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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54448963 No.54448963 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did we avoid the recession?
There was no spike in unemployment or anything that happens in recessions

>> No.54448972

Be rich.

>> No.54448976

There was, the government is just really good at hiding numbers and tricking the public. People are still convinced we haven’t been in a recession for the past year

>> No.54448979

you must not have been around for 2008. enjoy your summer because september is going to be hell.

>> No.54449071

This, things have never been so shitty. Everything is expensive as fuck and we have never been making less money in terms of cost of living. The living conditions now are much likely worse then the Great Depression

>> No.54449079

simple we print more money

>> No.54449738

we didn't nigger

>> No.54449885

Employment is a lagging indicator, and is historically manipulated as fuck by government stooges that want their administration to look good. The December jobs report was adjusted by 3 million jobs.

Look for a leading indicator.

>> No.54450125
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>The living conditions now are much likely worse then the Great Depression
Look at this sheltered retard

>> No.54450168

This. Recessions don't come fast. It's several months of banks and the government making decisions behind closed doors that the general public is not privy to. Followed by a pants shitting downturn that happens quickly for the specific purpose of not letting the normies get to their money.

>> No.54450181


>> No.54450200

You just spent 3 years calling Covid fake. Why can't you accept the recession is fake?

>> No.54450243
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> How the fuck did we avoid the recession?

>> No.54450266
File: 95 KB, 1200x810, confused-biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't political, fren. The NIH lab in Wuhan accidentally leaked a little virus they made. Not a big deal. We're fine now thanks to DNC #brave leadership. Also, it's OK to talk about rightwing incel violence, but don't you dare mention the most recent mass shooter was a tranny. That's hate speech.

>> No.54450273

Because there was no demand destruction. The poors are even more poor than before but they only consume McDonald's and cigarettes anyways. The wealthy keep getting wealthier and keep buying more luxury goods, stocks, etc.

>> No.54450283
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>This, things have never been so shitty. Everything is expensive as fuck and we have never been making less money in terms of cost of living. The living conditions now are much likely worse then the Great Depression

>> No.54450904

Recessions as we know them are changing forms. Monetary theory and social engineering/propaganda science are advanced enough that we can largely avoid traditional recessions. There aren't any free lunches though, so everyone is going to rely a little more on credit, everything is going to get a little more expensive, times are going to get a little tougher, all until something just snaps. The current paradigm though is one of skillfully prolonging the terminally ill economy and we are damn good at it. Civilization right now is a decrepit skeleton pissing and shitting itself in bed, barely able to communicate, but it's still conscious. We still have an entire protocol ready for when the "patient" goes unconscious. We can keep it alive long after its already naturally dead. You remember the term voodoo economics? This is necromantic economics.

>> No.54450942

Just as an example, if you're trading on the market and you go to buy something and you see the bids and offers moving up and down and all that activity taking place on all those assets, do you really think the market is THAT active? You think those are all humans buying and selling? Or it a lot more likely that 99% of that volume are computers from one institution passing shares back and forth to each other? Why would do that I wonder...I bet it would make things look really active and healthy rather than having gigantic inactive spreads on 99% of the tradable instruments out there. Hmmm...

>> No.54450964

i never thought the depopulation virus was fake because the government spread it intentionally during the mostly peaceful riots

>> No.54450971

They avoided a recession by kicking the can further down the road, happened after the WuFlu hoax, happened after the 2008 crash. Jews are rugpulling USA and think they can take their wealth to China to keep doing the same thing with a non-Christian population.

>> No.54450976

>Two more seasons

>> No.54451007

>How the fuck did we avoid the recession?
lol we didnt.
Been in one for a while now, getting worse by the day.

>> No.54451024

its also worth noting they didn't target dumb trumpmos like me with the deadly vaccine, they targeted the smart people like you

>> No.54451056

>necromantic economics
I like that term. But I disagree. We've got a jewier economy now. It's gonna be the same old but much jewier. I wonder when the rugpull comes.

>> No.54451152

Thinking about buying a van and checking out for a few years. Have I been demoralized or am I based and redpilled?

>> No.54452866
File: 179 KB, 2642x784, Skärmavbild 2023-04-04 kl. 00.08.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not in a recession yet anon. I don't think you understand how good we had it. A technical stock chart is no indication of a recession, even if it is technically. It indicates we are entering a recession, but the real economy lags behind. Just you wait anon.

>> No.54453266

>Have I been demoralized or am I based and redpilled?

>> No.54453488

Thats how the economy actually works. If you deny something it never happened

>> No.54453560


Six million is a really big number…

>> No.54453581

I think we can go bigger

>> No.54453593

It's coming. People need to run out of the COVID money first.

>> No.54453621

Not all recessions are the same
Economists are retards and have been wrong about every major recession
Of course this one would be different from before they all are

>> No.54455777

Bumping for demoralization purposes

>> No.54455809
File: 1.24 MB, 720x1600, jewish_moloch_pageant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know blood sacrifice majik is real

The more people that die in horrofic, traumatizing ways, in a controlled and ritualized manner, the more power the Beast system accumulates that can then be used as currency to trade with.

>> No.54455840


>> No.54455848

what the fuck do you actually know about macroeconomics you braindead frogposter?

>> No.54455855

it s coming. Thx Mr Bury. you miss the rally, right ?

>> No.54455900

Foreclosures are skyrocketing in Australia. 80% of the market is for sale, nobody is buying and everyone believes the market rates so they aren't dropping the price... yet.

This is all a scam. Increase house price, increase rates, people sell lower, house values lower for new buyer. It's literal theft.

>> No.54455910

We didn’t lol. We’re in one right now.

>> No.54455927

I think they just have to accumulate something before they die and it's distributed amongst the people.

Retirement created an issue where people wanted others to work for them. This increased into the average joe not wanting to work, now we kill of our elderly and spare workers to afford more to ourselves.

Keep going though, you won't have many workers left soon. All the rich assholes are going to either get jobs or be miserable with nothing to consume.

I'm already doing my part by not working.

>> No.54455941

We are actually in the golden bull run and we’re just in a resistance point right now . The future is cozy

>> No.54455963

the morons replying to this like it's a joke only prove this board is mostly populated by turd world neets who can't recognize shitty living conditions from their designated shitting streets lol

>> No.54456286

>Homeless population nearly doubles in 1 year
>Current number of homeless in USA is around 580k
>Number of homeless in USA during great depression was around 2 million
If the number doubles again this year and next then we'll be there.

>> No.54456297
File: 118 KB, 720x957, Screenshot_20230403-214841-867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picrel

>> No.54456340

Right but how many more people in the country now vs the depression you moronic retard

>> No.54456416

Same exact number

>> No.54456446

the numbers from here on out are fucking false. the end is coming. store water, lots of it. the internet and power will be "attacked" get a map of your area. have a bugout bag to get yourself somewhere "safe" and a plan with your loved ones. the end is coming, i'm warning you all now. i know things and im here posting it on biz because everyone is fucking brainwashed and nobody listens anyway. but i am warning you all full stop. it;s coming and it's not what they are telling you. not a larp. be safe, and protect yourself and your families.

>> No.54456478

>Workers and pensioners mass dying or killing themselves or just going mad entirely
>This is normal
>Not a blood ritual

>> No.54456522
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>How the fuck did we avoid the recession?
I've got bad news.

>> No.54456661

Around when? This summer, fall, or winter? next?

>> No.54456683

>There was no spike in unemployment
Aren't there a shitload of layoffs happening with less people actually getting employed

>> No.54456691

I'm tired of listening to you doomer fags. The last 7 years were a giant nothingburger, and guess what, 2008 was a nothingburger too.

When the mythical happening actually happens in 2 weeks I'll just die, fuck it.

>> No.54457480

>How the fuck did we avoid the recession?
>There was no spike in unemployment
That's the reason. If unemployment was up then the gov wouldn't be able to hide it. But the large corperations want a recession to drive down wages and keep the sheeple in line. Thats why your seeing big companies like google and disney laying off, it's not like they were unprofitable. They want to start a chain reaction, you don't need a fortune teller to see this.

>> No.54457561
File: 174 KB, 460x610, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just spent 3 years calling Covid fake. Why can't you accept the recession is fake?
this isnt a political board gtfo