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54442315 No.54442315 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck me. Everything else is either making new lows or has more volatility over past year. Link has been fucking stuck like a stable coin in this prison, like a magnet to $6.66-$7.77

>> No.54442330

and you just know which way it's going to break kek

>> No.54442331

this is exactly how it was before it first mooned, the cage was like 20 cents to 60 cents.
it'll probably end soon, by 2024 at the latest

>> No.54442762

How high this time

>> No.54442799

How much is coffee now? Has inflation got it to $7 yet?

>> No.54443317

This. It only feels more difficult because you've been waiting so long at this point, but we've been here before.

>> No.54443328

Stop being a pussy. When you’ve made it you’re going to look back at your holding period with pride if you held

>> No.54444022

catalysts for chainlink mooning:
>arbitrum validators being link nodes (lmao)
>serg stops dumping
>staking on december
>swift integrating ccip on march
>bear market, since it's a bear hold
>by eom according to the only remaining larp
you are here
>(((real))) (((actual))) staking
>build shitcoins airdropped
>(((real))) ccip integration
>(((deco))) from 5 years ago
>2 more weeks
>1 more month
>1 more year
>next year
>next next year
>2027-30 cause it was ALWAYS at least a decade long hold, impatient adhd zoomers

>> No.54444045

paging whalekiller anon, pls push us over $10 like you did for $1

>> No.54444074

oooh nice
>assblaster shall return
>whalekiller will kill whales once more
>walletanon will uncover shady txs of "big players" accumulating

>> No.54444089

It's literally nothing like that period

>> No.54444116

>on december
That's not how you English.

>> No.54444117

jeez could you stop ruining the hopium with your baseless fudding thnx

>> No.54444129

mea culpa
>on december 6th
thanx for correcting the record bro, my faith has been restored

>> No.54444154

You also said
>on march

>> No.54444166

oh noes!
>on march 20th
>That's not how you English.
that's not how you speak English, either

>> No.54444171

Retail quite simply aren't allowed to make it any more.
I don't know what reptilians got the message that goy monkeys were suddenly getting rich, but in the last year or two they have completely destroyed the possibility of anyone outside the club of making it:
>literally killing people who don't play ball, like the guy who "drowned" in costa rica
>every single promising startup in crypto is now seed round insiders only. Doesn't matter if you find a good project early you will only be allowed in 3 years down the line, at 100x seed valuation. See: Arbitrum, Aztec, Anoma, Celestia, Fuel, and on and on and on. Doing research as an outsider is meaningless, you're not allowed in anyway
>oh shit but Chainlink, a critical puzzle piece, launched 5 years ago with a $100m MC, what do we do? Crab it to death. A year. A decade. Who cares. Just crab it. No retail allowed.

If the average normgroid actually understood that they had been shut out of crypto already, there would be a furore. But instead just let them buy into meaningless bullshit, hide the reality, and let the fake dream dominate when you have actually already locked all the doors and forced everyone else out.

>> No.54444185

excellent addition to my pasta
>wait until reptilians are forced to pump it

>> No.54444186

Probably around $270 ~ $333 based of some anons estimate in another thread. I didn't understand the math, but he sounded legit

>> No.54444282
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>> No.54444284

1 Stink = $444 EOY

>> No.54444289

you fucks don't understand they will literally stop it from ever pumping again, because they literally don't want one single regular person to make it from crypto ever again

>> No.54444431


>> No.54444445

444$ EOY

>> No.54444456

Never because link has no intrinsic value

>> No.54444459

Just hope it breaks out and show’s strength soon. 1 year of crabbing… even tighter range than previous crabs…

>> No.54444497
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>> No.54444500

This is retarded and only shows how retarded you are.

>> No.54445096

>you fucks dont understand
You thick plank. The reason Link is so valued here is its potential utility, not some hope it will 'pump' based on speculation. Go back to kindergarten.

>> No.54445135

Yes. Chainlink is priced accurately according to the whitepaper

>> No.54445142

This is great and also devastatingly true

>> No.54445179

A decade minimum. It's not even who'd google yet. Still a long way to go.

>> No.54445204

>2027-30 cause it was ALWAYS at least a decade long hold, impatient adhd zoomers
This but unironically

>> No.54445214
File: 488 KB, 426x754, LINK-ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are Linkcucks so delusional?

This is nothing like 2018, your shitcoin has been dumping non-stop since 2020

>> No.54445215
File: 423 KB, 600x658, 1679314106821904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of retardatation forces you to hold link rather than btc?

>> No.54445235

A higher ROI with almost zero risk because LINK is guaranteed to succeed.

>> No.54445240

What did it do before 2020?

>> No.54445281
File: 247 KB, 2046x927, F823673F-9188-4692-8BB2-266E0B72D879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre getting a little desperate there eh? Let me guess… H h hes a bulgarian right? About time you get some new material there and also stop being so beta

>> No.54445295

lol the brown fudder is back. Hey street shitter how’s it going?

>> No.54445301

Fuck off nigger jew dyke

>> No.54445316
File: 3.30 MB, 480x360, 2270C36F-65B4-4312-A3B0-E842B156390F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight…your investment thesis is that a powerful nefarious force has literally cut off every possibility of you making it, but you, a powerless commoner, despite having intimate inside knowledge of said forces, decide to hold said assets anyways? Good luck

>> No.54445361


>> No.54445375


>> No.54445422

i can remain schizophrenic longer than the market can remain a reptilian illusion

>> No.54445524

>H h hes a bulgarian right?
Definitely ESL anyway.

>> No.54445539

>that's not how you English, ESL scum!
pot meet kettle

>> No.54445736

>being this obliviouis to board linguistics
So you're ESL and a newfag to boot.

>> No.54445773

>illiteracy is "board linguistics"
>I'm aksually pretending to be retarded, learn2 board linguistics newfaggit lel
the absolute state of butthurt ESL jeets lmao

>> No.54445787

I won't shift goalposts. If the price doesn't moon within a month of *real* staking then I'll concede that it's taking longer than expected.

>> No.54445789

Nothing else to do today other than get mad at anonymous?

>> No.54445821

>h-ha ha u mad
pot meet kettle

>> No.54445839
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be careful what you wish for

>> No.54446854

You’re a retard mate

>> No.54446899


>> No.54447108

>that's not how you speak English, either
>He can't into jokes

>> No.54447123

imagine holding an altcoin for a decade like a fanatical cuckold lol

Linkies are so deranged it's fucking hilarious

>> No.54447180

Tu es cuckold
Tu es dans une secte
Vous avez investi dans une chaîne de Ponzi
Vous perdez de l'argent
Vous glorifiez un gros escroc russe appelé Sergey
Vous êtes un incel

>> No.54447194

Based French cuck admitting he is the French cuck poster. Miles better than the "n-no I'm not actually the poster from the collage!" anon.

>> No.54447208


>> No.54447216
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>y-you're the true cuckold not me holding a premined underperforming 2017 scam!

>> No.54447227

>staking on December

Why can’t us ESLs into prepositional phrases? Why is it so hard for our underdeveloped brains?

>> No.54447237
File: 1.56 MB, 1399x1622, 67518285-1D21-48DE-8CAC-0019CDF2C6DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look who it is

>> No.54447257
File: 390 KB, 768x582, 34267432423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your project will forever be associated with incels and cuckoldry

Link will never pump
You will never get rich
You will never have sex

>> No.54447313

>If I keep talking about my fetishes and keep making memes about my fetishes with a logo included, people will associate my psychotic and deranged ramblings with that company!

>> No.54447320

lmao you're a shitskin. Link will pump spectacularly and then I'm going to promise poor muslim girls that I'll bring them back to Europe with me, fuck them, get them to denounce Allah, and then ghost them.
hahahah, can't fucking wait.

>> No.54447323

>every post he brings up his cuck fetish

Like clockwork, completely mentally unhinged from watching degen porn for 20 years

>> No.54447448

you got three of nastyslob's toilets to chimp out within minutes of seething at the truth you posted
these no life cuckolds are pathetic but hilarious mao

>> No.54447557

>nastyslob poster hears the BBC cuck chastity fetishist siren wail and hops in to defend French cuck poster
Kek. Birds of a feather

>> No.54447662

If this accumulation continues until the end of the year, you can expect a run similar to the ETH explosion that went from $80 to $5000.
A 10k Link wallet is going to be worth between $10-$15 million USD by the end of 2025
That’s 1.5 crore to you street shitting fudders

>> No.54447675
File: 167 KB, 1170x934, proud linknigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kek. Birds of a feather
t.inbred cuckold

>> No.54447842

>le porn addicted fudsters reee
>meanwhile, stink marines can't even restrain themselves from leaking their memes to the dedicated 4chinz porn board
lmao, linkmarines are all porn addicts

>> No.54447878

>it's real

>> No.54447883

Checked. This should be one of those banner ads whenever someone visits /biz/

>> No.54448892

Accurate statement

>> No.54450086
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two more weeks my proud cuck bros
keep trusting the plan!