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54465699 No.54465699 [Reply] [Original]

Gold is not a store of value.

There is an almost near infinite amount of gold in the universe. Ultimately, gold is just another inflationary shitcoin.

This is why I back Bitcoin with my life savings

>> No.54465708

OP's brain is not a store of intelligence

>> No.54465725

Lol fpbp

>> No.54465750


>> No.54465760


>> No.54465762


Circlejerking fags, back to r3ddit

>> No.54465771


>> No.54465776

He said, with a nervous smile

>> No.54465782

Fags kill yourselves

>> No.54465792

Nigger go buy shells

>> No.54465807

I buy Bitcoin and Cardano.

That's all I need

>> No.54465862
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>I buy Tulips and South Sea Company.
>That's all I need

>> No.54465874

Dogecoin has more value than gold, as dogecoin has a limited supply.

>> No.54465933

Lay off the Meth pipe Anon!

>> No.54465949

It's a fact. They're digging up millions of dollars of gold every single day.

It's a shitcoin.

>> No.54466013
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>> No.54466023

Kek butthurt fag

>> No.54466024
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Absolutely based

>> No.54466032

OP likes dicks in his butt and is gay

>> No.54466047
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>> No.54466069

He's right though. Humanity is not far off, say less than 200 years of space travel and getting more. And then there's the undiscovered deposits still on earth...
And to top it all off, there's the supply people don't know about being hoarded...
You can see it in the news, some community in Africa discovers a gold mine and suddenly the entire town goes into frenzy...

>> No.54466278
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It could be worse you could be holding link.

>> No.54466286


>> No.54466296

>And then there's the undiscovered deposits still on earth...
you mean the same deposits that are being prevented from being explored due to people saying that doing it is an unsustainable way of living due to being climate conscious?

>> No.54466393
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Next Carrington Event say you are wrong. No Space mining for you!

>> No.54466454

If I boil down my piss will I get gold?

>> No.54466455

Do you expect to live 200 years or something? Why is this an issue?

>> No.54466468

It's not unsustainable to do it via space because then there's no local damage to earth.

Additionally, they won't stop.

>> No.54466475

>Do you expect to live 200 years or something?

Yeah, I expect to live for eternity with anti-aging technology.


>> No.54466524

have you even as much as given a single thought about how the system and society functions currently which is defined by scarcity?
you think it's just about going into space, mining some stuff and bringing it back, using it, and that's that? you do realize that it would be so regulated for a long time before they figure out how to implement it in the system, if implemented at all, that there's not a single way to actually benefit from it from a normal person's perspective that has no shed of ability to make decisions about it?

>> No.54466536

Less than 200 years. Not 200 years, less than.

Fuck maths is hard for you gold fags.

>> No.54466548

You also forget that gold can be recycled and taken from you by force by your government or invaders, legally or otherwise.

>> No.54466549

not even invested in gold but holy btfo

>> No.54466563

>and taken from you by force by your government or invaders, legally or otherwise.
Are you sure that it's just gold that can?

>> No.54466566

So, 100 years? Will you be cashing out your investments at >100 years old? How long are we talking before we have space gold?

>> No.54466602

>gold in the universe
Well that doesn't matter because space is fake and gay and there will never be anything called "asteroid mining" you massive homosexual.

>> No.54466606

Well, the Artemis missions will result in permanent lunar colonies in the next 20 years, at wich point the moon will begin to be thoroughly prospected and all of the rare earth metals will be shot down to earth. It only takes few discoveries at the bottom of some craters before the entire system is economically viable. As soon as refined rare metals are catapulted down from the moon, the countdown begins.

>> No.54466613

Executive order 6102.

Can't take keys that exist in your head.

>> No.54466624

sure they will, george jetson.

>> No.54466679

how would they implement this sudden increase of valuable metals into society which isn't in a way that is so regulated that it might not even have been taken place?
are they just going to use it for essential needs that benefit everyone like chips or something? do you have some sort of idea in your head where the government will deal out gold to everyone and make everyone rich? do you even realize the problems that would come from this?

>> No.54466684

Lol the moon has less gold than the earth, it would far less cost effective to mine on the moon for gold. We would have to be mining asteroids or something to get a lot of gold, enough to impact markets. And gold is heavy as all fuck, so the logistics of getting it back from so far away is crazy. Maybe in hundreds of years.

>> No.54466695

All it takes is the discovery of any deposit of rare earth metals on the moon that is a few times larger than the annual on-earth extraction rate and the industry begins. The very first person to generate a profit doing this is going to cause a stampede of interest.

>> No.54466707

oh yeah? how are you going to capitalize on that? create some rockets to fly to space on your own, elon?

>> No.54466713

Small movement in gold and all the fud assholes pop out the woodwork.

>> No.54466714

>There is an almost near infinite amount of gold in the universe
For all we know the universe is infinite so this is a meaningless statement, retard.

>> No.54466717

The argument isn't about if I'm personally able to capitalize on this. Someone is going to capitalize on it as soon as there's a profit horizon that's shorter than 20 years.

>> No.54466720


>> No.54466724

>near infinite amount
Ok get me some of it

>> No.54466735

And what is the plan exactly? To mine gold on the moon, which has less gold than the earth, but spend billions getting to the moon just to supposedly be able to dump and collapse the market of what you're mining?

>> No.54466777

Mining gold specifically wouldn't make too much sense, but other rare metals with industrial application would.

>> No.54466815

There's not going to be anyone capitalizing on it because it will likely be a collective effort made in union with different countries, even if it had been possible within our lifetimes. It's going to, at least start out, as some form of government initiative where they will decide what happens to it. You're treating it as if there could be some form of effort made by an individual or a small group of people to try and make profit from it, the resources required as well as knowledge is not something viable. In this case, personal gain or interests hold absolutely no ability to influence how it works, because if it did, then it would completely ruin the system forever. Not just by creating people that are insanely rich, that doesn't even matter, but the consequences of acquiring that much precious metal would quite simply ruin everything we know of.

>> No.54466830

It's just so far-out that it's funny.

>> No.54466872

I don't see how it would ruin anything. It would just make metals that are currently valuable, less valuable, thereby reducing the cost of downstream products containing them. It would also eliminate the environmental issues of mining for rare earth metals. I see no downside other than an initial supply shock.

>> No.54466903
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If gold is even remotely close to moving you'd think that asteroid mining was the norm and central banks were buying bitcoin instead of gold. Like what kind of seething faggot must OP be to take the time to write this thread.

>> No.54466975

If they flood the market sure but the largest countries in the world are gearing up to waste each other economically and physically, US is a sneeze away from collapse and rolling blackouts, it's not like were on the verge of new renaissance where space flight is going to accelerate in progress, also Virgin Mobile went bankrupt this week.

>> No.54467032

I'm going back to the idea of scarcity and how quite literally everything that has to do with buying and selling products is related directly to how much resources there are on earth, it wouldn't just be a price shock, there would be consequences in many different aspects of how the system works, it's defined by scarcity, injecting an unusual amount of valuable resources into an otherwise system that is designed to make the most use of limited resources, it would change the entire approach to how they work as scarcity would no longer be there. It's not just supply shock, it goes deeper than just that.

>> No.54467077

I don't buy and hold any precious metals, but that being said an infinite amount of gold in the universe matters about as much to you on Earth in the here and now as some theoretical alien pussy on the other side of the galaxy that if you fuck it gives you magic powers. By the time the alien pussy or the infinite gold in the universe comes into play our technology and general paradigm of existence will be so different, you won't even give a shit about "stores of value."

>> No.54467394

How is gold and silver a store of value when it costs 10-20% over spot to buy it and 10-20% under spot to sell it?

Honest question. If bizrealis can help me I’ll fucjing buy gold today

>> No.54467428

Gold and silver are literally a scam and the only people making money on it are the people buying it under spot and then selling it over spot.

That's it. It's basically a midwit filter.

>> No.54467471

riiiiIGHHTTT and who's pushing this? DONT BUY GOLD fr dont buy gold DONT DO IT we have found more gold than ever in wakanda. -CNN

>> No.54467488

cus it has guranteed demand & limited supply in the future so itsa store of value fucknuts

>> No.54467494

an alien race literally won't care, at all, about bitcoin
the fact is every blockchain technology is centralized and ultimately therefore useless in the near future
even earth to mars has too long a delay at the speed of light to allow blockchain to function properly
why would anyone embrace bitcoin as a 21st century solution when it can't even accommodate 21st century advancements?

>> No.54467496

>he believes in space

>> No.54467553

Looking forward to a coronal mass ejection like no other.

I'm a fan of bitcoin but the potential of CME is a 70trillion dollar disaster waiting to happen. We still do not pay enough research.

>> No.54467613

>storing value in something the government has previously made illegal to own, and has all the legal machinery to make illegal any time it deems doing so is in its best interest...
Why not just store your value in crack rocks, higher innate deman, high liquidity, no spoilage just like gold, and will be just as illegal to offload as gold will be when its actually needed.

>> No.54467669

In bull markets especially you can sell near or at spot more if P2P but no one is buying gold now to sell for a 5-20% return in cash. Wealth is preserved by holding through a crisis or made by flipping for hard assets or fwtdhw in times of extreme fear and panic. No one buying gold cares if you buy gold, many would prefer you didn't so they can hoard more. For a while and even now things like 35-40% silver could be bought at spot or even under seemingly not worth the effort to extract in an era of infinite gold and silver.

>> No.54467709

>the Artemis missions
You mean those phony rockets they send up from Florida only for them to curve straight down into the bermuda triangle? yeah i'm sure they'll find lots of gold on the bottom of the ocean there.

>> No.54468133

space and rocketry is very real, and what they're covering up is the hyper elite class of spacefaring peoples who control us.

>> No.54468156

>space and rocketry is very real
space is fake and gay

>> No.54468172

Didn't they just discover a planet the size of our sun made entirely out of gold the other day? OOOOOO GOLDBAGGIES

>> No.54468190

>in the universe
How the fuck is gold on Alpha Centauri relevant to trade on Earth?

>> No.54468192

There is no such thing as a "store of value"

>> No.54468230


>> No.54468835
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Nice ID

>> No.54468935

You're the only JIDF agent on shift today or something OP?

>> No.54469025

how much gold in circulation is fake?

>> No.54469964

The logs of shit I produce in my lifetime are finite but nobody cares

>> No.54470084

You mean the environmental pearl-clutching followed by exploiting it anyway because ultimately nobody gives a fuck about Africa?

>> No.54470164

why do they call gold a finite resource even though they're constantly undigging it and there's infinite amounts of it in the galaxy

>> No.54470188

I guess the biggest difference is: gold is real and btc is imaginary, your imaginary btc can be stolen by the government with literally the push of a button- harder to do with gold, they actually need man power and such

>> No.54470193

why do you put value on your mom when we have all cum inside her in the last 3 days

>> No.54470290

I have some gold on mars I could sell you...

>> No.54470315

>There is an almost near infinite amount of gold in the universe
ok, go get it.

>> No.54470416

I know, faggot OP thinks we’re going to space lol. We’re in the middle of genetic health collapse and IQ dysgenics but we’re going to mars bros. Lol.

>> No.54470512

Will gold cease to exist if you deprive it of electricity?

>> No.54470545

there's still an ungodly amount of gold in the earth's crust. but it takes time an energy to extract it, and gold is just scarce enough that it holds value. OP doesn't understand stock to flow.

>> No.54471008
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>> No.54471076

If only you actually understood just how retarded mining in space sounds from the perspective of profitability/logistics. It is BARELY profitable down here lmfao.

>> No.54471101

who needs profits when you can just borrow money at almost zero percent interest forever?!

>> No.54472680
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>> No.54472693

cope & seethe

>> No.54472699

>There is a near infinte amount of gold

Good luck financing, mining and retrieving before the everything bubble bursts. I'll stay comfy

>> No.54472712


>> No.54474127

Gold is a shitcoin

>> No.54474654

gold's "asteroid mining" fud is dumber than bitcoin's encryption being broken by quantum computing

>> No.54474670

You've been done
You've done him

>> No.54474718
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>> No.54475863

Tiny brains making posts today, great stuff dumb faggot

>> No.54475978

>gold is for schizos because super sekrit anti aging tech for the elites will be shared with me and I'll live for 500 years
Holy shit haha

>> No.54476060

You'll get phosphorus. And probably die.

>> No.54476099

I used to think like you 40 years ago.

>> No.54478057

Gold bros are going to be upset when they discover that the Earth makes gold as a byproduct of making oil.

>> No.54479061

how do i short his mom

>> No.54479115

hahahah GOTTEM

>> No.54479726

How about doing the math on what it would cost to do interplanetary mining

>> No.54479748

there's an almost near infinite amount of everything in the universe. but as long as we are are stuck on earth that means nothing turdo

>> No.54479806

Sell peer to peer and you can get a spread of 2% or less.
You also arent really meant to buy and sell on the short term. Metals are a long term hold.

>> No.54482179
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Yeah, I'm thinking based

>> No.54482385
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They can't even fund basic infrastructure in America and most of the world anymore and OP thinks we going to be space mining gold.

>> No.54482706

Hello, can I have Big Mac and fries?

>> No.54482967

kek I was watching a Whatifalthist video the other day and he unironically thinks America is going to be travelling into space and pioneer space exploration in the coming century. Zeihanfags really are something

>> No.54483618
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kek this was pol a few days ago

>> No.54484880
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Didn't Zeihan work for Stratfor - the private sector equivalent of the CIA?

>> No.54484954

i agree, gold is a completely worthless shitcoin and in fact nothing but clunky trash taking up space in your tiny safe. i'll give you two cents per pound of gold to get rid of it for you.

>> No.54485778
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Stupid goldfags, the recent gold discovery in California means your boomer rocks will all be worthless by 1850! There's enough of it for a billion 10 dollar gold pieces to be minted. Enjoy bagholding!

>> No.54486016
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Thread over. OP has been utterly destroyed in the first post. Seethe, brainlet.

>> No.54486299

>Enough gold on earth to cover the whole surface with a 1 meter layer of gold
>Muh asteroid mining

>> No.54486565

wrong nigger, earth is a plate with a firmament you're stuck here until you die.

>> No.54486838

They hated jesus for what he had to say

>> No.54487513

Absolutely based and goldpilled

>> No.54488803

Yes, you should just start a mine and start mining DESU its free money bc gold is everywhere and its super easy to get out of the ground hence the low price

or even better maybe you should start a space mining company, why havent people thought of this ? there is literally an infinite amount of gold in space (yasss queen), just think about a mine but then on an asteroid in space and you send back all the gold, that would be so cost effective gurll like for reals, the gold price would fall to $20

>> No.54488823

What makes the value of gold is not the quantity of gold. But the amount of human work required to extract it.

>> No.54488923

> go prospecting to moving asteroids with barely any gravity
>eventually find one with 0.001% gold
>oops that one is too dangerous/impossible to mine need to find another one
>find something mineable after 5 years of searching
>launch conventional mining equipment to said location
>build mine somehow in low gravity, no oxygen environment extremely far removed from earth on an asteroid traveling extremely fast and traveling away from earth
>pay people to go mine in said suicide mine
or wait 300 years before robotics can do all tasks >(oops we have 10 minute delay per signal we send to robots from earth and we cant let information travel faster than light sadly)
> this will bring gold to $10 an ounce its all over bros


>> No.54489126

Where the hell do you buy it under spot? Even the world's biggest wholesalers like A-Mark buy from mints over spot

>> No.54489816


>> No.54490559

Anything is a store of value as long as you have a greater fool to pay for it.