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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 700 KB, 1440x2049, Screenshot_20230404-075518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54459648 No.54459648 [Reply] [Original]

This is THE smoking gun if you know what's going on. Literally this is it. The 100% undeniable proof. Good game, but it's over. We win.

>> No.54459665

It has to explicitly say chainlink

>> No.54459667

Nice. QUANT NETWORK wins again!

>> No.54459673

>cbdcs implemented
>we win
Are you an international banking Jew or something?

>> No.54459683

Ommmmm(trips my cock)mmmmmm

>> No.54459686

i have an add-on that blocks all twitter screenshots. i assume this is a twitter screenshot thread. many such cases when it comes to low IQ niggers.

>> No.54459700

No, I'm just not fucking retarded like 99% of crypto bros seem to be
>Blocking the fastest source of new information

>> No.54459728

You sound like a faggot
Honestly whatever you have to say; it probably means nothing. Fuck off, pajeet

>> No.54459781

I have nothing left to say as anything else would be breaking the (incredibly vague and counterintuitive) rules on advertising. Though I'll gladly confirm if anyone says it.
You sound like someone who gets frustrated putting together Ikea furniture.

>> No.54460073


>> No.54460153

You care about the advertising bullshit just point and laugh at the jeets

Here is the takeaway that nu biz is too stupid for, this news confirms individual cbs are implementing their own created cbdcs so all the other important ones will follow
So if globally there will be a 100 different chains then maybe we some sort of transversial ledger conjoined algorithm to make it all work
Nah tlca thats a silly name i am sure theyll find a better acronym for it
Anyways to spell it out for the lowiqs it means super bullish for xrp of course

>> No.54460208

The shock when people realise Satoshi was ... the fat Jew from ripple

>> No.54460228

you're afraid of a little janny ban? kinda sad desu fuck jannys

>> No.54460258

I'm one of them low iq nu biz posters. How much XRP to make it?

>> No.54460299

10k for the short term likely
Who the fuck knows long term

>> No.54460315

Every single time I've posted a breadcrumb and mentioned the token I get suspended/banned for advertising.

Lmao right?

They do it for free but it's annoying nonetheless

Not as lowiq as the rest if that makes you feel better

>> No.54460326

Hate to he that guy but what's stopping Ripple from just dumping billions upon billions on the market to kill any pump like the do now ?
Shit,I remember when the made it dump -60% in a day

>> No.54460414

Just hold retard

>> No.54460442

Sounds more like they might need some type of Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol...hmmmm

>> No.54460447

Bullish for XRP

>> No.54460449

btw I am high IQ enough to know I am low IQ

>> No.54460455


lol you rippletards think you're so smart

yet Ripple has had disputes with r3 in the past while LINK had an actual SWIFT leader directly stating they are considering LINK and appearing on the conferences

just give it up already

>> No.54460510

>super bullish for xrp
Protip: CBDCs replace XRP.

You don't need a digital coin to settle assets when the assets themselves are digital coins.

>> No.54460525

>Ripple has had disputes with r3 in the past
USA and China have disputes all the time. They both still trade in Oil.
You also don't seem to know what LINK even does because it's an entirely separate use case from what's being discussed right now

>> No.54460542

>You don't need a digital coin to settle assets when the assets themselves are digital coins.
This is like saying you don't need banks to settle currency when all the currencies come from banks.

>> No.54460559

where the fuck did you get chainlink from this?
holy shit the absolute state of delusional bagholders

>> No.54460635

Not getting the joke
Obviously i mean link and obviously i was referencing ccip
Is nubiz really this low iq that they took it seriously

>> No.54460646


>> No.54460651



>> No.54460695

kek based
Cripple retards can make it too but they will have had to wait longer and make less.

>> No.54460710

so all of them are using r3

>> No.54460715

lmao you're retarded.
You only need a digital coin to "settle" because ledgers are transnational to begin with.
You don't need to convert your asset to a digital ledger coin when that asset is already itself a digital ledger coin.

>> No.54460774
File: 379 KB, 714x1746, 699C7478-CE41-4C33-8585-BEBABCBC126D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has absolutely zero to do with xrp and everything to do with hedera. Retards

>> No.54460775

are you hallucinating? what the fuck does kaleido got to do with this?
>inb4 they partnered with r3

>> No.54460803
File: 167 KB, 500x262, pepelino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea it's pretty funny.
everyone keep looking for CBDC shit and it's always just HBAG.
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.54460865

>Doesn't mention Hedera anywhere
>Hedera shit the bed and went down not long back
Yeah okay

>> No.54460867

Maybe leave your containment thread every once in a while to DYOR.

>> No.54460877

answer me this, are you completely delusional?
this tweet has nothing to do with either chainlink, kaleido, or egs arr pee

>> No.54460892

If what you're arguing was true then uniswap wouldn't need liquidity pools.

>> No.54460893

This nigga has massive cognitive dissonance

>> No.54460917

I figured with the tlca thing but OP seems to be taking it seriously
hard to tell sometimes

>> No.54460949

>Nooooooo cnn and muh streamer said nfts and blockchain are vad!

>> No.54461011

R3 can’t even run without a security vulnerability without hedera. Like a said, retard.
Ahh so you’re an xrp faggot shitting up the hedera threads. Makes sense now
>comments in every thread the same bullshit nonsense without fail every day like a schizoid chink faggot

>> No.54461035

Is Uniswap using XRP as the basis for its liquidity pools?

>> No.54461137
File: 266 KB, 1600x1073, sucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahh so you’re an xrp faggot shitting up the hedera threads. Makes sense now
>comments in every thread the same bullshit nonsense without fail every day like a schizoid chink faggot
no, I'm an white hbaggy.
I have 1 'megabag', as per leemon.
cost average of around $0.06.

>> No.54461228

you don't have to overthink it, just google hedera + corda and you'll see it.

>> No.54461377

>Is Uniswap using XRP as the basis for its liquidity pools?
Imagine being so pig headed, so obtusely fucking stupid as to post this in reply.
Jesus Christ

>> No.54461393

No you don’t I remember you faggot you said you had 500k a few days ago. Reality is you have zero, massive bag of xrp, and shit up hbar threads because hbar nullifies xrp resolutely. Kys.

>> No.54461413


>> No.54461427

If XRP is needed to provide liquidity to digital assets, then why are project like Uniswap doing just fine with their liquidity pools without XRP?

>> No.54461431


>> No.54461432

centralized fully trackable digital currency. we won bros. privacy is over


>> No.54461442
File: 224 KB, 612x574, lesnerthinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me that they need to find a way to Link all the chains together? Like some cross chain interoperability? But this is too soon surely they would have to have some sort of Proof of concept first?

>> No.54461446


>> No.54461493

I also told you I conceded and was fomoing to top up to 1MM at $0.07 at noon.
which to be fair, I was only able to get to 771 kilobags because bittrex stopped accepting wire transfer deposits, so I had to wire into kraken (which completed on friday at 5:34pm), buy some shitcoins, deposit them to my wallet, make a goybase account, deposit the shitcoins into goybase, sell them, and finally top off to 1MM HBAGs.
my official holding is ~1,025,000 HBAGs.
the only other coin I hold besides hbag, is xmr, as a hedge if this whole NWO thing doesn't work out, but I'm betting highly, that it will.
As always, Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.54461522
File: 141 KB, 960x960, 24x3hkkprfi11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very based

>> No.54461531

This one will go unanswered I bet

>> No.54461574

>fully trackable digital currency
you mean like Bitcoin?

>> No.54461667

TLDR you have zero hbar and shit up every thread because you’re a xrpchud
. Kys

>> No.54461749

Hbars network is legit dog shit keep coping. Your 2 year old main net shit coin is useless and dog shit XRP will be the winner a tested and proven blockchain and token kill yourself ni

>> No.54461778

i take alot of pleasure in your butthurt.
we not only own the same coin, but my position is probably larger, and at a better price then yours. (1MM @ ~$0.06 avg).
which yea, I'm bragging and enjoying it because you can't believe I would unironically invest in clown world.
the 'negative' things about the coin I post are what makes it great.
you just don't have the right appreciation for it.
also please post your position. if you have less hbag then me, or you paid more then me, I will feel so good. do this for me anon. please. PLEASE post your position.

>> No.54461779

>XRP will be the winner a tested and proven blockchain
Blockchain in general is very much tested and proven lol

>> No.54462114

anon, please come back.
tell me your positions.
don't make me beg.

>> No.54462204

nobody will ever use your dino chain
ODL is the dumbest idea of all time

>> No.54462267

Name one piece of information you got off of Twitter that has benefitted your life. I can name a lot that I've gotten off of 4chan. Twitter is literally all low IQ retards sharing press releases and their stupid opinions about those press releases and you're an idiot for not being able to realize that.

>> No.54462292

you two are both fags derailing the thread with your bickering. Post something productive or go away

>> No.54462294

you are based.
I only get my financial advice from 4chins + zerohedge.
feels good and makes normies seethe.

>> No.54462324


>> No.54462372

>you two are both fags derailing the thread with your bickering
hey hey hey hold on, I'm the victim here.
I agreed hbag is working with corda which is what the op is about.
and the other hbaggie just like lashed out at me.
>Post something productive or go away
well, what would you like me to post?
hbag is the public layer for corda.
that's about it.
they've already done this several times, same impl, Thailand, Kazakhstan, now UAE.

>> No.54462440

yes. that was useful and productive. i liked it personally. then you proceeded to give a angry troll your attention. taking up space in the thread and derailing focus from the topic.

>> No.54462504

what's the topic ((we)) should be focusing on in your opinion?
which shitcoin scam will claim this completely irrelevant twitter shitpost?

>> No.54462657

This is proof of the reach CCIP will have and all anons chasing individual coins for CBDC's will be rekt

>> No.54462681

Literal turkeys voting for Christmas.

Why are you cheering on CBDCs? Do you think you'll be made rich by them?

Fucking stupid brainded cocksucker.

>> No.54462707

Some of us will.

>> No.54462729

No, NONE of you holding ANY chain that implements CBDCs will benefit.

The fact you believe CBDCs will be beneficial to you is fucking laughable.

You are a fucking single digit IQ retard.

>> No.54462771

>institutional adoption bad now

>> No.54462850

The institutions are not you.

>> No.54462857

>Literal turkeys voting for Christmas.
more like turkeys selling their neighbors for thanksgiving.
gobble gobble!

>> No.54463808

thank g-d some people got the joke, for a moment there i almost regretted my tongue in cheek post
just look at the comments so many low iqs filtering themselves

>> No.54464479
File: 200 KB, 742x1002, 1672535047151396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is even with the most obvious signs people will still think this has anything to do with xrp.

>> No.54465070

The fact the majority of replies don't get the jokes affirms my conviction tha /biz/ is on life support

>> No.54465386

accept in this scenario XRP is swift, or the XRPLedger is swift

>> No.54465567

literal who middle eastern shithole country
kek baggies

>> No.54467252
File: 7 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeets and their mangled ifunny memes

>> No.54467371

Bump for CCIP

>> No.54469063 [DELETED] 







>> No.54469781

>Nah tlca thats a silly name i am sure theyll find a better acronym for it
you mean like ccip? kekkek

>> No.54469807

I don't understand this meme. Joey is a borderline retarded 80 IQ normie, so is be he being retarded when he says LINK or XRP or both?

>> No.54470267

>not a mention of XDC
I never understood this retarded hate linkies have for schizos. you are almost the same except each token has different utilities.

>> No.54470333

Joey is supposed to be the average xrp holder. Everytime theirs good news for chainlink, people unironically post that it's bullish for xrp.

>> No.54470355

>This is THE smoking gun if you know what's going on. Literally this is it. The 100% undeniable proof. Good game, but it's over. We win.

Well then...it looks like I'm going to be rich beyond my wildest dreams after all

>> No.54470391

Everyone already knows CBDCs will use R3 Corda. Nothing to do with whatever your favored shitcoin is, they don't need it.

>> No.54470423

Checked, and correctomundo.
It's nice being right but every single time there's positive news for Link we make more enemies on this board from other bagholders.

>> No.54470445

nah we get the joke. its just rarely worth posting about this token at this point. no force on earth could get us to sell. dont stop posting intelligent things. some anons still get it

>> No.54470501
File: 185 KB, 612x612, A4E12F87-F822-4BBE-B596-580CE8E918DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you ask these cocky mouth breathers what the difference between a transaction and a settlement is you get crickets and tumbleweed, all of their hopes and dreams lie on top of a dying piece of shit messaging system (that everyone is moving away from)
Reminder they will never solve the Triffen dilema, and they don’t even know what it is
>you will never have central bankers on your team
>you will never have Federal Reserve on your team
>you will never have FedNow on your team
>you will never have OCC on your team
>you will never have CFTC on your team
>you will never have SEC on your team
>you will never have IMF on your team
>you will never have BIS on your team
>you will never have Black Rock on your team
>you will never have Accenture on your team
>you will never have Finastra on your team
>you will never have R3 on your team
>you will never have WWC on your team
>you will never be ISO20022 certified
>you will never be an INATBA member
>you will never be SOC2 certified
>everywhere you go: ctrl + f chainlink 0 results
>you will never be a woman

>> No.54470523

Uniswap will get regulated to zero you fucking retard. CBDCs will not interoperate with literal rugpull breathing grounds.

>> No.54470553
File: 30 KB, 469x331, 7FF05335-F1F5-448C-B580-D45EFF8F0E55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monopoly on DLT
>David Schwartz literally patented the backbone of DLT
>OpenCoin owned the patents and donated it to the World Wide Web Consortium so you’re shitcoin can exist
>OpenCoin is now Ripple

>> No.54470569

ok how do i profit from this

>> No.54470597

Bought early 18
At this stage having not made it I really feel like no fud it's going to take another 5 fucking years before this shit is actually being used and steaking is truly working.
We've not had crumbs we've had whole loaves of bread being dumped on us and the price either dumps or crabs or pumps poorly relative to anything else. At this point believing that the price will move in any meaningful way prior to full steaking ccip or whatever is highly doubtful. I've had to move back in with my family this shit is a nightmare

>> No.54470613

bought what? isnt corda just a protocol for another blockchain. they don't have a token or anything. so maybe you bought xdc?

>> No.54470968

>We win.
I can't acrually tell from ops post if this xrp schizos or link schizos who are supposed to be winning now.

>> No.54471290

This. It's hard out here. Only retards left on this board (including me)

>> No.54471476

>Everytime theirs good news for chainlink, people unironically post that it's bullish for xrp
When do you curry niggas get to realize there's nothing good about link? Just a false hope of sending flowers to a dying coin. Sergey sits somewhere mocking you brainlets. Sell already and avoid being an exit liquidity for others, let altcoinistdao reviews help you flip your bags back

>> No.54471532

>but it's over. We win.

>fails to even state who "we" even is

why even post? c'mon man. be better.

>> No.54471852

Why would CBDCs need XRP for liquidity, when all of crypto never needed XRP for liquidity?

>> No.54471938

>Why would CBDCs need XRP for liquidity

They don't. The CBDCs are the liquidity or are liquid. What they need is interoperability between various private and public ledgers.

>> No.54471952
