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File: 970 KB, 1207x655, Screenshot (4753).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54454060 No.54454060 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking this is a buy.

>> No.54454084

>over half a million for a nuCabin

>> No.54454137


>> No.54454204

is it in a cool location? can you afford it? if so go for it, looks comfy

>> No.54454232

Yeah I don't see why anyone would want to larp as living in a log cabin and pay almost a million dollars for the privilege. Doesn't appeal to me I like nice things for rich people not log cabin pretend to be poor indoor glamping life.

>> No.54454384
File: 1.12 MB, 1199x655, Screenshot (4755).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a Ridiculously cheap price for California. Its like 150 bucks a square foot. Its over a 1000 per square foot in places like Sonoma and Healdsburg. Its a weekend home for someone living in San Francisco. I grew up with people who's parents had homes there. Its a more working class spot desu. If you have money you have your home in tahoe. But that's like 4-5 hours away and this is like 2 at most.

>> No.54454401
File: 883 KB, 1195x653, Screenshot (4756).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea. and no. My parents could though.

>> No.54454432

looks like a great spot for growing vegetables

>> No.54454438
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>seeing other houses from your house

>> No.54454445

>oh yeah, i'm thinkin' this is a buy
>*cums in his panties*
>doesn't post link

>> No.54454508

yeah sure, shitskin, but no one with brain wants to live in that libtard shithole.
enjoy paying huge taxes so they can bring in even more shitskins
now fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.54454530

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.54454620

Lots of nice vegetation around that could burn next time CA catches fire...

How far to the nearest firestation?

>> No.54454742

Enjoy wild-fire season.

>> No.54454866

140 acres god damn
That would cost several million where I live

>> No.54454899

If it doesn’t have enough split logs and splinters, rusted pipelines, rooms with candles as the only source of light and a backyard shit hole then it’s for söymen

>> No.54454946

Cucked gun law state and high taxes no thanks

>> No.54455031
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>> No.54455195

Wow look at all that POTENTIAL

>> No.54455859
File: 677 KB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20230403-205920_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cowboy Hideaway Ranch

Pretty sure Brokeback Mountain was based on this place, imagine all the cum.

>> No.54455907

That's a lot of fucking land in an area with nice year round weather....except for the wildfires. Is that why the area is totally undeveloped?

>> No.54455950

>sold in 2003 for $545k
Every nouveau rich hoomer in CA is going to find themselves drug out into the street screaming as they're torn limb from limb

>> No.54455973

>termite gets in

>> No.54455999

>149 acres

>> No.54456039

Upper Lake is cool and Lake County is staging to be the next Mendocino. If it has 5 acres or more might be worth it.

>> No.54456170

Any more like this but in a different state?

>> No.54456197

What's the catch? I don't think you could buy 140 acres of literal nuclear waste for 600k

>> No.54456210

looks unfinished

>> No.54456239

> CA
>clear lake
Fucking lol aside from being in a state that makes Brazil look decent, clear lake is literally a toxic sewage dump

>> No.54457208

It's not.
It should go for a few hundred thousand dollars more. It's gonna be one of those houses.
Just looks at all the saves it has on zillow.

>> No.54457229


Land in the middle of no where is cheap as fuck. And in many places owning acreage like this doesn't actually give you any control at all over it. The government can fuck with your shit whenever they want.

>> No.54457234

There's absolutely no way 140 acres is going to go for less than 1 million. Hell, I can see it going for 15 to 20 million in California. Must be a typo, maybe 1.4 acres? That makes more sense

>> No.54457254

Maybe I'm wrong, similar sized listings nearby that don't have houses built on them are going for 300k

>> No.54457270

>zestimate literally lower than listing

>> No.54457281
File: 604 KB, 1195x649, Screenshot (4757).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every nouveau rich hoomer in CA is going to find themselves drug out into the street screaming as they're torn limb from limb
I don't know why. Most of the suburbs are holding up pretty well. Sonoma is gonna take a big dip though. It got simply ridiculous. Even homes in Meth Sonoma are over a million dollars now.

>> No.54457290

dude its clear lake. Check the comps.

>> No.54457339

Yeah even though Sonoma was expensive for a while I blame the SMART train for bringing in more homeless from the city. If youve seen the dozen or so new apartment complexes by Santa Rosa Ave. where all of the prostitutes, druggies, and homeless hangout then you'd be surprised to see those are $3.5k for a 2br 1ba apartment. Well, maybe not too surprised. When I first moved up here a few years ago I saw that giant digital billboard in Rohnert Park saying homes starting at $500k then even just 2 years ago it was $600k now. Leaving my east county shithole in San Diego was a good idea at the time, but it feels like I brought hell with me and now Im looking for my way out.

>> No.54457388

my mom owns some real estate in Rohnert Park.
She had a chance to buy a studio unit back in 2011 for 40 thousand dollars. My dad was no so keen on it. No vision.

And do people even use the SMART train?

>> No.54457460

I think only autists ride it for novelty and then the aforementioned homeless.
Its gotten so bad over here it's unreal. Since WFH Ive started to see the ever so small yet noticeable influx of jeets in the area. Its just gonna be a matter of time until its another Toronto here too. Can't wait to leave in about a year hopefully, but its probably not much better elsewhere. Im just glad my landlord isnt living in the area otherwise they would raise rent since Im paying 2018 prices for my room right now.

>> No.54457550

in commieformia where they can legally chop you sons balls of and arrest you for speaking agiasnt it so you become bubu rape boy

>> No.54457707

things are getting a lot cheaper here in the city.
but you may wanna just move back to San Deigo.
you can probably find a nice place there for under 2k a month.
I hear real estate there is falling like a rock.

>> No.54459335
File: 602 KB, 680x572, 1678505584114755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the funny red lady

>> No.54459354

>muh heckin libtarded tax shitskinned redditerinos!!!!!!
are you physically capable of uttering a complete sentence that doesn't contain an 85 IQ /pol/ talking point?

>> No.54459388

Assblasted shekelberg lol

>> No.54459410

i live in a """red state,""" not that there's much of a difference between which monopoly on violence is stealing my money to donate billions to big business and israel.

>> No.54459459
File: 543 KB, 768x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot dog sink
holyshit i thought it was a meme

>> No.54459464

it would be a buy for 3-400k, bathrooms are all tear downs. basement needs remodelling, i like the kitchen.

hope you post this on scuffed realtor.

>> No.54459777

>3 hours away from SF
>2 hours from Shitcramento
There's why it's so cheap

>> No.54460338

why does this exist? wtf

>> No.54460386

You will never be a real home owner

>> No.54461859
File: 39 KB, 736x718, pepe vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54462323

upper lake and lake county in general is a shithole thats half full of meth heads. youd be retarded not to move to a different state if you want a home like this in the country

>> No.54464628

>Last 3 digits 707
My mom is still tryna leave East County, and its not even the nice parts of East County like Santee.
Ah yes, because the meth heads just dont live in other rural areas in the country

>> No.54464716

What's wrong with it? Seems like a convenient wash station if I'm making chicken wings.