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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54488914 No.54488914 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate taxes so much.

>> No.54488920

Think of it as a way to help our fellow citizens in distress like single mothers and ethnic minorities

>> No.54488921

tax break?
more like I'll break the system taxing me

>> No.54488925

Just don't do them
The end of the world is on our doorstep

>> No.54488940

but then jail

>> No.54489068

I haven’t had a stable job for the last year so idk what the fuck to even put on them

>> No.54489075

>Hate giving free money to the government
>They start giving you free housing, food, etc
What if the outside were the real prison all along?

>> No.54489081

You put your w2 or w9 on it dumby

>> No.54489094

I made less money than the deductible..so I don't file. Easy.

>> No.54489117

I had a dream I was in prison but it had men and women and I just grabbed two women and took them into my cell and had some sex. Then we went on a field trip and I escaped and walked into someone's house and nobody did anything. I walked into the head of the house bedroom and told him not to shoot him and went down stairs. Then two female COs told me they didn't know how I escaped. Then we all went to a children's playground waterslide kind of shit then I woke up.

>> No.54489130

>What if the outside were the real prison all along?
People in prison are subhuman tribal monkeys. All of them. They don't change when they get out either.

>> No.54489136

Still paying taxes owed from the last bullrun. Making crypto to crypto trades a capital gains taxable event is fucking crazy. I was retarded and got lucky. Something about my trades/losses being in the same financial year (By just a couple of days). I made a few hundred thousand, only to lose it all. If I had lost it all a few days later (ie. After the end of the financial year/start of new financial year) I would have owed hundreds of thousands of dollars that I just don't fucking have.

It was almost life ruining. The level of anxiety and dread I felt when I realized this while doing my taxes was insane. The relief even more so. I came out thinking I was "lucky" for owing just 10K. Fucking tax is bullshit. I already get taxed on my income, and then I take a risk and they tax me again on the chance that I do good. It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.54489176
File: 67 KB, 254x252, 9BDEBEC8-77AC-4BCA-9D4C-CD1EB9694427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t have a w2

>> No.54490387

What if we put them out of their miseries permanently? Or moved them elsewhere where they could be happy?
Ship them to Wakanda.

>> No.54490470

Draconian burger tax laws are some of the worst in the world, especially if you live in NY or CA - it makes you the highest taxed in the world on a personal level for capital gains. The fact that c2c is taxed is beyond ridiculous. The fact that you're still liable for reporting and taxation if you don't even stay in the US is beyond ridiculous. The cherry on top of the shit sundae is considering how highly we're taxed and how we get literally nothing for it. Worse taxes than many Euro countries (both in terms of the rates on long term cap gains and the fact that you're only liable when cashing out to euros) where you're given health care/college education.

>> No.54490514

Just think of them as a tax

>> No.54490668

Why are you arguing against tribalism?

>> No.54490750

Now imagine being a steam dev. They take 30% and give us basically nothing in return AND THEN I have to pay taxes. If I make over a million in revenue then I owe yet another 5% to epic for using unreal engine.

>> No.54492118
File: 179 KB, 360x360, Carl_Johnson_GTA_San_Andreas__28Mountain_Cloud_Boys_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck am i supposed to explain to boomers that i can magically grow money using $NLT by fucking brushing my teeth they'll think i'm bullshitting and printing money subtly or something fuck crypto related taxes

>> No.54492146
File: 219 KB, 326x476, Screenshot 2023-04-06 132907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill us your game, bro.

>> No.54492148

Peak retardation lol. I'm guessing they'll be literate to what farming means at least so it might not come off as too far fetched.

>> No.54492158

they will definitely think you are involved in something weird.

>> No.54492341

>No job
You're the dummy

>> No.54492360

And Jews. Remember FED is a jew tax.

>> No.54492400
File: 92 KB, 640x632, sadcat_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate doing taxes because it shows me all of my losses in all its full glory. My 1099b was nothing but bad trades.

>> No.54492484

>where you're given health care/college education.
We don't have free healthcare in Europe. You are forced to pay 140 euro each month for your insurance. If you don't pay, the government will pay it for you and take it from you at a later date.

>> No.54492561

>140 euro each month for your insurance.
depending on the country

>> No.54492589

Quit being so antisemitic goy

>> No.54492937

Imagine giving a fuck about taxes kek, just don't pay them or something, anyways, wdyt about AI projects like GPT? Is there any actual usage for stuff like that?

>> No.54492987

>wdyt about AI projects like GPT?
Stfu nigger shill

>> No.54492993
File: 276 KB, 469x452, 1631875138579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, AI only works for writing shitty books and generating fake pics of naked bitches so retarded pajeet nigger faggots can jack off on Twitter

>> No.54493021
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, 1663981657849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay your taxes, own nothing, be happy

>> No.54493026

Wdyt about me fucking your mom's asshole

>> No.54493601

Usually it's just more like "fines and interest"

>> No.54496063
File: 41 KB, 200x153, 1665809113475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use vinu to avoid fees, but I can't completely avoid taxes
why the fuck do they exist? if that money never goes to fix shit

>> No.54496086

This. I pay $2000 a month tax while my bestfriend is mentally ill, never worked a day in his life and recieves $2000 a month benefits. And he still calls me up asking for $50 every week.

>> No.54496189

>tfw live in australia and government takes 40% of my money before I see it

>> No.54496383

You still file that to have it on record. Government will penalize if you skip because "no money, so why pay tax" reasons.

>> No.54496436

how about some fresh tap?
