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54456096 No.54456096 [Reply] [Original]

$100,000 is an incredible amount of money

>> No.54456113

It's a life changing amount of money to 99% of people.

>> No.54456121

How? What can/would you do with $100,000?

>> No.54456131
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No, it isnt

>> No.54456134

You could fuck a 9/10 russian qt escort in Greece or Italy at 140 euros per hour for basically a decade.

source: did it for 4 years myself.

>> No.54456138

I had 100k this year to my name. Felt amazing really. I lost about 20k then bought a 15k car. Now im at 60k trying to grind back up. I spend money on little things that used to be luxuries when i was poor and still have barely made a dent in my savings. I dont ever want to spend it really, its weird. I just want so save and get more so i can look at it.

>> No.54456150

Wish I realised this when I had twice that in crypto in 2021 but didnt sell a fucking cent.

>> No.54456188

it kind of is, i tire dbuying a low cap coin with that much and it takes forever

>> No.54456190

Get a degree which costs 30k here. Get myself a 60k per annum job and be able to buy house for 200k. Such is life in Singapore.

>> No.54456209

imagine paying for sex and thinking it makes you a Chad. Kek. Your soul is going to rot as is your body.

>> No.54456229

Invest it something low-risk. Such as an index fund. Don't just save it in a bank account

>> No.54456236 [DELETED] 
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It is but not "this is all I need for the rest of my life" kind of money, even if you're a hermit in the third world.

>> No.54456272

>>54456236 Kys

>> No.54456284
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uh oh

>> No.54456292

Yeah as if money isn't a factor when women decide who they want to fuck. That's why you see homeless guys fucking women on the daily

>> No.54456305
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i love paying for sex and i'll keep doing it.

>> No.54456312
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Nahida tushy

>> No.54456316

Souse? Can't find it

>> No.54456319

I'd launch a physical product. I have the actual product, and the connections to big time distributors, but I don't have the cash to even put a downpayment on a factory if I had the order.

>> No.54456374

Use Google Lens next time. It's incredibly powerful.

>> No.54456394

it's really not
might pay for ~200 trips to the grocery store for a 5 person family

>> No.54456419

I have found the perfect house in a beautiful Country town just one hour out from the city. I need $88000 for the downpayment, and an additional 17K for associated home purchasing fees. 100K would make this a reality for me. I want to badly to move out of my one bedroom city apartment wagecage life. 100K is my goal.

>> No.54456476

yeah it is, if I had that I could trade and make $5k a month easy

>> No.54456485

That's a lot.

>> No.54456589

It definitely is an incredible amount of money anyone who says otherwise has pie in the sky fantasies of fast cars, tailored suits, and pent house suites

>> No.54456602

I would be incredibly happy if I had 100 thousand dollars. I could probably live off 100k for 4 years or more just alone and then on that I'd be getting great returns.

>> No.54456626

Stop posting pics of my wife please.

>> No.54456625

odds of you ever seeing that kind of money, liquid in your account, are slim to none. Well, atleast before 30 and it doesn’t matter anyways Bc it’s over at 22

>> No.54456629

>house for 200k
You mean the downpayment?

>> No.54456648

Right now, $200 is a lot of money

>> No.54456653

doesn't feel like when you live in an area where that's not even 20% down on the average house

>> No.54456662

>he doesn't know

>> No.54456668

On what investments do you make 5% per month?

>> No.54456726

I think he means using leverage
margin trading crypto or stock futures
with 100k bankroll that would be super easy to do even every 2 weeks.

>> No.54456871


>> No.54456874
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No u, but maybe you think a single rm studio is a house lool

>> No.54456956
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It’s not enough, that’s only a 10th of Sydney house

I need more, it’s not enough anon

>> No.54456965

Single room studios are like 80k or someshit but they are exclusively for the poor.

>> No.54457203

Sweet summer child. If you make itll be wasted.

>> No.54457243

Not really. But $100,000 given to you for free? Yeah that's a huge fucking deal unless you're a multi-millionaire. If you've worked to have $100k in the bank, then that's literally nothing and you still need to work every day, every week, every year.

>> No.54457252

Yet still not enough to get a cute girl like in your pic

>> No.54457291

I’m inheriting $100k soon. What should I do with it as a 29 yo khv with $10k in the bank? I’m thinking of buying some property innawoods and building a home myself once I have more funds saved. Hopefully make it next bull run.

>> No.54457308

Leveraged futures

>> No.54457327
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After growing up poor and working while in college to minimize debt I finally have 20k in savings, less than 5k in debt (deferred student loans) and can add about $1500 a month in savings assuming no unexpected events.

I can’t tell you how great that feels. I’m 28 and I know this is chump change for a lot of people but it makes me so happy to finally have some sort of financial safety. I can only imagine how great 100k would feel.

>> No.54457346
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I could move to beverly hills for a year with that and just go to the clubs in west hollywood. Would be a cool thing to do. I will do just that if I ever get a large sum of money. See if I can meet some rich girl.

I'm investing in having a good life. yall should try it sometime. You are only young once.

>> No.54457366

>googling cunny

>> No.54457383
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Don't let those shekels sleep and buy a lot of bullish coins, save money using DexTools and turn that shit into $1.000.000 in a year
Don't buy gold, don't buy real estate, future is on crypto

>> No.54457393

Please more i need to coom

>> No.54457582
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>> No.54457620

you are a fucking disgusting degenerate and should feel deep shame

>> No.54457932

Built for my cock

>> No.54457947

Well knowing me I would lose it gambling.
It's easier just staying a poorfag I've tried making it to 6 figures twice just to get knocked down to poverty again.

>> No.54457989

100k is like nothing to me.

t. have a networth of $639 million

>> No.54458162


100,000 US dollars buys me about 3 years of neeting in my country

>> No.54458219

Holy fuck. That's a good way of putting it in perspective.
Definitely not having kids now lmao
Can live quite a while off that very well in a few countries.
I'm sure your brain shifts into a different mode when you have kids and grinding it out when it now has a purpose ca make sense. But knowing that still makes me think there are other scenarios where you might not have the same highs as kids might bring, but on average over enough years you an probably do quite well if you could quantify contentment.
And if you really want to I'd bet you can possibly 'cheat' a bit and get at least some fraction of that from something like being a good uncle. Or maybe volunteering as a teacher in some genuinely helpful way somewhere where it could make a difference with kids that are not shitheads.
I've actually taught a bit for very small amounts of money. And while it's pretty brutal with kids who don't care or don't want to learn, it's like a completely different experience with kids who do. I could see that being pretty decent to fill any void. Esp if volunteering and helping where it's wanted rather than doing it as a job and being stuck with a bad student or two.

>> No.54458225

Seems like too specific of a number for world with such volatility even in the 'safest' assets.

>> No.54458279

Nothing, just retire in Eastern Europe for life.
Nothing big haha

>> No.54458285

>Come to thread.
>Save pic.

>> No.54458307
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>> No.54458395

30 years of neeting in mine.
Sucks being you

>> No.54458397
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Throughout ALL of human history in nearly all countries it’s normal to marry 13-15yo girls. Then jews give old hags the right to vote and everything changes. Hmmmmmmmmm

>> No.54458406

Or you could move out of your shithole and just retire somewhere else
>whaaaaaaa I want to live in an Anglo shithole where you can't own propriety
Hope you die poor

>> No.54458516

i could live with 1000$ a month, so around 7 years. should be enough time to get ubi because ai automation

>> No.54458660

Yes and no. It's a shit load of money but doesn't cover a house anywhere nice, doesnt' let anyone retire, anywhere nice. It's massive step in the right direction where ever you are, but it's not life-changing to any westerner.

-t. got around 100k between crypto and cash right now, waiting for next year's green market to at least 3x it before cashing.

>> No.54458770

>140 euros per hour for basically a decade.
that's not even enough for a month

if you want to fuck her for a decade, that's only 12 minutes a day

>> No.54458805

It's enough to bail most people out of a shit financial situation. The fact that getting a clean slate is incredible means most of us will die fukt

>> No.54458813

US normalized living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.54458838

I spent 100k on hookers and partying in Thailand in only 6 months. It's not that much money.

Yes, I used your "life changing money" to coom and be coomed inside of by ladyboys.

>> No.54458856

he didn't say anything about being a chad
only difference between anon and you is he knows what he wants and he takes it
whereas you care more about preserving some hypothetical image of yourself to others, you deny what you really want
and for nothing, because nobody cares about you
except your mum
maybe call your mum
then go fuck an escort, you repressed faggot

>> No.54459237

anyone should be able to "make it" with 100k, depending on your version of life that can mean retiring and moving rural or to a cheap country, or grinding away for your suburban mcmansion, it's hard to lose at that point

>> No.54459248

you would keep it in cash... while we enter weimar-style inflation? For 7 years?

>> No.54459256

>you would keep it in cash..
no, in ampl

>> No.54459321

I wouldn't call 100k "making it". It'll barely buy you a small house or apartment. You wouldn't want to raise a family in that kind of situation and you would still have to work. Overall it'd just reduce your spending on rent, and that is if you can buy a place for that price near your work. Nice but not life changing.

>> No.54459358

If you can get a letter saying the distributors would pre-order a certain number of the product you can use that at the factory or to get a loan from the bank.

>> No.54459946

not even. a new decent BMW costs like $90k kek

>> No.54460197


>> No.54460432

How much money do I need to get a wife who looks like this?

>> No.54460837

I made like 100k thanks to crypto here in Argentina. My rent is literally 80 USD per month. And i keep making money "trading" I'm set for life

>> No.54460913

It's helpful, but it's not life-changing.

>> No.54461080

$100k can't even buy a nice car. How is this an incredible amount of money? Fucking delusional.

>> No.54461272

tens of billions minimum NW to get a slot on epstein's plane

>> No.54462376

I only need 5

>> No.54462442

Buy an apartment even in first world countries.
Or a nice house in 3th world countries
u can even live on interests in 3th world countries with that

>> No.54462537

Ohh boy alot of things in my country, I'm out here grindin' with my Uber hustle, but imagine this: I scoop up the holoride retrofit device for just 599€, then boom! My passengers are in for the ride of their lives. They can work, chill, catch up on the news, or even play some games while we cruise around. It's the ultimate in-car entertainment, and it's gonna make my Uber game next level.

>> No.54462560


>> No.54462628
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Screw it, dude. I'm thinkin' about throwing down some serious cash in the stock game, I'm talkin' growth stocks, oil stocks, the whole nine yards. But I'm not sleeping on crypto, gonna put 30% of that cash into NFTs, and I got my eyes on some real gems. BTC ordinal, Goblins, Lens profile, Seekers NFTs, Flufworld, and Buzzies, just to name a few. That Unreal engine game editor is the real deal, and Buzzies is killin' it.

>> No.54464766

When did Anon call himself Chad?

>> No.54465867

I didn't. that dude's just seething for no reason

>> No.54465915
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due to hyperinflation if you buy xmr you will make it with 100k, infact you only need like 30k in xmr, 10k in a west virginia house, another 10k in gold and silver, and the rest can go to living expenses and the stock market if you like to gamble

if you don't make it in 10 years you withdrew your shit too early because we're doing a 100x or more just based on hyperinflation alone

homestead and don't spend money

>> No.54466009
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Nahida sex

>> No.54466075
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>> No.54466128

It's nothing. I'd invest it in gold, silver, crude, gas, uranium and some mining companies that pay good dividends and get back to work. If I want something exciting, I'd start a business.

>> No.54466142

Kys pedo

>> No.54466379

Learn to read, mongoloid.

>> No.54466387
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>> No.54466432
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Indeed, with 100k you could practically restart your life from any point and live comfortably till you rebuild. Im actually in the process of accumulating this amount to disappear from the face of the earth and get away from my family. Im 83k in and each month i stake on VINU, i get 3k so in a couple of months i'll be set. Consider money carefuly anons, biz is not a good metric

>> No.54467818

I'd pay to creampie a milf just to satisfy my sexual fantasy before looking into crypto
Kas Agix Lina for quick gains and some other altcoinistdao reviews should do to flip the bag

>> No.54467856

Shill me your product

>> No.54467896

I'm looking at a $100,000 right now and honestly Its more of a pain to maintain than anything

I COULD buy this or DO THAT, but then I'd have nothing. And I will never get back the TIME it took to make the $100,000 - so why would I blow it on something stupid.

the only thing I want is a house, but houses cost 1M+ in my neighborhood I've lived for 20 years - so uhm, I guess I'll need more money? I dont know... the chase never seems to end.

>> No.54467933

Ice cream gloves. So ice cream can't drip on your hands while you eat it.

>> No.54467955

At least put it in a Appreciating Asset

>> No.54467970

Yeah, which is part of what makes $100,000,000.00 so special.

>> No.54468021
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This is a good thread, with the exception of the weeb OP shit. $100K is a meaningful amount of money. And people shouldn’t be discouraged for “only” having this much money.

>> No.54468031

welcome to inflation
when you're in high school its you just need 100k to put down on and house and you're good
then you finally get 100k and now its 300k
then you get 300k and now its 500k
most people can't outrun the money printing anymore

>> No.54468107

100k cannot compare to having Nahida as a cunny waifu

>> No.54468158

being unable to acquire a cunny wife is just another way we are poorer than our grandfathers

>> No.54468160

As intended

>> No.54468311

It's a somewhat niche pasta sauce. Only of the only things that I can make in my own kitchen that's actually good enough to serve in a nice restaurant.

>> No.54468674

My younger brother pays $650 for a studio.

He would only be able to pay for 12 years of rent roughly and that’s assuming rates don’t get raised.

>> No.54468925

Why would a nice restaurant use a canned/bottled pasta sauce when people expect it to be fresh?
Especially a niche sauce?

Why not make drip free icecream instead

>> No.54469015

I'm not selling them to restaurants. I'd be selling them at grocery stores where people buy jarred pasta sauce.

>> No.54469037

Guys like you try to disprove EVERYTHING. Yes his pasta sauce likely has some issues and will have to fight for supremacy. But I personally skip over american brand onions sauce for the more niche kinkoman onions sauce so there’s always a buyer for every seller

>> No.54469078

You are eligible for welfare with that income in some places.

>> No.54469080

I'd use $27,000 of it to invest in a 3% or greater Government Bond so that my life insurance is paid by the interest forever.
Then I'd use $50,000 to buy a small parcel of cheap land and a tiny house on wheels with solar panels. The last $23,000 would be a diversified crypto portfolio that I can take loans out against if I need to and pay back with my ever increasing cash value in my life insurance.

>> No.54469087

food production is probably the worst industry some retard with no money could try to get off the ground in
there's a huge barrier to entry and a massive amount of red tape

>> No.54469094

It's enough to function as an emergency fund for a couple years if you lose your job or the economy goes into a massive depression. That's pretty big.

>> No.54469167


>> No.54469189

why are children soo sexy?

>> No.54469262

Europoors aren't called poor for no reason

>> No.54469265

You mean guys trying to figure out if investing 100k in a pasta sauce is the right move?
You mean asking someone about his business idea and figuring out how competent and well thought out he is?

Kill yourself stupid fuck

>> No.54469953

I would pay 100k to eat dat cunny ToT

>> No.54469999

$100,000 is literally nothing

>> No.54470006

this and checked

>> No.54470466

Congratulations, anon :)
You worked hard for it and are getting honest rewards for using your mind. You're doing great!

>> No.54470848

I had $120k at one point from SHIB and I didn’t sell now I have $14k and wanna rope

>> No.54471017
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>> No.54471047

As a poorfag I agree. I can only dream of having $100,000.

>> No.54471331

Used to think the same way till I found the hot spot to pick bluechips. Altcoinistdao research tool works for oldfags and newfags. I quit buying rugs and memes

>> No.54471406

I have $100,000 in the bank and 200k in crypto

It's useless, I still have to wage cuck

>> No.54471810

Same. Worth like $400k and I still work a job that pays $40k lol.

>> No.54471819 [DELETED] 

No it isn't you broke faggot

>> No.54471831

>All these pie in the sky answers from clueless broke fags who will always be clueless broke fags
Unbelievable really. This place truly did get taken over by redditors.

>> No.54471904

Who are all the people acting like you can just trade futures and make it. You can lose that 100K in literal seconds if the wrong news story hits.

>> No.54472238

They are all the people without 100k

>> No.54472321

Bull shit. Imo it's best to stake alts. Can keep ours afloat regardless of the market conditions.
I am staking a few like UTK, ATOM, JUNO, UBXT and some stables.

>> No.54472398

Hmmmm...from 120k to 14k, it's suicidal
i was lucky to get out early, and diverted the proceed into BTC and eth, which are safely stored in the sylo wallet, I'm still down, but it's worth it

>> No.54472436

Smart move. But still that's a long way to go. UTK and EGLD has been moving up these days, I think in near future I can see a serious pump. Any ways I'm in for the long term.

>> No.54472512
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$100.000 won't make nahida exist

>> No.54473145


>> No.54473159

Why is Nahida wearing shoes?

>> No.54473167

So you can cum on them.

>> No.54473425

I want to drink her piss

>> No.54473564

I invested 7k in 2017, peaked at 380k and sold at 18k in 2018.

Yes the pain of it never ends.

>> No.54474114

That's impossible, duh

>> No.54474122


Invest it something low-risk. Such as an CYMI, ARB, VRA. Don't just save it in a bank account

>> No.54474145

It's not. It'll last you 5 years in the third world at best.

>> No.54474185

>pay for and get what you want
>don't have to put up with any bullshit before or after
>don't have to waste time playing games or chasing her so you can focus on more important thing
dunno anon, sounds pretty chad to me. Sex with someone you love is way better but if you're just trying to get your bone wet there's nothing wrong with paying for it. You pay for it one way or the other anyway.

>> No.54474194

About 7 years of neeting in Ireland.

>> No.54475447

It's alot of money. Look at what Earl accomplished with his 100k.

>> No.54475474
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forget pic

>> No.54475522

75 IQ response. You will never find happiness.

>> No.54476964
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Got this staked on kelpir wallet, plus ride staked on Maiar, and the rest on metamask.
Just playing the long term play:)

>> No.54477033

Invest in stablecoin staking, buy 1BTC and some low cap promising alt like AZERO, CYMI, GLMR and others

>> No.54477044
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I mean, sure, my almost 100k in oil gives me enough divies to pay 9 months of my rent, while I continue to increase my stonk stack, but still. It's not with a mere 100K that I can say ''fuck'' to the office.
But I'll get there, hopefully.

>> No.54478193

I own CYMI too, and I also use its crypto card for payment.
Its super app is better than most other crypto payment apps that I've used.

>> No.54478360

Hi anon, I would buy a Bitcoin and then put the rest into long term dividend stocks, set to drip, and then when Bitcoin hits $100k I sell all but the amount I paid for Bitcoin and put that into buying your mom

>> No.54478403

Don’t feel too bad, I options gambled away all my 30k down to $50 somehow. Not even mad about it, just felt like I learnt a much needed lesson.