jews ?

>> No.54495023

Evidently Salazar did not want/could not use weapons of mass destruction against congoid commies. You need that number of soldiers only when you tie their hands behind their back.

>> No.54495062


>> No.54495135

I swear if the French behead some bankers I'll suck a french cock tonight.

>> No.54495153 [DELETED] 

>You'd rather do what exactly?
killing bankers. But I'll settle for a peaceful retirement

>> No.54495163

> Burn it down an then what?Name

I dont think you understand how bad things are. Your threats mean less & less every day. People arent making it

>> No.54495592

this needs to happen in america.

>> No.54495684

Well Americans your response?

>> No.54495698

I think the protest is more about the changing of laws without the consent of the people/a lack of representation when the decisions are being made.
Instead, we have glowies and retarded niggers making it some nationalistic bullshit about cultural work ethic.

>> No.54495702

Buying gold and more guns and killing each other faster

>> No.54495783


>> No.54495801


>> No.54495996

Whoa France cool it with the anti-Semitism

>> No.54496065

getting tired of these Chinese psiops lately
those protesters are getting thrown in forced labour camps now

>> No.54496270

Americucks are too cucked to ever come close to doing anything like this, shame.

>> No.54496276

Nothing Ever Happens

>> No.54496636

This is anti semitic. https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/sites/www.un.org.development.desa.pd/files/unpd-egm_200010_un_2001_replacementmigration.pdf is a conspiracy theory.

>> No.54496879
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Normally I'd tell you to shut the fuck up. But you're right. French invade BlackRock...US steals Jordans.

I'm pretty impressed with the French right now.

>> No.54496913

This. Any uprising in America will be subverted by glowies immediately.

>> No.54497633

>muh goz
Do you realize anyone with average savings can have ownership of Blackrock funds shares? anyone that owns sp500 already owns a % in Blackrock. All these assets have democratized owning a share of all sort of companies vs back in the past being limited to an actual financial elite. Bitching and complaining about muh Blackrock gets the commies and fascists fags together into financial incompetence thinking they are making justice. "If only our power rangers were in power."

>> No.54497728
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Glowies can be countered with a rigid hierarchy with no dissent and conformity.
You could pull it off without the cpusa but you're probably not as organized or crafty.

>> No.54498466

Commie faggot.
There's no winning in the United states, they track every phone every conversation period.
I've had my head literally buzzed by 1 inch by with a 500,000 dollar black helicopter drone called the Black Hornet for emailing obama about Gaza and calling him a liar.
You think a revolt wouldn't be met with glowies?
And if you got serious the glowies will mow you the fuck down.

See the black woman who had a kid with a glowie in DC, tried to drive up to congress?
Or the WH I forgot, regardless she was shot multiple times with the senators baby in the car.
How old are you?
I assume lower to mid 20's
I've been fighting these glowing fucking niggers for 20 years.
my father was a minute man and anti communist, so go fuck your nigger self you glowie, they infiltrated his group and arrested everyone he had to flee to california.

>> No.54498546

who controls the media?

>> No.54498569

Jews, CIA, Blackrock, Masons you name it, regardless it's compromised.
We got literal zoomers promoting communism the same party Obama and Biden support, it's to pull the ladder up and gatekeep anyone in the United states from rising up.
many groups of patriots I knew in 2020 and met personally disappeared completely.
No idea if they are being tortured or killed but a good 10,000 patriots or more completely wiped off the face of the internet.

Likely dead, sold out, or in prison.
I knew better than to participate in 2020 it was a giant glowup especially Jan 6th.

>> No.54498591

This, niggers are annoying and dangerous BUT they could be useful idiots when the time comes, why do you think the elite use them.

They can easily be turned back into the righteous side by IDENTIFYING THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM.
We got many enemies but one thing in common, they all work for the united states government,

>> No.54498629
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>> No.54499033
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>Glowies can be countered
the beatuy of this reply. makes it so easy to know the good threads from the psyops. which do you think glows more?

>> No.54499097

>anti landlord thread #4820474729

Oh fuck off. We get it commie. There's nothing wrong with being Jewish or a landlord.

>> No.54499118

Larry Fink? Isn't he the WTC insurance guy?
>look it up
>it was actually Larry Silverstein
Man, maybe I am racist. I'm getting my trillionaire jews mixed up.

>> No.54499130

I did the same thing yesterday anon, it's okay.
Larrys shouldn't be trusted.

>> No.54499178
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Because Amerimutts are cowards who just gaslight each other and accuse anyone with a nutsack of glowing. They unconditionally suport their police, even when cops are enforcing vaxx mandates, gun grabs, internet surveillance, etc...

Euro chads MOGGING the eternally compliant and submissive mutt

>> No.54499758

do they have head cutoff insurance?

>> No.54499828

If whites behaved like niggers then the white-nigger distinction would be meaningless anyways.
Your solution is for everyone to become niggers....which is what they want anyways. Genius. Keep listening to rap it is making you so tough like all those black alpha males kek.

>> No.54499853

actually thats the same half

>> No.54500260

were they defending niggers or Portugal's claim on the colonies?

>> No.54500316

Daily reminder he died alone, old and broke in Athens and was sharp as hell even in his 90s

>> No.54500389

guillotines when?

>> No.54500399

lets go!!

>> No.54500413

oops history got in the way of his narrative

>> No.54500628

>burning shit in enclosed spaces
>smoke everywhere
why are niggers so retarded

>> No.54502879

Napoleon was above average height for the time. You talk about dirty anglos then literally believe anglo lies. Retard.

>> No.54503045


>> No.54503081

Please leave.

>> No.54503106

right, average, for a french man. Proper English nobles tend to quite often be above average height.