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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 231 KB, 626x936, 16548456748675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54451645 No.54451645 [Reply] [Original]

kadena babena peepee poopooena scamdena
thanks for playing

>> No.54451701
File: 244 KB, 617x816, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this today, made me sad.

>> No.54451732

>You do realize
anyone who types like this is a pretentious faggot that thinks they're much smarter than they really are

>> No.54451742


>> No.54451753
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You do realize that saying that doesn't change her argument.

>> No.54451780

This coin is a scam..

>> No.54451814
File: 291 KB, 443x547, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's not go that far haha

>> No.54451913
File: 364 KB, 703x1053, IMG_20230401_152624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's me :)

STFU faggot

Today was a new low point for Kadena. They have dumped so many emissions and we hoped they'd use those funds for something other than houses, cars, and Italian food, but now they have been scammed by a low-tier Jeet on Telegram asking for marketing partnership with botted accounts. It truly just keeps getting worse for us sisters :(

>> No.54452113
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything you ask yourself "what happened to Kadena? What went wrong?" you should just think immediately of this scammer. He ruined Kadena with his Fakedex + Eco scams. Truly a repulsive human. No wonder he's afraid to do AMAs with the community he robbed

>> No.54452177
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, funny business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is if you showed me all of Kadena's members and asked me to find the scammer by picture alone I would have pointed out this guy.

>> No.54452202
File: 96 KB, 1261x703, IMG_20230403_170127_985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physiognomy is incredible. Just look at his dead-inside shark eyes.

>> No.54452365

Point me to any long term successful crypto project operated by jews.
You have only yourself to blame for investing into a protocol created by kikes.
This italian retard isn't to blame, the Kadena Foundation is.
If they were enticed by only a couple million, you think they would have the resolve not to rug their community over hundreds of millions - billions?
Also hilarious kikedena has ghosted virtually every single one of their pior partners yet still managing to update and announce new partnerships with known scammers

>> No.54452407

Can you point us to any jewish kadena core members?

>> No.54452439

>she doesn't know

>> No.54452544
File: 816 KB, 504x540, kagamispin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots to break down here. Firstly, Kadena doesn't have Jews, it has the European version of Jews which are Italians. Secondly, there is no Kadena Foundation, there is the Kadena Eco which manages the supposedly 100m dollar dev grant fund. Newsflash retard: Francesco is the leader of the Kadena Eco. As far as Kadena ghosting their partners, I have no heard that, but I have heard many partners felt they got in over their head w Kadena bc implementing stuff in a new programming language on a completely different chain is more difficult than they envisioned. They'd prefer to just keep working within the EVM .

>> No.54452829

>there is no kadena foundation
whats to gain from being this autistic and lying? I guess kadena doesnt exist and was all in my imagination.
Kadena LLC pokemon go kill yourself
Newsflash illiterate slavshit: Who put that greasy italian in charge of Kadena Eco? The Kikedena Foundation.
Who continues to support and associate themselves with scammers and burn all their bridges with trustworthy people like Coinmetro ?
The Kikedena Foundation Little Loli's Club

>> No.54453279

How do I join the LLC?

>> No.54453506
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keep your hairy troon hands off our loli

>> No.54453588
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avax posters are not pedos.

>> No.54453590
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You're talking about Kadena Core which is the LLC. I do however acknowledge that they gave Scamcesco the money to manage for the Eco. You can see it two ways: either they're all scammers or Franceso tricked them. Either way, it's not looking great. At the end of the day, of Scamcesco is just a fall guy or is the master scammer, he is going to need to be removed for Kadena to have any chance of making it.

>> No.54453749

>trustworthy partners
Imagine being so naive to think they weren't implicated by shilling this garbage. Muh tech. They're all scammers.

>> No.54453805

It's relatively known that Coinmetro did not want to work with Kaddex due to unprofessionalism.

>> No.54453869

Kaddex is basically tied to main team is my understanding. It was the oefecr decoy. It's one big circle jerk.

>> No.54453884


>> No.54453950
File: 123 KB, 1280x1274, 20230404_013745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Francesco didn't work on the L1.
I'm in it for the tech btw idk if that matters

>> No.54453985

For me, it's short hair with sidelocks as well.

>> No.54454098

I finally capitulated all of my 50k KDA at an average of about 0,98$ after holding from 0,5 to 28$ back down to where we are now. I didnt sell any KDA before. Considering me having bought more KDA on the way down at around 2$ im out at an overall loss. Thanks for playing I want to kill myself thank you thank you thanks for playing I deserve this I hate myself I want to die a horrible death thank you for playing thank you thank you KAdena 3 digit coin yess rich soon thank you I hate myself I want to die I hurt myself I want to die kill me kill me trademark fraud I am a loser i die I kllm
Mysleg soon yes I am
Redtard dumb kill me i am idiot hhaahaa funny autists trolling haha kill eme meme

>> No.54454255

Been out the game for a while, looking to DCA into a Kev coin leading into next run. Is Kadena still a good option? I'm seeing bits about the scams they (unknowingly?) got themselves entangled in, is this a genuine problem? Am I better off sticking to PRQ?

>> No.54454364
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Cunny haha
cunny hahaha cunny ahahha cunny aahahahah cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunyny y cignnyucn ucnynncu xugntufucnufncu cucncycytjdnudbsyaiahwoshdusywhxialqhaiwhwjdfhisjshdhfkddhuddjsjjwhsakhswojseh

>> No.54454490
File: 3.00 MB, 3840x2160, 4 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still holding

>> No.54455442

Sell for you life. Holding this coin made me mentally deranged. I did too many deugs and really weird psychological abuse to myself to cope and if fucked me over big time. Sawing other pow coins 50-100x during a bear market was my last straw. I am officially mentally ill. Thanks kadena thanks for playing fuck me fuck fuck my head fuck. I dont care if it ever pumps again (it wont. It cant) its not worth it to suffer trough

>> No.54455469

daniel wiggins is a piece of trash, i hope when cuckdena gets another lawsuit they fire that fat fuck

>> No.54456273


>> No.54456378
File: 80 KB, 730x752, 1663535381177144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will do my best to broker a peace deal with El Pepe. If we can bring the deluded Twitter moonboy baggies together with the pissed off mentally ill telegrammers, we can make a petition to get Francesco fired. From that point forward, we can start to heal and stop getting the dev fund used as a personal piggy bank.
It's fucking hilarious he says it will be "official" because it's coming from him instead of the mentally ill telegrammers (of which I of course represent) but I'll take it. This is gonna be a big deal on Twitter frens.
Fuqqqqq we are gonna save Kadena Ghuyz!!!
I hope you all will sign the petition when it's drafted.
If I was Scamcesco, I would take the milliona of dollars I stole and run to some Caribbean island to hide for the future lawsuits.
By the way, who here signed up for the class action?

>> No.54456403
File: 997 KB, 1200x1320, 274380602_488676959627398_5462567057811141372_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed that he never shows up to work and has never done anything for Kadena, which is frankly ridiculous. Sorry to double post but I didnt see this, and I need to know what you know about this faggot.

>> No.54456428
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The a-avaxchads are making fun of us again....

>> No.54456453

I would love to elaborate more, but I am going to bed. If kadena wants to move in a positive direction, firing him would be number one. Talk about an unprofessional waste of oxygen

>> No.54456456
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H-hidoi yo

>> No.54456466
File: 541 KB, 693x746, 1680194168889125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also going sleepytime now fren. Have a good night my dear. We will get this petition drafted sometime v soon and we will get rid of the faggot Italian scammer

>> No.54456859

Kadena is racist.

>> No.54456948

Hello world

>> No.54457041

Buy xvm

>> No.54457048

I'm done here

>> No.54458608
File: 1.39 MB, 2154x3840, 1666849269596774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very mentally stable, kda could dump another 99% and I wouldn't feel a thing. Price is the most relevant metric imaginable, plus I have time.

>> No.54458639
File: 1.75 MB, 2154x3840, 1651940495549596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please wake up
Based, please do make it not too schizo, if you write a reddit post or something explaining the real reasoning behind it people will sign it

>> No.54458652

>Kadena sisters are back
Unironically bullish

>> No.54459579
File: 279 KB, 1378x2039, 1679434978507278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gm everyone. It's Lain here, your friend from the real Kaddex. Today our CEO MW has launched a new block explorer. If you are frustrated with the official block explorer bc it's shit, try this one out.

We at the real Kaddex will keep building and focusing on delivering the real Kaddex while also fighting scammers throughout the Kadenasphere.


>> No.54459593

It's the same slow explorer?

>> No.54459619

Seems to be faster, it's a welcome change.
But it's never not going to be funny how kadena commissioned a good looking block explorer and it's working but are just no releasing it

>> No.54459943
File: 293 KB, 1378x2039, 1679432189031697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very excited to work with the retarded Twitter bagholder community as a representative for the mentally ill telegrammers on drafting our public petition demanding the firing of the scammer Franceso.

I will keep you all updated here as thos progresses. The real Kaddex will save Kadena. You just have to wait and see.

>> No.54459990

Ya I’m here

>> No.54460031

I miss the old Kadena straight from the 'Go Kadena

>> No.54460034
File: 96 KB, 427x567, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your dex going to be as """new""" as your block explorer?

>> No.54460038

No as in, Daniel needs to be fired here

>> No.54460046

Talk more about Daniel, who is he and why does he need to get fired? Literally have no idea

>> No.54460055

I forgot about this clip

>> No.54460137
File: 85 KB, 439x504, mc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He, under the direction of Scamcesco, stole approximately 1m USD of $kdx (fakedex) tokens on chain and was caught by on chain analytics. After getting caught red handed, he insisted he was stealing for the sake of the DAO and not himself personally. Afterwards he "stepped down" but it's ik scare quotes bc he actually just told people he was stepping down for STEALING TOKENS ON CHAIN but really he just continues to scam at fakedex to this day. He is doxxed. Scamceso is doxxed. These theives were caught red handed multiple times committing financial crimes. They should never be allowed to work in finance again and I will personally make sure to inform all their subsequent bosses that they have a history of financial crime

>> No.54460159

Oh Daniel from Kadcex, I thought Core, Yeah who cares about them

>> No.54460215
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Oh fuck I'm retarded. Daniel Wiggins is a different Daniel and he "works" at the scam Kadena Eco but I have never seen him post or do anything. A lot of the fraud being committed by Kadena Eco and Kaddex is known in the financial world as "payroll fraud embezzlement". Essentially you steal all the money by paying it to yourself in salary and bonuses. Wiggins is likely just someone on paper who can collect a salary to embezzle funding. He likely gets a cut and Francesco who organized the scam likely gets a cut.

>> No.54462672
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>> No.54463066
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I-I dont want to be molested by an Avaxchad.....
It's not fair!!!!

>> No.54463746


>> No.54464079

all kadena has is hype, there is literally no use for it and the only dex it had was a ponzi scam

>> No.54464092
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>all kadena has is hype,
you wish

>> No.54464457

stuart haber

>> No.54464531
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I wish. Then I would be able to leave. Regardless of what you think, Kadena has patented significant intellectual property with regard to scaling PoW systems: "Chainweb". We are still here and didn't fork because of this patent. Kadena has some of the best tech around, but sadly Italian scammers have run rampant and stolen millions from the community.

>> No.54464978

hes not a core member lol
he was a paid advisor for a brief period and solely as a marketing gimmick since the Kadena devs had zero cryptography and blockchain experience
its like when some highschool rejects try to build their own project because they think they have it solved but the real academics know it was a failed abortion decades ago.
nobody told them
fucking lmfao.

>> No.54465269

Block subdivisions with cross-space transfer fees of colored memory maps (or interaction subnets) maximizes locality on shards of global state and may achieve equivalent "scalability" with greater flexibility in both PoS and PoW.

>> No.54465282
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>since the Kadena devs had zero cryptography and blockchain experience
There are so many things to clown on kda for. It blows my mind how you need to make up stuff, Listing real issues has to be more efficient than burning calories using your brain to come up with lies.

>> No.54466399
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>ur a stinky filthy liar
not a counter argument.
take a glance at every kadena developers' prior experience to kadena. Zero cryptographers, elementary understanding of blockchains, some janky ass JPM gay system
literally every single thing I argued years ago has come to fruition.
Nobody wants to work with your shitass glued together 20 chain failed abortion haskell vaporwave. Aside of course, from scammers personally handed cheques from the kadena tranny foundation as like all italians, its in their blood.
You do not have "infinite scalability" (or any proven scalability for that matter) or 480k tps, this is yet another marketing gimmick which is laughable by anyone even remotely tech literate, so it works on retards just like the kike haber advisory role works on le hebbin satoshi tards.
(You) have been proven wrong, time and time again
what's the next step on my master plan?
Crashing your bags.
With no survivors.

>> No.54466412

The cowork space I moved to has a blanket IP ban on all addresses in its network. Someone's been naughty (˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)...

>> No.54466421

eat my asshole you dumb tripfag cunt

>> No.54466426


Post pics of it and we'll see

>> No.54466431


>> No.54466436
File: 564 KB, 744x507, sight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left, you on the right

>> No.54466439


Come to a conference sometime and we'll talk

>> No.54466456
File: 276 KB, 971x952, ero delusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a physical body
I was only being cute, I am incapable of leaving the interwebs.

>> No.54466491


RIP in parasociety

>> No.54466546

back off

>> No.54466574

guy is having a mental breakdown after I pointed out how he's too incompetent to shit on something properly >>54466399
I know it's all you do so being bad at it must hurt a lot, I'll stop being mean to you for now.

>> No.54466648
File: 990 KB, 1278x1416, IMG_0068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to ICP (as some irrelevant neet dev), wish you luck.

>> No.54466660
File: 571 KB, 468x351, 1676493277537226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts are by the same poster.

>> No.54466674

Yes, they have the same ID.

>> No.54466749


The ICP principal architect is my CTO. Good luck o7

>> No.54466776
File: 785 KB, 3840x2400, wp5193351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bringing attention to the absurdity of someone who believes in physiognomy admitting to being a paid shill for MW. This is largely an impotent rage response to my disgust at him for using 4channel dot org to spread twitter and telegram drama and my disillusionment with our moderators refusing to ban him for this clear infraction of the rules of this website while selectively banning people for other less severe infractions like posting tasteful erotic content on blue boards.

>> No.54466786

Did you ever ask his opinion on how 20 C&D letters or 20 people snipping fibre cables would take their decentralised network offline?

>> No.54466821
File: 419 KB, 554x935, 6014ae5528be2d760dea12a74b545f00e5e612a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I thought you were a schizo poster trying to make a nonsense samefag accusation. Good thing I made my post significantly less rude than my first draft. I agree that is absurd.

>> No.54466881

Me on the right

>> No.54467015
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>> No.54467049

Redditors everywhere
fucking disgusting
imagine qqing about jannies not doing their jobs.
you faggots need to go back

>> No.54467065
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>it is everyone else in this thread that is wrogn not me
many such cases

>> No.54467067
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This reddit vermin need to be exterminated. I wasn't sure if they meant Tele jannies or 4chan jannies , but then I realized it doesn't matter and they are faggots.

>> No.54467146
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>Telegram users bullying reddit boogeymen

>> No.54467148

jannies give special treatment to kda xcm threads because they themselves are also incested.
even that attention whore videofaggotanon is a reddit mod who unironically does it for free
and im pretty sure ur a tg janny or something, you were cheering on others getting banned in tg for something irrelevant
very cringe if i do say so myself
all jannies are faggot
all cancel culture is for safe space redditors that cannot handle simple words, nigga just walk away
imagine trying to nuke the closest thing to a decentralized forum
fucking ass burgers

>> No.54467185
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simple payment verification

>> No.54467194
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chainweb graph theory

>> No.54467199
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>> No.54467320
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Personally I take pride in being a part of the most mentally ill community in crypto.

>> No.54467339
File: 190 KB, 1095x853, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can no longer bond Kadena.

Yes, you're a teletranny, we know, you've said it a gazillion times.

>> No.54467345
File: 606 KB, 498x443, blushes-anime-girl-blush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the most mentally stable poster itt

>> No.54467364 [DELETED] 



>> No.54467405
File: 8 KB, 320x180, mqdefault_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been browsing the chans for far too long as well faggot

>> No.54467639 [DELETED] 



>> No.54467733

Schizos law
The first person to point the finger and call others schizo, is in fact the biggest schizo of them all.

>> No.54467738

You might need to switch from mixing up with brainlets to associating with oldfags that know how to ride the charts on altcoinistdao.

>> No.54467874
File: 129 KB, 736x736, EDF47067-734A-49B8-A55F-7A706E343090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m aware. Pact’s eco-system doesn’t provide all-in-one development solutions and like Luzzotica, I’m not interested in foundational work. ICP is fun.
MW’s trolling eclipses all other FUDs which saves me a bit of self-guilt.

In other words, memory is divided into intervals of color managed by dApps. Operations are restricted between color-matching memory elements, such that data has to be copied or recolored before being used. The coloring fee may exponentially increase with total size and throughout of elements assigned to a color. Datacenter severs are allocated sets of colors maximising locality based on statistics or AI without fixed graph structure. This is inspired by Radix.

A-are you implying you were angry at me because you assumed I was supporting the user who turned out being one of my bullies. So unfair.

>> No.54467887
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>> No.54467975
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Is this our AI slop overlords at work?

>> No.54468794 [DELETED] 







>> No.54469113

Is 5K babenas enough to make it one day?

>> No.54469906

how does 5 cents sound ?

>> No.54470034

yall gonna seethe when this hits a $100

>> No.54471245
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>> No.54471443

About time faggots learned to research themselves and avoid buying scamcoins from biz shills

>> No.54472824
File: 11 KB, 205x246, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP shills are every where. Jeets never rest. Dmor and settled with good projects like QRDO, QANX, and HAPI.
Security based.

>> No.54473114


>> No.54474627
File: 790 KB, 658x836, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, feeling good today.

>> No.54474933

>good projects
Benchod shilling a rug.