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File: 110 KB, 560x953, 20230403_021233047_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54463760 No.54463760 [Reply] [Original]

Will the trans market take up the slack left by the straight beer drinkers?

>> No.54463847
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I stopped needing alcohol when I started HRT. If they want to advertise to alcoholic trannies they should target boomer conservative trannies who tried to repress, they hate themselves and are too ugly for transition to work very well
Kris related

>> No.54463861
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>water pretending to be beer
>man pretending to be a woman

Sobriety is collapsing.

>> No.54463900
File: 345 KB, 598x415, 1680600444929565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pride comes before the fall anon
This is what Kris was saying online just a few years ago
Now he is a sissy for BBC
Be careful!

>> No.54463916

name a better beer for getting drunk.
easily drink a 12+, no hangover.

>> No.54463919

I shorted the shit outta BUD this morning

>> No.54463934

Who cares about customers when there's ESG. Have to keep that sweet sweet ESG investment money flowing.

>> No.54463936

You will never be a woman so don't be surprised if you turn into one of those alcoholic boomer trannies.

>> No.54463957

I've seen enough videos of pride parades to know that f@gg0ts will straight up drink piss out of a cup they placed in a urinal. So, drinking Bud Light can't be too far from that.

>> No.54463964

This is what an old tranny who transitioned in her late 20s looks like. I will never be Kris. My balls are cut off, the testosterone is never coming back. On the other hand, you could have a realization at any moment....

>> No.54463985
File: 94 KB, 786x1000, Lynn Conway 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic, she's like 70 now I dunno when this was taken

>> No.54463987
File: 119 KB, 957x962, shewee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you really a tranny?

>> No.54463988

This image is depressing. Imagine how his kids must feel.

>> No.54463995

business wise it was a bad move because bud light drinkers categorically disagree with trans agenda. but esg money is esg money

>> No.54463999
File: 1.15 MB, 3024x2051, 20230319_220329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranime website chud

>> No.54464021
File: 81 KB, 542x547, YWNBAW-shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go shooting up schools now, okay, anon?

>> No.54464025

bobble head baby. what is wrong with that camera filter. beer in front looks so big and beer in the back so small.

>> No.54464030

Pmg trannies ruined this board, between you niggers and the scammers it's a den of evil.

>> No.54464038

sorry for your loss.
but you can buy a she-wee so you can piss like a man again.

>> No.54464060
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You can't even get the meme right retard. Here you go stupid. Are TDS posters seriously all bottom of the barrel retards or do you just like to make shit up? Please tell me what you're invested in so I can do the opposite

>> No.54464090

her name was audrey hale.

>> No.54464094
File: 247 KB, 1157x1500, 1679443183614315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies and precious metals are both based, go back to your pajeetcoin pump n dump thread

>> No.54464108

I literally work for ab and everybody here is laughing about it

>> No.54464121

>Screams into every conversation
>See they talked about me
It's unbridled narcissism and one day it will end in ways you never imagined, you're literally murdering conservative children now.

>> No.54464145

dude, go easy on him.
he doesn't have a weiner anymore.
his life is a living hell.

>> No.54464163 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 902x900, 1680048331041218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my gosh, the 3 precious children!
Clutch pearls harder jew, maybe you will finally convince the public that trannies were committing the shootings all along

>> No.54464184
File: 1.10 MB, 1046x1910, 1678759689153926-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept me shenis since that's what guys like ;)

>> No.54464215

What causes something like this to happen?

>> No.54464248

> What causes something like this to happen?


>> No.54464260

look at how much "controversy" it has stirred up. people can't stop talking about it everywhere giving bud light free advertising. did it work as intended? yes

>> No.54464266

alright, enough, I'm leaving.
this is too gross & degenerate for me.
slava ukraini.
israel is our greatest ally.

>> No.54464279
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>> No.54464294

corporate suicide

>> No.54464310

Xenoestrogens in the water
Birth control in the water
We know this because physically apparent intersex variants are increasing as well

Kris is what happens when you ignore the tranny thoughts and compensate by leaning into being a chud, before the dysphoria starts eating you alive and you turn into an abomination. It's why early transition is so important to trans people, I would kms if I ended up like that

>> No.54464315

dumb lgbt meme. They're all the same to me.

No, and they're going to see steep blowback from this.

>> No.54464323

dude, the dysphoria already turned you into an abomination. The only thing you got left is the rope

>> No.54464321

>Tells a trans man he will never be a woman
>Pats himself on the back

>> No.54464326
File: 25 KB, 500x580, 1678762231344433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only wetbacks drink bud light. Coors is the white man's beer.

>> No.54464369
File: 628 KB, 962x620, 1679259911395343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooo you're going to kill yourself and then I can stop obsessing about trannies!!! Just you wait and see, two more weeks!!!

>> No.54464375
File: 521 KB, 1106x1012, 1661891136669839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hispanicfag here
We drink Modelo and Tecate and shit like that, we don't drink budlight
Only time I ever see budlight is when it's being sold for ridiculous prices at places like concerts, and NPC whites buying it for gatherings
Coors is sort of decent but I've personally switched to Michelob ultra gold, would recommend

>> No.54464398
File: 31 KB, 600x400, talmudic-ritual-abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down eunuch, or should I say troonuch. Take it up with the rabbi who bit your dick off as a baby.

>> No.54464403

The white conservative white men I hang out with often drink miller lite, but mostly just drink liquor

>> No.54464409

>calls me obsesses
>12pbtid replying to everyone mocking you

>> No.54464418

Reparations when? This is literally female genital mutilation

>> No.54464430

Step up and be like Taiwanese Korean gangsters, and drink barley tea instead.

>> No.54464445

Or we could just not drink at all because alcohol is degenerate

>> No.54464453

If the tranny posts a face pic and passes, then it is valid. If its face cannot pass, it is not valid. If the face passes, then the body must pass. If the body does not pass, the tranny is not valid and should be called a he. If the face and body passes, including hands and shoulders and feet, the voice must pass. If the voice does not pass the tranny must be called a he. If the voice passes, the tranny can be called a she out of respect, but must recognize they are still male, and will never truly be a woman.

>> No.54464464

alcohol is where you draw the line...

>> No.54464537

Jews raping the American society to death, with normalfags being unable to handle things.

>> No.54464566

Imagine living a life without a penis, looool, it must suck.

>> No.54464578

>Makes you black out and commit crimes
>Makes you fat
>Makes you age like shit
>Ruins your sleep
>Improved emotional intelligence
>Enhanced androphilia
>Will make you less masculine if you are under the age of 30
>Will make you more feminine if you are under the age of 25
>Acts as birth control in cis women

Alcohol is responsible for tons of crime, broken relationships, abusive parenting, and regret. It's not even close

>> No.54464596

As I've stated, I continue to have a penis. Why are chuds so obsessed with penis inversion?

>> No.54464642

>beer for rednecks and conservorats
>put tranny on cans and endorse said tranny
Budpiss is the next Gillette

>> No.54464643
File: 71 KB, 939x629, vggh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm told that I'm a radical for not liking these things

>> No.54464648

I'm going to have my big balls licked and sucked by a beautiful 8.5/10 girl with massive tits tonight. Then I will creampie that shit so so deep as she screams with pleasure all night.
Thoughts on never being able to do this?
Something something sticking it to imaginary internet nazis? Lel

>> No.54464654

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.54464674

yea... I think it's a little too late for this advice, but I'll just put it out there anyways.
creating a list of pros & cons, doesn't necessarily help you arrive at a logical or rational solution or conclusion.

>> No.54464707

oh shit, I didn't realize that.
I just thought that was a really ugly women that hit the wall hard.
OK, thanks /biz/, I'll stop drinking bud light and stick to sapporo.
sapporo is cheaper anyways, $19 for a 24 pack.

>> No.54464718

I have cum in a woman before and it was not fun because I am a faggot. Have you ever considered that maybe you lack a theory of mind like a small child would?

>> No.54464745

>Sapporo is cheaper than bud light
Wow, really? Does bud light even make sales outside of events and people buying something safe "for the party"?

>> No.54464779

Also I told yall Busch is superior

>> No.54464783

>noo sex isnt fun here's a list of top 50 autistic reasons why you should go on hrt and why drumpff sucks and why this is actually a good thing
>penis goes into sloppy wet pussy, man feels good, haha :)

>> No.54464795

No actually I'm just saying different people like different things dummy

>> No.54464835

>he doesnt drink Asahi and Yebisu
ngmi chud

>> No.54464839

Yes, like my buddy enjoys fishing a lot but I prefer exotic cars myself. We're still both going to utilize our fully functional dick and balls to have tons of beautiful sex with chicks (something you can't ever do again, rofllllll).

>> No.54464861

I'll drink pretty much any beer except sours.
but sapporo sells at costco, asahi doesn't, so sapporo I drink.
visited yebisu's factory once.

>> No.54465309

Hiiii pmg tranny I've only ever seen you outside of pmg once before.
Ok bye see u next thread!

>> No.54465323

>Murdering fucking children is okay
Yeah I know we are dealing with satanists, when do white people begin to take back their country?

>> No.54465435

The gamble makes sense.

>> No.54465560

i post in every thread about all sorts of topics, it just doesn't make sense to post my HRT next to my equities because that's not prepper shit, and i only mention being trans if it's relevant or if i want to get free (You)s from cletus

>> No.54466445

Who cares. It wont me drink it just cause I'm talking about it

>> No.54466502

Would it be safe to short the ticker BUD?

>> No.54466583
File: 87 KB, 474x846, ezgif-2-84e4f16c21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the can
imagine you're in the beer store, are you going to reach for, grab, walk around and carry, and drink from, the highly politicized tranny can with a big picture of a tranny on it?

will this effect your purchasing decision?

>> No.54466608

>he stacks tranny juice

>> No.54466628

literally they aren't even selling these, they just gave some special cans to Dylan. I've never met any kind of right wing person who knew how estrogen or testosterone worked, who knew how many trans people there are in the population, who knew when medical transitioning started in history, or who even knew conversion therapy existed. even the most basic things. they can list a billion facts for racism and jews but for trannies, which they're most loud about nowadays, they very proudly know nothing. they can't even keep their stories straight - were trannies invented in Weimar in the 20s? Or by John Money in the 60s? Or in 2018 by the Demonrats? They choose whichever is most convenient for the slander. They'll deflect with "Well maybe it existed before but not to this extent" without ever being able to specify what they even mean by "this extent" since they have no idea how many trannies there even are in the world. It's always vague. It's always anecdotal. It's taking pride in stupidity

>> No.54466630

will budweiser get goodboy esg points for this stunt? is this a humiliation ritual gesture of submission to blackrock? is it a humilation ritual gesture of submission to make average joe americans drink from tranny cans?

>why are you talking about tranny all the time
because they're putting them on the beer cans. george washington never got put on a beer can. we're not obsessed with trannies, we're obsessed with society being obsessed with trannys and trannies being shoved down our throats by social engineers who are now in the schools and in every corporation

>> No.54466659

Do they really package tranny hormones with those cute anime girls??? Lmfao if true

>> No.54466667

>they can't keep their stories straight
because its not a hivemind, you're arguing with different people who do not have a cohesive shared worldview in the same way as the left

my issue is that its largely children on the spectrum being targeted for brainwashing and gender conversion and thats some weird and sick shit but you feel like a good person defending that because you are naive and clueless and really just overall a dumb fuck

>> No.54466686

Indoctrination through targeted advertising thanks to Big Tech. They are absolutely trying to control the population through subliminal advertisement

>> No.54466703

Coors is a hillbilly brand, over here we drink only midwestern beers like Miller, Pabst, Old Style

>> No.54466721

the reality is trannies were promoted and shoved down our throats to get us mad and keep us divided. this is to prevent another occupy wall street. they keep it outrageous on purpose, doctors cutting off kids dicks and making a tv show about it (i am jazz), drag queen storytime, all the orphans in british columbia converted in mass by the government. all to just piss us off and then "the left" which is hardly even left will defend trannies no matter what even though its a mental disorder, a dysphoria, and mental illness shouldnt be encouraged as a lifestyle choice by society

>> No.54466722

i literally NEVER gey drunk off light beer. i get a slight buzz and piss every 10 minutes the entire time i drink them. i end up more fucked up and hungover the next day than if i had just drank actual, non faggoty booze

>> No.54466741

what is a woman? Transgenderism is nothing more than simulacra. You guys try to make it logical and scientific but one moment its science and the next gender is just a social construct. It is exhausting seeing trannies acting high minded when transgenderism is ultimately nothing more than psychological misattribution

>> No.54466762

>the reality is trannies were promoted and shoved down our throats to get us mad and keep us divided.
I really don't understand how Bud would think this is a good idea. I don't know who drinks Buds, but I would imagine they aren't drinking bud anymore.

>> No.54466775
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>they're brainwashing our kids!!!1
no anon, you've been brainwashed by neo-cons into forfeiting the republican party back by turning the primary litmus test on not being a RINO into a meaningless fringe issue. Hope the 1,000 kids in a country of 330,000,000 is worth a brown america

>> No.54466785

>blah blah republican this democrat that
its a puppet show, its all fake retard

>> No.54466803
File: 97 KB, 707x693, 1636247568355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranheuser-Busch lower high confirmed, excellent shorting opportunity

>> No.54466839

>go on twitter
>see this absolutely disgusting sassy boy
>close tab
>go outside for a walk
don't put this deranged faggot ever again

>> No.54466847

This assblasted tranny can't believe that they're hated by normal people and has to cope by calling them Republicans. You see the same thing among GME, BBBY and AMC cultists, trannies truely are the bagholders of genders because they chose the wrong method to solve their mental illness.

>> No.54466877

yes and anti-tranny messaging is a key part of the puppet show. you recognize that major corporations and the government control the media, and yet when NYT, the atlantic, washington post etc. write "trannies bad" articles you don't even notice. Microsoft, you know, that globohomo company, gives a news widget on windows 11 to every user and it consistently promotes trannymania. and still yet you believe that this anti-trans panic promoted by never-trump cucks like ben shapiro is actually organic. you deserve your slavery goy

>> No.54466907


>> No.54466973

Shit frosty did you get ur balls cut off?

>> No.54466993

Not having testosterone and mutilating your body makes you the opposite sex? The delusion that has been allowed to go on is simply against reality. You want to be the opposite sex, but you are not. People are witling women down to simply having fat tits (even though not all women do), wearing makeup and "feminine clothes" (basically what advertisers/marketing has dictated and changing every era) , and having long hair. Basically what people believe to constitute a female now is what we believe the opposite sex is suppose to act and look like depending on the era. It is simply against reality in my head. You either use the cards in your hand or you die. Nothing wrong with being gay bro, you don't have to act like a woman to suck dick. It's 21st century. Unless you're in thailand.

>> No.54466999

one day you'll be minding your own business, maybe stopping at a gas station. you go to grab a bag of peanuts as a snack and theres a tranny on the bag and the words "tasty sack", you put the peanuts back and go to grab a bag of potato chips only there is a tranny on the bag with her mouth wide open very disconcerting and you lose your apatite. you walk over to the fridge for a beer at least but its all tranny cans, you grab a carton of milk and theres a lost child on the cartoon, apparently the parents fled with the child from a mandatory gender conversion ordered by the school, the police are offering a reward for any information leading to their arrest. you stumble out of the store having bought nothing, when you go to pull out of the gas station you get blocked by a tranny parade, families and children line up to watch the half naked men dressed as women gyrate their hips at the crowd. someone claps, a bald eagle falls out of the sky, all the trucks are electric now, football is gay, america is gone.

>> No.54467098

you can't change biology anon. You are mentally unwell and i mean that in a non insulting way.

>> No.54467136

I wonder how many times we've been in the same thread and not even known.
I actually don't mind you at all. The other pmg'ers always seem to seethe at your existence.

>> No.54467171

shut up tranny, you're making pmg look bad kys already.

>> No.54467491


Checked. This reads like a Voight Kampff test used to hunt down anyone anti-globohomo.

>You enter a rest stop. The attendant is ringing up another customer. You’re hungry, you grab a bag of peanuts, the packaging has a tranny on it and the words ‘tasty sack’.

>> No.54467609
File: 3.82 MB, 1170x2532, 1FDCCCD0-14D3-445B-B1EE-CA2C2EF3FB9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is SIGNIFCANT overlap between this board and /lgbt/

t. tranny making over $300k a year

>> No.54467646

Words words words
No one even gives a shit.
No one is going to be reading thousands of paragraphs about inane stupid shit.
You're a literal laughing stock. A joke. Billions of people worldwide laugh at you. Do you seriously think anyone is going to take the time out of their busy day to even waste energy on that stupid shit by you? (you have a lot of time obviously since you produce nothing of value)

>> No.54467661

>i literally NEVER gey drunk off light beer.
>i get a slight buzz and piss every 10 minutes the entire time i drink them.
you don't drink it as you would a normal beer you autist.
you chug one, wait 10 minutes, chug a second one, and then you can start drinking normally.
after a couple hours, chug one, then drink normally again for 2 hours repeat for however long.
this is why lagers have so little flavor.
to allow you to chug in between.
if you don't follow the directions, you won't get drunk, which defeats the purpose of drinking a tasteless beer.

>> No.54467707
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Good, I hope retarded phobes use their tranny=bad heuristic to invest in hobby lobby and leave more cheapies for me

>> No.54467825
File: 167 KB, 1024x615, jew-york-ritual-abuse-of-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rabbi dick-eating to troon pipeline confirmed

>> No.54467852

Christ could still save your soul if you accepted him.

Mark 8:36
>For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Extremely financially related

>> No.54467860 [DELETED] 
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I hate this board.

>> No.54467876
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>> No.54467892
File: 521 KB, 1550x1400, 1680310771418274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is more evidence that I am a woman than there is evidence that Christ is the son of god

>> No.54467968

You could drink real beer and get drunk with half the beer. Why do you need to get drunk though?

>> No.54468061

checked as fuck. I'm screenshotting to memorialize this. This reads like if Spider Jerusalem from "Transmetropolitan" met Frank Miller and they chan-posted late at night together.

>> No.54468071

get a life you sick tranny you’ve been posting all day…..oh wait this is your life now, forever in front of a monitor defending your self mutilation. must be hard going outside with that nagging anxiety in the back of your mind.
>do i pass
no you dont. bye for now. im going outside in public. such a nice sunny day

>> No.54468100

Likely extreme trauma pr something from kris’s environment(diet for example).

Could just be genetic but at least know that there is ALWAYS a reason.

>> No.54468261

You just know officer Chud got his wife pregnant that night.

>> No.54468448

tranime anon do you know of any silver coins with anime

>> No.54468500 [DELETED] 

you're born with a cock or a hole
that's life

>> No.54468670
File: 42 KB, 768x1020, troon hang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54468782

unironically, its almost always severe abuse as a very young child/toddler. Usually molested repeatedly. Go look at homless/addict interviews and see how many were fucked/beat senseless as a kid, or how many fags were touched at a young age

>> No.54468848

No only hillbillies drink this trash and not sure they're down with the trans agenda.

>> No.54468906
File: 154 KB, 1024x872, Girl7_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but they tend to be overpriced so I don't bother. Someone said ampex had a lot of anime stuff in one of the last threads but I dunno. Would be cool to get a Naruto or Pokemon coin for my brother if they have em

Trans women are more likely than cisgender males to have a longer version of a receptor gene (longer repetitions of the gene) for the sex hormone androgen, which reduced its effectiveness at binding testosterone. Also twin studies show that identical twins are far more likely to be dual trannies than fraternal twins. So you know, 5 minutes on Google will show that there are clear genetic and hormonal influences, but who needs that when you can just lie and make up whatever you want to justify hating people?

>> No.54468922

This is so obviously a fetish outfit, no woman dresses like it’s the 1920-50s anymore

>> No.54468958

theres a huge difference between an everyday transperson and what is in that webm

>> No.54468986

>tranny openly admits murdering children is okay, spams the board, still here, three users ITT have been pruned
Clearly a janny.

>> No.54469026
File: 125 KB, 987x681, Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 posts by this ID.
Gets called out
Guy calling out gets banned.
That's fucking nice innit.

>> No.54469043

Kris was an NYPD Trump voter hockey man. He was repressing his faggot nature for literally decades and probably didn't even allow himself even a tiny amount of femininity or androphilia in his life, outside of maybe masturbating to make the pressure go away. Doing that for decades will often literally drive a repressor insane. Someone on /lgbt/ can share the "John, 50" copypasta taken from a shrink's experience with repressors written decades ago

>> No.54469067

>Post tranny tits on /biz/
>Post gets deleted
Imagine my shock. I posted my tits with silver in /pmg/ once and got banned, so I think the jannies just hate tits

>> No.54469072

Fuck off psyoping piece of shit, either a mass reporting nigger or janny himself.
kill yourself and never return to this board, I hope someone murders your family infront of you and strings you from a lamp post to be picked clean by crows.
You are evil and sew hatred, pat yourself on the back you were hired to be as evil as you can in your short miserable life.
Dox this faggot please I'm 100% serious I need to know this persons personal information.

>> No.54469092

You will seethe impotently about trannies for the rest of your miserable life, lol

>> No.54469100
File: 879 KB, 350x350, frog disgust realism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memes aside, look how fucking revolting these things look

even the ones that determine themselves as "female passing" go through absurd amounts of self mutilation, chemicals, steroids, hormonal treatment, surgery etc. just so they can look like deformed caricatures of the opposite sex. They literally never look attractive and always end up in uncanny valley. Strictly from an objective aesthetic viewpoint, troons are revolting and off-putting. No serious person can argue otherwise

>> No.54469101

Mods this person advocated murdering children, do your fucking job and if he's a janitor fire him immediately reporting your posts to the authorities anyone openly advocating murdering elementary school children needs to be detained and fully investigated after a long psychological hold.

>> No.54469117

Parkinsons medicine or other drugs that fuck with dopamine levels

>> No.54469128

>30 posts in this thread

another objective point that serious people can't argue: there's a huge mental illness problem with troons. If you don't want to admit that all troons are mentally ill, fine. But you can't be a serious person and argue that most troons don't suffer from at least some form of mental illness

ex. troon in this thread appears schizophrenic or at least bi-polar/manic (posting 30 times over the course of 7+ hours)

>> No.54469154

Ur unironically right…. But everyone is retarded so its all wasted, pearls before swine.

>> No.54469169

Why do trannies call it 'transphobia'? No one is afraid of you.

>> No.54469190
File: 758 KB, 1280x1753, 1647128141168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be true for boomers but I almost did shit like this just from getting too deep into pornography and fetishes, no childhood abuse or trauma at all
Almost sold myself into sex slavery
Only the laughably antithetical nature of that idea was what stopped me and why I quit porn for good
Now I don't have those fantasies at all which is what is the really fucked up part
I could easily see a few lonely, depressed, incels who have never seen love and don't feel like they have a good life to look forward to drop out of the bottom and do shit like this, hell if you look in those spaces they're already doing it right now, it's just not as shocking because they aren't 50 years old yet

>> No.54469191

nonce alert.

>> No.54469238

why havent you killed yourself yet you communist subhuman animal?

>> No.54469263

When did you start looking at hardcore porn? Theres been some research showing exposure to hardcore porn young can do similar damage as being sexually abused. I was never molested but stumbled on hardcore hentai on newgrounds at 9 and it was just a big rabbit hole from there. took me way too long to dig myself out of that, it's crazy what quitting porn can do to your tastes and sexual interests.

>> No.54469264

>Trans women
there's no such thing as as transgender woman. You aren't special dude.
We get it, it's just a fetish. Why can't you sociopathic communists just be honest with everyone?

>> No.54469267

Evola knows exactly when they were invented and at which times they appear

But as a practical matter, yeah you're gonna get nonce opinions when talking to a mass
Just ask any average leftist about immigration, duh
The issue today is their importance is vastly overrepresented and used as a political bludgeon, and even the mass is reacting to that imposition

>> No.54469277

this is absolute freak kino

>> No.54469278

It's strange, sales of generic pisswater lager is are in freefall because men are buying craft brands, and women are moving to hard seltzer and flavored drinks

They've been trying to market it more towards women over the past year but I have no idea how this will accomplish that. The old ads were about men objectifying women and they've ironically continued that trend

>> No.54469314

Coors light is 1000x better than this watery tranny jizz

>> No.54469329
File: 237 KB, 1200x1199, c8d608e404b849d8af0620c011c17b97c8-12-rick-moranis.rsquare.w1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm just working 16 hours straight and like to post on /biz/ in my spare time. I would never post here unless I was being paid for it ;)
>Ahhhh the trannies are going to rape women and children in the bathroom!!!! Panic!!!!
>Ahhhhhhh the trannies are coming for our children they're going to groom them all I'm going to lock my kid in his room until he's 18 so he doesn't turn trans!
>Oh my God help I'm being raped by deception because a tranny didn't disclosed! Someone call the police that tranny made my dick hard!
>Um, actually troon, nobody is afraid of you

>> No.54469333
File: 109 KB, 900x1125, Natie lites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think he looks like a Walmart brand Natalie mars?
Natural Light should sponsor her next!

>> No.54469343

This breaks my heart.

>> No.54469361

The ultimate troll would be for the right to make bud light its official favorite beer “the queen if beers” and overnight bud light would be “nazi” beer lmfao. They would hate for us to love them

>> No.54469366
File: 59 KB, 900x607, 8638896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm not a communist. In fact I hate commies

>> No.54469378

Boycott annheiser Busch now

>> No.54469402
File: 93 KB, 650x978, youu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

statistically unlikely
90% of trannies are communists and the ones who claim they arent communists openly defend the communist ones
the entire ideology developed from leftists in the first place
why can't you just admit you're a man that gets off sexually or emotionally to being a women
your girl side is just your "fursona", admit it

>> No.54469431

Yup that'd be it
I discovered porn in 3rd grade
Was regularly using it at least weekly by age 11
Dunno if you'd call it "hardcore" by that point yet but I was into fetish shit by middle school

Looking back on it that's INSANE
I never knew puberty before porn
I guess that's like how people who start drinking earlier in life like 13, 14, 15 have a much harder time with it as adults

I'm just happy to be free of the monster now

>> No.54469455

what fetishes? list all of them

>> No.54469481

i feel you brother, when i see how much internet access kids have now it's a shame that this will be more common, not less. The porn jew is too powerful to be stopped.

>> No.54469630

Only about half of trans people identify as "very liberal" on surveys and when you consider that right wing people often openly advocate for forced detransition, and that trannies are more likely to be poorfags, and that trannies are more likely to experience homelessness, that's really not that high anon. It will normalize as trannies normalize, although good luck getting any of us to vote republican. I voted trump in '16 but I don't think I could pull a lever for them ever again after what they've done. Good job permanently alienating another 2% of the electorate lol

>> No.54469648

Maybe you should restrict porn instead of scapegoating trannies? Oh but that would require you to sacrifice your porn habit for your ideology lol

>> No.54469730

>easily drink a 12+, no hangover
you are in your 20s. ill just go ahead and tell you, you are heading down a dark path. course correction recommended

>> No.54469732

I weighed much less and I slept way better when I used to drink almost every night.

>> No.54469776

so isn't of voting for the opposing party your going to join another party and disguise yourself and become the change you want to see? maybe puppet bidden and the democratic cowards have more in common with the tranny than you think.

>> No.54469801
File: 73 KB, 645x729, 1517429337730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so isn't of voting for the opposing party your going to join another party and disguise yourself and become the change you want to see?

>> No.54469895

>Only about half of trans people identify as "very liberal" on surveys
sounds like a cope to me, almost all of the trannies online are communists
the ones that aren't, rabidly defend communists
look at vaush and his schizo followers

>although good luck getting any of us to vote republican
You're such a tiny portion of the population that it doesn't matter who you vote for. I don't even care. I'm so done with you people. I tried to give you sociopaths a chance in the past, but you just proved yourself to be incredibly evil and unhinged that I hate every single one of you people now and my mind rightfully associates you with communists, because you are.

>I voted trump in '16 but I don't think I could pull a lever for them ever again after what they've done. Good job permanently alienating another 2% of the electorate lol
I'm not even a republican or even socially conservative, I'm a Libertarian and I'm voting Libertarian.

>> No.54471232

This, possibly drugs like trt in his case or benzodiazepines. Progressive acceptance of his repressed desires from childhood etc. This is why bullying is necessary.

>> No.54471426


No dick and balls means no sex from me, what's the point of a tranny if I can't even suck it's dick? Congratulations on becoming worthless, lol

>> No.54471468

Mentally ill faggots ruin everything, even this thread. Looney bins should be subsidized.

>> No.54471954

Opening the gates for satanic jews

>> No.54471999

guess I will drink pbr

>> No.54472046

>My balls are cut off
lol. lmao.

>> No.54472055


Are you retarded

If you want to get drunk mix vodka with diet cranberry juice if you can't handle straight shots. If you're getting drunk off beers you'll be obese.

>> No.54472105
File: 217 KB, 1037x820, Go Away Big Gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to mass reply but you fucking know who you are

>> No.54472128

I'd smash desu

>> No.54472137

Because not everyone is medically or biologically literate dumb fuck. It's telling though when there are more average people who tell you that you trannies are unnatural just by pure instinct. They can't explain why, they just feel the corruption and sickness.