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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 345 KB, 500x500, Untitled design (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54452634 No.54452634 [Reply] [Original]

>born on 4chan

>Arbitrum token with novel mechanics
>An epoch lasts 24 hours
>When you buy, you get bonus RATS based on your Power
>Power increases when you buy in different epochs
>When you sell, your Power resets to 0.

>You've been buying RATS for the past 4 days
>Your Power is 3 (you start with 0)
>You buy 100k RATS
>Total amount you get: 100k * 1.1 ** 3 = 133,1k RATS

That ** shit is exponentiation. It means your bonus grows exponentially every day:
>day 1 - 10%
>day 5 - 61%
>day 10 - 159%

But if you sell just a few RATS your Power will go to 0.

All inflationary projects die because there are some early whales that keep their principal and sell newly minted tokens. RATS is unique because once a whale sells any amount of RATS, he basically has to start from the beginning.

Essentially the game is about the balance between Greed and Fear. Should you wait one more day and see your bonus increase exponentially, or should you sell now?

>RATS is launching in an hour.
>Initial Supply: 100,000,000 RATS
>Dev fee: 5%
>LP fee: 2.5% (goes back to the LP pool).
>Liquidity is locked
>Exchange: Balancer

>> No.54452660
File: 936 KB, 1260x1522, rats-example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a table showing the numbers. pay attention to the date on the left

>> No.54452673

you filthy RATs....


>> No.54452933

ok its live.

>> No.54452944

Contrato please.

>> No.54452959


>> No.54453001

buy here:

>> No.54453010

Thanks, i bought $70.

>> No.54453041
File: 413 KB, 962x1379, prakesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be the new biz coin
Let's goooooo!!!!

>> No.54453061

mashallah brother

>> No.54453088

I'm waiting too long for Arb season to start back up, might look at this to take a position. This looks like it has some kind of none meme based tokenomics so will hazard some beer money.

>> No.54453114

is the dev honest? what's the last project?

>> No.54453145

dev is a cool cat in the TG but at then end of the day a shitcoin is a shitcoin. throw some beer money at this early stage. see what happens.

>> No.54453156

the contract is verified, you/others can look it up on arbiscan.

yes, I'm honest, that's why I'm trying to come up with something novel (I don't think ruggers create something new ever).

RATS started as an idea on 4chan like 4 days ago, I've been coding all this time and have just released the token. there were like 40 people in tg following the progress.

>> No.54453198

why the fucking should I buy your stupid pajeet token?

>> No.54453212

Ok, I'm convinced. I will bet $50

>> No.54453224

Feed my village ser

>> No.54453229
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>> No.54453255


>> No.54453322

I've done 10x with arboreum, hope to do the same. when marketing?

>> No.54453383

I'm not gonna buy, but I'm posting here as a memento that I was 100% correct once again in my early assumption that this one is one of those ones that make money. Fuckin, why don't I buy... Shiet. Godspeed.

>> No.54453455

No website, can't see the charts in dextools or dexscreener, no telegram link, no twitter.

Tell me why i should care about this at all

>> No.54453498

RATS are like 1 hour old lol, so chill

Website - https://rats20.lol

Chart - https://dex.guru/token/0xd2cc61a36c31425b3eb9bbeecce74a82a2e32e27-arbitrum

TG: /+BSh2_OacBMAxMTY0

>> No.54453702

>Tell me why i should care about this at all
It's a fun game actually. Today's buyers will need to buy again tomorrow in order to increase their Power. And the day after tomorrow. And so on, until someone snaps and sells. But even then, despite the dip, some people will decide to keep buying.

>> No.54454020

you better not rug me on my $12 you faggot

>> No.54454046
File: 23 KB, 480x270, pajeet intensified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54454164

ser my rat village needs food

>> No.54454373

wen dapp sir

>> No.54454412
File: 42 KB, 500x578, rats-twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did elon mean by this?

>> No.54454485

in the next 24 hours

>> No.54454523

this thread/token is antisemitic
shut it down

>> No.54454582


>> No.54454613

biz coin, faggot dev creates a thread about making a shitcoin for biz, faggot dev creates a telegram group, faggot dev bans all telegram bizguys after they were giving him advice and talking about this shitcoin, absolute curry ways... here's your shitcoin biz.

>> No.54454627
File: 282 KB, 600x701, 1630707992347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the contrary my friend, the tribe is buying in as we speak.

>> No.54454634

only one chud suffered in the process

>> No.54454658

you will never be a woman

>> No.54454680

found the chud

>> No.54454863


>> No.54455055


>> No.54455142

When you were partying, I studied the ponzis. When you were having premarital sex, I mastered the blockchain. While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner strength. And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help.

>> No.54455404

2x since you posted that.

>> No.54455413
File: 126 KB, 624x624, PoWH_DARK_WHITE_HILIGHTS_proof_of_weak_hands_underneath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy ponzis

>> No.54455472

this is a proper ponzi. well done OP. haven't seen something this unique for a few years. tons of shitcoins recycling the same old ideas
>bomb tokens....reflection tokens...etc.
hope it takes off.

>> No.54455578


>> No.54455620

Holy shit this is mooning keep buying you fucking retards we can 10x this thing tonight

>> No.54455649
File: 612 KB, 516x754, 1675791908465510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sers i couldn't take it, i had to buy...

Seeing those juicy green candles, ugh, they have a really strong effect on my brain, it's like a spell(might be due to my low iq)

>> No.54455793
File: 76 KB, 1280x921, photo_2023-04-03_19-35-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rat boys, we're all gonna make it

>> No.54455797
File: 795 KB, 2043x2048, 1644649137539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, aped

>> No.54456024

I bought 50$
Don’t fuck me again biz

>> No.54456583

Fuck yes this is the one!

How does it feel to be a future millionaire

>> No.54456834

I don’t have any thing in arb , but jolly good show chaps! Reminds me of Mithril. The way it started.

>> No.54456918

Bridging is easy. Get over here. There's this and a bunch of other good projects

>> No.54456929

You can also send ETH on arb with kucoin and not pay the bridge tax

>> No.54458123

>Seeing those juicy green candles
and don't forget that people who bought today will have to buy tomorrow again to increase their Power.

>> No.54458607
File: 24 KB, 300x250, BUY RATS (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54458664

This is hilarious.

>> No.54459031

Setup for 10days of dca... Dont pajeet me.

>> No.54459058

Is good strategy DCA? Got 1k to drop
Any degen did the maths?

>> No.54459153

interesting tokenomics, this a clone of some other shitcoin or is it actual OC?

>> No.54459547

OC. I always wanted to make a sustainable ponzi which can basically exist forever by self-resurrecting

it depends on other players as well

>> No.54459846

Just bought myself a bag OP. This has massive potential . Wen NFTS?

>> No.54460075
File: 88 KB, 563x816, photo_2023-04-04_08-37-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marketing has been really well done. The Rat Race has just begun.

>> No.54460130

I’m fairly certain Icelands police and authorities aren’t keen on having a crypto scam operated within their borders. Let me guess you guys are close by Reykjavík?

Rats, an interesting name for a scam.

>> No.54460177
File: 171 KB, 1024x1024, photo_2023-04-04_07-55-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easiest 15-20x from here. Can easily hit 50k marketcap by the end of the day.

NFTS are coming soon as well.

>> No.54460201

lol what

ngl they don't look bad, but do they have traits and shit?

>> No.54460225

I hope you dudes didn't use your own credit, debit, or bank card when you went through an american web hosting service.

You know they can be subpoenaed and a joint investigation by Iceland and US authorities will be conducted, right?


>> No.54460230

what's the TG called?

>> No.54460249

uh, I haven't visited the website, I just bought some through a swap

>> No.54460283

Each NFT will pretty much have it's own individual unique characteristics. According to the dev, he plans on adding more utility so we'll be seeing more staking/passes with each RAT NFT.

>> No.54460295

couldn't care less about utility desu, but I guess it can get more jeets to buy

>> No.54460298

Am too late right?

>> No.54460309

I did, I bought it and there's nothing you or any authorities can do to stop me from doing it again.
It's still early it just launched yesterday.

>> No.54460311

It's only at 3k marketcap atm. We're pretty much headed to 20-50k. Maybe by the end of the day.

>> No.54460353

Utility is nice to have because it adds value. Dev plans on making an entire ecosystem around RATS.

Kind of like a Utopia of some sort.

>> No.54460374


It’s too late bros, logreglan is coming for you and your scam. And maybe Europol and Interpol if I feel like it.

You guys have shit in your last snowy street

>> No.54460419

LOL. Everything's a scam until it ends up doing a 100x and then you seethe and proceed to make self-depreciating threads about how you're ngmi.

Typical 4chan, ugly virgin.

>> No.54460435

Yeah yeah, typical pajeet response.

Looks like you guys registered your office out of
>kalkofnsvegur 2 reykjavik
Probably not the smartest of places. You guys might want to go find a lawyer.

>> No.54460436

the (rat) race to the exits will be swift with this one
why would any new buyer buy after a few days when mr early bird gets 10x more coins than me for the same capital? Once one of the early guys gets a massive wallet they will dump, and so will whale #2, it will all collapse within days. It's a cool idea though and might work better in a bull market and with different parameters but rn nobody will buy this.

>> No.54460454

another proof its not a rug. it's a game with a erc-20 token with specific mechanics that behaves exactly as programmed.

>> No.54460465

I love how you never disputed anything I said which confirms that you're an ugly, virgin with nothing better to do in your mom's basement ;)

This project breaks 0 rules. Like I said before, geek. touch grass.

>> No.54460468

An unlicensed casino? Even better. Man that sucks, I guess I’ll have to tell police twice

>> No.54460472

because when the whales are out, the game starts basically from 0 and you're early. it sorts of resets itself. like why did anyone buy yesterday after the launch? because they were early and there were no whales.

>> No.54460476

how many RATS to make it sirs???

>> No.54460480

>I'm going to RAT you out
there's always fudders like this who can't afford any and will just seethe in every thread, just ignore them. don't feed the obvious trolls

>> No.54460481

it's a game where you breed rats in the form of erc-20 tokens lmao

>> No.54460523

You're right. These creatures that remain in their mom's basement with mountain dew stains all over their shirt and their doritos stained teeth never make it in life anyways.

I just wanted to destory the FUD which I completely did.

I kind of feel bad, but someone had to put that smelly virgin in his place since his dad, the cuck, couldn't do it .

>> No.54460534

Oh yeah.

it’s too late bros. Shame you guys put a lot of effort into this scam too.

>> No.54460566

Dev, this is a good time to cover your capital. Let's do this slow and steady.

>> No.54460576

100 is the sui bag and 300k is the make it bag.

GL sir. We're headed to 100k marketcap as we speak.

>> No.54460579

lol you shills aren’t even trying

This is just too obvious of a scam.

>> No.54460591

thanks sir, many moons to you

>> No.54460596

How To Report Cryptocurrency Scams

Report fraud and other suspicious activity involving cryptocurrency to

>FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov

>Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) at CFTC.gov/complaint

>U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at sec.gov/tcr

>Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at ic3.gov/Home/FileComplaint