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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 95 KB, 1200x628, Black_Rifle_Coffee_Company_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54467466 No.54467466 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even possible to expand your business when it caters so heavily to one demographic? Seems like there's a low ceiling and it's already been hit, in the case of Black Rifle

>> No.54467499

a lot of alpha male faggots drink this because it is rumored to be laced with trum ps jizz

>> No.54467531
File: 901 KB, 768x768, 1677792098773534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Operate another brand for another niche under the same umbrella using the same coffee beans. I'm a big fan of exploiting christfags and zoomers myself but niches are endless.

>> No.54467536

I tried it once and also Deathwish coffee at the same time, both were overhyped. I'm happy sticking with $11.99 tub of Folgers or Brothers. Fundamentally, BRC coffee (and Deathwish types) are way too expensive. If I cared about supporting vets, I wouldn't talk shit about them on the internet all the time.

>> No.54467538

water is what alpha males drink

>> No.54467549

I guess it just depends how obedient the demographic is.

>> No.54467588

real shit, selling products to polarized retards is big bucks stuff
know a guy who does exactly that with clothing, both tp commie cocksuckers and conservacucks

>> No.54467586

or how expandable the demographic is. I suppose the only way a business like this really begins to boom is if everyone in America became a conservative ex-mil operator overnight,

>> No.54467590
File: 795 KB, 768x768, 1677778221822249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deathwish is simply too strong. Caffeine is great but I like the drinking part too and if you drink a pot of that your heart will explode shortly after you rip your shirt off and take flight.

>> No.54467640

Retards in business try their best to compete in domains they know can't win, while those who manage to survive in the market carved a niche for their product while cooperating with larger entities instead of competing directly against them. Finding a niche corner of the market share is a more viable business strategy than directly fighting against a giant globohomo corporation

>> No.54467647

Libs and anything lib-adjacent also extremely good targets. Not buying my rebranded Chinese trinkets means they hate gay people and that just cannot be.

>> No.54467687

>is if everyone in America became a conservative ex-mil operator overnight
are you suggesting to start ww3 so you can sell more... coffee?
the black rifle coffee conspiracy
Israel is our greatest ally.

>> No.54467708

Built for black rifle cock

>> No.54467778

roasting beans in the Gaza Strip would cut a lot of labour costs for BRCC, that's really all I'm saying...

>> No.54467791

You can also sell rightoids any sort of manliness supplement or say your product owns the libs

>> No.54467900


I've often thought about doing this with some real simple shit but always stop myself. Not sure what you call it...morals, pride, a sense of right and wrong? I want the money as much as anyone but even this feels like stooping so low as to betray my beliefs.

That being said there is no doubt that demographic IS a cash cow.

>> No.54467936

sir this is /biz/

>> No.54467977

some of us have em nigger, I'm broke because of my morals but I can't scam or hurt people unless they are evil, then it changes and I can scam those people but ultimately I just go back to gardening.

>> No.54468042

Best do some research into the owners of black rifle coffee. Seems they probably don't ring as true to their demographic as you'd think.

That said, I'm here to drop a word of business wisdom. 99.9% of the time, you could spend your whole life trying to find a genuinely untapped market, never find it, and as such spend your whole life in the dugout without ever stepping up to the plate and taking a swing. The secret is simple. Just do it better.

>> No.54468065

doesn't everyone pretty much know this company is run by dastardly jews at this point?

>> No.54469281

>Anti 2a
>Anti self defense
>Pro sjw

>> No.54469427

This, it's the conservative version of the companies that change their logos to the faggot flag. Hollow virtue signaling to attract shekels.

>> No.54469710
File: 101 KB, 648x1024, DE4499BD-A7C8-46DD-9C3E-E3CACDAE7F18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked but stay away from faggot glowie coffee op

>> No.54469721

Why does every coffee company I drink end up buttfucking each other

>> No.54469723

you make the parent company a supplier, and then you make subsidiaries that use the same supplier, but target different demographics.

say I want to make shirts, I would make a shirt company that supplies blanks, I would than spin up 4 brands,

1) is the name brand for the blanks to be sold as is, make them high enough quality and that's all that's needed

2) the company that handles controversial shirts with potential subsidiaries for opposing sides, like left or right,

3) the brand that handles pop culture/flavor of the month shirts,

4) the company that spins out generic anyone cant hate them unless they are mentally ill shirts

each sub company is essentially a print shop, and with degrees of separation only the most schizo of people will connect the dots and care, the rest of the people will feel the fabric and get what they like, or enjoy the message and pay over price for a shirt that is quality, but because its quality they will go back to the same overpriced shirt place rather than just buy it in a cheaper form.

I see little reason not to do similar with most brands you put out that are consumable, make the brand that caters to insecure men, make the brand that fallates women, sneak in the brand that handles minorities and there you go.

>> No.54469739
File: 227 KB, 646x680, 1673842430431666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got an idea /biz/ bros. howabout a company called,... get this now,....

"Black Coffee Rifle Company"
[we like black coffee, and we sell Rifles]

>> No.54469778

Its ran by a former glowie? Oh so its a way to track people who like guns. Clever CIA, very clever.

>> No.54470029

Didn't they disavow this for some reason?