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File: 48 KB, 233x303, Screenshot from 2023-04-05 21-46-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54480445 No.54480445 [Reply] [Original]

how come dogecoin isnt 10$ yet

>> No.54480468

it doesn't do anything

>> No.54480476


>> No.54480479

No crypto "does anything" you mongoloid.

>> No.54480484

How's the weather in Mumbai, Rankesh?

>> No.54480488

It literally cannot be shilled any harder than this. The only option left is to develop a use case, something that DOGE will never do. It’s over.

>> No.54480490

because people know it is a temporary belated april fools joke with the bird being back soon and also as soon as it is rising a fuckton of people sell the absolute PISS out of it

>> No.54480518
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Hello fren,
In this country (America) we put the dollar sign "$" in front of the numbers. Just FYI. Also, people don't want us to poop in the street here. Also just FYI.

>> No.54480524

if I were to own twtter and i would change the logo as a joke, i would use the swastika as twitter logo for a day
Elon is a faggot

>> No.54480599
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Summoning...£15 Dogecoin....

>> No.54480621

>if I were to own twtter
>i would use the swastika
that's why you're not twitter owner and in fact you are the faggot

>> No.54480676

It's not the wrong token.

>> No.54480959

so like everything else?

>> No.54480968

Elon killed DOGE

>> No.54481057

Real talk, it's pretty dumb not to throw a few hundred bucks at the dog coins every now and then. DOGE, SHIB, etc. will fucking moon hard the next time there's a real bull run.

The age old cycle will play out with a few lucky high IQ memecoiners making vast fortunes while smelly fundamentalsfag chartreaders thrash around on the floor and seethe.

>> No.54481097

Well first off its only the logo on the pc, people who use twitter on their phone aka most people who use twitter do not even see it, second no one trusts that shit anymore after all the shitshow that happened with him on SNL causing all those normies to get burned

>> No.54481099
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yeah I am thinking about joining the circus, but the bottom for shitcoins is not in

>> No.54481342

Well, that was disappointing. I guess it was 'sell the news' kind of pump. Volume dropping and main trading activity is back to being bots.

It's over.

>> No.54482374

the reason it went over 70 cents back then was that elon bought out the whale wallet that was constantly causing dumps and then bought himself in it ate up sellwall after sellwall, something only a billionaire can do. i can well imagine that he will buy himself back in the near future.

>> No.54482484
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>It literally cannot be shilled any harder than this. The only option left is to develop a use case, something that DOGE will never do. It’s over.
If only it could be used as a form of currency or something by a retarded billionaire...

>> No.54482674

this, it's that simple

>> No.54482938

this is just the first step. never been a doge fanboy but if musk does the "everything" app with twitter you can bet your ass he's going to make doge the primary way to make payments. if he's smart he'll offer discounts if you pay for stuff with doge.

>> No.54483493

USDOGE comin thru

>> No.54485158

i logged in to see then logged out when i started reading stupid white people tweets. they are so dumbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

>> No.54486413

>after all the shitshow that happened with him on SNL causing all those normies to get burned

QRD? Besides obvious pump and dump everytime he shills doge, what did he do that he's hated since that episode?

>> No.54486936
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>> No.54486963

I don’t go on Twitter so I was surprised by this when someone linked me to some Twitter post for something unrelated.
It’s so fucking cringey and unprofessional.

>> No.54486967

I am a phoneposter and I don’t use Twitter and it is the dog on mobile safari.

>> No.54486975
File: 212 KB, 654x527, B5F505DB-67D3-42DB-A579-1CF23F138957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon’s job as a Freemason is to confuse and distract the public so that they waste their savings on useless dog coins so when the chosen coin mints billionaires over night - the vast majority of the public will still be poor plebs

>> No.54487104

Hello sirs please buy the dog

>> No.54488112

only low & high iq will make it, dogecoin is the way, it is the peoples crypto, cry about it

next bull run it will flip ethereum for few days, stack your bags now, while its down 94%

>> No.54488127

token not needed

>> No.54488530
File: 850 KB, 1125x1905, B3B2FD26-7A3F-404B-AC94-0572ED879958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only! I wonder if he’ll ever actually do anything or just keep wetting the bed and tweeting about it like old daddy Trump used to do. I can see why the chuds love him — he even loves Israel just like daddy Trump did!

>> No.54490962

Cause adoption takes time retard, I have a stash just in case and I also went in on alts with utility like Sylo and Arweave in web3

>> No.54491139

>laughs in icp

>> No.54493323

when that white nigger drops that dog icon from Twitter the price will go to 0.001 again... that's when we all have to buy dogecoin

>> No.54493400

Even then it's inflationary

>> No.54493999

Cos it's for retards. It was fun in 2013, but now it's just meh and it only pumps $0.02c when Musk sticks it on one of the world's most popular social networks. I mean, c'mon.

>> No.54494439


Doge is a normie coin, normies got burned and now they hate crypto just like we all expected a few years ago.


He just joked about it in that episode, and idiots thought that the price will skyrocket after that, of course the opposite happened.

>> No.54494458

was waiting for this all day

>> No.54494461


>> No.54494544

Now faggots can now see why big mcap projects are not for making fortune.
The highest most of them will see is 10x, but for 50-1000x we need to consider low-cap projects like Azero, NXRA, RIO, and other promising ones

>> No.54494716

So what's next for DOGE?
Will it bleed to 0 now? Not even Elon can pump it anymore.

>> No.54494722

Shows over, folx

>> No.54494776

NXRA is the only one that I can consider in your list because it's the only project that's constantly developing

>> No.54495012
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>> No.54495033

Garbage piece of shit coin is worth nothing. Glorified ponzi scheme, Elon should be in jail with Trump.

>> No.54495096

The bottom is in, DOGE up 75% from it's 52week low. Should have slurped the sub nickel DOGE

>> No.54495157

>the bottom is in
the bottom is in below 20 sats again, the actual price is just noise and opportunity for whales to slowly off load.

>> No.54496322

it switched back to the reddit bird. pump and dump lol

>> No.54498011


>> No.54498075

>belated april fools joke
funny how people in those other threads didn't believe it. now look at the logo.

>> No.54498475
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causse elon liessssssssssssssss

>> No.54498487

Because SHIB (the dogecoin killer) is getting ready for lift off. $1 by 2026.

>> No.54498488

monero and bitcoin are illicit market tender.

>> No.54498703

Kek, all the retard needs to do is integrate DOGE to twitter subscriptions payments and we could see insane price levels. But till then I would keep accumulating RIDE before its metastaking program ends by June for passive income.

>> No.54498716

>April fools' joke that took a couple of days to be implemented and another couple of days to be removed because Elon fired most competent devs and now nobody knows how to manage Twitter

>> No.54498926

Sold my DOGE for LINK and ORE. Am I gmi?

>> No.54498940

Crypto isn't safe anymore, hackers are getting richer by stealing and soon the quantum threat will show up.

>> No.54498953

If it ain't POR, not gonna ape in

>> No.54499689

do you think it's going lower?

>> No.54499717

last bear it went down -94% since top, that happened already already, I think it will crab around these prices till next bull market, it could pump to 420bil marketcap

i think elon is creating the bottom on doge, by always pumping it up when it goes to certain price. Hes 99% one of the top whales in doge

>> No.54499727

It's not 2020, there is no cheap money going into Do-Nothing "assets", nor Elon has any power right now, he has become a Kevin O'Leary 3.0

>> No.54499764
File: 147 KB, 1011x960, Screenshot 2023-04-07 094645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54499810
File: 12 KB, 158x152, 0C7E2A6D-982F-461B-90CD-DA50F542F2D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething jew

>> No.54499840

Some benzofag have gotten Eco-friendly, 1600tps, decentralized POR concensus algorithm to fuck with, quantum resistant ain't backing down.

>> No.54499857
File: 89 KB, 1079x1116, 1664561541811474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to panic poorfag, fresh pussy projects and applications are now secured from threats coming with the emergence of quantum computing.

>> No.54499874


>> No.54499882

Privacy and DiD projects are the moonbag, getting assets secured.

>> No.54499887

I bought it at a peak


btw my IQ is < 90

>> No.54499901

We've projects is the key, I go for blockchain that supports business and companies

>> No.54499965

Like Alpine ESPORTS, the partnership with a quantum resistant Blockchain is a top notch, packed with use cases mfs can't fuck with.

>> No.54500033
File: 308 KB, 1494x1275, ART14_1989-Elons-18th-Waldeck-Saskatchewan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paying with DOGE is cute and all, but things won't start to change until people start getting the option to be paid in DOGE or have a certain percentage of their wagie payments made in DOGE or have matching 401k DOGE contributions. anything to get away from the USD, the better

>> No.54501350

Real-world assets are the next big thing. Keeping my eyes peeled for more insights from altcoinistdao

>> No.54501409
File: 236 KB, 1024x1536, HEX Templar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54501456

Your profile picture is an anime character isn't it

>> No.54501491

How do none of you retards realize that there's more DOGE minted into existence each fucking day

>> No.54503225


>> No.54503302

Because twitter is still suffering the marketing backlash from lefties
Once they fix this and once they change the name it May moon

>> No.54505295

I'd rather buy alts with narraives like privacy, DiDs or Ai than some shitcoin with no use case.

>> No.54506066


>> No.54506121

>all the gains are gone and you didn't cash-out

Blunder of the century.

>> No.54506864

Reason why I hold ENS, Monero and ORE. Ain't selling anytime soon.

>> No.54507011

Fucking idiots knew it wasn't going to be permanent and they still FOMO'd in.

>> No.54507024

Ironfish is launching this month, then