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54442340 No.54442340 [Reply] [Original]

I made it in 2021 for all intents and purposes. My fiancé is now super depressed and is hiding taking St. John’s wort to try and feel better. She doesn’t work but has been trying to get a job to no avail. She has a bachelors. Her sex drive is 0 and literally turned me away today with a hard ass cock ready to take her. I’m super depressed and don’t know what to do. We are 30 with no kids but good job prospects. I’m a VP at a good company. I don’t know what else she wants. It seems like money doesn’t solve everything. I’m super depressed bros please tell me the secret after making it. Money doesn’t solve a lot of problems.

>> No.54442358


>> No.54442502

if her sex drive is zero her hormones must be fucked up...does she have fertility, physical or mental issues?

>> No.54442541 [DELETED] 

Money can actually solve certain problems.
Like my dopamine levels will significantly increase if someone airdropped me 5k.

>> No.54442549

if she has no where to make public appearances, turn her into your marionette doll at home. drug her and adjust her personality as needed

>> No.54442553

>30 making 400,000 a year as a VP at google
Fuck off faggot stop posting your lies here.

>> No.54442650

She's a dyke

>> No.54442709

I am single and went through the same thing. Money doesn't solve everything.

You have to leave her though. You are only 30 and there is no way you can live the rest of your life with someone like that.

The only way you could make use of her is to have kids. Immediately.

>> No.54442717

>We are 30
>with no kids
Hahahaha, can't make this shit up

>> No.54442726
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Bro leave her, she ain’t special. What does she offer besides her vagina anyways? Hoeflation is OUT OF CONTROL

>> No.54442773

Tell her to go to the gyno to find out what's wrong with her vag
My partners sexdrove went to shit a few years ago
Turns out she had a cyst the size of a tennis ball on the side of her womb
Or just start fucking prozzys and when she finds out blame her

>> No.54442781 [DELETED] 

someone just give me 5k please ;(

>> No.54442786

If you’re a 30 year old millionaire and she’s holding you back then dump her for an 18 year old

>> No.54443051

I didn’t say I made that much. Let’s just say it’s at a bank.

She’s a day one though. She’s the only one who believed in this crypto shit in 2017 and 2021. Nearly all my money was in crypto in 2020 and she believed in me. No one else did. She even slept though the miners in the summer which was hot as fuck since I had eth farms going too throughout my house. She’s loyal af. I could tell her to jump off a bridge and she would say how high. You don’t get loyalty like that anymore. Day ones must be rewarded, even if it doesn’t work out.

>> No.54443090

problem with women is they don't want to be helped. there's a lot of practical things like kombucha and meditation that can snap her out. getting a prescription isn't a good approach either

if she doesn't want your help through this maybe leave but be available to support her. a breakup can strengthen a relationship.

it's hard to say maybe lie down and listen to your gut on it

>> No.54443121

i still don't know why my ex wife had depression. never talked about it. i knocked her up early too our son is 10 now.
my ex gf told me a lot of shit she always mentioned depression but i'm not sure if i believe her because she lied about a lot of stuff. she said because it was because she failed at a lot of things and has no purpose... so i guess that's pretty legit
i mean i get depression for a number of reasons but it seems this gen of women is all mentally ill

>> No.54443153
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Your successes will ultimately leave you empty and miserable without god at the center of your life.

The money means nothing if it only serves to fund a self serving life of hedonism.

>> No.54444386

unironically do this

>> No.54444392

Fiancé = a man
Fiancée = a woman

>> No.54444517

OP is a faggot. Like water on a bridge

>> No.54444672

She probably has worms that are making her mentally ill. Give her a round or two of Ivermectin and she'll be right as new.

>> No.54445072

Touch her butthole while she's sleeping and masturbate

>> No.54445496

Man, she sounds like a good woman then. Help her through this shit just like she helped you.

>> No.54445774

What do you guys do together, especially outside the home? Start going on hikes, camping, take classes, go on a road trip. She doesn't really want a job, but needs to contribute something to society. Start a charity, gain some social status etc...

>> No.54445941

communicate with her anon. you love her so tell you how you feel openly and ask her whats wrong and if everything is ok. Forget about the money for a minute what is it that she wants and what can you do to accommodate her. relationships are a two way street. dont be depressed on 4channel unsure what to do go to her right now and see what is wrong. If she loves you then she will tell you what is wrong and you will work out a way to make eachother happy once again. this is how lifelong relationship bonds are formed anon. do it now. goodluck

>> No.54446015

Progesterone and kids, you dumb sóylennial swine.

>> No.54446259

Good advice itt so far.
You gotta talk to her about it. That her unhappiness is affecting you too and you want to help her. Ask her if she's willing to make changes to improve if not for herself (at first) then for you.
Get her to see a gyno and have her hormones checked. Then get her on some mood support supplements and a healthy low sugar diet. Go on a walk outside with her every single day and sign yourselves up to do some volunteering. If you don't like helping people volunteer to plant some trees and do some gardening and stuff like that. Check with your local parks department for example.
If you do all that stuff I guarantee you her mood will improve possibly to the point where she wants to try to improve herself on her own.
If that makes like an 80% improvement then having a kid will take it the rest of the way. If she refuses to do any of that stuff though, then you have to consider leaving her.

>> No.54446278
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>she's 30
Dump her and get a hot teen to marry you. Holy shit come on man, you don't owe her the rest of your life if she's not willing to spread her legs and think of England.

>> No.54446349

>Her sex drive is 0 and literally turned me away today with a hard ass cock ready to take her
Ok op let me teach you how to be a man really quick
>Take her to the bedroom
>Throw her down over the bed
>Rip her pants off
>Fuck the shit out of her
Don't go presenting yourself to your wife like "Eh? Eh? Don't you wanna fuck this?" Just take the pussy and she'll remember why she loves you

>> No.54446406

This. Rape her anon

>> No.54447959

birth control makes them crazy and sometimes depressed

>> No.54448095

>turned me away today
got tired of your boring dick, she's now thinking about all the what if's she had with previous Chads, if you continue this path, enjoy your loveless marriage

>> No.54448159

Since you can afford it, try buying a better rope this time.

>> No.54448187

>I could tell her to jump off a bridge and she would say how high
Is she dumb? Obviously the height of the bridge. It's not a variable.

>> No.54448198

>"made it"
>VP at a bank

I've contracted with banks, literally everyone over the age of 25 is a VP. That doesn't mean you've made it.

>> No.54448277

Anon, do NOT listen to >>54445941
Talking or rape are not the answer. I married young and stayed with my waifu when she started acting
>Irrational fears of normal things
>No sexu
Ffwd ten years later we have two kids now, and I feel like I've sacrificed my life in order to be a carer to someone who could function, but doesn't. Listen to this anon >>54446278

>> No.54448317

>she is loyal
How loyal do you think she would be if crypto had gone bust and you lived in a shitty garden apartment driving a 20 year ild hyundai.

She isnt loyal, she is getting financial security for nothing.

>> No.54448328

>no kids
there’s your problem. find a young woman to have kids with and ditch the spinster

>> No.54448353
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Take her to church. You should go too. Money is a boon temporarily.

>> No.54448439
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Throwing out vp title when it's at a bank or insurance company.... Found the problem: you're a douchebag

>> No.54450272

> made it in 2021

thats the carmic debt. i didnt made it in 2021, even tough i should. my youth is gone and everything went to shit
just because you sold at the right time youre not hot shit. no clear pass for anyone

>> No.54450404

Op, only you know what to do.
Disregard advice from people whose daily interactions are with their Uber driver and their occasional hookers.
If you are serious about her, try couples therapy. You might learn a thing or two about yourselves. And if it doesn’t work, at least you’ll know you tried everything.

Be brave anon, Love is the only thing worth suffering for in this world.