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File: 26 KB, 472x649, 4CHAN Statue of liberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54474068 No.54474068 [Reply] [Original]

-BRICS pushing for a common currency.
-Chinese YUAN preferred over USD as payment for international trade.
-Saudi Crown Prince says he’s no longer pleasing the US.
Could this be the end of the road for the USD?

>> No.54474252

The next time the picture of the statue of liberty will be taken it will be on its knees. The US played themselves and the results are obvious.

>> No.54474264

>Could this be the end of the road for the USD?
Even African leaders are already telling their citizens to sell their dollars if they hold any.

The USD era might be truly coming to an end.

>> No.54474291

>The next time the picture of the statue of liberty will be taken it will be on its knees.

Nah, the Statue of Liberty would be in shambles by then considering they are more focused about witch hunting one another.

>> No.54474403
File: 427 KB, 1125x1497, BF7EAAAD-D6D8-4DE1-8094-CB3F899E4C7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you're watching btc, there is a war going on.

>> No.54474632

its the end of the road for the world

>> No.54474781

>-Saudi Crown Prince says he’s no longer pleasing the US.
Middle east is owned by China and Putin. Moreover the US Jannies are against themselves by bringing Trump in. Everything is upside down.

>> No.54474844
File: 96 KB, 497x639, 1649669483736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this head canon. Pic related. It's the BRICS I'm supposed to be worried about.

>> No.54474857
File: 2 KB, 99x125, 1649732396960s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrational OP hoping for a day BTC/YUAN will go live. The Fed is only seeking to be in control of the cryptomarket and not sending it to Asia.

>> No.54474891
File: 83 KB, 800x472, Putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part of everyone shipping China and Russia as the new world hegemony is that people forget that China and Russia historically hate each other's fucking guts. China is already making plays for ex Soviet states right under Russia's nose. By the end of the Ukraine conflict China will annex Siberia and Russia won't be able to do shit about it.
But nobody explained in the last thread. What is BRICS backed by?

>> No.54474897
File: 4 KB, 250x140, 1656952194554s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitol maimed themselves here

>> No.54474911

>Moreover the US Jannies are against themselves by bringing Trump in

Those retards should be focused or reclaiming their position rather they are indicting one another bunch of old clowns.

>> No.54474920

>Still simping for Zion Don
He didn't do anything. The best thing he can do for the country is shut the fuck up in a prison cell while somebody effectual takes control.

>> No.54474929

Biden will be the end of US economy

>> No.54475006

I always thought that the United States were smart as ass until lately when Genslar is living out his dubious plans in the name of the best interest of the US. Nobody cares about tax rates and even inflation that have soared more in this era. Banks failure accused crypto.
Never lived in a hopeless season than what bunch of touts are misleading the economy with sleepy Joe.

>> No.54475223

>Could this be the end of the road for the USD?
It's scary to think that in a few years time, the dollar might not even be amongst top 5 global currencies and that's not an over reach. There's no justification to keep saving in fiat at this point; it's gonna explode in your face someday. Get stables and start leveraging them for better outcome faggot!

>> No.54475304

What would you put your savings into. And I swear to God if you say precious metals.
>25% in 10 years minus 10% commission on both ends

>> No.54475392

Greedy boomers exporting industry to Asia for short term profits sealed the deal a long time ago. They gave away their countries future so they could afford another yacht and a ‘68 Mustang

>> No.54475407

Ever heard that saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"? You'll be shocked at what discontent can make people do.

It's not just Biden, it's the whole economic team and their rabid SEC dogs that they've sent after the crypto space to unsettle it. They're quite lucky that Defi will thrive regardless and Americans will profit from it one way or the other. The control sitting at the center is too much.

>> No.54475422

>worrying about USD devaluation.
>not worrying about cryptocurrency prohibition in the US.

>> No.54475431

No. They're still enemies. If Russia thinks they'll get a less parasitic relationship with China than the US has they're retarded. China is just going to annex the fuel and food production from a weakened Russia and leave monkeh to starve.

>> No.54475465

>What is BRICS backed by?
they've been stockpiling for the last 20 years or so.
not officially backed as in you can swap yuan for gold with the government.
but they have the asset for collateral.

>> No.54475500

>What would you put your savings into.
The post literally says you should get stables and start leveraging them on platforms for yields. I know you're autistic and dumb, so I'll be kind enough to tell you to avoid CEXs(for obvious reasons) and explore Defi platforms; preferably a space where you've got the liberty to express yourself and create your own Defi product.

>> No.54475510

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

>> No.54475561

ETH now allows customizing LP and we can also customize staking vault on some yield aggregators

>> No.54475948

Biden didn't save anything, rather he fucked it up, and for DeFi they are also trying to go after it, but it's obvious that they can't do anything about it, and that's why it's my best bet which is why I have my stables staked on one of the platforms with good risk management system

>> No.54476142

>Leveraged stable coins
Fucking kek. How much did you lose on Luna. Be honest.

>> No.54476161

There's not enough gold or silver on earth to represent the combined economies of the BRICS nations. Keep dreaming.

>> No.54476229

Any currency that dominates crypto will be the new most popular FIAT. The USA are also about to shoot their footing with their war against crypto. US at these time don't have their best minds in leadership.

>> No.54476259

>There's not enough gold or silver on earth to represent the combined economies of the BRICS nations. Keep dreaming.
you understand the price of gold/silver is fluid.
it can go up and down.
so, yes, it most definitely could represent their combined economies.

>> No.54476262

By that metric the Yuan shot itself in the foot years ago.

>> No.54476272

>4 countries are going to make the value of gold 10x

>> No.54476293

Any fiat currency that dominates crypto in the nearest future will become the most popular FIAT. The USA are also heading downwards in thei area with their war against crypto. US at these time don't have their best minds in leadership, it's really unfortunate for them.

>> No.54476392

if brics ever needed to tap into that gold/silver, americans would be prohibited from buying it.
yes, smaller number of countries entangled in international trade, higher volatility, yes it absolutely could.
no, you wouldn't be able to profit on physical increasing to insane values in that scenario, but yes, it could happen.
you seem pretty butthurt about them owning gold/silver.
don't shoot the messenger.
Slava Ukraini!
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.54476406

>There's not enough gold or silver on earth to represent the combined economies of the BRICS nations.

This is a baseless comment retard, you have no proof to back it up and i am quite certain it's false.

>> No.54476484

Dreams and cope. It's always funny that the /pmg/ schizos are always the BRICS schizos.

>> No.54476494

what stage of grief are you burgers in?

>> No.54476495

>This is a baseless comment retard, you have no proof to back it up and i am quite certain it's false.
it's more retarded then at first glance because their gold/silver would be collateral for loans.
well, the gold/silver derivatives market is insanely large in comparison to the gold/silver banks actually carry.
his comment is misguided on many levels.

>> No.54476496

Gold is worth 13 trillion. China alone eclipses that.

>> No.54476525

>Own the Jews and their bank schemes with pretend money through fractional reserve banking
Ok. So a new Ponzi to replace the old one?

>> No.54476612


Your monkey brain is too dumb to understand what the poster above stated.

The price of PM’s is fluid and could more than 10X with the amount of debt and derivative fuckery factored in.

Look what the US did with gold back in 33. It will simply see a revaluation.

>> No.54476622 [DELETED] 

you've got me all wrong.
NATO 100% of the way.
you asked what BRICs currencies are backed by, I explained, you got butthurt because... ???
still not really sure, I think you're just a boomer.
I don't own physical.
but you seriously posted China will annex part of Russia.
which I ignored, to be polite.
but that is the most retarded thing I've read on this board in months.

>> No.54476757

The idea behind people shilling BRICS is they genuinely believe it will overthrow the US system of the USD being the global reserve mostly because they hate the idea of fiat controlling their life. The reality is that BRICS is just another Fiat. And China will annex Siberia. Just a matter of time. Russia showed themselves to be weak and they're going to be a vassal state to China. Hope the ziggers brush up on their mandarin. This phrase might help.

>> No.54476765

And you're to dumb to understand that you're just doing more fractional reserve fuckery. Fiat. It exists because we say it does.

>> No.54476863

They'll first dethrone the US.

>> No.54476878

You can put your money in BTC, and if you don't like the volatility, consider stablecoins and stake it in yield aggregators. Some have good risk management and will allow you customize your own vault for high yield

>> No.54476902

>Stable coins
How many times do you need to get rugged before you learn?

>> No.54476908

The west is likely going to become isolationist, with only crypto being a universal link throughout the world

>> No.54476930

13 trillion fake fiat dollars with the price being suppressed by millions of contracts. Gold and silver WILL be revalued.

>> No.54477014

Who the hell let out these jeets today? How can you compare this situation to LUNA? Did Luna allow users create their own smart vault to stake on their own terms? If you ain't gonna come up with an argument against Defi, then you can as well get busy with an orgy.

>> No.54477018

Denial, for sure

>> No.54477088

Are all Jeffersonians this retarded?

>> No.54477161

Is there any place free from risks? Those who make it are those who put up a proper risk management strategy in place and if a platform says they're gonna diversify your risks by not letting you expose yourself 100% to a single risk strategy, you better drop on your knees and give them that marriage proposal cos they've got your best interests at heart; regardless of whatever happens. Let's imagine the Euler hacker didn't return those funds; while some users already lost 100% of their assets from having a singe exposure, some others had only 6% of their assets affected. That's the power of diversification.

>> No.54477184

Y'all go around telling people they can create smart staking vaults now? Not everyone in crypto is tech savy. Keep the hopium down a little bit.

>> No.54477236

Let me think about it. A whole array of fiat currencies and commodities outside of the USD that have held steady for decades. Or a shit coin that can't even hold a position for a year. Really hard. Let me think about that.

>> No.54477239

I didn't need to be tech savvy to create a personalized smart vault on SpoolFi(and other platforms are beginning to adopt this pattern); it's literally just 6 steps and straight forward. Defi has left that stage where it's quite inaccessible to everyone to a stage where virtually anyone can use it as they please; find the right vehicle and enjoy the journey newfag.

>> No.54477254

Based on what? What would the value of gold be in your head canon?

>> No.54477440

Staking stables isn't a bad idea if you are diversifying and also using a proper risk management system like the one on SpoolFi

>> No.54477587


>fractional reserve

For a physical commodity with a finite supply lmfao. Do us all a favor and read a book dingus.

>> No.54477643

>And China will annex Siberia.
most retarded thing I've ever heard.
why would china want to annex serbia?
why would you think Russia is 'weak' in comparison to China?
what are you even trying to insist? USD will win? BRICS will win? everything stays the same?
if you weren't such a massive pussy, you'd actually take a position on something.

>> No.54477732

China wants the Eastern territories because that's energy security. China's military mogs the fuck out of Russia. Especially when Russia is distracted to the West.

>> No.54477743

The US Dollar is done, caput, over

>> No.54477795

>Use existing gold and margin against it to create money that doesn't exist
>This is different from frb because the first 10% is based on shiney rocks that hold value because people believe they hold value

>> No.54477821

>China wants the Eastern territories because that's energy security.
drilling for oil in permafrost. yea, that's pretty retarded.
not like china has largest solar farm in the world either.
not like china has a massive dam that produces more energy then any other dam in the world.
>China's military mogs the fuck out of Russia.
OK chang. care to clarify which part is better?
>Especially when Russia is distracted to the West.
so does china need russia distracted or is china's military 'mog the fuck out of russia'?

>> No.54477915

>Muh dams
>Muh solar
China is a net energy importer. They will take Siberia and Russia won't be able to stop them.
It's both. China has a bigger better military and Russia is distracted which worsens the case. Cry about it.

>> No.54477987

not going to lie it makes sense when you consider that Manchuria is the ancestral homeland of like 75% of chinese imperial leadership one china policy means that all territory with chinese, even minorities, is part of china.
not going to back up the statement that chinese military 'mogs' anyone
huge troop counts betray the fact that 90% of the equipment is out of date, morale is terrible, and they have no military tradition or historic competence in any war against a superpower.

More likely a war between russia and china would involve small highly trained units being deployed with little reinforcement in bumfuck nowhere, russia would have the definite edge.

On it's current trajectory I wouldn't be surprised if the russians voluntarily ceded land in manchuria for direct chinese support in the war.

>> No.54478025

>China is a net energy importer.
and why are they a net importer? hmmmm.
>They will take Siberia and Russia won't be able to stop them.
dream on faggot.
>China has a bigger better military and Russia is distracted which worsens the case.
how many nukes does china have?
how many nukes does russia have?
why are you riding china's dick so hard?

>> No.54478049

Nukes aren't real. China needs massive amounts of energy and food to sustain their population and manufacturing. They don't make enough at home so they import 70% of their crude. Seventy fucking percent. That's a dangerous position to be in for a potential empire. They're going to take Siberia and you know it's true.

>> No.54478070

You mean SpoolFi, because it's the first to have a smart vault, others are only trying to copy it

>> No.54478100

I wonder if the US is stupid enough to throw them out of chudrage when it becomes obviously they have run out of options

>> No.54478149

>They're going to take Siberia and you know it's true.
I know you're a boomer faggot.
'nukes aren't real'
you're only kidding yourself. and yes, I know you are unironically this retarded.
you didn't want to take a position on anything, because if you did, no one would've replied to you and you would've been laughed out of here earlier.
now would you kindly, go die in a car fire?

>> No.54478224

>I'm a Boomer
>You going on and on about muh nukes
Nukes aren't real.

>> No.54478340

It's the end of a mighty era. Nothing is working except Harris controlling the executive through Biden.

>> No.54478348

>china will annex serbia
>nukes aren't real
>no, really guys
whatever boomer

>> No.54478393

>Boomers spend 50 years worried about muh nukes
>I tell you nukes aren't real
>You insist they must be real despite having zero evidence of their existence outside of videos you saw
>I'm the Boomer
I also saw a video of a man driving a car on clouds with a tiny rubber man powering the engine. Suppose that's real too right?
China is going to take Siberia for all of the reasons Russia took Ukraine. Cry about it boomer.

>> No.54478415

> SpoolFi
> Curve
> Yearn
> Idle
All can't be any better than JPMorgan alone. Not mentioning crypto crippled ones as SVB, Signature ...

>> No.54478483

Stfu here gipsy. How do you even wrap your head around some risk management approach written on based smart contracts. Stop believing in coded life benzo.

>> No.54478558

Metals aren't worth shit from the beginning and still worth nothing. Don't stoop too low for the verdicts of Peter Schiff.

>> No.54478653

>Ever heard that saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"?
So you are saying that if the west is the enemy of Russia then the West is the friend of China?
Or you are saying that if the West is the enemy of China then Russia is the friend of the West?

>> No.54479271

More like multiple ponzis to end the dominance of the USD.

>> No.54479277

But you can wrap your head around taking less risks by saving your assets in a bank account? How ironic that you all try to sound smart but end up looking more clueless and dumb while at it. If these smart contracts have been audited by verifiable firms like Trial of Bits, I'm definitely going for them.

>> No.54479318

It's all well and good till one of the Autocrat dictators devalues their currency to wash all their debt. then the trade partner gets fucked and they realize when they used dollar as a medium

>> No.54479325

I'll go with SpoolFi since it incorporates all of them.

>> No.54479333

Sssshhh just let them do it. It's funnier that way. Everyone keeps talking about how oil was purchased with Yuan (in Russia) ignoring the fact that the Chinese would never let you purchase anything from them in Yuan. They know their currency isn't worth shit.

>> No.54479386

you are a boomer.
your kids hate you and they won't be bothered to put you in a pine box.

>> No.54479387

Wasent china having a Lot of problems with countrys that borrow their money?(what a surprise that corrupted shitholes Will just steal your money,and yes I'm refering to south América)

>> No.54479419

Think about it however you want but it's clear that Russia and China share common goal at this point.

You choose JPMorgan, I choose SpoolFi or Idle or Aave. We'll meet on the other side and I hope to see you unscathed cos it'll be a joy ride on my end.

>> No.54479436

Two weeks. USD denominated debt is dropping

>> No.54479473

Yes. 25% all belt and road countries have defaulted in their debts to date. Who knew lending money to sub Saharan African nations was a bad investment. Who knew building a giant lotus tower wouldn't generate any revenue. Who knew the African delegation would laugh you out of the room when you demanded to be paid back. Who knew the African would sooner riot and drag your beaten corpse through the street then to let you tell them what to do.
Based African scammers giving the bugs the business.

>> No.54479482

I'm 33. Born after the cold war. Nukes aren't real and the only people that think they're real are retarded boomers looking for reasons to fear monger. Get fucked idiot.

>> No.54479493

>You choose JPMorgan, I choose SpoolFi or Idle or Aave.
I think betting on JPM is the better bet considering their history.

>> No.54479529

We should be thinking of pegging
our stablecoins to something else now

>> No.54479732

Why these three? Is there any special thing?

>> No.54479757

Real life is like anime. Specifically in this scenario we are getting a "villains team up to stop the greater enemy" arc. I hope you're ready for some kino.

>> No.54479852

>I'm 33.
>Born after the cold war.
millennials don't reference their age with respect to when the cold war ended.
you're a faggot.
you might also be a glowie, since you're so adamant in trying to conceal your age and you only ever pop up in these BRIC's threads.

>> No.54480175

You're going on and on about muh nukes which aren't real. The hallmark of a boomer that grew up in fear of nuclear destruction. I was born after the cold war and don't have such a retarded world view. Funny that you're giving a clear indication that you're a boomer based on that single talking point.

>> No.54480206

SpoolFi risk management system can't be compared with any of the projects that you list with it, its better than any of the ones in your list

>> No.54480310

>You're going on and on about muh nukes which aren't real.
go ahead and re-read this thread and count how many times before this post I said 'nukes' vs you.
>The hallmark of a boomer that grew up in fear of nuclear destruction. I was born after the cold war and don't have such a retarded world view.
Referencing the cold war, at all, is the hallmark of a boomer.
>Funny that you're giving a clear indication that you're a boomer based on that single talking point.
you outed yourself far before talking about the cold war.

>> No.54480326

Nukes aren't real

>> No.54480366

retarded boomer.

>> No.54480405

Nukes aren't real. Cry about it.

>> No.54480493

Seeing banks crashing, only an idiot will leave DeFi for banks, especially the yield aggregator there that offer institutional grade DeFi solutions

>> No.54480710

I see you are still living in delusion

>> No.54480801

Who in their right mind would ditch that for some crappy old bank that's crashing left and right? Metamask staking for Eth, Stargate LP, sylo LM, router swaps, lending and borrowing, the list is long...

>> No.54480864

How do you handle risk? It is always better to diversify and that is why I use Spoolfi.

>> No.54480879
File: 130 KB, 497x639, 1649669483736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your money in BRICS. It'll be funny

>> No.54480901

This is why I use SpoolFI because of its smart vault that I can customize with whatever yield protocol that I want, as well as set my own risk level

>> No.54481207
File: 22 KB, 482x637, images (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used this myself and it helps in auto allocation and compounding.

>> No.54481878

A pajeet will. I'm done with banks I prefer the Dao-First yield aggregator.

>> No.54482040

Let's all use Bitcoin instead of stables.

>> No.54482161

We might peg them top something else. Maybe a more crypto-friendly currency. Whichever way, Defi rocks. Let's hope to see more participation as solutions like LeechProtocol and SpoolFi are becoming more interesting.

>> No.54482224

Retard alert

>> No.54482549

>We should be thinking of pegging
I bet you do

>> No.54482663

>I think betting on JPM is the better bet considering their history.

History?? You are betting against innovation and you will definitely lose.

>> No.54482789

>Betting against J P FUCKING MORGAN
seriously good luck

>> No.54482806

What do you fucking think will happen?

>> No.54482856

You'll lose money because JPM similar to black rock literally IS the market. If any of the shitcoins you think are about to make a wave they would just buy it up or spin up a competitor with more capital and wipe it out. Seriously look at they're history. There were other competing banks and they've viciously destroyed and absorbed every last one.
You'll lose that bet.

>> No.54482914

>How many times do you need to get rugged before you learn?
Don't put your money into an ecosystem that mints tokens out of thin air to pay yield. It's really that simple.

>> No.54482931

End of the road for us all. One last altseason is all we have left...


>> No.54482948

Do you understand that you're describing the mechanism that caused the 08 crash?
Create a package of shit loans. Create a derivative of that shit loan and package it with other mediocre loans. Create a new derivative off of that. Repeat a few times until nobody remembers what's shit and what's not. Have fun.

>> No.54483004
File: 65 KB, 660x574, 1672837914874047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next is that USD falls and BTC takes over, already some countries already prefer BTC compared to fiat, like El Salvador, Switzerland and even Brazil, who knows who will com next

>> No.54483010

>Don't put your money into an ecosystem that mints tokens out of thin air to pay yield.

Exactly! This is why I am quite bullish on real yield projects like Spool and GMX

>> No.54483067

These are Arbitrum gems and I like them also. Cemolot round table tokens.

>> No.54483129

>China's military mogs the fuck out of Russia
China's military literally has zero experience at all

>> No.54483153
File: 1.05 MB, 1786x2848, 1611804601305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54483168

>drag queen story time.jpg

Just keep the molach statue filled with your children, richard

>> No.54483185

i'm saying you're retarded. kys

>> No.54483234

I heard Lugano one of the big cities in Switzerland recently adopted crypto payment through Utrust and it allows for both E-commerce and tax payment to be made in crypto, that is pretty bullish

>> No.54483279

Experience doing a lot of good for America and Russia?

>> No.54483297

Why does China want everyone buying their currency? They've always suppressed the value of it relative to other currencies to make their exports cheaper, increasing demand for Yuan is just going to increase the value of it. Although at this point China has a fairly self-sustaining domestic service economy, so maybe they figure exports are less important and they aren't as reliant on them anymore. The west has already been moving a lot of manufacturing elsewhere due to increasing wages and costs of building things in China.

>> No.54483302

Ok poojeet

>> No.54483622

only sensible decision is to load up on god's money: gold. I've been buyin tGOLD through aurus precious metals to stack up on fractional gold.

>> No.54483781
File: 48 KB, 460x518, IMG_20230118_054154_219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm supposed to be worried about.
You are in no better position when we are patient fucking zero in this dark time.

>> No.54483988

See you there

>> No.54484077

>Could this be the end of the road for the USD?
Ask yourself, would you rather be force to hold you entire net worth, for 5 years, in the dollar or the yuan?

>> No.54484892

>asset for collateral.
Exactly how is anyone going to collect should the need arise.