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File: 309 KB, 1221x546, based wv pioneer chad life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54481746 No.54481746 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54481952

>Just needs a little TLC
>And by a little TLC we mean repairs that cost more than the house

>> No.54481972

this is a pristine property

>> No.54481984

good luck trying to find a repairman in a town full of deadbeats living off disability

>> No.54481988

>west virginia
go ahead bro, im certainly not buying the fucking place

>> No.54481991

Right next to all the fent addicts in Morgantown?

>> No.54482001

>he can't repair his own shit

well well well

>> No.54482012

if they're fent addicts they'll be dead soon, more property to buy for cheap

>> No.54482068

With 10 fucking acres? It could have a fucking outhouse on it, if I had the ability I'd buy that in a second.

>> No.54482137
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I'm afraid to see the inside.

>> No.54482146

10 acres on a hill lol

>> No.54482156
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>cityslickers on biz would rather live in pic related

>> No.54482173

I kek'd, you can also see hairline cracks in the brickwork if you snort another 2 rails and squint really hard

>> No.54482174

Nice, I can buy that with cash right now.

>> No.54482192
File: 226 KB, 696x1024, rural retards city slickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all are pozzed, rural is based

>> No.54482215

wow the based romans have a quote about cities and the stupid looking cartoon people like rural so rural must be bad. im looking up 800k, 1 bedroom houses in california now because im not dumb!

>> No.54482391

Das rite white boi

>> No.54482662

>muh heckin based hywhute flyover state
Okay luke smith, have fun living next to a bunch of amermutts who are just as bad as joggers with their fent addictions and literally no sign of intelligent life for miles.

>> No.54482691

>9.4 acres
Strong buy

>> No.54482757

Do the acres appreciate? If you buy 70k worth of acres will they appreciate faster than a 70k flat somewhere closer to the cities?
The house itself is worthless though.

>> No.54482788

The whitetail don't care and a hill makes a great rifle range backstop.

>> No.54482862

N-no that’s b-based and trad living! Only city cucks have to live in a house with an intact foundation!

We have this same gay ass thread every day.

>> No.54482950

Yeah, I'm sure living in San Francisco is just like living in Rome at its peak.

>> No.54482954
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Land is the asset, assume the house is a meth lab or full of addicts. You're buying problems, and selling solutions

>> No.54482989
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Spam filter, pic related

>> No.54483024

That requires you to ditch your current career and start farming or selling meth.

The land won't make money on its own

>> No.54483066
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>> No.54483123
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>> No.54483143
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>> No.54483158

Post proof

>> No.54483204

Farming is based and I'm already doing that

Cost of living is low next to nothing, taxes are low

If you're going to buy this house you should have 200k net worth anyways

Just sell some during inflationary bubbles every few years

>> No.54483218

Niggertown shitszille DC has dark green rating, disregard

>> No.54483238

If you have 200k net worth you can buy a house maybe 20 miles from the city.

>> No.54483249

Oh no people like to recreational ingest drugs

You think I sit outside of bars and scream about drunks

Mind your own business narcnig

>> No.54483257

But that would make you retarded and a money waster

>> No.54483271

How do you guys reconcile thinking blue states are horrible places when they always come out on top in these metrics?

>> No.54483299

While HDI is certainly a pozzed measurement, it still takes some work to have a score as bad as Mississippi and Alabama which are what, 40% black? Meanwhile WV is overwhelmingly white.
t. stabs tech entrepreneurs for fun.

>> No.54483336

It costs a few thousand a year to survive there and I'm sure they do more farming that people in DC

It's a clown world measurement, progress for the sake of progress

Quality of life, how do they measure that

>> No.54483358


>> No.54483373

> This same country hick nigger makes the same thread every day
> WV
Cope harder billy-bob

>> No.54483384

Life expectancy, wealth, and educational attainment. Clown world indeed.

>> No.54483443

5 years of chad freedom beats 90 years virgin cuck


Literal jew poison

>> No.54483526

Everything I disagree with is a lie.

>> No.54483689
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It's yin and yang A city is nothing without the means to farm pretending one is better then the other is sub human thinking.

>> No.54484208


Looks like a total fucking ripoff for 62k, property is still way too much, that shit shack should be like 20 grand max

>> No.54484224


>No jobs

>No women

>Literally nothing to do

>Shit internet

Wow so fucking based

>> No.54484252

>No jobs
>No women
no sluts. women are in abundance
>Literally nothing to do
just admit that's you're drug addict
>Shit internet
get satellite

>> No.54484326


Small town america sounds like hell on earth, as a new person that just moved in you can be picked on and ganged up against easily, the last thing I need is to be living some hillbilly nightmare because its "trad", I've seen property disputes on youtube and small town cops never help if you're the new guy, lots of illegal dumping on your property etc.

>> No.54484537

The city of Rome was constantly importing people because they literally died of diseases too fast for natural births to replace people

>> No.54484563


Yeah I wouldn't buy without looking inside but I'm guessing there's a ton of mold/water damage. Or someone cooked meth in there.

>> No.54484611

>literally nothing to do
>t. npc

>> No.54484633

nah they didn’t understand how bad mass migration is until too late
there’s always some concern troll shilling in those threads

>> No.54484688

News flash: Places are expensive where people want to live. No one wants to live in fuck nowhere WV, which is why land is cheap. Dumbfucks online that live in shitholes can't handle that they live in a monetarily useless shithole no one wants to live in.

>> No.54484717

I hate mutts so much. Their "trad" americana town is filled with cunty fat huwhyte women who feed their children industrial grade goyslop while their daughter is a turbo whore with dyed hair and their son is a fentanyl addict

>> No.54484743

It had nothing to do with mass migration
Ancient cities were literally nothing but vectors for disease with how unsanitary they were and the lack of medicine. They had to have a constant stream of migration from the countryside to keep the places actually populated

>> No.54484767

>every ancient city was replaced due to disease
>Romans only began to be replaced when they let christkikes, jews, and every other nation they conquered come to Rome which attracted shit like today New York is
what a retard

>> No.54484785

Now try mental gymnastics to explain why cities like Babylon and Thebes didn’t experience mass die offs and population replacement for over thousand years despite being local powers

>> No.54485714
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>> No.54485761

Anon you're literally a [current insult] if you don't live in a crumbling shack in opiodville, you don't want to be [the current insult] do you?

>> No.54486368

They did

>> No.54486404

RIP, Slim Bird

>> No.54486435
File: 1.37 MB, 1249x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't live in the brick garage for $325 a month or or less, then lower your. tone. when speaking to me.

>> No.54486462

All of those RIP tags.
I wonder who killed those young men?

>> No.54486569

you think he wasnt trying to get high?
2:30 am dipshit. look at where he was, at 2:30am, leaving his house.

Homie, he should've worn a different outfit if he didnt want the attention.

>> No.54486589

actually they measure that using thing like "happiness indexation". Ironically when you look at the results it's only the most medicated geographies that have a shot at being classified as "content or happy"

>> No.54486643
File: 483 KB, 705x773, bulgaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54487646

Are you implying education has any purpose past 8th grade that isn't indoctrination, and shit you won't use unless you become an engineer

>> No.54487655

No idea what the fuck you're talking about, implying people give a shit or even noticed you moved into a random trailer in the country

>> No.54487658

And dark skinned slaves>>54484688

>> No.54487663

>stupid people don't understand the value of things before its too late and because a propaganda campaign of this scale has never been seen in history

Color me shocked

>> No.54487669

Oooof big shitty Diablo edition

>> No.54487679

Russia is pretty cool but being drafted would suck, and fuck learning russian

>> No.54488040
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>> No.54488789

>just live in a meth shithole where no one on the planet wants to live brooo its soooooo heckin based!

>> No.54488795
File: 83 KB, 640x764, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54489884

Learning Russian is not that hard bro. I learned it on Duolingo.

>> No.54489925

Ohio is the cheat code. Plenty of mid major city proximal suburban/rural zones to choose from, comfy low cost houses, grounded and productive society. You don't need to force yourself to live in Methville West Virginia to find something better than jogger and homeless ridden severely overpriced coastal zones.

>> No.54489968

don't most of ohio's major cities have a population that is 30-50% negroes?

>> No.54489994

there is tons of cheap housing in the US the only problem is that poor people in the US are the most feral retards you could possibly imagine being around - thus there are only a handful of decent communities in each state and the buy-in to live in one of those is a half million dollars

>> No.54489995
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Meanwhile in Florida

>> No.54489999


Kind of a moot point, every northern big city has a nigzone. They aren't all that large in Ohio and I said stay in the suburbs/semi-rural areas for a reason (which are quite sprawling).

>> No.54490050
File: 1.33 MB, 1546x611, Screenshot 2023-04-06 093039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not disturb the tenant