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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54479334 No.54479334 [Reply] [Original]

Should you just quit if you don't make it at that age?

>> No.54479351

23. maybe 26 but that's pushing it

>> No.54479362

I'm 31 anon. Fuck.

>> No.54479367

you have to be 18 to post here so it's already too late for you.

>> No.54479369

You should just quit
That will help you reach your goals
Jesus the state of this gay board

>> No.54479392

24 max

>> No.54479394

If you haven't made your first million by the time you've dropped out of college, just give up.
It takes grit and smarts to ask your dad for a vp position at his firm. Being introduced into the family social network and keeping track of who's who is rough, not everyone can do it.

>> No.54479395

you could still do it but consider how hard you will have to work. it might be easier to just wage and retire at 60

>> No.54479425

Just choose WRONG

>> No.54479454

I was 22 when I made my first million, but I admit that I got lucky with crypto.

>> No.54479475

What were you holding / trading
How much do you have left

>> No.54479502

>No one has said zero yet
The best way to make it is to have rich and attractive parents and you know it

>> No.54479516

40, you've had time to fuck around, you've learned what hyper inflation means, you've done extensive research on the jq and understand central banking

You understand that boom and bust cycles are deliberate, you understand that women are an anchor


>> No.54479605
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based. i thought it was over for me.

>> No.54480425


>> No.54480465

I’m here at 28. $200K NW

>> No.54480501

isnt it more important at what age you blew your fisrt million and bankrupted yourself the first time?
If you didnt make your first million before 25 and and bankrupted yourself the latest at 30 because of blowing your money on ookers cars and some other bullshit
you never made

>> No.54480502

LoL you have no idea what he meant huh

>> No.54480522

jq is jelqing a form of exercise

>> No.54480530
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Lurk more if you don’t know what JQ means.

>> No.54480557

Preferably between the ages of 28-31. That way you are not so immature as to blow it on bullshit and young enough that the million can be reinvested and compound so that you can retire by 40

>> No.54480562

If you haven't made it by 12, you never will

>> No.54480668

More important than that: blowing your first million, but recovering, making your second million, and not blowing it.

>> No.54480677


If you can't learn from blowing 20k you're a dumb bastard

>> No.54481596
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Ideally? 25. Reallistically? Probably around 28. I wouldn't just quit if i didn't make it tho. Im 32 and recently made my first million with VINU and you know im nowhere near to retiring

>> No.54483488

I am 25 and I am still farming tokens with hami, I don't think there is a time limit, if I can keep producing then it means that it is never too late or too early

>> No.54483535

Its not too late at 35 or even 45 but its better at 25 or 15.
At 35 you cannot just mingle in a crowd of 20 year olds. At 29 you can if you look youthful and good and are wealthy enough.

>> No.54484323

Your bloodline should have made its first million at least 3 centuries ago. Anything else and you should give up. Though if you can't trace your first millionaire ancestor to at least 8 centuries ago, you should probably lower your tone around wealthy people.

>> No.54484374

>Your bloodline should have made its first million at least 3 centuries ago.
>immediately after the Mississippi Company bubble
>the first bubble in which the term "millionaire" was even coined
you got pretty lucky on that one

>> No.54484422

There’s no easily reproducible way to make a million earlier than about 30-35 if you started from nothing that doesn’t involve dumb luck. All the methods to become a millionaire by 22 could easily blow up in your face and set you back a decade. If you work and study hard, get a good job at 21-22 and save aggressively then probably early 30’s is reasonable.

>> No.54484464

Also I should add that earning potential is just as important as net worth. There are lots of minimum wage retards who get lucky and make 1 mil at a young age but they have no skills or education, so when they inevitably blow their money they have no way to get it back. I’d rather be someone who has the ability to make 500k+/year by 30 than some idiot with 1 million in doge

>> No.54484513

This. This is the exact age by which you are FUCKED if you haven’t made $1M. I am dangerously close bros. Basically everything is riding on the next cycle.

>> No.54484520

I made my first million at 21 and then proceeded to lose it all now I have like $1k left 1.5 years later

>> No.54485367

Same here brother

>> No.54485917

if you want to spend most of your life wealthy, 30 at the latest
by 40 is still relatively good, assuming it's all liquid and not in retirement accounts or your house
by 50 you're basically in normie territory

>> No.54485975

You do realize most generational wealth was completely wiped out during The Great Depression right?

>> No.54486810

I analyzed Warren Buffett's net worth over the years when he was younger, this is what I found adjusted for inflation:
$1 million at 25,
$10 million at 30,
$30 million at 35.

>> No.54487806
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I'm 32 and mnicorp just went live. I think it's my path to real wealth, but I regret that things like these did not exist when I was 25. I would have been rich, young, and cool.

>> No.54487820

Ideally 30 realistically 40

>> No.54487825

shut up faggot

>> No.54488955

No my problem.

>> No.54489001

>things like these did not exist 7 years ago.
Ignoring literally the bullest of bull markets for absolutely everything, sure.
>excited about investing in pinzi scheme
You will not make it.

>> No.54491668

it's doable by 25.
i achieved and fell out of that when i was mid 30s.
you get like 3 chances pretty much and they come around about every 10 years or so.

it'll happen at least once on paper if you keep going.

>> No.54491703

There are no rules for this anon, just make sure you're doing something profitable and keep at it. So far I have earned quite a deal through crypto investments and I have expectations for web3 gems like Arweave, Sylo and Matic when the bulls return.

>> No.54491918

Ok esl