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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5448612 No.5448612 [Reply] [Original]

>sister brings up my crypto trading at Christmas dinner
>family members start accusing me of being a criminal
>only one of my cousins come to my defense, but fails to convince them otherwise
>granny eventually starts crying and says shes dissapointed in me
>awkwardly get up, leave, and walk back to my apt

How was your Christmas /biz/?

>> No.5448629

all of my relatives think im an investing god

>> No.5448643 [DELETED] 

Joins our group and drives back in a lambo for christmas next year https://discord.gg/FN6pVrn

>> No.5448656

>dad keeps going on about how he's made 500k in bitcoin this last year
>I'm down 200 dollars so I continue to pretend this year that I'm not in bitcoin

>> No.5448662

lmao wtf

>> No.5448681

We really need a rule to ban anyone posting discord links in this board. This shit is getting out of hand.

>> No.5448687

lol criminal. don't even try to explain your purpose them. jesus grow up and buy some ada. jesus I'm trying being on here makes me feel old as fuck

>> No.5448727

Tell them they're worthless losers that God is disappointed in and never talk to them again.

>> No.5448734

One of my relatives was shit talking it but another one was really into it and hung onto my every word about it. So it was alright. Didn't really publicize it since I didn't wanna talk about it.

>> No.5448763

I just realized theres a need for a christcoin

>> No.5448787

Nobody knows I trade crypto. Just stocks. Then again, I have been working on sea the last 3 years during Christmas, today included so it's not like there's someone who'll bring it up.

Never brag about how much you've made. They'll blame you for their shitty investments I suspect though.

>> No.5448790
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bipolar sister ruined christmas for the 5th year in a row and sent my mom driving home crying

how do i turn my 5 btc into enough to make it to buy my mommy a house?

>> No.5448816

I joined a few. They're all pyramid/ponzi schemes to get you to invite more and more people.
You get 'bonuses' for how many more people you invite

>> No.5448819

Comfy as fk with bzc

>> No.5448826

Or cwc coin, judging from all the autism in these threads.

>> No.5448852

you should've strategically shifted the topic to hentai. Works everytime

>> No.5448879
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>> No.5448925

>told mom and dad I'm dropping out of college to trade crypto full time
>they haven't spoken to me since Thursday

>> No.5448944

>telling your family
>telling anyone
Not gonna make it

>> No.5448959

move mom in with you. Shun sister and use BTC to support you guys. wait until BTC hits 50k. buy mom house

where is dad, anon?

>> No.5449013

Sell now and invest in a real stock market. Its going to be volatile from here on out

>> No.5449018

Damn op, DESU that sounds real beta of you. If you had half the brain you would've explained this is not illegal and shops across America accept this. All you have to do is pay your taxes.

>> No.5449041

>Not flipping the script on everyone in the table and make them give you money to invest
Lurk more ,i guess

>> No.5449046

its not like shes homeless or anything. just a shitty apartment and cant work so a house or condo would take care of any worries in the future

dad still owes 18 years of child support so i dont think he wants to help

volatility is what im here for

>> No.5449047

We'll find out today!

>> No.5449053

Get these invite groups out of this board.
You never get the signal unless you invite 100 million people. scam shit.
By the way all these groups use Bitfinex

>> No.5449115


here have a legit link. No pump and dump or referral bullshit. Just honest talking amongst people who make good numbers.


>> No.5449151


Same here. Feels good man. I know it's very petty but fuck it.

>> No.5449264

sounds like you deserved it you sick fuck
try taking responsibility for your actions

>> No.5449295

your granny is a fucking retard mate

>> No.5449361

>not going to lectures and just trading the whole time

no need to dump school dood

>> No.5449404
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fuck you, shes a nice lady

>> No.5449528
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>tell parents about my trading and show them how much I've made so far with my initial investment
>they think it's great and buy a little Bitcoin themselves
I really am lucky, aren't I?

>> No.5449665

my family just constantly whine about how it's 'gambling' and the fact I've consistently matched my mothers 9-5 salary is 'luck'. Jealousy is so pleasant

>> No.5449686

>buy a little themselves
Why the fuck would you do this? They're going to lose money

>> No.5449702

she's a nocoiner and nocoiners should be gassed, ok?

>> No.5449723 [DELETED] 

invite expired, mind making another with a longer lifespan?

>> No.5449781

gotta love that. my dad went in with me on iota and tron when it was cheap

it is luck though. but theyre jackasses for only putting you down for doing it. you're the one who took the financial risk, not them. they were pussies, you werent

he was an idiot for letting them buy bitcoin lmao. should have had them buy bitcoin cash or ethereum or icon or maybe even fun

>> No.5449802

They're adults and know better than to put in more than they're comfortable losing.

>> No.5449837

I mean I guess it is luck, but I spent hours doing FA and took calculated risks that paid off. I didn't expect everyone to bow down to me but something other than condescension and mockery would be nice. When I have 100k they'll regret it

>> No.5449840
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same...my dad said he'd give me 5k of his own money for me to "invest." lmao

>> No.5449847

Bought my sis and her husband btc for Chtistmas I bought a month ago. First timeI ever told them I'm deep in crypto. Surprisingly went really well.

>> No.5449854 [DELETED] 

Np here you go: discord.gg/CmteP8j

>> No.5449883
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kek do no-coiners actually believe this? or are these posts made by such advanced neets/fuckups that the family instantly assumes anon's financial success = crime

>> No.5449924

No. The discords are great, you see, investigators want to collect as many discord links to as many of these rooms as they can :) its very helpful.

>> No.5450045 [DELETED] 


Ignore the fake idiot. Here you go. It has 1 hour on it and 1 use:


>> No.5450075


lol she chose a shitty dude to be your Dad and you wanna buy her a house. Faggots like you never make it.

>> No.5450096


why does she have to be a hoe?

>> No.5450135

>chadtrade for a week
>up %500000000
>hired as hedge fund manager
>lambo + helicopter w/ lambo bay signing bonus

>tfw you hedl iota

>> No.5450382

>Be me. Black sheep of the family
>They sent me to get 1 year vocational course on the next block so I can help with family business.
>3 years later I realize that they didn't sent me to uni because they couldn't trust me.
>Another year later they named my little sister the heir to the business.
>Those four years I'm learning to make money through internet. Because I couldn't leave house for four years. really ruined my social life.
>My sister is struggling to run business. My older brother is a wagecuck as head engineer.

Now they keep asking me for money. Whenever they ask I always throw bundle money on the ground. now Christmas I gave them a million pesos about 41000 USD. I can see at their faces that they regretted for ruthlessly treat me like crap.

By giving them money it's a contrast on how much I'm successful compared to them.

serves them right as I leave dinner with Mom crying.

>> No.5450780

I’ll take things that never occurred for 200 Alex

>> No.5451067
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>if you give your enemies money, you win

>> No.5451085

My moms happy Im not in prison this christmas.

>> No.5451342

> Dad texts me out of nowhere, "you still got that bitcoin?"
> "Yeah pa, I made a killing"
> "Good boy, you'll have to show me how to do it!"
> I later diversify into shit coins
> Shitcoins moon
> Read up on tax laws that everyone was going ape shit over
> Run some calculations, I owe five figures in taxes without even cashing out
> Show up to Christmas dinner in a bad mood and I tell them about my tax situation.
> "I told you not to buy bitcoins, they crashed today and now you can't pay your taxes"
> I don't say shit because I can pay the taxes and will have a large chunk leftover that I'll never mention.

>> No.5451382

Dude just go to Singapore or somewhere. Fuck taxes.

>> No.5451403

LOOOOOOOOOOOL that ... s hard to comprehend
Where you at mah friend?

>> No.5451427

>mention crypto
>dad tells me to keep going and buy myself apartments to rent
>also tells me to not speak about it to anyone else
He must be hiding his own wealth

>> No.5451623

its mostly all your fault for talking about it with your sister in the first place, and being too dumb to explain or defend your position.

My relatives have been asking me what I am doing for a living (quit my job like 1.5 years ago) and I just tell them I trade stocks/invest. None of them really know what crypto is, there were a couple comments about bitcoin over dinner last night but I didn't expand on anything.

Work on your social verbal skills, you clearly have a problem.

>> No.5451922

>5 BTC
hold them for a couple of months

>> No.5452058

volatility is the best reason to invest in crypto if you daytrade

i made $6k profit today just buying high and selling low during each predictable small dip, while maintaining the exact same number of coins/tokens. I created $6k USD from thin air.

You really can't do that with stocks or forex unless you have millions to play with

>> No.5452171

I loled. Thanks OP. In all seriousness though, give it a few weeks and this will all blow over.

>> No.5452184

What is leverage my man

>> No.5452234
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gran is crying from Sudden FOMO Syndrome

>> No.5452267


>he doesn't know about Jesus Coin


>> No.5452340

i agree with your parents. there will be n eventual end to this. Soon the top 20 cryptos will remain due to adoption, and everything else is going to be worthless. this is the tech boom all over again.

i urge you to go to college because you need a plan B. The other dude is right, you can trade during lectures

>> No.5452384


>> No.5452427
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Should have bought skycoin instead. Since it is not a scam you could have convinced them easily

>> No.5452549

>buying apartments

You're dad is a brainlet.

>> No.5452569


>> No.5452614

>not convincing your dad to invest in crypto

Stay pleb

>> No.5452678

sound like my dad... what the name of your mum?? merry Christmas

>> No.5452699


>> No.5452745
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>I'm dropping out of college to trade crypto full time

>> No.5452768


>> No.5453235

>be me at christmas
>family dinner
>they know im into crypto
>bitcoin topic comes up
>"anon youve probably made alot of money"
>"haha yeah"
>try to change the subject
>fail, the conversation gets really heated
>mom arguing with aunt and grandma about bitcoins economic influence
>its turning into a full scale debate
>drunk uncle says the jews control it
>eventually I know they gonna ask my opinion
>I just gamble on shitcoins I dont know anything
>90 year old aunt doesnt know what the fuck is going on
>ask her to show me the Christmas tree in another room
>quietly leave
That was close

>> No.5453263

Also at sea for Xmas thought about giving all my naysayer crew paper wallets for Xmas but fuck them

>> No.5453339

haha buy high sell low.

>> No.5453914

How are you such fucking betas that cannot convince your families that you're doing well?
My accountant brother accused me of being stupid for investing in something as volatile as crypto. But after 10 min of discussion he started contemplating researching it a bit more.
What won him over was the fact that he brought up for example how JP Morgan was so negative to bitcoin. I answered "JP Morgan that started with bitcoin themselves just a month after that statement? That JP Morgan?"

>> No.5454326
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*escapes the rat race

>> No.5454458

I don't believe this. No one's entire family is that retarded.

>> No.5454703

>Whenever they ask I always throw bundle money on the ground. now Christmas I gave them a million pesos about 41000 USD.
wow you showed them

>> No.5454736

>what is margin call my man

>> No.5454764
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>have parents/family that are actually proud of my success of being able to flip 2k to 100k in 6 months
>they don't brag to others about it because they know when to keep their mouth shut
>they love me even more for being a self-sufficient adult with financial wits and are quite happy to have me as a son

What is wrong with you morons only having shit-tier families? Maybe you just behave like immature morons?

>> No.5454985
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this is pretty much the reason why I hope most of you immature dimwitted morons never make any money, because you are actually pathetic excuses for a human existence. nobody will ever like you and no matter how much money you have and that won't change with even more money. you are a empty shell with some fancy clothes on, buying people with money. and you will never be happy because of that as well.

in your human development making more money will prevent you from reaching any level of acceptable maturity, human qualities or the ability of overcoming obstacles by insight or wisdom.

so even if you eventually buy your waifu, after some time you will be crippled by jealousy whenever she texts, because deep inside you, you know she likes almost any other man more and wants to have sex with them. you spend your remaining days in wealth as a neurotic betacuck trying to prevent your waifu from having fun with other males that are actually decently developed in their human qualities and therefore much more attractive.

you will always be miserable, no matter how much cryptomoney you make if you never develop a shred of human decency and kindness towards other people. and that is the cold, harsh truth.

>> No.5455396

>Dad thinks it’s too volatile for BTC to be a store of.value and is more interested in alts
>Mom thinks it’s amazing how quick the market caught on
>sister and her husband has had money in since last year and we talk alts for a bit at Christmas Eve dinner

Who /comfyfamily/ here?

>> No.5455516

Fuck em

>> No.5455637
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>expecting boomers to have the cognitive capacity to comprehend cryptocurrency

>> No.5455764
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>How was your Christmas /biz/?
had a bottle of wine to myself
tried to play some video games
passed out after some unknown time
then woke up in the night and puked all over my carpet

>> No.5455797

>how do i turn my 5 btc into enough to make it to buy my mommy a house?
all in on dcorp

>> No.5455915

that drunk uncle reminds me of /pol/

>> No.5455946

>gave all my 5 sisters and parents 0.0015 BTC purchased at $19,000 in paper wallets
>it’s now worth about $20
>nobody knows what bitcoin is
>they all bought me really cool, thoughtful gifts
>I feel like a nigger scamming my entire family

>> No.5456037

>>it’s now worth about $20
did it go up or down

>> No.5456109

Depends - who is paying for college? College is stupid fucking easy, but you're really paying thousands of bucks for a piece of paper that says "I can use Google and Quizlet properly"
If they're paying for it anon, just trade during lectures unless the professors are fucking hardass about it, then stay in your dorm or apartment and trade and read whatever material they give. If you're paying for it, fuck that.

>> No.5456119

Same here

>> No.5456124

>be me
>be at christmas dinner, family all laughing and joking, asking me when Im going to get a job or even pay rent
>uncle asks me what my job is these days
>tell them im actually a successful crypto trader, its been going so well i recently became a millionaire
>they all laugh
>nephew makes some remark about bitcoins being tulips from a buzzfeed article
>they all burst in laughter
>show them my blockfolio
>i try to explain bitcoin and altcoins and how I do it
>uncle downloads blockfolio, types in 1,000 bitcoin, starts showing it around saying hes a crypto millionaire too
>everyones laughing
>tell them its true and i can withdraw from a bitcoin atm
>convince my family to take me to nearest bitcoin atm, 2 hours away
>they wanted to go to this city anyways for shopping, tell them ill buy some gifts for christmas with my cashed out btc
>arrive at atm
>atm only allows you to buy bitcoin, not sell it
>family getting impatient
>"enough anon, your joke is going too far, lets just go to the mall now"
>i ask the convenience store clerk how do I sell with the atm?
>he doesnt know what im talking about, "only buy, you buy here"
>aunt goes up to the atm with a $20 and pretends it came out, look Anon, I sold my coinbytes, how come you cant sell yours?
>everyones laughing as they head back to the car
>uncle grins to me "just buy a house as investment ;)"

>> No.5456142


>> No.5456169
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>bring up my crypto gains
>show em to my sister
>she now wants me to buy her shoes and handbags

>> No.5456202

To be honest, we are. Everyone here will make it, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.5456210

>Paying for it

>> No.5456211

Drunk uncle writes on /pol/ all day long

>> No.5456229
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>Oh, lookie me everyone
>Le life lessons
>Hurr durr, stay poor you toxic faggos

>> No.5456247

>"h-here, it's $20 in bitcoin"
>hands a piece of paper with some numbers on it
That cringy as fuck. Not to mention it tanked 30% from that point.

>> No.5456274
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just buy a new waifu every month and throw the old one away like an old big mac wrapper.

>> No.5456313

Ahh to hell with yous. Theyre not all p&d scams.

If not for the main biz crypto discord and vivecs panaca or whatever it is, I would never have been given 20 Ark.

My entire retirement fund of Ark would never have fallen in my lap if I hadnt been on the discords.

>> No.5456317

>tell them im actually a successful crypto trader, its been going so well i recently became a millionaire
That's where you fucked up. Tell them you're a freelancer or something. Today I learned also not to reveal your power level

>> No.5456325
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>Here anon, here's $20 in Bitcoin
>Wait it's actually $10 because of fees
>Wait a second, it's only been 5 minutes and it's $7 now!?
>Anon, what did you get me into!
>I-it's $4 now!

>> No.5456436

> pay taxes

Fuck the IRS they rape me on every thing else so the govt can blow money on the stupidest of shit. They can go ahead and try to pry crypto from my cold dead hands.

>> No.5456688

A lot of you guys have shit families. Sad really.

>> No.5456834

hope you printed collectible pink wojaks on the paper wallet.
It would have been a nice personal touch and the wojak will soon be worth more anyway

>> No.5456906

All in on burst before tomorrow

>> No.5457263

Don’t be greedy anon. Rashed needs his welfare check to support his 6 kids. Your money needs to be used to help out those who are less fortunate.

>> No.5457435

>financial success = crime
It is basically a crime for young white men to succeed in the current year.

>> No.5457447

>so even if you eventually buy your waifu, after some time you will be crippled by jealousy whenever she texts, because deep inside you, you know she likes almost any other man more and wants to have sex with them. you spend your remaining days in wealth as a neurotic betacuck trying to prevent your waifu from having fun with other males that are actually decently developed in their human qualities and therefore much more attractive.

If that's how you handle hookers you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5457484

>wanting to be like by normalfags
Would be much more fun to just make their lives' hell.

>> No.5457505

Only making money because of your white male privledge. We need to increase taxes for white males

>> No.5457588

They've been the most helpful thing for me too but it's not like those guys are talking nonsense. Most of them are indeed pump and dump groups and a lot work with referral shit. When you meet one that's just people being comfy it's great but I can understand the skepticism to random links being posted.

>> No.5457681

>t. A fucking nocoining faggot.

>> No.5457719

oh boy it's this pasta again

>> No.5458078



You can trade crypto "full time" while going to school without any issues. I promise. I turned $20k into $400k over a few months while holding a full time job and living a normal life. Don't be a fucking retard.

>> No.5458314
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and people say it isn't in a bubble

>> No.5458456

+1. Never quit my full time job, but turned $5k to $100k. Lived with a gf as well.
I'll probably quit my job soon, but that's thanks to gains and a startup idea.

>> No.5458490

What do you mean have to pay taxes? Did you cash out?

>> No.5458556


>> No.5458702
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>told my brother I'm giving him 10 ark for Christmas and to hold them for a little while as they will be worth more this time next year
>"wtf anon I don't want this play money shit, why do I want ponzy scheme money?"

Ungrateful little shit

>> No.5458744

What is a good way to generate money without doing any work?

>> No.5458889

Buy Link

>> No.5458930

He said generate not donate linky

>> No.5459071

>drunk uncle says the jews control it

He's right you know.

>> No.5459075

Stop lying faggot

>> No.5459164
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>holding IOTA
>the foundation releases an update that takes all of my funds
>months go by and they promise to return it but never do

This has already happened. Anyone still holding this coin has to factor in this risk, that any time, the IOTA foundation might move your funds to a special wallet they control.


^ 10% of all IOTA, over a billion dollars, worth more than Tether. These are all user funds taken in October. They haven't returned it yet.

>> No.5459537
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>> No.5459671

>are these posts made by such advanced neets/fuckups that the family instantly assumes anon's financial success = crime

Yes. Nobody except neckbeards or ultra-conservatives would actually believe this shit. If you're an awkward NEET autist who hasn't proved you've got talents before, people who know nothing about cryptos are gonna be sceptical.