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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 225x224, greedykiltbull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54447512 No.54447512 [Reply] [Original]

will be one of the most important narratives of the next few years.


There are a few (literally like three) DID plays in crypto currently, so not much competition. Personally, because I am a complete chad, I choose KILT protocol.

>> No.54447752

Good thing Aavegotchi is ahead of the curve.

>> No.54448093


>> No.54448153

this is a HBAG thread.

>> No.54448176

commie china already has digital ID, and they didn't sneed any gay tokens for it

>> No.54448291

Wow, 2 thraeds about digital identity right next to each othre in the catalog.
herbal remedy

>> No.54448397
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digital identity... got you senpai

>> No.54448535

everest vey good coin ! 4channel so no sleep on very good digital id coin it very good

>> No.54448792

>Urbit (web 3.0 id)
>ICP (web 3.0 id)
>Hbar (dystopian globohomo id)
Iota (dystopian globohomo id)
Everest (dystopian globohomo id)

What other projects are doing digital IDs?

>> No.54448810

everest token not globohomo coin., this is fud it have legitimate technologies that make it good

>> No.54448834

It’s not only dystopian globohomo but the tech is hilariously bad. I know because I used their platform. It’s simply a scam coin

>> No.54448873

everest is not scam., . it have dedicated team working on github today for building next ten digital identities for block chain

>> No.54449644

You missed cheqd.io. They're more focused on enterprise-level adoption, trying to make it as convenient as cheap as possible to write on their chain through as many interoperable connections as possible, and a payments method that allows this industry to actually be possible.

noone has ever really explained exactly what the bull case is for KILT desu

>> No.54449678
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buy cheq for glorious Trusted Data Market future

>> No.54449681
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Unlicensed and ngmi, MiCA is coming this month

>> No.54449734
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shoo shoo filthy Everest Jeet. Noone is going to use Everest simply because they have a widget that lets you KYC with their random af company. There are actual corporations working on solutions that far outgun yours, which will use the cheq network for payments. Just you wait and see.

>> No.54449796

Yeah this is the biggest thing everest pajeets and their shills don’t get. There are actual organizations like Microsoft or the Ethereum Foundation out there already working on this. Why would anyone want to trust some scam start up.

>> No.54449858

thanks for the exit pump DonnieBigFag

sold all my KILT now I buy azero and ator

>> No.54449922

>licensed bank
>handling all of oracles blockchain banking
Very random I agree

The Ethereum Foundation funded Everest and had members serve on the project as advisors, cope.

>> No.54450009

>received a grant two years ago
lol now what you said is actual cope, your bags must be heavy

>> No.54450045
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> Noone is going to use Everest simply because they have a widget that lets you KYC
Nobody in the thread even mentioned the widget which was only released minutes ago. Look at you projecting how in the loop & nervous you are Cheqie.

>> No.54450056

everest is a clear scam.

>> No.54450090

Everest & HBAR are globohomo, I saw Bob with Leemon at iOOP nice guy weird eyes though

>> No.54450191

You are the one coping. Most organizations don’t want to deal the costs of compliance in the finance industry. That’s why it’s easier for Ethereum to give a grant to someone solving the problem.

>> No.54450242

>received grant two years ago
lol I remember in 2017 the grant and partnership hype was all the rage. This is pajeet tier level of cope dude.

>> No.54450336

meanwhile Fraser Edwards, CEO of cheqd, has been working at Accenture in exactly this area. Accenture are known for their strong networks even after leaving the company, so they can implement good products made by people they trust ;)

>> No.54450343
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>> No.54450386
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Oi' but does ee 'ave a loicense for det KYC providin'?

>> No.54450419

>everest pajeets can only speak in memes
lol sad, epitome of a street shitter project

>> No.54450420

looks like another shitty scam, but I mean, legit a scam like everest.
Accenture + IBM and a few others have been working on digital ID, but it doesn't use CHEQD nor everest.
I believe HBAR is the coin that's winning out in their trials but it's still somewhat private information.

>> No.54450447

Ethereum giving Everest a grant is not even close to being the most bullish thing about the project, I only brought it up because you mentioned EF working on an identity solution which they’re not doing nor will they ever do because of the legal and financial liability. You would know this if you actually understood anything about KYC/AML.

>> No.54450494

I see that you are ESL. And you especially don’t understand the difference between a grant and funding.

>> No.54450537

At least I’m not retarded enough to believe unlicensed tech companies are actually going to build KYC validation products for the financial world.

>> No.54450582

You might want to stop digging the hole deeper street pooper. Or wait, you probably should so you can shit in it shill.

>pajeet still doesn’t know what grant verses funding is
>pajeet has to come to 4chan to shill everest baggies daily
>pajeet uses cut copy paste from his fiverr script to talk about KYC/AML

>> No.54450625
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>everest pajeets can only speak in memes
Confident enough to prefer to speak like a retard. Et Tu?

>> No.54450655

>pajeet has to send his backup shill in with a pitch deck slide

LMAO bro you guys should be sending your pitch deck slides to VC firms, not 4chan.

>> No.54450687


>> No.54450702

I’m not shilling I just like shitting on faggots like you

>> No.54450717

>defending everest
>im not shilling i promise!
LMAO who pays you to be here? They should fire you from your contract

>> No.54450780
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this guy changed tactics from
to going back to his usual fud.
what a retard.

>> No.54450896

>usual FUD
Delusional shills

What’s funny is the blessed mod just deleted your scam post >>54449281

Talk about MODS EQUAL GODS. Enjoy shilling your scam coin virgin

>> No.54450950

>your scam post
what are you on about where are your meds?

>> No.54450955

So not only do you spend hours a day for months fudding Everest but you also mass report to get Everest threads banned.

Get some treatment for your mental health issues, you’re unironically going to kill yourself one day.

>> No.54451022

>mass reporting a scam is bad
>mass reporting blatant advertising is bad
LMAO bro I’m retired. I can do this all day. Maybe you guys should go back to redd*t, you guys haven’t made a post there in a few months.

>> No.54451058

who uses reddit?
seriously what are you on about?

>> No.54451084

I wish I could 100x long the odds of you killing yourself or someone else in the next decade.

>> No.54451150

Here shills, you guys belong over here


You guys can go shill your 2021 ICO scam bags over there.

>> No.54451514

I didn't even know they had a reddit holy shit the fake fudder follows the project closer than anyone.

Okay explain why you like this project enough to fud. red pill me

>> No.54451650

lol nice try pajeet

>> No.54452140

>lol nice try pajeet
says the schizo trying to tell me Everest sucks while shilling all the different pieces of it fuck you I see you evershill

>> No.54453852

What's this about WorldCoin? CEO is same guy from ChatGPT, OpenAI etc.

>> No.54455185
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Worldcoin is a scam that rips off the biometrics of third worlders so they can train AI with them, Scam Altman should stick to his OpenAI toys or he's going to end up in trouble for violating EU data laws

>> No.54455196

And everest is a pajeet scam

>> No.54455278

Maybe, but their terms and conditions are not nearly as shady as worldcoin's, I read through both since they're the only ones doing biometrics for crypto. I didn't think everest was that bad

>> No.54455324

Everest terms and conditions are
>hire pajeets
>spam the board daily with shitty “oc”
>baghold for the next three years
>shit in the street

>> No.54455370

Nah there was just nothing in there about farming your data and using iris scans to train AI. With all the third world countries worldcoin markets in I highly doubt they're making sure people understand what they're signing up for. Who cares if some baggies post memes? That's been all /biz/ is about ever since bitcoin became a thing here

>> No.54455449
File: 313 KB, 680x445, 4FE686BB-646D-4853-8F47-581DCA1E20FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah sweet, a comfy Everest thread

>> No.54455481

How To Report Cryptocurrency Scams like everest

Report fraud and other suspicious activity involving cryptocurrency to

>FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov

>Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) at CFTC.gov/complaint

>U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at sec.gov/tcr

>Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at ic3.gov/Home/FileComplaint

>> No.54455522

Is this a reverse shill or something lmao

>> No.54455603

Oh no, everest is a scam.

>> No.54455627

What makes it a scam?

>> No.54455698






Assuming you aren’t just another everest shill, and know how to read these links. You’ll see it’s a scam. Inflated transactions to manipulate volume and price. Even the chart is uncanny and shows stretching back a year. No one’s buying this scam, it’s just the team swapping and proxy swapping this coin. I could go on, regarding the issues with it being a closed source project, legal and compliance issues, team, etc.

It’s just a great scam.

>> No.54456122

Ok I looked at these but I honestly don't see what you're talking about, it's just a low volume coin that died after the bear market started with maybe a couple of arb bots on it because they aren't listed anywhere big. Kinda reminds me of HBAR before 2020. What other problems does it have?

>> No.54456192

They also have a track record of scamming. EverChain was their first scam.

>> No.54456218

Redpill me on everchain, I tried to find it and the only thing that comes up is some boomer debt marketplace

>> No.54456217
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>> No.54456267 [DELETED] 

I see you seething. You should email Jack. It feels so good knowing Bob and Brad are going to jail.

Hell I might report Jamie Cruz too.


I forgot I can also send a tip to the California State. Boy, I hope pajeetarest has good legal counsel

>> No.54456330

Whooops I found it!

https://oag.ca.gov/crypto, something something everest conducts a lil fraud, something something sells an unlicensed security token, before their actual product is released (utility), a little something something about advertising unlicensed securities on 4chan (of all places), etc.

I bet I’ll see Gavin Newsome on TV congratulating his AG on taking bob and brad to bonanza

>> No.54456513

What's the deal with everchain?

>> No.54456621

this guy is mentally impaired isn't he?

>> No.54456901
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>> No.54456961

wait so that poster is actually breaking the law?

>> No.54458646

dude you have no idea of the links cheqd have.

Walt.ID - EU ID Blockchain EBSI-compliant wallet
Evernym - Creators of SSI (cheq was originally thought up by CEO Drummond Reed)
AnonCreds integration (most used VC form)
70% of Self Sovereign Identity vendors

Essentially all these companies coming online to Digital Identity as eIDAS regulations are enacted will want to still ensure they get paid for verifying and sharing data, and cheqd are very close to being a tick the box option for any company looking to change.

Don't put this in the same category as the Nepalese Sherpa jeet shills, it's the real deal.

>> No.54458675

I buy based on level of 60IQ jeet fud and boy Everest sure gets a lot of 60IQ jeet fud. Thanks for the pick boys

>> No.54459250

very organic. I’m sure all the tards’ like you are lining up to buy the scam.