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54483461 No.54483461 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm getting ready to patent a novel supplement that restores the body's sensitivity to insulin

Plan is to crowdsell after that

Good plan? Any advice from /biz/?

Please no "hurr durr pharmaceutical company gunna kill you"

>> No.54483537

I'm assuming you did your homework on the supplements effects in larger doses. Either way, cover your bases, apply proper and generous warning labels, and don't put anything in it that might cause regulators to pull it. You got a factory I assume? Make sure your workers aren't retarded. Otherwise make sure you keep a good lawyer around and see who/what else is your competition.

>> No.54483577

chance of success:

>> No.54483609

Retarded plan. You can't sell it as a pharmaceutical unless you go through your 3 phases, which require hiring very expensive (((consultants))) (ex-FDA and similar people), plus subcontracting (at minimum, if you don't want to do it yourself) the clinical trials.
If it's synthetic, you can't play the 'natural aide' card either. If it's natural, you can do that, but you'll also have to go through safety inspection. Much faster and easier and doesn't require a (((consultant))) on board, but as for sales, you'll do just as well selling sugar pills.

>> No.54483614

that's already in the works by a biotech company but if you can beat them to market go for it

>> No.54483624

>Please no "hurr durr pharmaceutical company gunna kill you"
>npc trusts modern science
*laughs spitting kefir all over the screen*

>> No.54484730

I invented a device that can stop and even reverse Balding.
but I cant bring it to market because the competition is insane and this technology is very powerful not only for restoring hair
there is no way they would allow me to sell this.

>> No.54485033

>*laughs spitting kefir all over the screen*
That'll show him

>> No.54485090

dude that hardware wallet has blood security?

>> No.54485187

You don't need a drug to do that, it's called fasting.

>> No.54485198


>> No.54485255

Which company

>> No.54485366

literally just lose weight

>> No.54485475

NT219 is a novel small molecule inhibitor developed by Purple Biotech that targets multiple oncogenic signaling pathways simultaneously. It has been shown to block the activity of three major cancer-promoting proteins: STAT3, IRS1/2, and JAK. IRS1/2 are insulin receptor substrates that play a key role in regulating the metabolic pathways of cancer cells. By inhibiting their activity, NT219 can inhibit cancer cell growth and promote cell death.

IRS1/2 are important to diabetes.

Insulin receptor substrates 1 and 2 (IRS1/2) are important proteins that play a crucial role in the signaling pathway of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates glucose metabolism in the body, and deficiencies or dysfunctions in the insulin signaling pathway can lead to insulin resistance or diabetes.

In diabetes, there is a reduced ability of the cells to respond to insulin, which can lead to high levels of glucose in the blood. IRS1/2 proteins are essential in transmitting signals from the insulin receptor to downstream targets that control glucose uptake, storage, and utilization.

Studies have shown that mutations or deficiencies in IRS1/2 can contribute to the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Therefore, understanding the role of IRS1/2 in insulin signaling and glucose metabolism is crucial in developing new therapies for diabetes.

Insulin resistance is a key factor in the development of type 2 diabetes, and insulin receptor substrate 1 and 2 (IRS1 and IRS2) are critical in mediating insulin signaling. Inhibiting these proteins may improve insulin sensitivity, which is a desirable outcome in the treatment of diabetes.

So it's actually a cancer/diabetes move

>> No.54485526


it's in phase 2 now, with zero indications there are any issues with it.

>> No.54485538

You won't make any money on supplements unless you are a Harvard or Stanford professor. The FDA is only protecting those classes. Bigger supplement companies will rip you off and there is nothing you can do about it. You need a novel small molecule if you want to make any money, but guess what: nobody will buy those either because mRNA is all they want. You're fucked bud.

>> No.54485558

>NT219 is a novel small molecule inhibitor developed by Purple Biotech that targets multiple oncogenic signaling pathways simultaneously.

>> No.54485776

I thought you were industry banned, Martin

>> No.54486709
File: 68 KB, 427x427, ----.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a supplement that restores the ability to produce insulin in type 1 patients? I'd buy that.
>tfw adult-onset type 1 took me from healthy athlete until 29 to dealing with complications and neuropathy less than ten years later.
Life is but a dream.

>> No.54486835

this nigga keeps shilling this garbage

>> No.54487408

what makes it garbage?

>> No.54487872

I'll take the burden off of your hands for 1 unmarked bitcoin in cash.

>> No.54489092

>You need a novel small molecule if you want to make any money, but guess what: nobody will buy those either because mRNA is all they want.
What the fuck are you on about? Small molecules dominate the market. Large molecule is the only thing that comes close and cell therapy is the new sexo.

>> No.54489118
File: 675 KB, 675x685, 1669384407450600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr durr pharmaceutical company gunna kill you

>> No.54490261

lol yea sure some bizraeli is going to cure insulin resistance with a supplement.

ok buddy, i will invest 500 million

>> No.54490282

my shill radar is off the chart. I looked into this and it's just one retard shilling this garbage on 4chan and reddit. there's virtually nothing about people discussing the medicine or w/e. I don't give a fuck, but there needs to be organic discussion about it. not just one nigga shilling the stock.

>> No.54490365

How much research ahs been done into that supplement? This is an extremely high risk venture, as any side effects of this supplement can and will hurt you financially more than you will be able to profit of it. Not to mention that you could land in jail if there are severe side effects

>> No.54491058

No side effects, everything is GRAS safe. It's the result of 15 years of research.

>> No.54492101

>no one is talking about it
wow you actually want to buy the news. it's all scientifically backed, why not educate yourself and develop a personal, learned opinion? i'm "shilling" this because i think it's a great opportunity and i want anon's to make it since i've bummed so much free entertainment from here.

>> No.54492549

for anyone willing to learn, we are having data presented at AACR on April 18th by MD Anderson, it is one of the leading cancer research institutions in the world, with a long-standing history of groundbreaking research and innovative treatments. Its scientists and researchers are highly respected in their fields and have made significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of cancer. MD Anderson has been consistently ranked highly in various cancer research and treatment rankings and is considered one of the premier institutions for cancer research and treatment. Now why would they be putting their reputation on the line for something "garbage"? Get smart people, get your head out of your coins for just a minute. you will have a lot more money to play with tokens after this

>> No.54492564

holy crap

>> No.54492628

This is for cancer, not diabetes.

>> No.54492681

Anon I said it earlier >>54485475
>Insulin resistance is a key factor in the development of type 2 diabetes, and insulin receptor substrate 1 and 2 (IRS1 and IRS2) are critical in mediating insulin signaling. Inhibiting these proteins may improve insulin sensitivity, which is a desirable outcome in the treatment of diabetes.
NT219 also inhibits IRS1/2. It also passes through the Blood Brain Barrier so it can help with dementia and brain cancer. It does a LOT.

>> No.54492696

I don't know what books have to do with insulin, maybe try to sell it with audible?

>> No.54493199

anon... if im hearing about this from you on 4chan of all things, then there is a problem with your stock.

>> No.54493327

there is no room at all in your mind that perhaps this is something they wanted a lid on as tightly as possible but there's a small guy in it that doesn't want them to win all on their own? I've been following them for three years, watching as closely as possible. we can work together on this, anon. You try to deboonk my info and i show you why it's even better than it sounds, to build a solid layman case in this very thread so hopefully anons don't just shrug and say "impossible"

>> No.54493368

I'm really just stuck on how you're calling a cancer treatment one for diabetes

>> No.54493435

NT219's function of inhibiting IRS1/2 makes it -also- behave as a diabetes treatment since it resensitizes those pathways to proper behavior again. The effect does not last only for the duration of the treatment, it just helps wake them up again to provide the user with the opportunity to live a healthy life so long as they can keep up with a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.54493462

it's not the focus of the company, I'm assuming because cancer is such a larger market, but through their data i have found evidence that goes to show the drug's effects are lasting for not only cancer.

>> No.54493514

Pretty sure there's a missing comma or someone is already dead.

>> No.54494911
File: 227 KB, 1349x792, 5D748BF8-09B5-4536-897B-EACAECA07135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]