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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54470038 No.54470038 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>own 1.6btc, 500 linkies, and 10,000 XLM
>also own 2oz of gold and 60oz of silver
>own a Tesla
>have a 97k/yr job
>have an autismo gf that goes to the gym with me
>just came in her ass tonight (asked her to suck but she has a sore in her mouth so she said I could fuck her ass)

Will you tards ever make it like I did? Who knows. But I know one thing for sure. I have autism. I love you bros. Drop address and I’ll send the first 3 of you 1 linkie each

>> No.54470046


>> No.54470048
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>Is this a lowkey Link shill thread

>> No.54470051

Also forgot

>closing on house at EOM

How can you guys claim to be preppers if you don’t even have property for when SHTF?

>> No.54470058

Buddy your best day is a boring one for me

Stay humble

>> No.54470059

No but I just know you fags love linkies and bitcoin has too many fees. XLM is also too low of a price to warrant sending a single coin

>> No.54470064

Be me
>degenerating spine nerves pushing out so badly I can't shit right
>have to stand up and sit down 10-20x per shit
>getting to the point I need a cane
>going back to work because I can't wait 6 months for disability
>can't make money
>can't invest
>will likely have to quit my new job because of my pain effectively putting me back to where I am right now and restarting my disability process
Some of you literally don't know how lucky you are, even if you're broke having a normal spine makes the difference between enjoying being alive and wanting to kill yourself every waking moment.
Basically turning into andre the giant.
and no I'm not small and not vaxxed.

>> No.54470070

Post all time graph or you’re just an edgelord

>> No.54470073

not begging

>> No.54470077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54470079

>i am insecure
the post

>> No.54470082

Idk if 4chan allows it but if you send me your telegram name and send proof of the disability I’ll send you some btc

>> No.54470083
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>> No.54470085

Teslas are fucking gay

>> No.54470086
File: 1.07 MB, 1170x1155, FDD36AFE-BA4A-4883-9373-511F281CD720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool whats the 97k/yr job?

>> No.54470094

Your gf's medical problems are a weird flex anon. But I'm happy you're doing well, keep going. Be a bit careful with believing one woman is "the one". Aspie qt's are hard to find but you will find that no woman is perfect, she will inevitably hurt or disappoint you

>> No.54470097

Bro I have real estate portfolio businesses crypto gold family wife I’m set

You’re doing good but don’t think you’re there yet. This is just honest advice. Be humble

>> No.54470099

you’re doin amazing if nobodies told you dont mind em

>> No.54470108

I would never fuck my gf in the ass. Poop comes outta there wtf

>> No.54470110

Welp it looks like robinshit charges me almost 1.3 linkies to send a single link

Whichever of you replies to this a second turn with the address will get 2 (since it’s a 1 linkie fee)

>> No.54470114

Poop is based

>> No.54470120

> sex in mouth
> sex in ass
Why do you faggots dislike the actual pussy hole so much. It's literally made for that

>> No.54470123

We get it. You're a homosexual.

>> No.54470141

Honestly I’m not I just don’t have anyone to flex on and I used to be a 4chan NEET and recently returned now that I have more free time

3.1 0-60
Also sentry mode so the city fags I live near won’t doording me

Also I have narcolepsy and drive long hours at night to visit family so if I doze off autopilot is a big help

Essentially an IT support manager

Disappointment has already happened. Her only flaw is arguing nonstop but she’s starting to shape out

True but you’re probably 30+ aren’t you? I’m almost there

Thanks fren

>> No.54470146
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Well I don't have a telegram I suppose I could install it, but here's my printout of my MRI last year and it's gotten way worse going back to my neurologist in 20 days.

>> No.54470168

I thought the same but tried it once for the sake of trying it. It almost feels the same as a blowjob but more suction. Also I enjoy it whenever she argues a lot because it’s kind of like a hate fuck since it hurts her ass

Honestly 90% of the time, if not more - it’s normal sex. She does head a few times a month. Anal is a once or twice a month thing at most.

>> No.54470176

Cropped out the top just cause it's got my name and my doctors name, can't trust folks here but I'd give you the full picture if you wanted it, I didn't come to ask for help just saying health is worth so much more than money.
I personally have come to hate money because of my condition it's just this nagging constant that never lets me rest.

>> No.54470181

Install it and send me your @ once you do. I’d send mine but don’t wanna get spammed, and I’ll know it’s actually you from your 4chan Id

>> No.54470214


>> No.54470221

Okay I did install it, @shotspine
I had my real name on there apparently I must have had an account a long time ago.

>> No.54470223

10k from puts
6k from bitcoin

The rest from calls

>> No.54470235

Only 1.6 with that salary? Hope your girl helps you rope.

>> No.54470236

Messaged you. I’m deleted account.

>> No.54470242

I had 2. Sold some to get a down payment for my house

>> No.54470281

help a low functioning autist out with some ideas, I got burned bad on UVXY calls... apparently I'm ass backwards in clown world

>> No.54470289

Honestly bro I sold all my stocks and went fully into crypto and metals. Kangaroo market scared me and I think we’re going down to pre trump levels soon

>> No.54470304

right on, yeah I've been packing some of those. I'm anticipating 100 year cycle, but degen in me still wants some leverage gains so ive got a LEAP

>> No.54470321
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is sex really this good ?

>> No.54470323

I've had anal sex a few times with other women before I met my gf. It felt like I was fucking a tight ring. I don't get the appeal.

>> No.54470330

Yeah. I’m gonna put $100 on some lottery puts at the end of this month but otherwise I’m out of the market.

>> No.54470377

> Claims to have made it
> Has Robinhood account
> Laughed off internet

>> No.54470405


It feels like a more suctiony blowjob and I like the dominance aspect. It’s a good hatefuck cause she likes it and moans like crazy but it still hurts her

I tried a TD account but I like the GUI of robinshit more

>> No.54470489

Larp. What is your job. How did you get it.

>> No.54470518

IT manager/lead

Went from an intern at a sketchy pc repair shop, to an analyst at a Fortune 500 company. To a new company making 65k that’s also on the nasdaq, got a raise to 77k within 3 months because I got an offer from another company. Got bumped to 95k at my 1 year mark since I took on more leadership responsibilities.

>> No.54470521

>flex on
oh you're a faggot that got bullied in school so now you want to gloat and try and show off to your anonymous internet friends. grow the fuck up

>> No.54470533

Exactly. Revenge arc

>> No.54470747

>botnet car
ngmi desu

>> No.54471147

Fuck off bitch

>> No.54471204

Are u a little angy? Awww angry guy!

>> No.54471303
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That ID.

>> No.54471376

I was like you. Look up healing back pain by Sarno. I’m totally normal now. Godspeed.

>> No.54471552
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Bumperino for OP.

>> No.54471574

I doubt mines going to improve, something up with my bones my jaws basically kicking my teeth out as well.

I'm not built to last on this planet, it's okay it's about the people we meet and the experiences we have, only reason I can even slightly think straight today is I'm on some Tizadine for MS/ALS which doctors aren't sure if I have yet, which I'm thinking likely, it's either MS and a degenerating bone disease or ALS and it's just eating my body away, thinking ALS as I can't feel my leg anymore and my lower half is basically pins and needles all the time.
My muscles are wasting away pretty rapidly, I was fit last year and my arms are back to nothing way too quickly.

>> No.54471649

dude just do back extensions at the gym a few times a week. strong back muscles will clear the pain and prevent further injuries once the bulges dehydrate and shrivel up

>> No.54471689

Oh I likely will going to work a laborsome job which I can still do with medication anyway, but its not bulging it's herniated discs and that was almost two years ago, this pain has been going on since at least 2015 this is degenerative, there's no reversing degeneration it just gets worse, like me having to sit up and stand just to move the nerves enough to let me shit.
It pushes on the nerves so badly it starts effecting how my organs are working already had liver failure show up and kidney failure.

>> No.54471692

>she said I could

>> No.54471973

>>have a 97k/yr job
oof. well, good luck in your next life op. i'm gonna go eat more tendies