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54442118 No.54442118 [Reply] [Original]

What if the government owned all land in a country and just leased it out to people/businesses. I feel like that would probably solve a lot of problems related to homelessness and land hoarding. You could just build all the houses you needed to and then divy it out to those who need it most with subsidized tenancy contracts, where the person pays some flat fee, or a monthly rate, to steward that property on the government's behalf, making it essentially their property.

Reading an econ textbook and getting filled with ideas.

>> No.54442139

Trading crypto is lowbrow, but then I realise how much I have been able to elevate my family and help my friends, and it makes me wonder why I ever wanted to contribute to a society in decline in the first place. I used to hop countries to do research that wouldn't impact peoples lives for another 50-100 years. All the while we would be bombarded with emails about how we needed to hire more trannies and muslims.
The average person is absolute cattle, they post black lives matter on their social media and browse the headlines for more things to get angry about, all while rejecting their own families over politics and consuming third world manufactured junk. Statistically, I like to think when I make a good trade which nets me tens of thousands of dollars, that the average person I am taking money from is someone just like that. Someone who would want me fired from my original job if I ever dared to speak my mind in the office or on social media. Well now I can't be fired, because I am entirely self-sufficient (something normie cattle will never understand or achieve), and better yet, my job directly reduces the agency of normie cattle by draining resources from them via their poor financial decisions. In fact even though I could retire now, I sometimes work up to 12 hours a day just because I know I am destroying the hopes and dreams of people who have put their faith in the state & worship niggers.
So these days instead of leaving my family and friends and travelling from one overcrowded city to the next, in service of people that would hate me for my beliefs, I extract as much money from the rest of the world as I am able and direct it immediately towards my friends, family, and community. It is in my mind a form of tribal, electronic warfare, but instead of attacking a nearby village with my clan I am able to take on the entire world simultaneously & alone. I am an apex digital predator and this satisfies greatly my need to exert my agency in the world.

>> No.54442444
File: 440 KB, 790x2182, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.54442464
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>What if the government
>I feel like
>getting filled with ideas

>> No.54442471

>getting filled with ideas
I would fill OP up if you catch my drift.

>> No.54442628
File: 493 KB, 750x1121, IMG_1551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job anon. I would vote for you to be president to make this happen, I imagine we could really streamline diversity this way. We could choose who lives where so we could make every street Black/white/Asian/gay/Trans/Black/Muslim/Indian/Large-Bodied BIPOC Woman Of Color etc etc even in rural areas which are typically white supremacist strongholds

>> No.54442635

checked, OP destroyed

>> No.54442653

The goverment already owns all the land and you pay a lease in form of taxes

The goverment also already has control over building and they could build as much houses they need but do not because that would make existing houses worth less etc.

>> No.54442665

What if that was tried in Yugoslavia and reality was that you must give people what belongs to them and private property is the only way for people to be productive and work hard to improve something.
Also anther side effect of redistribution of nationalized and confiscated properties and real estate and land was that red bourgeoise got enormous villas and houses and buildings that were owned by richfags in kingdom of Yugoslavia times, and all the peasant "communes" that were on what was previously church land got in the end divided up and bought up by major corporations.

On paper it was public property.
In reality it had private ownership even before the catastrophic failure of communist Yugoslavia and before the war and destruction and misery and poverty.

>> No.54442673

That’s because it was tried by a bunch of corrupt politicians. If there was a decent, honest man in charge like OP he could share things out fairly

>> No.54442679

Any system that gives government more money and power is doomed. And any system that assumes that everyone is responsible enough to take care of a home ignores human nature. Most homeless people are homeless because they are mentally ill and/or drug addicts, not because they have had some bad breaks in the job market. You can throw money and property at them all day long and never solve the problem.

That being said, we should absolutely prohibit corporations from owning property.

>> No.54442837
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>That’s because it was tried by a bunch of corrupt politicians.

>If there was a decent, honest man in charge like OP he could share things out fairly
Fikod is a faggot mod installed here in january 2017. by a faggotry NGO to promote faggotry and cancer.
He is such cancerous faggot redditor he didnt know how to use irc. And his digital footprint and vatarfagging makes seem like its bait for random assassins and glowniggers and fag rapists and whatnot.

Honest and decent man never can get in charge of a communist municipality division of the party. Thats the lowest of the low, like the party member at the village level or a small part of the town.
Honest and decent man cannot ever get into a rank above as a party commissar or town beard of higher up..
Honest and decent man would never come to a village and murder a peasant and his entire family so he can take 2 cows and one house and one stable and a horse and a couple fields around the farm.

You are detached from reality and your views are not only naive but unfounded and come from imaginary world that doesnt exist.

>> No.54442895
File: 30 KB, 582x434, IMG_1174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was being sarcastic

>> No.54442916
File: 26 KB, 200x287, 244551_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted a typical post that delusional champagne "communist" western university faggots would post, verbatim.

>> No.54442953

Yea I have a friend who’s a leftist and it’s all about if he was in charge. Thinks of himself as a righteous man but would probably genocide billions of people in a heartbeat if he could

>> No.54444909

Kys cat spammer.